We need some chatter on our group board

ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
Our group is being so quiet!! I think we need some more chatter to try to motivate each other. Let's Pump It Up:smokin:

Is everyone ready for the Valentines Day temptations tomorrow? I received an early gift of Rocky Mountain Chocolates today with a dozen long stemmed roses by my husband. I had 2 of the chocolates and skipped my usual afternoon snack & watched calories at dinner. Stayed under my calorie goal for the day. Yippppee


  • moparjer
    moparjer Posts: 125 Member
    I cheated a little with Safeway sugar cookies and a few Lindor chocolates. Went to the gym tonight to work them off and get back on track. We're having a "pretend" Biggest Loser contest at work for 12 weeks. Our 1st weigh-in's on Monday. How's everyone else doing?
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    I am not doing very good. In hit a low friday night & having a hard time getting back on track. I did run/walk 4 miles yesterday but I am afraid to get on scale. Not good. I just lost it, the winter blues got me down yesterday & then had a baby shower today with to many temptations. I really need spring.
  • sasbw27
    sasbw27 Posts: 710 Member
    I agree, I've been using the app on the phone lately instead of the computer so can't get to boards but it's our last week of the month and we should really try to amp things up and have a great week! How are you guys doing? I've finally seen a nice move in weight this week so I'm happy about that but I really wanna work hard this week to stay under cals and get good workouts in.

    Ruby you can do it, we can't wait until spring. Keep moving to counteract the mishaps. Walk in place while watching your favorite show instead of sitting down. Find ways to keep moving.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Sasbw27 - It is awesome to see your scale moved this week!!! I am very proud of you. :flowerforyou: Thanks again for starting this group. It is keeping me on better track on the weekends knowing the weigh in is on Tuesdays:explode:
    I did not have a good week last week. This week is going better. I also ordered a workout Chalene Extreme & some adjustable dumbbells I have been wanting. I am very exicted it should be here Friday. I will start that program on Monday.

    I really want a better body by spring. Last summer I did not even want to put on swimwear and I DO NOT want to feel like that again this summer.
  • sasbw27
    sasbw27 Posts: 710 Member
    I totally know how you feel. I was happy with the way I looked last summer but I just totally spiraled out of control over the fall and winter and I gotta get back to where I was. I don't know why I do it to myself. Every year it happens. I keep saying I'm not going to let it happen and it does.

    But we just have to keep at it. Consistency is key!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    My weights came today. Holy crap....i think they are going to kick my *kitten*. I am mad for letting my strength get so weak. I have the cardio down but I need the strength training really bad. We are in a winter warning/blizzard right now up to 12" of snow. It is really hard to stay motivated. I did not have a good day on eating I caved to the winter blues. Why?????
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I guess I missed this thread somewhere along the line. I've been chatting with moparjer about our struggles. I am hoping we can get more support on our thread. I Need to hear about others. I get so much motivation from MFP. I too let my weight creep back up this past year. I tend to lose and gain the same two pounds. I am trying to break those bad habits. I know it is hard to get back into routines. Thanks sasbw for starting this thread. Let's try to get others to join us. :happy:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Eava57 - I know it is soooo hard not to let the weight creep up. I at my heaviest weight ever in my life unless I was pregnant. Since January I am slowing going down but have only lost about 4 pounds in 1 month. I am just happy I am moving in the right direction and have HOPE again. The last couple of years I lost hope due to some life changes and losing our local gym.

    I check in here every day so I would love to hear from you and others as we make this journey together.

    Let's work on staying on track with our calories all week and no excuses. We can do this!!!!
  • sasbw27
    sasbw27 Posts: 710 Member
    4 lbs in one month is great Ruby! Don't short yourself. Think about a 4lb bag of potatoes. That's a really good amount. Just keep working and you'll get to where you want to be. I hear it's better to lose it gradually anyways.

    I didn't lose much this month either but I'll take 1/2 pound a week while doing strength training and building muscle. That works for me.

    Eava I know you can do it, I've seen you do it. Really buckle down and commit to your workout regimen and try to stay under your daily cals and the scale will start moving. We've been around for a long time. For years! Don't you want to post your success story! I know I do. I have a goal to post a success story the week of my wedding anniversary which is June 4, 2014. You can do it Eava. Go post your new weight and goal for the month of March and let's get there. My goal is to lose 4 lbs this month, that's double what I did last month. What's your goal?
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    sasbwy27 - Aaahhh thanks for the compliment. :smile: When you put it like that about a 4 lbs bag of potatoes that does make me feel better. I guess I just want it to happen so fast but I know that it not the answer. I really love all the support from my friends on MFP.

    You all rock! Let's do this and get to our goal weight in March.:drinker:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Ruby...4lbs. is wonderful! My father in law used to say the same thing about the potatoes! It does give you a great visual. Thanks for all your motivation. I was down 19lbs. on MFP...I know I will get there again...I am working on "healing" my metabolism so my weight loss may be slow. I am trying to follow the Fast Metabolism eating plan...trying in as I am working on cutting out my "goodies"...I tend to snack on the wroing foods...I am trying to pack healthy snacks and eating better lunches. Basically, I've been "starving" my system by eating the same things over and over. It has caused my metabolism to move at a snail's pace. I am also on thyroid medication but can't use that as an excuse. No more excuses!!!!:drinker:

    sasbw, I remember when you were planning your wedding...Congratulations to you! I loved your wedding photos. Do you check on our BFF thread? cleaneater is having a baby...she is remaining very active too.:heart:
    Let's send some of the other's messages to join our chats. Ruby, I do Know from the past that 'chatting" does help us.
    Hope you wonderful ladies have a great day!
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    Hello - I know what you mean about the same weight coming on and off continuously. I had a week off last week and weighed 5lb up. Pretty sure a lot of it was water though - supported by a 2lb drop the following day. I'm currently trying eating more and a different workout. I'll give it a go for a few weeks and see how I get on.
    On the plus side my father thinks I have lost weight, I am in a smaller dress size but I am still weighing pretty much what I was at the start of the year....
  • sasbw27
    sasbw27 Posts: 710 Member
    Yes, keep at it ladies! Consistency is key! I though today would be break day but ended up working the kids out in my husband's karate class and then an adult signed up so we had an hour of adult class as well. We didn't workout the entire hour but we got a good workout!

    Did anyone else get a workout in today? I hope so :love:
  • sasbw27
    sasbw27 Posts: 710 Member
    Thanks Eava! I just went and checked it out!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I didn't get a workout today. I had a long day at work. When I got home my hubby had a pot roast in the crockpot for dinner. He asked if I wanted a glass of wine..I caved and had the wine! On the positive side, I did have a good diet day.:tongue: I have to do a weight workout tomorrow...Oop's rephrase "I can't wait to do my strength training workout tomorrow!!!!":bigsmile:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Gals,

    thanks for all the support. It means alot and is helping me stay motivated.

    Eava- the pot roast a glass of wine sounds wonderful. I am trying to wait to Friday night to have one but I have been tempted all week. I have had some long days at work also. It sounds like you have a wonderful husband.:smile: I hope your weight work out goes good today. Thanks for sharing the fix for your metabolism, I think I can fall into that same rut. I tend to get on a routine of eating the same foods thinking it is safe. That gives me a new perspective to think about to make sure I keep changing it up.

    Sasbw27 - thanks for the friend request, it was funny I was thinking about sending you one and then I seen I had a message and it was from you. You must of read my mind. Karate workout sounds awesome. I did tae kwon doe in college for a class and I burned tons of calories.

    I have been getting up at 5:30 am all week and doing the Chalene Extreme Heavy Lifting workout. It has been great but really hard. I love that I am getting a great work out at home. I do not have gym close by and I was traveling 30 miles to get to a gym and then I quit because it became too hard to get there with my schedule... I have struggled with the strength training ever since I quit in August. I just got the bowflew adjustable dumbbells and the CE DVD and started on Sunday. I am so happy to find a home workout that will build muscle and challenge me! I think I am getting a more intense workout now then I was at the gym.:noway: :noway: :noway:

    I hope everyone has a GREAT DAY and a GREAT WORKOUT!!!!!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I made it to my workout. I did the weight routine with the Jillian Michael's DVD. It takes you through a 30 minute routine. I burned 292 calories today! I am trying to get back into a routine. I have belonged to Curves for many years or should I say I have been paying for Curves for many years. I am hoping to get a workout three times a week in the next month. I am definitely trying to pace myself. I tend to go full boar on workouts then end up hurt...one day at a time!

    ruby, you are into a great routine! I get up at 5:35 and have to be at school by 7:30 a.m. I should do a "DVD" but usually lay on the couch for 20 mins. :blushing: Be sure to eat something before your early workout. Otherwise, you will be burning muscle and not fat...I read this in my book. In the morning your body is in starvation mode. and will burn muscle to "feed" itself. Interesting...
    I too have been trying not to have wine during the week!:drinker:

    And yes, I have a wonderful husband. He is retired so he cooks dinner during the week. I''m spoiled!:love:

    Have a great weekend!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Eva - good job on doing your workout with Jillian. I have heard that one is really good too. I love her, she is awesome. You can make your goal of 3 times a week on your workout. Maybe you should set your goal for 4 times hoping to make 3. Thanks for the tip on eating before my workout I have not been doing that (unless strong coffee counts:laugh: ) This is a really big accomplishment for me to get up that early. My husband is in shock. I usually wait to the last minute to get out the door for work. I have to be there a 8 am.
    I am a wine lover too. Are you a red or white? I like both but I have been drinking red lately since it has less sugar and supposed to be better for us. I have cut way back, I try to have a little on Friday and Sat. only but it is BIG challenge for me.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I am trying to do some activity every other day. My goal for Curves is 3 times a week. I also walk on Saturdays with my hubby and try to do a Yoga or Pilates DVD on the weekend. I love both white and red wine. We have been having red wines the past few years. We love a great cabernet. I have cut back on the weekdays. I do have to watch it b/c I love to have appetizers with wine. That really plays havoc with calories!:sad:

    Hope you are having a great active weekend!:smile:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I had a great Pilates workout with a DVD yesterday. Today was such a busy day...we celebrated Dr. Seuss' Day...I came home and took a nap. I'll do better tomorrow!
  • sasbw27
    sasbw27 Posts: 710 Member
    Hey ladies how's everyone doing? I've been sticking with my workouts lately. Hoping to have a good weigh in on Friday. Be encouraged and keep working, we'll get to our goals in due time.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Ladies, I got sick this week. I came down with some kind of flu/cold bug. I pushed myself to do my workout yesterday morning and felt horrible the whole time. I went to work and ended up coming home at about 3:30 and went to bed. I called in sick today and slept most of the day on and off. I am so sad!!! I hope tomorrow is better but I am doubtful I will have the strength to work out. I can't imagine the people who deal with chronic illness and feel horrible everyday.

    I hope you all are doing well and we ALL have a great weigh in this week. We are all going to be skinny *****es by spring!!!:drinker:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Hope you are feeling better, ruby. You just need to rest. I never lose weight when I get sick...my body revolts and holds onto everything. I hope you are able to eat and drink lots of fluids (no wine).:tongue:
    I am not sure if the scale will move this week. I am still trying to work on diet. I had a setback today...m and m's got the best of me!
    sasbw, you are always an inspiration! I had a great workout yesterday. One day at a time...no worries about the past!:heart:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    How are you ladies doing this week? Daylight savings time is not fun! I am very tired today and could not get to sleep last night.

    I am putting my weight lifting on hold for this week until I am feeling better and give my meds a good chance to start working. I am feeling a lot better but don't want to push it so I am going to do some lighter cardio this week and start my weights over on Sunday. I was pretty much laid out until late Sunday afternoon. I will try to stay focused on good eating and calories.

    I hope you all are doing well and push hard this week if you can so we ALL have a great number on weigh in day. Spring is coming soon. The snow was melting today and we hit 50 degrees, I was glad to already be on track and losing some winter weight. It will be beach weather before we know it. :smile:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Ugh! I have not had a good start in exercising this week. On Sunday, my hubby saw a bobcat walk across our driveway (we live in a rural area). He got a picture of it. I was too freaked out to walk with him! Yesterday I had a 3 hour training after work...I just didn't have a chance to do anything. I was so tired today...I came home and laid on the couch.:blushing:
    Tomorrow is a new day! I hope you are feeling better, ruby. Any ideas on how to get more of our group posting on the thread?:heart:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Eava - that would freak me out too if I saw a bobcat. I live in a really rural area and a couple of years ago I saw a bear when I was out walking. I did not walk outside for a long time after that because I was too scared. Then I finally decided I had to take control back but I take my cell phone with and tell my husband where I am going. I try to avoid dawn and dusk because I guess that is when you are more likely to see them around. I am sorry to hear you have not had a good week on exercise. Some weeks are sure better than others. I have not done much this week either. I am feeling better but still have stuff in my chest YUCK! I have been trying to watch my calories close this week since I am not exercising much.

    I don't know how to get more people posting on our thread but I wish they would!!! I think it helps so much to check in daily and just see others trying hard too and it helps us keep each other accountable. I will keep checking in.

    I hope we ALL have good numbers tomorrow
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I hope you will feel better...I hate being sick! I MADE it to Curves today. It felt good to work out. I also had a good "diet" day. One day at a time...I am trying to celebrate when I do something positive vs. stressing about the negatives. I am not sure the scale will reflect a loss tomorrow. Yikes, a bear would really scare me too! My hubby has been walking while I am at work...You are right, we can't let it control us or our health! TGIF:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    One day at time is exactly right. I am glad to hear you are focusing on the positives, that is so important. I know how easy it is to get consumed with the things we have not done vs the things we have accomplished. I tend to be really hard on myself sometimes. Just think we are already way ahead of a lot of other people who are not even trying to have better health. Even if it does not go as fast as we want it to we have made our minds up that we are going to do it. The mind is 90% of the battle.:smile:
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Friday was a hard day. I went over to a friend's house after work. She had margaritas and chips/salsa ready for us! I then got home and had three pieces of pizza.:blushing: I did better the past two days. I worked on calorie control and walked with my hubby. I actually forgot about the bobcat...we are hoping he is long gone! I am making chicken tonight. It is sunny and warm out....hoping I can stay motivated to be active this week. I talked to a friend today. She lives in another state. We planned a "Girls Weekend" in June. I sure want to be able to surprise my two friends by showing up thinner!!!! Hope you have a good week. Surprisingly, I did manage to lose close to a lb. this week...there's hope! LOL
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    I think I got so exicted about my loss last week I got a little too relaxed this weekend. I had pizza Friday night too.... & then I had chocolate ice cream on Saturday night along with too much other stuff I guess. I gained 2 lbs over the weekend. I better get to work for the rest of the week. I am hoping some is water weight. I hope you are having a good monday. Happy St. Patty's Day!!!