Introduce yourself!

Hey everyone! Well i thought since the group is growing we could introduce ourselves if youd like and kind of say what you are hoping to get out of the 30 day shred!

I'm jade! I'm 25. I am married with 2 kiddos, and hoping to loose around 5-10 pounds and mainly TONE up for my San Francisco trip in May! I also really want to prove to myself that even though this is tough, I can make it all the way through the entire 30 days without quitting!! I am so excited you guys want to join with me! We can do this!!


  • sammer825
    sammer825 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi, Im sam. Im 21 years old and I would like to lose about 25 pounds so i can feel better and look better! 30 day shred will hopefully tone me up with out having to go to the gym! hopefully i can stick with it, with support from you guys i know i can!
  • Amyy1982
    Amyy1982 Posts: 369 Member
    Hey ladies :happy:

    I'm Amy, 31, married with a son. I wanna get summer ready!!! Have lots of toning to do and I know this workout with help me. I have about 40lbs to lose to get to my goal but I would love to lose 15 to 20 pounds by my 32nd birthday which is in July!!!

    We can do this ladies!! Take it one day at a time, it's only 25mins and oh so worth it!! :love:
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    I'm Katie, I'm 26, 5'6, 158lbs and looking to loose about 15ish lbs. I have my ticker showing higher than that, but realistically, 15 lbs would be amazing! Ideally, I would get this off before I go to Brazil for the World Cup in June.
  • Hi Girls,

    I'm 21, from London. I went from 118 to 140 ibs in my first two years of uni & have spent the last 6 months trying to lose it. I am currently at 129. I go to the gym 5 mornings a week but feel like it is now time to stop focusing quite so much on the scales and more on toning up. I do however have a lot of hope set on being 122ibs by the end of the april, I have taken on the 5:2 diet plan, as i lost 1 stone doing this for 2 months before christmas, its just a shame i didn't carry it on!

    I want to prove that 30 days of 20 minute workouts is something I can do, & that I do not have to go to a gym to exercise and see results.

  • sweetu24
    sweetu24 Posts: 21
    Hello everyone,

    I am Sweetu and I am here to get the most needed motivation. I have tried 1000s times to loose weight but couldn't make it more than 10 days. I want to loose those extra pounds to feel better and gain the confidence. I hope with the help of this group I'll do that I never did before.
  • Hi everyone!
    I'm Alex, I'm 19 and a student in Canada. I'm not looking to lose weight, more so just to tone up and get rid of all this belly fat for summer! I hope this will motivate me to actually finish the whole 30 days :)
    If anyone is looking for a texting buddy or something I would love to have someone to chat with during this little adventure for motivational purposes :)
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Lydia and I'm attempting to lose the last 50lbs to get to my goal weight! I actually completed the 30 Day Shred/Level 1 last week and am now on Level 2.
  • Hey there!

    I'm Miranda. I'm 24, newly married and I'm from KC, MO. I don't have a scale at my home (having had an ED for many years of my life has taught me to not become obsessed with the scale), so I don't know my weight but I do know that I want to be tone and fit by my 25th birthday in July. I have come a long way from years ago when I had an eating disorder and I have taught myself some important self-love. I would like to use the 30 day shred as a kick-off to a journey of focusing on being healthy, fit and toned. I have been doing squats every day for almost a month to get myself into the habit of physical fitness.

    I am excited to start the 30 day shred again but this time iwth a support system. It's easy to lose your motivation doing it, as I have done about 6 times before. The farthest I have ever been is 12 days into the shred. This time, I'm completing it.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone here and having us push each other to healthier versions of ourselves. I'm in between a size 8/10 right now, and I'd like to be back to a 4/6. I'm 5'4".

    <3<3<3 let's do this!
  • babinsiegel
    babinsiegel Posts: 38 Member
    Hi! My name is Erica and I am 33 with an almost 1 year old. I'm still adjusting to life as a working mom and haven't fit workouts into my routine yet. I need to lose the baby weight- plus all the extra from before that!! I know that having you guys hold me accountable will get me into a routine nightly workout. I am really looking forward to this challenge! Thank you for organizing it!! :flowerforyou:
  • Melissas9799
    Melissas9799 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone, I am Melissa. I am 36 and recently put on some weight that I worked so hard to lose, adjusting to a new job where I sit all day at a desk. I am trying to get back into the swing of working out and counting my calories. I am wanting to lose 30lbs. I have always wanted to complete the 30 day shred, so looking forward to doing this with everyone :)
  • Hi all,

    So glad you started this! I'm Dee, 40, Canadian... wanting to lose some weight that I put on after a leg injury about a year ago. Currently doing Phase I of the DASH diet (basically no carbs/South Beach style) but will be almost done the first phase by April 1st, so PERFECT!

    I've got about 30-40lbs to lose, depending upon how motivated I can stay, LOL. For starters, 10 or 15lbs down would be cause for celebration!

    Soooo measurements on the 31st then?

  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    HI there, I'm Tamra, 45, 3 kids, 2 of them grown, married with kids of their own, I have a 3 yr old grandson, a 9 mo old grandson and another grandson who will be arriving sometime in July! I have a 17 yr old still in high school. I've owned 30-Day shred for a couple years and have attempted it a few times but never finished so this time I WILL!!! I've been pretty active in the fitness world for many years, my ultimate goal is to compete with my son someday. After traveling to bodybuilding shows with me when he was a teenager he became interested and started training, he is a competitive bodybuilder and he's always said "meet you on stage mom" However, this past year has been hell and fitness was not my priority so here I am trying to lose and tone back up. I am so ready for this!! Thanks for putting this group together!
  • krissj
    krissj Posts: 9
    OMG! You are all a bunch of babies in here. I mean that in the nicest way. Mainly because I guess I will be the "Momma" of the group. LOL Hi all, I am Kriss I am a 62 year old gramma and dang proud of it. (wink)

    I don't feel 62, more like 42 as I recently lost 70 lbs and have 30 to go. I run 5k's, work out constantly and try to watch my nutrition. Problem is I am so addicted to sugar it isn't funny. I hate it to death. It is why I am struggling with this last 30 lbs. I am hoping I can stick with the Shred and get it gone for good.

    OH and I DID find my copy. I was afraid I was going to have to buy it again. LOL I am married to a king, he is awesome, we have four grown boys and three precious grandchildren who are the reason we wake up to a beautiful and bright morning each and every day.. SO glad to be here and looking forward to this journey with you all. I figure if I can hike up Stone Mountain twice I certainly can stick to the Shred.....cough, cough..... :-)

    Upward and downward, right ladies. Bring it on! Here we go
  • Hi Everyone, I'm Sue soon to be 45 from Pa :) I live with my boyfriend, we are installing a pool this year... they starting digging today! YAY My goal is to be comfortable in a bathing suit again and enjoy our pool. I lost about 15 pounds since January, but I'm losing my motivation so I'm so excited about this challenge...

    Good luck everyone, we can do this!!!
  • Janegrey2013
    Janegrey2013 Posts: 3 Member
    Im Jane, 22 from Australia. my goal at the moment is to lose 20 pounds (9 kgs) Love the idea of an in home workout! keen to begin and excited to be sore haha :)
    cant wait to hear about everyones experience and results... always so motivating!
  • MrsV1983
    MrsV1983 Posts: 39 Member
    Hello all!

    My name is Tammy. I'm a 30-year-old mama of two (DD 5 yr, DS 18 mos) and I work full-time and go to grad school (one more class til I'm done!). I'm 5'6" and weigh 164 but I'd like to get down to 150-154 (in the "normal" BMI range). I weighed 225 when I had my son in Sep 2012, got down to 165 by April 2013, I've maintained somewhat til now (gained about 10 lbs at the end of 2013 but over the past cpl months, I've gotten back down to 164)...also, I'm going to be a bridesmaid in June so I want to lose another 10-15 lbs. I've been on MFP for a little over a year and this is my first post in the forums and first time joining a group...b/c I mainly use MFP through the app.

    I've started the 30DS before but quit when I got sick halfway through. I did maybe two days of Level 1 b/c it was not as challenging as I needed. So I did Level 2 for about 12 days and then had to quit right before starting Level 3. I'm hoping the accountability and support will help me get through the entire 30 days this time! =) I plan to supplement days with elliptical work or Zumba, just to switch it up, but mainly plan to do 30DS through April.

    Thanks for reading =D
  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    Hi, I'm Sophia I am 23 years old and live in NYC. I'm 166 and have already lost 14 pounds ish I want to lose another 25-30 pounds but I'm not super focused on the goal weight but the goal body and I have never been skinny in my adult life so I don't know what weight thats going to be. Anyways I have a trip planed for my 24th Birthday in May and want to wear a size dress I've never worn before! I'm also doing a c25k and am on week 2 hopefully will be on week 3 by April so I am going to start with doing alternating shred and running and if I feel up to it I'll double up so I am expecting to finish in about 60 days with both programs.
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    Hello fellow Shredders, I'm 38, will be 39 on Saturday, and I normally don't pay attention to birthdays much, but this one is freaking me out for some reason! I am married and work full time, but no kids, just a fur baby, my 10 year old Jack Russell Terrier. He used to be my running buddy, but not he get's pretty tired, plus with all this crazy snow up here in the north, we haven't been on a walk in months.

    I am 154 # and would like to lose about 15-20 #, and tone up! I always say I'm going to do something like run my 1/2 marathon under 2 hours, or give up alcohol for a month, and well those things just don't seem to happen. I figure with this group, I can commit to getting through the 30 day shred and get toned and hot.

    Basically my goals are to get back in the 130s, even 139.9 will be a win in my book!
    I want to feel comfortable in a swimsuit and look good in some distressed Levi's I bought a few years ago and wore approximately 5 times.
    My Anniversary is in late May, and I want to be at goal by then, which I think is very reasonable.
  • dmfrank78
    dmfrank78 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello, everyone. My name is Debbie and I'm 53 years old and newly widowed. I live in Nebraska and I have two daughters, both all grown up and married; 33 and 31. I have two grandsons, 4 yrs. and 5 months. I am back at this and thought 30 Day Shred would be a good challenge. I have tried it before but never done the whole 30 days. I want to lose probably 25-30 lbs. and have always wondered what kind of results I would get from doing the whole 30 days of "The Shred". So now is the time to find out.
  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    Hey guys! I'm Ashley. I'm 19 and live in Southern California. I'm a full time student (19 units, most I've ever taken at once) and work 4-5 days a week at a small, locally owned bagel shop/breakfast and lunch cafe. Best food ever.... it is the hardest to resist the bagel sandwiches in the morning... and see people order them all day! I recently got super into the whole fitness thing about 2 months ago and I'm really just trying to lose weight and tone up. I want to do the 30 day shred because of the results that I've seen people obtain, they're amazing! And I know it will feel good to finally complete the 30 days. I hope that this group motivates me to finally do it.