Summer 2014 Weight loss challenge



  • MarliQQ
    MarliQQ Posts: 112 Member
    I almost forgot about this thread, I was 230 back on 01/27, as of today, I have weighed-in at 223.9. Hoping to lose more, am ending a challenge soon, and would like to have some strong finishing numbers :drinker:.
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    So it's Sunday and I don't have a lot of progress to report. I've been sooooo sick all week, I could not work out. But you'd think I'd lose weight anyway,since I've only been eating soup and loads of liquid. But noooooo.My weight is at a stand still.

    Hopefully I'll be well enough in a day or two to do some form of exercise. Apparently, without moving my body,the weight just refuses to move! :sick:
  • moniew24
    moniew24 Posts: 88 Member
    SW: 245
    1st Wk-239.4 (Down .8)
    2nd Wk-236.2(Down 3.2)
    3rd Wk-237.8(Up 1.6)
    4th Wk-234.8(Down 3.0)
    5th Wk-235.8(Up 1)
    Total Loss: 4.4lbs
  • loveme724
    loveme724 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi. Just found the group. Ready to take the challenge.

    SW: 260
    CW: 217.4
    GW: 180 (160 if I am not too skinny)

    My NSV's by the end of the challenge:
    1. Run a marathon (starting small of course)
    2. Wear a bathing suit (in public). I haven't done that since I was in high school.
    3. Live healthier after I reach my weight goal.
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    I'd like to have at least 20 pounds off by the end of June. I'd like to have 40-50 pounds off by the end of the year.
  • moniew24
    moniew24 Posts: 88 Member
    SW: 245
    1st Wk-239.4 (Down .8)
    2nd Wk-236.2(Down 3.2)
    3rd Wk-237.8(Up 1.6)
    4th Wk-234.8(Down 3.0)
    5th Wk-235.8(Up 1)
    6th Wk-234.2(Down 1.6)
    Total Loss: 6 lbs
  • ShamelessEliza
    ShamelessEliza Posts: 13 Member
    I'd like to join this Challenge ^^

    Name: Eliza

    SW: 207
    CW: 179
    GW: 140 - 150

    I'll make my weekly weigh in day a Sunday so I'll post again on the March 2nd

    My NSV's by the end of the challenge are:

    1. Go down to a size US 7/8 (IF possible 5/6)
    2. Exercise minimum 6x a week
    3. Work on building my self confidence.
    4. Learn to eat as health as possible.
    5. Complete the 30 day squats challenge twice
    6. Become stronger
  • jade1960
    jade1960 Posts: 9 Member
    Name: Glow

    SW: 330

    CW: 311

    GW: 286
  • Priscaumm
    Priscaumm Posts: 1 Member
    Hi every body, I recently joined the MyFitnessPal community and I gladly enter this challenge with you ladies.

    HW: 95Kg
    CW: 92.1KG
    GW: 75KG

    I will go to walk to work (20 mins one way)
    And ad something every week.
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    Hello Sistas!! I'm so in on this one! My name is Kenya and I've been hanging around MFP since Sept 2012...LOL!!

    HW: 250
    SW: 249

    GW: 155


    1. to see noticeable definition in my body.

    2. to feel amazing in summer clothes
  • DanasAthletic
    DanasAthletic Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I am embarking on the first day of my Weight Loss/Fitness Journey and I'm excited about the challenge. I look forward to the getting fit and connecting with like-minded individuals.

    SW: 207 lbs
    CW: 207 lbs
    GW: 165 lbs

    My weekly weigh in day will be Monday.

    My goals are:

    Be more confident
    Run a 5k
    Wear a size 10
    Eat clean for 2 meals per day
    Encourage & Inspire
    Exercise 5x per week
  • KingdomHeiress5
    KingdomHeiress5 Posts: 28 Member
    So I thought I'd give an update on my progress. My goal was to reach 195 and today I'm 198.4. I wanted to see an improvement in my blood pressure and reflux. My blood pressure has been great and my reflux meds have been decreased. I wanted to be able to run/jog, and I just ran a mile this past Saturday. I wanted to be able to complete a program like Insanity and I'll be starting Focus t25 next week!!! God is awesome!! I couldn't do it without him!!
  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    Hi. Just found the group. I'm ready to take the challenge. It will be hard to post a lot, takes forever to do homework with my little people then i'm ready for bed myself; but I will give it my best shot to post as often as I can.

    SW: 204
    GW: 175

    My NSV's by the end of the challenge:

    1. Workout 4 days per week
    2. Get my BP down
    3. Get my family more actively involved
  • moniew24
    moniew24 Posts: 88 Member
    SW: 245
    1st Wk-239.4 (Down .8)
    2nd Wk-236.2(Down 3.2)
    3rd Wk-237.8(Up 1.8)
    4th Wk-234.8(Down 3.0)
    5th Wk-234.2(Down .6)
    Total Loss: 5.8lbs

    After today I will only be weighing in once a month because the scale is driving me crazy.
  • Clabina
    Clabina Posts: 1
    Hello Ladies!
    I am new to this site but I am definitely up for this challenge! Let's do it!!

    My name is Caro

    SW: 176
    CW: 171
    GW: 140

    By the end of this challenge I want to:
    • Look good in a bikini
    • Exercise 5 times a week
  • Am with you, lets do this
  • Mello_Rello
    Mello_Rello Posts: 421 Member
    Hello, you all can call me Rello.

    Heaviest Weight: 286 lbs
    CW: 230lbs...though folks say I don't look it.
    Goal: To lose 20lbs by the deadline.

    Other goals:

    To eat clean 90% of the time.
    Drink 1+ gallons of water each day.
    Workout 5-6 times or more each week.
    Decrease my body fat to 10-18%
    Detox my mind.
    Learn to love myself more an stop accepting crap from men who don't deserve me just because I'm lonely.
  • ShamelessEliza
    ShamelessEliza Posts: 13 Member
    SW (beginning of challenge): 179.9
    March 2nd: (Down .3)

    Note (March 2nd): I'm on my menstral cycle so I'm not going to see much of a difference in the weightloss department this time around.
  • loveme724
    loveme724 Posts: 13 Member
    On 2/17

    SW: 260
    CW: 217.4
    GW: 180 (160 if I am not too skinny)

    As of today 3/3
    CW: 212.6

    GO ME!!!!
  • Okay I'm pretty new to the group. I have been working out, but I've got to get better. Now call me slow, but can someone please tell the meaning:yawn: :ohwell: of the following:

    SW: 259.4
    CW: 254.0
    GW: 190.0

    I have no idea what these mean? Gain weight, current weight? I'm lost. :ohwell: confused