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Today's WOD



  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,118 Member
    I did my first RX WOD today. I'm so stinking proud of myself. It was probably one of the easier WOD we did but who care I did RX.

    5- 10-15-20 progression

    14# squat ball slams
    24" box burpees

    8:31 was my time.
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    Overhead Squat
    20 rep max

    Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
    10 V-ups
    15 Deadlift (135,95)
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I did my first RX WOD today. I'm so stinking proud of myself. It was probably one of the easier WOD we did but who care I did RX.

    5- 10-15-20 progression

    14# squat ball slams
    24" box burpees

    8:31 was my time.

    That's awesome!
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    My WOD tonight is gonna be a killer I think:
    Warm Up-3x10
    Push ups
    OHS w/pvc
    Back extensions
    Strict pull ups
    Hollow rocks

    Mobility- same as last week- 5 minutes

    Skill- ME legless rope climb
    - scale to rope climb, rope pulls

    50 Du's
    50 Wall balls 2014
    50 Push press 75/45
    50 Med ball sit ups
    50 Burpees

    If I don't make it, please speak of me fondly!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    3x DU practice & 15 Mountain Climbers
    Walking Lunges
    30 Sec. Handstand Hold
    10 PVC Passthroughs
    Bergerner Warm Up

    Power Snatch
    Warm Up, then, 5 sets: 1 Snatch Grip DL +2 Snatch High Pulls +1 Power Snatch
    I worked at 95# since they wanted us to focus and work on proper technique, so I stayed light about 60% 1RM

    EMOTM for 12 minutes:
    Odd: 5 Touch and Go Power Snatches (95#)
    Even: 125m row (I generally did it in about 20-25 sec)
  • gsop22
    gsop22 Posts: 84 Member
    This was my WOD yesterday. It was called 'Human Sacrifice. I am feeling it today.

    Fran -(8min time cap)
    5min rest
    Grace - (10 min time Cap)
    5 min rest
    Annie (12 min time cap)

    I did Fran Rx with 95lbs at 7:58min
    Grace Rx with 135lbs at 8:32min
    Annie reached time cap. I can not do double unders well but did managed to get 5 unbroken so am happy with that.
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    Open(you pick)
    I worked on cleans

    WOD Five rounds for time of:
    20 ring dips
    14 Thrusters (115, 85)
    This working on keeping those elbows up
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    This was my WOD yesterday. It was called 'Human Sacrifice. I am feeling it today.

    Fran -(8min time cap)
    5min rest
    Grace - (10 min time Cap)
    5 min rest
    Annie (12 min time cap)

    I did Fran Rx with 95lbs at 7:58min
    Grace Rx with 135lbs at 8:32min
    Annie reached time cap. I can not do double unders well but did managed to get 5 unbroken so am happy with that.

    Dude, you did awesome!
  • itsagr8daytolift
    itsagr8daytolift Posts: 55 Member
    Happy Friday! Here was our WOD today:

    Warm Up
    200 meter backwards run
    Straight leg bear crawl
    Toy Soldiers
    Knee Ups
    Quad Pulls
    Toe Pulls
    Squats (15 x 2)
    Push Ups (10 x 2)
    Scorpions (10 x 2)

    No Skill today

    WOD (can't remember the name)
    3 Rounds/30 minute time cap

    200 meter run w/KB 70lb/53lb
    22 KB swings 70/53
    22 KB lunges 70/53
    22 KB squats 70/53

    Made it to the third round and got five squats in before the 30 minute mark.....Happy I stuck with 53lbs the whole way through. Annoyed I didn't finish-the 200 meter run sucked up my time....there's no easy way to run with those darn things!
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member

    1000 row

    While others row work on snatch technique (h,p,or s) at light weight


    7 rds

    1 min of work
    3 burpees
    Remaining time ME clusters (95-65)

    Rest 1 min between rds
    Score = total number of
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    3 min DUs
    Alt Tabata: Handstand Holds & Hand Release Push Ups
    Shoulder Mobility work
    2 Rounds: 10 PVC Passthroughs & 4 Broad Jumps
    Bergerner Warm up

    Find new 5 RM Strict Press
    155# New PR!

    Open WOD 11.1
    10 min AMRAP
    30 DUs (scaled to 15 attempts),
    15 Power Snatch @75#

    Completed 3 rounds 5 reps
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member

    WOD 1:
    10 back squats @ ~90% of 8RM
    3 rope climbs
    20 toes to bar
    10 push jerks
    x 3 rounds

    WOD 2:
    30 double unders
    15 KB swings
    x 12 min AMRAP


    WOD 1:
    Power cleans partner ladder (ie; taking it in turns to do 1 each, 2 each, 3 each, etc)
    18 min AMRAP
    My partner and I completed 12 each

    WOD 2:
    in 4 mins
    - 400m run
    - 1 max set HSPUs
    - max burpees in remaining time
    1 min rest
    x 4 rounds
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    500m row
    Alt Tabata: Couch Stretch & Figure Four Stretch
    30 Sec. Spread Eagle Stretch
    2 rounds: 10 KBS @40# & 10 Air Squats

    Find new 1RM Overhead Squat
    Worked up to new PR of 175#

    Tabata Times:
    Tabata KBS @50#
    Rest one minute
    Tabata Pull Ups
    Rest one minute
    Tabata Row for calories

    - Score is lowest reps/cals for each tabata - I scored: 8-3-7
  • SWFrick
    SWFrick Posts: 21 Member
    Solid WOD yesterday

    Bar Facing Burpees 60
    OHS 30 95/45
    Ring Rows 10
    Take 2 min rest

    Dead lifts 10 55% of max
    Dead lifts 9 65% of max
    Dead lifts 6 75% of max
    Dead lifts 8 80% of max
    Dead lifts 6 85% of max
    Dead lifts 4 90% of max
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    18 min emom
    Odd min = 3 hang snatch or hang clean (athletes choice)
    Even min = max plan hold

    WOD Open Gym

    I was able to up my max on my cleans. I'm at 130lbs now.
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    750m row
    Alt Tabata: Broad Jumps & PVC Muscle Cleans

    Power Cleans
    Work up to heavy clean, and set new 1RM is possible
    I only got to my current PR of 220#

    Power Clean Ladder:
    Perform 1 rep every 1:30 (then rest the remaining time) for 10 rounds, increasing 10 lbs each round
    I went up to 195#, but I also did 10 situps after each PC rep
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    2x: 250m Row & 20 DU's
    Alt. Tabata: Couch Stretch & Spidermans
    10 Pause Air Squats
    10 Wall Balls
    10 Med Ball Weighted Sit Ups (Touch the ball behind you and in front of you each time)

    Pause Front Squats 5x3 @ 75-80% of 1RM - Pause for 2 seconds in the bottom of each rep
    225#, 225#, 235#, 235#, 235#

    5 Rounds for Time:
    10 DB/KB Thrusters (each hand has a kb/db) (45#)
    10 Box Jump Overs @24"
    10 Med Balll Weighted Sit Ups @20#

    Finished in 12:38
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member

    Front rack lunges
    5-5-5-5 (each leg)


    3 x ME (rest as needed between sets)


    6 min running clock
    2 min max cal row
    2 min rest
    2 min max wallballs (20-14)
    Cal + wallballs = score
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    I did a double WOD today

    WOD 1
    Team of 2
    20 min AMRAP
    30 rings rows
    60 burpees
    90 dubs/270 singles

    4 burpees EMOM
    30 OHS
    30 Pistols ( I did air squats)
    30 Thrusters
    30 Ring Dips

    3 X 800 meter runs (rest after each run)
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    500m row
    Alt Tabata: Handstand Hold & PVC Thrusters
    Broad Jumps
    Samson Stretch

    Strict Press 4x5 @90% of 5RM
    90% for me should have been 185#, but wasn't feeling strong today and could only manage 155#...Hopefully it was just fatigue

    4, 3 minute AMRAP of:
    3 Thrusters @95#
    6 Paralette Push-ups
    9 Squats
    -Rest 1 minute in between rounds-

    Score is total rounds and reps - 10 rounds 5 reps
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    Back Squat

    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    30 Double-unders
    15 Power snatches (75lbs / 35kg)
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    7 minutes 100/65

    Thrusters, 3 reps
    3 Chest to bar pull-ups

    Thrusters, 6 reps
    6 Chest to bar pull-ups

    Thrusters, 9 reps
    9 Chest to bar pull-ups

    Thrusters, 12 reps
    12 Chest to bar pull-ups

    Thrusters, 15 reps
    15 Chest to bar pull-ups

    Thrusters, 18 reps
    18 Chest to bar pull-ups

  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    2x: 250m row & 20 DU's
    Alt Tabata: Handstand Holds & Static Dip Holds
    2X: 10 HRPU's & 10 PCV Muscle Cleans & 10 V-ups
    Burgerner Warm up

    Gymnastic Work:
    4 rounds of:
    Handstand Walk practice (I worked on holding a handstand without using the wall)
    Muscle Ups practice (10 ring dips & 10 ring rows)
    30 seconds L-Sit in parallettes
    Rest 1 minute

    Power Cleans @135#
    Ring Dips (I scaled to having my toe on the ground for the dips because I'm still sore from Monday's workout)

    Finished in 10:47, which was slower than my last time which is frustrating
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    5 Rounds rest as needed between each
    Handstand Hold 30 seconds
    Shank arms out and then perform max hspu

    5 Rounds
    10 TTB
    10 Wall Balls - 20/14 (10/9 feet)
  • voodoochylde76
    voodoochylde76 Posts: 5 Member
    Strength / Skill:

    EMOTM for 15 minutes:
    Min 1-5: 3 clean pulls
    Min 6-10: 3 power cleans
    Min 11-5: 1 clean + 2 front squat (2 second pause at the bottom of each squat)

    * Ended up hitting a PR my full clean @ 195#.

    WOD (6:34Rx)

    5 Rounds For time:
    10 Hang Power Cleans Unbroken (95#)
    15 Wall Ball Shots Unbroken (20# to 10ft)
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    500m row
    Alt Tabata: Handstand Holds & Arm Circles
    Side to Side Hamstring Stretch
    2x: 5 Box Jumps @24" & 7 KB SDHP @35# & 9 HRPU

    Find 5RM Strict Press
    I worked up to my current PR of 155#
    then 1 ME 500m Row - 1:34

    15 min AMRAP:
    9 Deadlifts @155#
    12 HRPUs
    15 Box jumps @24"

    Finished 5 rounds 9 reps

    I then did bonus ab work afterward of:
    4x:100 flutter kicks
    then ME situps - 54
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    5 min amrap
    Squat clean to overhead
    ( thruster, press, push press, push/split jerk)

    10 min amrap
    2 muscle-ups
    4 hspu
    8 kb (70-44)
  • SWFrick
    SWFrick Posts: 21 Member
    WOD A
    Dead lifts 5 205/135
    Wall Climbs 4
    20 sec between Dead lift and wall climbs
    Then 2 minute rest..

    WOD B
    Double under 40 Scale 120 singles
    KB Swings 20 55/35
    HSPU 10
    Run 800 m
    HSPU 10
    KB Swings 20 55/35
    Double Under 40 Scale 120 singles
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    100 hand release burpees for time. 7:38.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    100 hand release burpees for time. 7:38.

    Nice job. one of the first WODs I did (maybe 2 weeks into CF) was 100 burpees for time. I think it took me 22 minutes. One of these days I need to re-test that.
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