


  • gg177
    gg177 Posts: 35
    Hi everybody, I've tried and failed at this challenge a few times now, but I refuse to give up. So here is my latest try, and this time I hope I'm here at the end. I've been on a path to lose wright for a few years now, and needed to lose about 80 pounds, and so far have lost 50 and kept it off, but have been stuck for a couple years with the last 30. This group always was really positive and encouraging, and I hope it can help me get to my goal weight after all this time.
  • Katie_mel
    Katie_mel Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I'm Katie. I’ve used mfp before casually, but never tried a group challenge or used it for accountability or support. This challenge sounds amazing, (and hard!) but just the thing to help keep me motivated and on track.

    It’s my birthday at the start of Feb, and I've just got over some health issues, so I’ve just started a new account for a fresh start. For me Feb is about increasing my stamina and strength, and eating sensibly. Long term goals are to lose around 10kg and run my local half marathon in the Autumn.
  • hanoufa_87
    hanoufa_87 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello, my name is Hanouf
    I was invited here by a friend "hog farmers wife"
    She said u guys helped her 3 months in a row so I'm giving this a go this is my first month
    My weakness is bing eating and lack off exercise so I wanna change that I wanna start 30 day shred so hoping this group will help me do that ????????
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    Hey guys! I'm Jenna. I'm back for my 3rd attempt at this challenge. I tend to lose traction by the end of the month so hopefully I will be able to successfully complete this challenge for the entire month of February! I REALLY need to see progress this month because I'm losing motivation right now.
  • slacker75
    slacker75 Posts: 78 Member
    This is just what I need. I've been tracking on and off for about a year now and I've gotten nowhere with that (I know - surprise, surprise). I've challenged myself mid January to 30 days tracking of everything - good or bad. For the most part, I think in the past 20 days I've only gone over 2 or 3 times, and that is great for me. Starting February 1st is my personal challenge to add daily exercise along with tracking. This Challenge is JUST WHAT I NEED, especially today since I feel like a bottomless pit.
  • JuneFortune
    JuneFortune Posts: 129 Member
    Hi - This is just what I need to make me do it now, not tomorrow, not Monday!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi everyone, this challenge is a great idea, am very pleased to have found it in time to join!
    I have been on mfp for ages, used it to drop 30lb, then stopped using it so much and my weight crept back up. I am now at almost the same as my previous highest weight, so I started using mfp again in January. I do tend to forget to log though, or eat really well then ruin it with biscuits in the evening!
    My aims for this month are the same as the group's, although I will be aiming for 60 minutes of exercise personally. Lots fo that is walking though so not too demanding.

    Looking forward to seeing how long we all last!
  • MellonShell
    This is my first board post and my first challenge. I am hoping that being more active on the boards and committing to a challenge will give me more accountability and help keep me motivated. Good luck to everyone!
  • nigelwood3
    Hi everyone

    This is my first time on the site and on the challenge. I'm just starting out and I've quite a bit to lose so getting into a regime will help. best of luck all.
  • Messyg
    Messyg Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there. I've only been on MFP for 24 hours, so this is my first time trying a UAC. A lofty goal, but I've been on Weight Watchers and have been using the "Map My" fitness apps for some time now so I see this as a way of putting it all together.

    I lost about 35lbs via Weight Watchers, but when they completely changed their plans my weight loss completely stopped. Because of that I'm going back to good old fashioned calorie counting. My highest weight is about 40lbs higher than I am right now, so I'm just looking at this as a new beginning.

    I tend to eat within my calorie range for the most part, but I'm horrible at "checking in" no matter what the program so maybe this will keep me on track in more than one area.
  • cnflet2
    cnflet2 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm joining this group at my first time doing UAC.

    Starting weight: 174 (couple years ago)
    Current weight: 146
    Goal weight: 135

    Have my diary set to 2 lbs loss a week but have only been loosing 1 a week =(
    I work 2 jobs (teaching and waitressing so I am always moving)
    What can I do to increase my loss?

    Please add me as a friend for motivational support
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    WOW!!! Lots of folks are GOINGTO be kicking some pounds to the curb for good!! :drinker:

  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I'm Ellen, 54, from Arizona and this will be my FIFTH UAC & looking forward to it again keeping me honest & active. I'm set for 1250 calories , I love fast food & junk food , am a chocoholic & I pre plan /pre log my food the nite before in my diary to make my life easier & to stay on track. I post my diary & respond to the challenge RIGHT before I log out for the nite, making sure I've accounted for everything I've eaten for the day.

    For the JAN challenge I lost a total of 4.4 lbs (total loss since starting the UAC has been 22.4 lbs. Am hoping to hit GOAL in February, we shall see (since um not really sure what GOAL weight is gonna be, lol)

    I work from home and it's a challenge to not raid the pantry & fridge...thankfully my mindset has been where it needs to be on this journey. I'm tired of yo yo'ing...losing the pounds and gaining them & more back.

    Health issues are what brought me to MFP 605 days ago. A Fitbit Flex in July got my exercise motivation going (before that I was a very happy recliner potato, sigh). I've already collected my 750 mile "badge" for walking in 2013 . I've now swapped out my Fitbit Flex for the Fitbit Force & love it . I was on 2 meds for blood pressure, 2 for cholesterol issues and 1 for DM....I am NO longer on any meds.

    My exercise has been walking (both treadmill & outside) & my recumbent bike, I just started doing intervals of running mixed into my walks. I had been doing 15 sec run/45 sec walk for as long as my walk is (usually 3+ miles/1 hour) using my new fitness toy-an interval timer. I'm now starting C25K, was recently sidelined by what I think was metatarsalgia. I just picked up a weight bench w/leg & preacher curl attachments , some plates & bar to go with my dumbbell set. Hoping to firm & tone the flab in the new year, LOL

    Best of luck to everyone, hope to see you at the finish line
  • pcotter54
    pcotter54 Posts: 707 Member
    Hi, Ultimate Accountability Challengers-- My name is Paula and I did this challenge last month. It was truly challenging, but I 'm back for more. February's the shortest month, so this should be a cakewalk, right?
  • MimiDuck
    MimiDuck Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I started in January and was surprised that, after only ten days in, I had two days in a row with less than 20 minutes of activity. Yikes! Though, in January, I did lose 2% body fat and 6 lbs. I also I completed a 10K race. I did a DietBet in January (aim to lose 4% in one month) which when I weigh in on Monday, it looks like I'll make it.

    I received a Fitbit Flex as a gift in early December and I love it. Truly life changing. I'm also doing a walk-run three days a week, doing the 5:2 diet (well, 2-3 days a week), and track my calories (unlimited) on the other days.

    My fitness goal this month is to create the habit of strength building twice a week and to continue to run three days a week. I'll do a walking or else a walking DVD for the two other days.

    My weight goal I'm undecided about. I'm at 163 lbs, started at 169 lbs and my final goal weight is 142 lbs (I'm 5'9"). The DietBet this month was hard so I'd kind of like a month off. Though it did keep me accountable. And there is the momentum. I'm going to do another DietBet in March but I'm tore between these goals:

    1) Aim to stay at my current weight of 163 lbs
    2) Aim to lose 1 lbs
    3) Aim to lose 2 lbs
    4) Aim to lose 6 lbs through joining another DietBet

    Any thoughts?
  • kalasuuru
    kalasuuru Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    This is my first time participating in a UAC. Today, I tracked all calories and exercised today (60 min of spinning)! I am really looking forward to being a part of this challenge. Please feel free to add me as a friend so that we can keep each other accountable during each month's challenge! Best of luck everyone :)
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    MimiDuck, what about a different goal, of losing 4lb. That gives you a bit of a break after January's diet bet but should keep the momentum going so you feel like you're efforts are getting somewhere. And 1lb a week is totally doable!
  • mistyhauer
    mistyhauer Posts: 4 Member

    My name is Misty and this is my first month of the challenge. I am excited to participate but feel I will struggle with the exercise part the most, this is because I have streaks of laziness. I live in Montana so we have a ton of snow and cold days right now. I am hoping by starting this challenge I will be motivated to get my dog out and walk everyday that I don't do hard core exercise at the gym. It would be good for him as well to get some exercise. He is 9 years old and about 80 lbs so daily exercise will be key to him staying young everyday.

    Well good on ya all and lets get motivated, whoo hoo. It will be hard to stay in that calorie goal today with the Super bowl but we can do it.
  • mistyhauer
    mistyhauer Posts: 4 Member

    Eating balanced meals that incorporate every food group is a great way to lose. I started about a year ago and have lost 20 lbs working with a wellness team to learn how to eat better and balance with the right type of exercises every day. Also I have tried to cut out the processed foods and eat lots of veggies and fruits and limited my meat consumption to 6 ounces a day. I fell off the wagon for the last couple of months though, so I am hoping this challenge helps me get back on the right track.

    Good to meet you.

  • MimiDuck
    MimiDuck Posts: 17 Member
    Good idea, thanks Lottee. I'm still on the fence as accountability works for me. Also I should have put this in a separate topic. Oops, just getting used to MFP forums.