April Challenge!!

LuluNH Posts: 75 Member
I'm 63 weeks in and 56 pounds down. I would like to see 165 by the end of April!! I encourage everyone to keep going!! Best wishes for an on-plan day!! (You don't have to be perfect...just keep trying!!)


  • florenciagysbertha
    florenciagysbertha Posts: 30 Member
    I just want to be sure, in phase one do you have to consume at least 345 grams of protein per day ? well done with the weight loss by the way !! im starting atkins tomorrow :)
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I'm aiming to lose a solid 4-5 pounds this month. I'm down 14 pounds so far. Got 14 more to go.
    I just want to be sure, in phase one do you have to consume at least 345 grams of protein per day ? well done with the weight loss by the way !! im starting atkins tomorrow :)

    That's a lot of protein! Your protein level has got to be much lower. You don't want to overdo the protein because through gluconeogenesis, some of it gets turned into glucose ( a carb). You actually want the fat ratio to be the highest, the protein moderate, and carb the lowest.

    In Phase I Atkins (I'm going by his original book), you eat 15-20 grams of carbs a day. In the original book, he doesn't talk about net carbs, just total carbs.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I just want to be sure, in phase one do you have to consume at least 345 grams of protein per day ? well done with the weight loss by the way !! im starting atkins tomorrow :)

    Some of my male MFP friends who do ketogenic diets like Atkins only consume about 145 grams of protein a day and these are big guys who lift heavy. There are various online calculators to figure out how much protein to eat based on your lean body mass and body fat.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I'm 63 weeks in and 56 pounds down. I would like to see 165 by the end of April!! I encourage everyone to keep going!! Best wishes for an on-plan day!! (You don't have to be perfect...just keep trying!!)

    Wow! Congrats on this loss - how many carbs are you eating? I am just starting Atkins - hoping it works. My weight is stuck! I think it has to do with this phase of life I am in....I need a change! I hope to lose 4 lbs in April - Let's go!
  • sstolii123
    sstolii123 Posts: 205 Member
    Count me in for the April Challenge! This month I would like to loose 8 pounds putting me pretty close to my goal weight of 180 LBS. I also signed up for a beginner to half marathon training plan.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • _tierachanel
    _tierachanel Posts: 124 Member
    I'm just starting day 2 of the induction phase. I'm hoping to lose about 10 - 15 lbs this month.
  • LuluNH
    LuluNH Posts: 75 Member
    Between 50 to 100 carbs, but closer to 50. I watch calories too at this point and I eat only whole foods - no bars or shakes! I am a slow loser... on prednisone and need to realistic about my weight loss! I lost faster in the past but always re-gained. Trying to re-learn so that I have a "eating program" or "way of eating" that I can sustain for the rest of my life...nothing magic...eating less and moving more but definitely less processed food!! I still don't eat my trigger foods...bread, potatoes, rice...I am a hard core carb addict and it would be nothing for me to eat 8 to 10 pieces of bread in a day if I let myself! Best wishes for an on-plan day!
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    I'm still in induction, 13 days in and 8 pounds down :-). In April I'd like to lose 14 pounds altogether, so I'd like to be down to 161 by the 1st May. My weight loss is already slowing down, so it may be a bit of a tough goal!
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    Starting the April Challenge one week late as we were on Spring Break last week and I didn't follow the plan very well. Only gained 1 pound though. :happy:

    For April, I would like to lose 11 lbs and be at 145 by the end of this month.

    Good luck everyone!
  • lrox4208
    lrox4208 Posts: 5
    My first challenge (and I'm late joining, but I'm always late). I'd like to lose 10 lb this month.
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    its been several months since i have eaten low carb, i am sure i have gained some weight but I dont want to step on the scale, TODAY FINALLY!!! i am doing atkins again, its been 2 days now, i feel better already, I am not going to weight for 2 weeks, because i dont want to see the scale, I would rather see it in 2 weeks, I am hopefully at the place i was at that time, GOSH ITS GOOD TO BE BACK!!!,
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member

    So glad to see you back! Best of luck getting into the swing of things again.

    (I just updated my ticker today to give my real progress since "re-starting" my program on February 10, 2014. I figured I might as well take credit for what I have done this time around as I plan to make this effort permanent! I did NOT magically lose 6 pounds over night... :laugh: )
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    thank you, its wonderful to be back, 3 days in induction and I already feel so much better!
  • LuluNH
    LuluNH Posts: 75 Member
    Hello Tim!!! Welcome back!!! It's a journey and we are all worth the effort!!
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    YOU BETCHA!!! i am already happy with how much my blood pressure has come down again already,
  • Pennben
    Pennben Posts: 28 Member
    Hello April! It feels like it should be the end of April, but I guess it's still early. A family emergency (which had a happy ending) kept me away from home and the boards and, well, frankly, my diet for the last few weeks. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but cafeteria food and stress at a hospital for a bit led to some bad choices.

    My goal for the month is to get back to where I was toward the end of March. Even if I don't meet that, I just want to get back on point with this way of eating----I don't feel nearly as good when I'm not paying attention.

    Back to it! Hope everyone has a great month!
  • LuluNH
    LuluNH Posts: 75 Member
    Pennben, Welcome back!!! Life sometimes has other plans for us...and then we move on!!! :smile:

    Holding at 169 but I am hopeful to see a lower number this week!! My husband is encouraging me to keep my everyday choices and sometimes choices!! It's hard because I want sometime choices everyday!! HA!! The struggle is real!!

    Best wishes for an on-plan day!! Remember.....it takes as long as it takes...my goal is to get rid of my muffin top so I can wear a certain pair of jeans out in the real world!!
  • MaxDPeterson
    MaxDPeterson Posts: 12 Member
    If your results are anything like mine, 4 lbs in a month will be easy. I've been doing phase 1 for almost 4 weeks now and low around 17 lbs already.
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    Personal best today - hit 154 - which is below where I was at my lowest on October 17th before I started getting sidetracked. I have hit new territory! Hoping to blaze a new path all the way down to 145 by the end of this month.
  • lrox4208
    lrox4208 Posts: 5

    Seriously, you are my Atkins inspiration, christineellis!