I'm starting stage 1!



  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    and more ladies joining, this is exciting. congrats @twinmom and welcome, u did a great job! how long did it take u to finish the workout? i'm wondering uf i should do it in the mornings before going to work

    today i was feeling a bit down (personal issues), so i decided instead of eating a bunch of junk (old me), i jumped right into weightlifting. unfortunately today i did everything body weight (at home) + the butt workout... my butt still on fire!!

    @mayaysf it only took me 20 minutes!! I've heard the workouts get longer as we go on. Good for you for not eating junk! I struggle with emotional eating too
  • catdevrandom
    Hey all! Another one starting here! Can I join you gals on this budding system? :-)

    I did my first workout B today, still just figuring out the weights and where the equipment is in my gym and what not. My gym is one of those for "serious body builders", where the guys do the weights and the women do the classes. No space for sdtretching and just one swiss ball for the whole gym! But i'll figure it all out eventually :-)

  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    Hey all! Another one starting here! Can I join you gals on this budding system? :-)

    I did my first workout B today, still just figuring out the weights and where the equipment is in my gym and what not. My gym is one of those for "serious body builders", where the guys do the weights and the women do the classes. No space for sdtretching and just one swiss ball for the whole gym! But i'll figure it all out eventually :-)


    Welcome @catdevrandom to our little group of beginners. today i did my second full hybrid insanity+strong curves+new rules of lifting, at home because i was in a hurry (all in all took me 40min). it was a killer and i loved it. im going tonight to sign up for my gym, and tuesday going in for the first B workout (hybrid). the gym i decided to join sounds a lot like yours, and my first experience was better than expected. also no swiss ball or area for stretching, so i'll do my warm up, stretches and non weight exercises at home and will drive quickly to do the weight exercises at the gym. I'll go early in the morning, 6am, so there's less pple and less traffic
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    Is anyone else freaking out about eating more calories??? I'm so used to 1200-1400 I'm gonna start with 1500 non workout days and 1700 workout days. I know my energy will be better, I just don't want to see the scale go up!
  • catdevrandom

    I'm 31 years old, 162cm tall (5'4"), currently weighting 58kg (128lbs). I did a bit of experimentation and settled with 1600 on non-lifting days. That is, I believe, slightly lower my TDEE, but I'll need a few more weeks of experimenting to be more certain of it.

    Here's what happened to me in a quick timeline:
    - Pants not fitting and a whole between the thighs in one of my jeans (!!!!). Panic!
    - Logged back on MFP on March 10th after more than one year of not even looking at it, and started calorie counting and following a 1300 diet that a nutritionist gave me a while ago.
    - In 2 weeks, I lost 1.6kg (3.5lbs), and amazing 8cm (3 inches) in my waist and 3cm (1.2 inch) in the hips! Obviously I was very bloated, but nevertheless it got proven that 1300 is a very low deficit for me. My weight now is fine, but I need to get rid of the extra fat in the hips and lower abdomen if I want my older jeans to fit again.

    By the book calculations, my BMR would be 1204 and TDEE 1926 on non-lifting days. Another calculator I found online (a spreadsheet someone posted here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/961054-spreadsheet-for-bodyfat-bmr-tdee-progress-tracker) gave me something like 1750 as TDEE.

    I decided to be conservative and keep a little bit of deficit, just in case the calculators were overestimating my activity level (or I'm underestimating my eating!), so for now I settled for 1600 and I'm going to wait and see what happens.

    So far I'm keeping the weight and I'm not feeling hungry or without energy, but I might go up to 1700 if it looks like I need it to gain some lean mass. Back when I was being followed by the nutritionist, I had no problems losing fat (thanks heaven!), but gaining muscle was really hard. I was ovo-lacto-vegetarian then. Now I am back to eating fish, so maybe this time around it will be easier...

  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 299 Member
    @catdevrandom - Welcome! We are twins mostly. I am 33, 5' 4" too and currently @ 131 - looking to lose some fat and may be get to 125 :)

    I started last week and looking forward to this weeks workouts!
    1600 looks like a good place to start. You can eat a bit more on lifting days - I do - since I feel so hungry on the lifting days and next day until almost lunch time!

    You can keep posting your workouts and what felt easy/tough and we can all keep each other motivated :)
    If you have not already done so, please take a look at the spreadsheet from the posts on this thread which has the training log.

    The heybales spreadsheet you mentioned is incredible and works well as long as you do the same routine for a period of time - like lifting 3X and walk/rest/HIIT 2X almost every week.
  • catdevrandom
    Hey there! Haha yes! Pretty much the same! And also the timing of starting the program. Neat!

    Yes, you're right! I forgot to mention that the 1600 cals are on non-lifting days. On the lifting days I eat some 250 more (the post-workout shake). Thankfully I already had that diet plan set up by my nutritionist: tweaking it to include the extra 300 cals was easy, just added some nuts to the snacks and a fruit for dessert and voilà! :D

  • Trundlegate
    Trundlegate Posts: 52 Member
    First lot of lifting after a week off due to a dodgy back
    Did workout B (4th out of 8 completed)
    Deadlift - 43kg + bar (94.6lb+bar)
    Dumbell shoulder press (I hate this) 10kg dumbells (22lb)
    Wide grip lat pulldown 35kg (77lb)
    lunge 10kg dumbells (22lb)
    Swiss ball crunch 15 reps

    My stats for A before I hurt my back were
    squat 41kg +bar (90lb +bar)
    pushups std ones 12
    barbell bunt over row 33kg (but failed) will go lower next time ( 73lb)
    Step ups 12kg (26lb) dumbells
    prone jackknife 12 reps

    No idea if these are the right ball park for someone starting out.
    Deadlifts and squats still seems easy- the rest are reaching my limit now.
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 299 Member
    I did my A workout 2 today. (week 2, but just did 1A and 1B last week)

    55lb on the squat (including the bar) - felt a little wobbly by end of set 2 :)

    Incline push ups - coming from only knee push ups - these were really hard.
    70lb for seated rows

    15lb X 2 dumbbells for Step ups.
    Prone Jackknife was easier than last week. I was able to get to my toe pulled in and then be on the ball the whole time :)
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    I'm just restarting stage 1. Need some buddies!! i'm getting very frustrated with the scale. Its up and its down. Today it was up 3 pounds from last week, and its not that TOM. So annoying. But I'm 3 workouts in to stage 1 and so far loving it!! Please add.
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    I did my first AM at the gym A workout. I did warm up at home as well as push ups. So I was READY TO KILL it at the gym.
    Squats (with a preloaded oly bar) - 15lbs (I know I could do more, but the other ones seem too heavy, will keep look for a 30 next
    time or something like that)
    Seated row - 40lbs (those last ones were killers)
    Step ups - 10lbs on each hand. I feel I could have done more but the first bench I used to step was too high and I wasn't too sure.
    2nd set was on a lower one and I did just with the good burn.
    Push ups - 15 on the 2 sets. I guess those Insanity Max Plyo workouts worked. lol...

    I'm excited for workout B at the gym on Thursday. I'm already/still feeling the burn or the exercises now :)
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 299 Member
    @merflan -Welcome. Feel free to add us and keep this thread posted with your workouts. That motivates us. I know about the scale frustration. I am waddling from 129-132 right now and I don't want to eat too low to lose energy for workouts, but don't want to eat too much to maintain as I still need to lose last few lbs. More like fat loss

    I am on workout week 2 too. Good luck!

    @mayaysf - That's nice. What are preloaded bars? I have an oly bar @ gym and I use collars with weight plates that I can choose from Did 45bar + 2 5lb plates so far. Def could go up for deadlift workouts for me.
    Pushups are a killer for me. I still do incline ones and just barely manage to get to 15 :) Good going!!

    Has anyone started noticing results? Any physical changes? May be we need to wait at least a couple weeks?
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    Today I completed stage 1 workout B1, deadlift 95# (hard!), lat pull down 70#, shoulder press 2-20# dumbbells, lunges with 2-20# dumbbells, and Swiss crunch with hands overhead with 6# med ball 15 reps.

    I can go heavier next week :) I also did a 10 minute interval afterwards to complete a 30 minute workout
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    Anyone working at home? I am and have had to modify a couple rings but hasn't been too bad. I have an Olympic bar and plates at home as well as the dumbells that you can adjust the weight on.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Heyyyy everybody, started yesterday w stage one. Did workout B since I didn't have access to a cable machine and had to use dumbbells. Used 20 lb for dead lifts didn't seem too bad, then 15's and 12's for some of the others. I bet this gets harder, seeing as how you add weight each time you work out. Am I understanding this correctly? Also trying to up my protein, a bit difficult since I don't eat much meat (mostly vegan). Today is a cardio HIIT workout, then on to workout A tomorrow since I can go to my regular gym kind of nervous about doing it there - may have to venture into the "mens" side of the gym. Omg
  • Trundlegate
    Trundlegate Posts: 52 Member
    5th workout A today.
    It still amazes me how much I love lifting.

    I wish you could lift everyday, but everyone says not too.

    Need to get the same feel good from something else!!

  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 299 Member
    All, Hope everyone is lifting heavy and staying happy!
    I could use a bit of warm weather here in PA though :( too depressed and cannot wait till it gets warmer to start running outside.

    I did my workout B2 today.
    Deadlift 55lb
    Shoulder Press 12lb DB * 2
    Lat Pulldown 65lb
    Lunges 12DB * 2
    Weighted ball crunch with 15lb DB.

    Definitely could have gone a bit higher on the DL. Something for next time!
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 299 Member
    That;s impressive stats! I hate the shoulder press too :( Although if I can increase my weights on DB and not feel like dropping them by 10th rep, I would be pretty pleased with myself :P
  • LizLearnstoRun
    LizLearnstoRun Posts: 57 Member
    Will do my 2nd workout A today....i lost my gym card on my first visit I know i suck. Still cant really wrap my head around feeling nervous or embarrassed in the weights part of our tiny gym
  • Trundlegate
    Trundlegate Posts: 52 Member
    I must admit I am glad I bought a cheap second hand set off ebay as I would find it harder to go to the gym and do it.

    The hardest part of working out at home for me is that I have a real mixed set of weights which makes adding more weight a real challenge, its a bit like doing a maths challenge!! Hubbie said I can have some more weight plates if I stick with it for a few more weeks, which will make it much easier.

    Good luck

    and thanks @mnsmov15 I have no idea if they are good or not as I have no one to compare with, so it is nice to know I am on the right track.