how much weight have you gained



  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Height; 5'9"
    Starting: 204.6 (4w) BFP

    5w: 204.6 (0)
    6w: 206.8 (+2.2)
    7w: 205.6 (-1.2)
    8w: 204.8 (-.8)
    9w: 201.6 ( -3.2)
    10w: 202.4 (+0.8)
    11w: 202.4 (0)
    12w: 200.8 (-1.6)
    13w: 198.0 (-2.8)
    14w: 201.2 (3.2)
    15w: 203.2 (2)
    16w: 201.6 (-1.6)
    17w: 202.2 (.6)
    18w: 199.8 (-2.4)
    19w: 202.8 (3)
    20/21w: 202.8 (0)
    22w: 203.4 (.6)
    23w: 207 (3.6) Yikes!!!!
    24w: 203.2 (-3.8)
    25w: 204 (.8)
    26w: 203.8 (-.2)
    27w: 205.6 (1.8)
    28w: 200.2 (-5.4)
    29w: 205 (4.8)
    30w: 207 (2)
    31w: 208 (1)
    32w: 207 (-1)

    Total: (2.4)

    Went away for a long weekend and did quite a bit of walking and we took DD bowling. Had a great time. Not much snacking in between meals and did really well portion wise. Plus, I got a good amount of water in so I think that helped keep me fuller longer.

    Jssem89 - You are doing great!

    kosman8807 - Not bad. What does your doctor want you to gain?

    spunkychelsea - Looks like we are in the same boat this week. Nice job at maintaining. I am really looking forward to getting out and walking once this weather warms up a bit. It's like the never ending winter!!!!

    bburg86 - You can totally make your goal of 25lbs at this rate. Awesome job!
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Height: 5'2"
    starting: 154.4 lbs

    10 weeks: 154.4 -1.2 pounds
    15 weeks: 151.8 -2.6 pounds
    20 weeks: 152.5 + .7 pounds
    22 weeks: 154 +1.5 pounds (darn you Halloween candy cravings!)
    23 weeks: 155 +1 pound
    24 weeks: 155.6 + .6 pounds
    25 weeks: 155.8 + .2 pounds
    26 weeks: 157.2 + 1.4 pounds
    27 weeks: 158.9 + 1.7 pounds
    28 weeks: 161.6 + 2.7 pounds (Thanksgiving got me!!)
    29 weeks: 163.9 + 2.3 pounds
    30 weeks: 166.8 +2.9 pounds
    31 weeks: 170 +3.2 pounds
    33 weeks: 174 +4 pounds
    34 weeks: 178 +4 pounds
    35 weeks: 180 +2 pounds
    36 weeks: 182.4 +2.4 pounds
    37 weeks: 183 + .6 pounds
    38 weeks: 183.4 + .4 pounds
    39 weeks: 183.8 + .4 pounds
    40 weeks: 184 + .2 pounds
    41 weeks: 184 no change

    Gave birth on Sunday 2/23.

    gained 28.4 pounds
    3/2 : 168.3
    3/5 : 165
    3/14 : 163.7

    lost 21.7 lbs since giving birth

    You are doing awesome on your weight loss. I hope you so enjoying your new bundle!!!
  • seidel1325
    seidel1325 Posts: 94 Member
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 134.0/ 66.5"
    Week 8: 137.5
    Week 10: 139.0
    Week 14: 142.0
    Week 16: 144.0
    Week 20: 148.0
    Week 23: 151.4

    Goal: 30-35 gain
  • Nique85
    Nique85 Posts: 105 Member
    31 weeks - 17lbs

    I really hope I can get my gains under control for the rest of the pregnancy.
  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    I'm now 29+3 and still down 15 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight. Healthy pregnancy and baby is growing so no cause for concern.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member

    good article for where our weight gain is going and tips on healthy weight gain. I am posting this in a separate thread too but thought it would be good to share here too.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    It is amazing how different doctors are.
    One person mentioned getting chastised for gaining 8lbs in a month, another's doctor doesn't want them gaining an ounce, another's doesn't seemed phased by too much weight gain. My doctor didnt say anything when I gained 12lbs in a month, my sister's doctor got upset when she went over a gain of 20lbs and my best friend's doctor wasn't concerned at all when my friend gained 66lbs total.
  • seidel1325
    seidel1325 Posts: 94 Member
    I don't think it's that surprising that doctors would offer different recommendations on weight gain (or have various reactions to weight gain) since an individual's recommended weight gain is going to be based on pre-pregnancy BMI.
  • kosman8807
    kosman8807 Posts: 29 Member
    At my recent check-up she said no more then 15lbs. I'm trying to stay active and eat healthy so I hope I can stay within that range.
  • lolablitz
    lolablitz Posts: 38 Member
    Congrats Mamas! Feel free to add me. I'm pregnant with my third baby and would love more pregnant and postpartum friends so we can support each other in this weight gain and loss craziness unique to having babies. I try to eat pretty clean and love to cook. I'm not good at avoiding chocolate ;)

    Starting weight: 128
    15 weeks: 133
    20 weeks: 136
    25 weeks: 143
    31 weeks: 150

    Total weight gain so far: 22 lbs

    Hoping to stay below 35 lbs, we'll see.
  • 39 + 4 and I'm hoping I have just weighed in for the last time total of 10.3kg had a BIG gain last week but I have been hungry so I'm hoping it's my body gearing up for labour !
  • rfrobertson
    rfrobertson Posts: 19 Member
    37 week check in this week and I was -1lb. Total gain so far 19lbs. Starting weight on my scale at home 135 (140 at the dr). 154 on my scale at home now and 159 at the dr. I really hate the doctors scale! Dilated 1-2 and he said my cervix were thinning so hopefully baby will be here soon! Still exercising the same as I've always been before and throughout my pregnancy, except for running.
  • HeyNikkita
    HeyNikkita Posts: 147 Member
    39 + 4 and I'm hoping I have just weighed in for the last time total of 10.3kg had a BIG gain last week but I have been hungry so I'm hoping it's my body gearing up for labour !

    Lord Jesus, I pray you get that baby out safely! It's time! Amen!
  • sw1498
    sw1498 Posts: 13
    Baby #5
    Starting weight: 136lbs
    37 weeks: 156lbs

    Pelvis has officially had it, so I can only walk to and from school (five-ten minutes each way). Did my usual block walk twice this week and ended up unable to move, even roll over in bed without assistance, for the rest of the day/night. Here's hoping this baby doesn't come late as three weeks of this level of inactivity will do my head in as it is!
  • vlmcwilliams
    vlmcwilliams Posts: 46 Member
    Pre pregnancy weight: 66kg

    Cumulative total
    Week 1-11: +0.8kg
    Week 12: +1.8kg
    Week 13: +1.6kg
    Week 14: +2.2kg
    Week 15: +2.9kg
    Week 16: +3.3kg
    Week 17: +3.5kg
    Week 18: +4.6kg (eeek 1.1kg in a week! Must've been the delicious roast dinner and pudding Mum spoilt me with this weekend)
    Week 19: +3.9kg - hmm lost 700g since last week but I've been eating much the same as I normally have been. hopefully nothing to worry about...
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member

    Week 4 - 135
    Week 6 - 134.4
    Week 8 - 135.0
    Week 10 - 135.2
    Week 12 - 137.2
    Week 14 - 136.0
    Week 16 – 139.8
    Week 18 – 141.4
    Week 20 – 144.0
    Week 22 – 146.4
    Week 24 – 149.4
    Week 26 – 149.2
    Week 28 – 150.2
    Week 30 – 153.6
    Week 32 – 152.2

    According to the OB scale this morning I've actually gained 18 lbs (had a ton of salt yesterday and gained a pound since I weighed yesterday! So today I was 153.2)

    I bought a FitBit a week or two ago and it has been challenging me to take the kids out on walks more so I figure that's the weight loss/maintenance. I am not a very active person the bigger I get. I realized some days I don't even get 2,500 steps in :( So I've been doing more like 5,000 steps. It's been beautiful here! It's 80 degrees in CA, but the rain picks back up tomorrow fort he next week or two, so I don't know what I'm going to do! It will drive both me and the kids (2.5 y/o and 14 month old) crazy staying inside when we're so used to going for at least a daily walk now!

    Hoping the next 8+ weeks (I usually go overdue) I only gain another 4-7 lbs (4 lbs would be prepregnancy of my son weight but 7 lbs would make 25 total- my original goal. I was told I could gain 20-35, so I'm right on!)
  • Jssem89
    Jssem89 Posts: 14
    Pre-Pregnancy Weight: 145 lbs / 5'5"

    Cumulative Total

    1-13 Weeks: +3.5lbs
    14 weeks: +4.5lbs
    15 Weeks: +4lbs
    16 Weeks: +5lbs
    17 Weeks: +4.5lbs
    18 Weeks: +5.5lbs
    19 Weeks: +4.5lbs
    20 Weeks: +5lbs
    21 Weeks: +6.8lbs
    22 Weeks: +6.3lbs
    23 Weeks: +7lbs

    Total Gain to Date: 7 lbs
  • Enic03
    Enic03 Posts: 172 Member
    Only to the halfway point but it is definitely interesting to see how everyone is so different in their gains!

    I lost 40 before pregnancy so I am just trying to stay healthy and keep the gains down so I don't undo everything! I also switched to maintenance when I found out I was pregnant which I am sure didn't help with the gain right off the bat.

    Still not showing! Just feeling like I ate too much candy :laugh:

    Pre-Pregnancy: 120 lbs / 5'1

    20 Weeks: 126.5 (+6.5)
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    At 27 weeks, i'm up 16 lbs
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Height; 5'9"
    Starting: 204.6 (4w) BFP

    5w: 204.6 (0)
    6w: 206.8 (+2.2)
    7w: 205.6 (-1.2)
    8w: 204.8 (-.8)
    9w: 201.6 ( -3.2)
    10w: 202.4 (+0.8)
    11w: 202.4 (0)
    12w: 200.8 (-1.6)
    13w: 198.0 (-2.8)
    14w: 201.2 (3.2)
    15w: 203.2 (2)
    16w: 201.6 (-1.6)
    17w: 202.2 (.6)
    18w: 199.8 (-2.4)
    19w: 202.8 (3)
    20/21w: 202.8 (0)
    22w: 203.4 (.6)
    23w: 207 (3.6) Yikes!!!!
    24w: 203.2 (-3.8)
    25w: 204 (.8)
    26w: 203.8 (-.2)
    27w: 205.6 (1.8)
    28w: 200.2 (-5.4)
    29w: 205 (4.8)
    30w: 207 (2)
    31w: 208 (1)
    32w: 207 (-1)
    33w: 208 (1)

    Total: (3.4)

    I seem to keep gaining and losing the same pounds each week. I'm finding this pg to be a little painful compared to my first. Is it because everything has already stretched once? I haven't gained much of anything, but I feel like I've gained 50lbs. I was able to get out and walk for much of my first pg, but we haven't really had the best winter here and spring isn't looking much better at this point. I wonder if it's the lack of exercise this time around. Hoping it warms up for April!!! I need to get moving. Great job everyone!!
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Prepregnancy weight: 145
    Week 4 - 145
    Week 5 - 144 (-1)
    Week 6 - 142 (-3)
    Week 7 - 140 (-5)
    Week 8 - 140.7 (-4.3)
    Week 9 - 141.5 (-3.5)
    Week 10 - 141.7 (-3.3)
    Week 11 - 141.7 (-3.3)
    Week 12 - 141.5 (-3.5)
    Week 13 - 141.7 (-3.3)
    Week 14 - 141.7 (-3.3)
    Week 15 - 141.5 (-3.5)
    Week 16 - 141.5 (-3.5)
  • vlmcwilliams
    vlmcwilliams Posts: 46 Member
    Pre pregnancy weight: 66kg

    Cumulative total
    Week 1-11: +0.8kg
    Week 12: +1.8kg
    Week 13: +1.6kg
    Week 14: +2.2kg
    Week 15: +2.9kg
    Week 16: +3.3kg
    Week 17: +3.5kg
    Week 18: +4.6kg (eeek 1.1kg in a week! Must've been the delicious roast dinner and pudding Mum spoilt me with this weekend)
    Week 19: +3.9kg - hmm lost 700g since last week but I've been eating much the same as I normally have been. hopefully nothing to worry about...
    Week 20: +5.7kg - well definitely caught up from last week. Must keep the activity levels up but with winter approaching the daylight hours are disappearing :(
  • emny86
    emny86 Posts: 18 Member
    Pre-pregnancy: 128lbs, 5'4"

    At 30 wks I'm up 35 lbs and feeling great
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    Height: 5'2"
    starting: 154.4 lbs

    10 weeks: 154.4 -1.2 pounds
    15 weeks: 151.8 -2.6 pounds
    20 weeks: 152.5 + .7 pounds
    22 weeks: 154 +1.5 pounds (darn you Halloween candy cravings!)
    23 weeks: 155 +1 pound
    24 weeks: 155.6 + .6 pounds
    25 weeks: 155.8 + .2 pounds
    26 weeks: 157.2 + 1.4 pounds
    27 weeks: 158.9 + 1.7 pounds
    28 weeks: 161.6 + 2.7 pounds (Thanksgiving got me!!)
    29 weeks: 163.9 + 2.3 pounds
    30 weeks: 166.8 +2.9 pounds
    31 weeks: 170 +3.2 pounds
    33 weeks: 174 +4 pounds
    34 weeks: 178 +4 pounds
    35 weeks: 180 +2 pounds
    36 weeks: 182.4 +2.4 pounds
    37 weeks: 183 + .6 pounds
    38 weeks: 183.4 + .4 pounds
    39 weeks: 183.8 + .4 pounds
    40 weeks: 184 + .2 pounds
    41 weeks: 184 no change

    Gave birth on Sunday 2/23.

    gained 28.4 pounds
    3/2 : 168.3
    3/5 : 165
    3/14 : 163.7
    3/30 : 161.8

    lost 23.5 lbs since giving birth
  • kosman8807
    kosman8807 Posts: 29 Member
    Weight before Pregnancy: 211 lbs

    Weeks 1-12: 213 lbs
    Week 13: 215lbs.
    Week 15: 215.4
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Curious to see if anyone else has confusion as to what their start weight should be.

    My prepregnancy weight is 198
    My doctor has my prepregnancy weight as 184
    My lowest pregnancy weight is 181

    I started at 198. I lost 17lbs due to morning sickness and didn't start gaining again until about 16 weeks. Doctor has my start weight at 184 because that is the first time he weighed me in my pregnancy.

    I am currently 207.
    So, by prepregnancy - I have gained 9lbs
    By doctor's chart - I have gained 23 lbs
    By lowest weight - I have gained 26lbs

    I want to tell myself I have only gained 9lbs and the doctor says the weight gained back from weight loss is my body's instinct to replace what it lost (which is why I guess I gained 16lbs of the 17 lost right back almost instantly.)
    But, if I have technically gained 26lbs then I am gaining too much.

  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Height; 5'9"
    Starting: 204.6 (4w) BFP

    5w: 204.6 (0)
    6w: 206.8 (+2.2)
    7w: 205.6 (-1.2)
    8w: 204.8 (-.8)
    9w: 201.6 ( -3.2)
    10w: 202.4 (+0.8)
    11w: 202.4 (0)
    12w: 200.8 (-1.6)
    13w: 198.0 (-2.8)
    14w: 201.2 (3.2)
    15w: 203.2 (2)
    16w: 201.6 (-1.6)
    17w: 202.2 (.6)
    18w: 199.8 (-2.4)
    19w: 202.8 (3)
    20/21w: 202.8 (0)
    22w: 203.4 (.6)
    23w: 207 (3.6) Yikes!!!!
    24w: 203.2 (-3.8)
    25w: 204 (.8)
    26w: 203.8 (-.2)
    27w: 205.6 (1.8)
    28w: 200.2 (-5.4)
    29w: 205 (4.8)
    30w: 207 (2)
    31w: 208 (1)
    32w: 207 (-1)
    33w: 208 (1)
    34w: 207 (-1)

    Total: (2.4)

    tiggerhammon - I would go by your pp weight. That is what I have been using all along. Most people don't see their provider before 8 weeks and for most morning sickness has already started. Hope that help. I think you are doing fine!!

    kossman8807 - Awesome job on your weight gain so far!!!

    mycrazy8splus - Wow!! You are doing so well with your postpartum weight loss! I'm impressed!!!
  • Curious to see if anyone else has confusion as to what their start weight should be.

    My prepregnancy weight is 198
    My doctor has my prepregnancy weight as 184
    My lowest pregnancy weight is 181

    I started at 198. I lost 17lbs due to morning sickness and didn't start gaining again until about 16 weeks. Doctor has my start weight at 184 because that is the first time he weighed me in my pregnancy.

    I am currently 207.
    So, by prepregnancy - I have gained 9lbs
    By doctor's chart - I have gained 23 lbs
    By lowest weight - I have gained 26lbs

    I want to tell myself I have only gained 9lbs and the doctor says the weight gained back from weight loss is my body's instinct to replace what it lost (which is why I guess I gained 16lbs of the 17 lost right back almost instantly.)
    But, if I have technically gained 26lbs then I am gaining too much.


    You lost those 17 pounds rather rapidly and my guess is in line with your doctor's. Technically you've only gained 9 pounds according to the way I've always understood pregnancy weight gain--doctors always seem to go by pre-pregnancy weight, not lowest weight achieved during pregnancy.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I lost 17lbs very quickly and gained back 16 of that super quickly too. By 20 weeks, I was almost back to prepregnancy.
  • another quick check in
    35 weeks tomorrow and as of yesterday i had gained a total of 18lbs

    5ft4 starting weight 121lbs
    current weight 139lbs

    I am fine with this - id like to think i wont gain MUCH more in the next 5 weeks but based on the norm i should be looking at about 5lbs so 23lbs total gain which is around average i believe?