week 4 ten point challenge

Week 4 - 10 point challenge: The Challenge everyone loves :)

Complete each of the following exercises, use the stats you entered at the beginning of the challenge to determine the number of reps you complete for each exercise...
you may break up the number for each over each of the remaining days however no points will be awarded if you do not reach each of the goals by sunday night.

please reply to this thread with each of the goal numbers for each exercise and your final count for each exercise as well.

Squats = starting weight
Crunches = total inches
***Exercise of your choice = heaviest weight

please let me know if you have any questions


  • Reeder06
    Reeder06 Posts: 60 Member
    This is awesome since I am currently doing a 30day squat and 30 day crunch challenge :)
  • melzielkie
    melzielkie Posts: 90 Member
    Oh I like this one!!

    Squats = 155
    Crunches = 130
    Lunges = 279

    Wow I have quite the work ahead of me! I will be completing these today! :)
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 37,138 Member
    Squats = 149
    Crunches = 144
    Push up =219

    I will do tomorrow. :)
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 37,138 Member
    Squats = 149
    Crunches = 144
    Push up =219

  • Elibasia
    Elibasia Posts: 211 Member
    Squats= 160
    Crunches= 124
    Lunges= 184 (92 each leg).

    Great challenge!!!!!!!!:drinker: