Whats your workout today



  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    Oh and I forgot to post my 30 day numbers. so far I am down 10 lbs and 10" overall. I still have a bit to lose but a nice start for the foundation block I expect things to speed up this month and shred out the last month.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    WoW Rhino! That is awesome!!!

    mrsvoelkel, sorry about the smoking idiot! I wish those things were outlawed! nasty!!!

    Day3 was x3 yoga and I sooooo needed it. I did get in 7 miles also between the bike & TM.
  • Just finished Accelerator... HARDEST work out so far. Getting a little nervous about block 2!!!
  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    Im only 2 days in block 2. its tough but I think this is where you are gonna really start seeing results from the strength side. which in turn will ultimately burn more fat. I am quite sore after excentric upper and triometrics thankfully I have yoga tonight to loosen everything up. but dont dread block 2 its hard no doubt but we are all after results and this is where your gonna get them.
  • Im only 2 days in block 2. its tough but I think this is where you are gonna really start seeing results from the strength side. which in turn will ultimately burn more fat. I am quite sore after excentric upper and triometrics thankfully I have yoga tonight to loosen everything up. but dont dread block 2 its hard no doubt but we are all after results and this is where your gonna get them.

    Alright. So are you taking any supplements for protein, etc.?
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    2/5 - Rest day yesterday, Eccentric Upper and 30 minutes of cardio today. I really like Block 2.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    WEEK 1 day 4.
    10.5 miles on the bike, 1 mile speed walk on TM & X3's Challenge workout!! Another good day!
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    2/6 - Triometrics - for when plyo just isn't enough... Didn't feel at my best today, so took an other 15 to kick and hit the heck out of the heavy bag.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member

    mrsvoelkel, sorry about the smoking idiot! I wish those things were outlawed! nasty!!!

    Thank you. I do too. He felt bad, but he had no idea how horrible it was for me :( took me a breathing treatment and four hours downtime to be able to breath again. But that is life...
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Just finished Accelerator... HARDEST work out so far. Getting a little nervous about block 2!!!

    I LOVED this one!! I just did it last night. So far CVX has been my favorite workout, but this one was great!! I'm nervous about block 2 as well, but we got this!!
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    I keep forgetting to drop in here and post! I'm on track, the only day I skipped last week was dynamix -took a rest day instead. Tuesday I was feeling a little demotivated, courtesy of my scale, and so I did both CVX and then the scheduled dynamix, it feel wonderful and got me back in the right mind state.

    Today is.. well I don't know LOL... I think it's yoga?? Not sure, didn't get a chance to glance at the calendar this morning. But week 4/ day 4 and I'm thrilled that I'm sticking with it.

    **Oh and today marks my two weeks with no soda! Yay!
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    2/6 - Triometrics - for when plyo just isn't enough... Didn't feel at my best today, so took an other 15 to kick and hit the heck out of the heavy bag.

    I hate those days that you feel like you didn't really push.. glad you took it out on the bag ;)
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    I keep forgetting to drop in here and post! I'm on track, the only day I skipped last week was dynamix -took a rest day instead. Tuesday I was feeling a little demotivated, courtesy of my scale, and so I did both CVX and then the scheduled dynamix, it feel wonderful and got me back in the right mind state.

    Today is.. well I don't know LOL... I think it's yoga?? Not sure, didn't get a chance to glance at the calendar this morning. But week 4/ day 4 and I'm thrilled that I'm sticking with it.

    **Oh and today marks my two weeks with no soda! Yay!

    THAT's the way to do it. Awesome!
  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    Phatman. I am not taking too much as far as supplements go. I do eat quite a bit of good protein like 99% fat free turkey pattys chicken fish all that stuff. I will sometimes have a protein bar if I am busy at work and can't get a real meal in there. but naaaa for the most part you really never need supplements. everything you need you can get from real food and whats great about that is you actually get to eat lol
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    2/7 - Yoga X. Question: What do you do when you really don't want to work out, but have no good excuse? Answer: Just get the hell up and do it. Sorry kids, no magic formula. But it works. And I am so glad I did - balance was better today!! Happy Friday!
  • GaFez
    GaFez Posts: 25
    Glad to see everybody is still on track! I have kept it up and am on track but crazy weather and a busy flying schedule has made it more difficult to get the workouts entered. So I am at Week 6 Day 3 Yoga today. On Sunday I did tweak something in my lower right back above the hip doing the Renegade Row. Still sore. Feels more like muscle, but could be pinched nerve. It is improving day to day and I can continue to do 90% of the drills but also am modifying if needed. The hardest part is eating properly while on the road. I rarely eat junk at home but can't seem pass it up when I am flying. Keep up the good work everyone.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    haha, Dorothy! Yes ma'am, no excuses, get up and do it!

    Great to see everyone on their game!

    I did Pilates last night and it was really, really hard. I might have to swap it out with more yoga. Breathing in spurts like that is bad news for me, again.. stupid asthma. I'm going to take my inhaler 15 mins before next time and see if that helps. I really hope to be able to do it, because I sure felt it. We will see I suppose. I take my 30 day pics and measurements on Sunday and I'm really excited to see what's changed. My hubby swears I'm smaller when he holds me, but he is always says stuff to make me feel better so lol. Can't believe I'm almost into block 2!

    Keep it up!! :) Happy Friday!
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member

    I did Pilates last night and it was really, really hard. I might have to swap it out with more yoga. Breathing in spurts like that is bad news for me, again.. stupid asthma. I'm going to take my inhaler 15 mins before next time and see if that helps. I really hope to be able to do it, because I sure felt it. We will see I suppose. I take my 30 day pics and measurements on Sunday and I'm really excited to see what's changed. My hubby swears I'm smaller when he holds me, but he is always says stuff to make me feel better so lol. Can't believe I'm almost into block 2!

    Keep it up!! :) Happy Friday!

    Let us know your 30 day results! The Pilates workout is the only one I really don't like so far. I haven't seen it come up yet in two weeks of Block 2.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I (unlike you Dorothy) pushed play yesterday. I was tired, b!tchy & my back was sooo sore that I just bagged doing anything after work. I did do 2 workouts today to keep on schedule. I burned some serious cals with CVX (used 5#'s for that :tongue: ) & then it was The Warrior!
    I don'y know about you all but I think Mr Horton is VERY immature for 55 yrs old. I have to choose music & cues cuz on the normal choice he is a blabber box & thinks he's funny. I was sooooo hoping after his first P90X that he would NOT do this but here it is again!
    Some of his expressions you'd think the guy has a mental problem!! JMO!!
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    I (unlike you Dorothy) pushed play yesterday. I was tired, b!tchy & my back was sooo sore that I just bagged doing anything after work. I did do 2 workouts today to keep on schedule. I burned some serious cals with CVX (used 5#'s for that :tongue: ) & then it was The Warrior!
    I don'y know about you all but I think Mr Horton is VERY immature for 55 yrs old. I have to choose music & cues cuz on the normal choice he is a blabber box & thinks he's funny. I was sooooo hoping after his first P90X that he would NOT do this but here it is again!
    Some of his expressions you'd think the guy has a mental problem!! JMO!!

    HAHAHAHAH.... This right here! Put a sock in it Horton! Just cause you don't look 50, doesn't mean you don't have to act a fool. The warrior AND CVX? You're a mad woman, I freaking love it!