Welcome RN's! Introduce yourselves!



  • nursemeg66
    nursemeg66 Posts: 1 Member
    HI! I'm an OR nurse working in outpatient surgery. I have 12-year-old twin girls. Now that the kids are older and I have a regular schedule (no call, no weekends, no holidays - YEAH!) it's time to take care of ME!!! I've been doing the MFP app on my iphone for 8 weeks - lost 14 lbs. I feel great! My mom gave me a Fitbit for my birthday - just got it up and working, looking forward to taking it to the next level!
  • drizzlesugar
    Hello fellow RN's

    I have been a nurse for 20 plus years. Have worked in pediatrics, med-surg, oncology, telemetry and currently employed as a Hospice nurse in an inpatient hospice facility. Love me job. I am trying to deal with stress management to enhance my weight loss goals. I wish everyone good luck with their choice for a healthy lifestyle using myfitness pal. So far I have lost 6 lbs in about 2/12 weeks. Looking forward to speaking with other RN's. Admire you all for the good work you do for so many and the lives you touch in positive ways.
  • dukebluern
    dukebluern Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Nurses!

    I'm new here, just started this week.

    Have been a nurse for 23 years (Holy COW! 23 years???). 22 years in Surgery. I work 12 hour shifts right now, but will be going to second shift next month.

    I live alone with my dog, so I don't have to worry about cooking for the family, feeding the kids, whatever. So there's no excuse for me not to be eating right and healthy, right?? Yeah, but it's hard to cook for one! Leftovers are good the first day or two, but after that....(ok, whine over.)

    I think, as nurses, we are so accustomed to taking care of everyone. The Patients. The Doctors. The Families. Our Bosses. Our Families. Our Pets. The Neighbors. We tend to put ourselves at the bottom of a very long list of responsibilities. So I think it's time to realize that we have to take care of ourselves first, so we can continue to take care of everybody else!

    This is a pretty quiet group...Who's with me?
  • thayne8681
    Hello everyone,
    My name is Marci. I have been an RN since January and was an LPN before that. I am currently finishing my bachelors and hope to go on to be a DNP. I live in a rural town in Utah, and work graves part time on Medsurg, but because it is so small, we get all kinds of stuff and I love it. The graves and being so busy have killed my lifestyle, and now I have a lot to lose. I am 5'7 and weigh 235 lbs. Recently, a lot of the other people I work with at the hospital have been mentioning things about my weight and it really got to me. I decided that I want to show people that there is so much more to me and that there really is someone amazing under all these extra pounds. lol
    Ive tried to lose weight before, but this time is different. I feel so in control. My husband wanted me to stop at Burger King for him today, which I did after much protest for him, but then I stopped at the store and got something healthy for me. I drove all the way home with his coke sitting next to me and didn't even try it. lol. I know it sounds dumb, but it feels really good being able to do that.
    Anyways, it sounds like there are some really amazing nurses and soon to be nurses in this group. Does anyone live in UTAH?
  • dukebluern
    dukebluern Posts: 9 Member
  • Maris421
    Hi. My name is Maris. I've been an RN for 38 years. I was at my heaviest during my 30s-40s and finally started losing weight 10 years ago. It's an ongoing struggle though and my weight is creeping upwards again. The holiday season is coming and I'm anxious!
  • FirePrincess80
    Hey everyone!
    I've been a nurse for 3.5 years now. I am an RN at an acute rehab facility (not rx and etoh kind.. haveta clear that up more often than you think!) I'm a Night shifter (woop woop!) and the schedule has really done a number on me :-P (It's not ALL the schedules fault) But every day is a new day!! :)
  • Gr8pedirn
    My name is Amie and I've been a Nurse for 9 years now. I started at the hospital 2nd shift on a medsurg/pedi floor, moved onto pediatric agency (home care), and for the last 3 years I've been an elementary school nurse. I love my current job. I work M-F, no nights, weekends, holidays. I finally have time with my kids! I'm looking to lose weight so i can have more energy to spend time with them. I've really put on weight these last 3 years (cafeteria food, work holiday parties, and coworker 'Sabotage ') and I don't like the person I've become (physically). I know the weight didn't come on overnight and that it won't go away overnight, I just hope I have the strength to see it through till the end. I will never look like a model, actress, or the like. However, I will look the best I ever have in my life.
  • Megislosingit
    I've been an RN for a bit over 2 years. I work in pediatrics in Boston, MA. I got hurt on the job and have gotten lazy and need to get out of the habits I am in and lose some weight
  • southernbelle492
    Hello! I'm not yet an RN. I will be graduating from nursing school in May. I'm looking to lose 30 lbs!
  • ZombieFoodSlayer
    Hi Nurses!! I'm Patricia, work for the last 15 years in nursing! I mostly work with the elderly at this time BUT have worked in corporate

    doing INFORMATICS which was really cool. I'm also certified to do the MDS part of LTC. Mostly though, I'm working on getting my

    own business going while nursing PT! I created a FREE nurses support group if anyone wants to join in:


    Nice to meet you!!!

  • chapklc
    chapklc Posts: 21 Member
    Hello Fellow RNs! I'm in transition from Houston to Oahu Hawaii, and while I'm still waiting on my Hawaiian License I've decided to loose some of the weight that I've gained over the last four years. I'm currently still in that stage that everything is hurting... I'm sure it will change soon enough. Though yesterday I fell twice on my Bike, just now using clipped in shoes... It's nice to meet everyone, hope we can all maintain motivation.
  • NurseLosingIt
    NurseLosingIt Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is: Vee. Like some others in the group, I am a final semester nursing student (expected graduation is June, 2014), so I have not reached RN status as of yet! The last couple of stressful study years have added to my weight gain and more sedentary lifestyle.

    My goal is to lose 50 pounds, I am sure that it will take time, however, seeing some of the other success stories here are motivating and encouraging. By taking a healthier approach to diet and exercise will help with the stress levels of school and then eventually work. In addition, I want to be a "healthy nurse" and be in a position to "walk-the-walk"! Good luck to everyone in reaching their goals. Onward and upward!

  • SevenFlorins
    Hey guys. I'm new to this and also a new RN. I am a public health nurse in Alaska and I joined this because I want to be sure I follow a healthy diet and lifestyle. I'd like to lose about ten pounds of fat and hopefully replace some with muscle but I'm not a huge workout fanatic. Just want to be fit.
  • alou87
    alou87 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Amanda :) I've been an RN for a little over 4 years now. Currently, I do obstetrics, neonatal care, and peds float. (LOVE it!) I'm only 26, but since becoming a nurse, I feel 80. Working nights, days, days and nights, not drinking, eating, or peeing for 12-14 hours, and being exhausted take up all my time. Since becoming a nurse I've gained about 70 pounds. (WHAT THE HECK?!) and I'm finally in a position to want it OFF! I'm 5'7 and weigh 230.
  • ChaRNbsn
    Hello My name if Charlie I am a new nurse I got my license in August of 2013 graduated May that same year and got my 1st nursing job this year. I am a health services nurse for a k-12 school. I wanted to get in the habit of eating regular meals and losing about 20 pounds. I'd like to befriend and get to know other nurses who are also on the healthy journey and build a support system :)
  • Kristygirl_RN
    Kristygirl_RN Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everybody! I am a new RN (about 7mo). Nursing School left me about 20lbs heavier than when I started and I was already about 20lbs overweight! So here we go... 40lbs and counting down!

    I am so glad to find a group like this. As a nurse, I REALLY want to practice what I preach.

    I appreciate any support and will offer any encouragement I can.

  • bloodhoundlady
    bloodhoundlady Posts: 80 Member
    Hi everyone just found this group. I have been an Rn for 17 years. Wow can't believe it has been that long. I have primarily worked in Cardio Nursing since I have been out of school and work in a Cardiovascular Intensive unit for the last 4 years. I love love love it! It is always intesnse and always learning and I guess stressful. My job unfortunately has caused me to put on weight over the last 10 years with bad eating and bad habits. 8 months ago my pressure was through the roof and I felt horrible and knew I had to do something. I went to a local gym that had opened up near my hospital and met an awesome trainer who got me into cardio and weight lifting and gave me a Clean eating plan which I have followed. I have had some ups and downs especially around the holidays but am moving towards the finish line with losing 60+ pounds and recently adding running to my routine.
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 411 Member
    Hi Chris, i so agree with you. Sp many of us are hypocrites or afraid to give advice because we ourselves are too big to do same luck on your journey.
  • Veronikkka
    Veronikkka Posts: 19 Member
    Hello. I am Victoria. I am registered midwife. I work in NZ as an independent midwife, i am on call 24/7and sometimes has to stay 18-24 hrs with my women. So problem is high coffee consumption with sugar to keep brain working, no system in eating, Brocken sleeping pattern, as a result 15 kg extra weight for the last 6 years, tiredness and problems with health.

    Well, I am very exited to find this site. It was such a revelation how much I actually calories I used to consume. The site discipline and informs me, and keep me focused.

    Good start, but I know first few kg are water, so easy to loose.

    Nice to meet you all.