Men on a Mission thread



  • Well, it was fun while it lasted. Looks the the shed is done. Didn't lose much this week.

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Well Jason, it looks like it's only you and me this week. On the bright side though, we both are posting a loss. Really glad to see you incorporating some walks into your routine now. While the weight loss might go into a slow down mode, your physical health and activity levels will be on the rise. Nice job.

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Feb 20 - Looks like I was about an hour late. Sorry.

    CWW = 201.4
    LWW = 202.1
    Loss = 0.7
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Feb 20 - Looks like I was about an hour late. Sorry.

    If I get a chance, I'll update the chart tomorrow. Looking kind of sad with just Jason and I. :laugh:
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Updated chart with one more entry.

  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    HI guys I'm back. Not happy with myself, and not going to go into the whys of it. Suffice to say I have gained back nearly all of the weight I lost since I joined MFP, and I am essentially starting over. So here is my check in.

    LW --
    CW 331.2
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    HI guys I'm back. Not happy with myself, and not going to go into the whys of it. Suffice to say I have gained back nearly all of the weight I lost since I joined MFP, and I am essentially starting over. So here is my check in.

    LW --
    CW 331.2

    Welcome back Tim. Believe me, I know exactly how you feel. Look at my numbers. We are only about 10 pounds apart. I lost over 60 pounds a couple of years ago and gained all but 10 of it back. I am losing again and at a slower pace. Hopefully it will stick this time. Lets just focus on a day at a time and we'll be rockin the beach bodies by summer. OK, maybe not beach bodies but definitely not beach ball bodies either.
  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks Tim, I needed that. Going to just stick with the 1 pound a week calorie deficit and do walking for exercise. Just need to keep myself disciplined to stick to it. Friends like you help a lot!
  • Tim- welcome back, I wish you much success, we can do this!!!!

    As for me, i also lost a bunch of weight about 7-8 years ago too, got down to about 230 or so, but gained it all back up to around 310 when i started here again.

    I was a lot like you in high school, i only weighed about 175 (probably my "ideal" weight) or so when i graduated. Amazing how much harder it gets in your 20's, 30's, and beyond. Love for food never changes, but your activity level and metabolism does!

    My motto now is one day at a time, and try to succeed every day! If i don't, don't quit, and start that success again tomorrow. Stick with those calories, every day, and don't sweat the small stuff. It's a long, steady journey. Read a great quote on MFP one day, not sure who posted it, but it was a Walt Disney quote. Said something to the effect of the difference between winning and losing usually, is simply not quitting. Think about that. :-)

    GOOD LUCK! You have support here!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Tim- welcome back, I wish you much success, we can do this!!!!

    As for me, i also lost a bunch of weight about 7-8 years ago too, got down to about 230 or so, but gained it all back up to around 310 when i started here again.

    I was a lot like you in high school, i only weighed about 175 (probably my "ideal" weight) or so when i graduated. Amazing how much harder it gets in your 20's, 30's, and beyond. Love for food never changes, but your activity level and metabolism does!

    My motto now is one day at a time, and try to succeed every day! If i don't, don't quit, and start that success again tomorrow. Stick with those calories, every day, and don't sweat the small stuff. It's a long, steady journey. Read a great quote on MFP one day, not sure who posted it, but it was a Walt Disney quote. Said something to the effect of the difference between winning and losing usually, is simply not quitting. Think about that. :-)

    GOOD LUCK! You have support here!

    Well said Jason. With support like this, how can we not succeed?
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Tim - Welcome back, and Jason enjoyed reading your comments.

    Checking in
    LWW: 201.4
    CWW: 201.2

    Not much, but at least it's not a gain. Not been good at doing cardio this week. Will be out of the country next week, so I won't be checking in until the week after.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Good morning men,

    I'm going to post the chart a little earlier today than normal. I have a meeting here in a bit then I think I am going home sick. I've have the flu bug or something all week and am feeling like crap. In my 21 years on the department, I've only called in sick a handful of times and hate going home. Got on the scale yesterday and had a 2 pound increase. WTH??? I've got to attribute it to being sick. I haven't over eaten and have tried to stay active but it's a losing battle I think.

    Congrats to Jason and Dave for continuing in the loss bracket. You guys are doing awesome. Dave, I hope your trip out of country is for pleasure and I hope you have a great time. Enjoy yourself and we'll see you when you get back.

    Again, a welcome back to Tim Jennings. Glad to have you back buddy. We will be shedding this winter weight before you know it. Here's the chart guys. Have a great week.

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Feeling much better now. Not 100% yet but getting close to normal. I've had a weird week on the scale. I had gained 2 pounds last week. From last Wednesday thru Sunday, I lost about 5 pounds. This morning I am back up to 322.2. That's a net loss of 2.2 pounds.

    L/W 324.4
    C/W 322.2
    Total 2.2
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Well Jason, looks like it's just you and me this week. That's ok cuz we rocked it. Nice job buddy.

    Here's the chart.

  • shabbarshaikh
    shabbarshaikh Posts: 136 Member
    Good Day Everyone,

    With the great followup of our Captain Tim I am back.

    Current weight 88 kgs

    Re started the workouts and hope I can catch the Men On Mission group top performers.

    Wish everyone Happy & Healthy Day.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Good Day Everyone,

    With the great followup of our Captain Tim I am back.

    Current weight 88 kgs

    Re started the workouts and hope I can catch the Men On Mission group top performers.

    Wish everyone Happy & Healthy Day.

    Welcome back and a Happy and Healthy day to you too my friend!! :happy:
  • diamonddaveperry
    diamonddaveperry Posts: 23 Member
    Hello, men. Looking forward to losing weight with you!

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hello, men. Looking forward to losing weight with you!


    Welcome aboard Dave! :smile:
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Hi guys!

    I've been gone for quite a while. Started out at around 290lb and got down to 254lb. Gained back up to 275lb and lost back to 257lb in October. Thanks to stress, dislike of my job, and a complete lack of willpower and self-control was back up to 265lb. Actually, surprising I am not more since I have been eating horribly. Chicken Fried Steak, sweets, pizza and burgers galore became my foods of choice. However, I feel like crap most of the time and am depressed because of life's stress and the fact I feel like crap. When I was in the 250s I felt much better.

    So now, I'm starting the journey again.

    LWW: ----
    CW: 265lb.
  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    I missed last week because I was sick in bed most of it. Back now and apparently having no appetite for 4 days helps in the weight loss department.

    LW 331.2
    CW 326.2
    Loss of 5 lbs.