General chit chat part 3



  • MichelleLee1978
    MichelleLee1978 Posts: 55 Member
    Still have a cough but thank you for all of the well wishes. :)

    @Paula I completely understand the reverse NSV. I am currently the smallest I have been in probably 20 yrs but there are some clothes that still don't fit. For me it's because of my apron and as my friend pointed out yesterday, I am shrinking from the top down. :S

    @Holly I know you probably won't hear the results of your interview any time soon but I hope it felt positive?

    And to everyone, here's to the start of an amazing week!!!
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Just wanted to check in and say hi! I still around just taking a disconnect break! I really have a lot to work on and I lot to think about! Keep at it my friends I will be back full time soon!

    Ps interview was today letting it be up to date now!
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    Happy April Fools Day!!!!
    I hope the jokes are humerous!

    I walked into my office and it's 84 degrees and getting warmer. The site doesnt turn off the heat for a couple more weeks - and we are supposed to get snow later this week. Today will be a high water day!!!

    March was such a struggle for me, I was passed over for a job. In a way I'm happy and kinda sad. I'm looking forward to April and the beginning of spring!

  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Good morning my friends,

    I feel so much more on track now!!!

    I have been reading some posts and I see that there has been lots of struggles in March, hopefully April will be an amazing month for all of us!

    My husband and I decided that I will leave my current employment and find some place that is willing to accept that I am more than this! When I went to school I graduated with a business administration diploma with a specialization in accounting and graduated with honors! In my job I basically do quality control for resident files, ensure everything is up to standards! Anyways it was a great opportunity 4.5 years ago but without growth it's basically dull! So to cut a rambling story off, after twice being passed over for promotion I believe I should look for work where i can actually feel challenged! I guess I am from the wondering generation, people my age tend to change jobs more often and skip through professions! I wish I had the Money to go back to school!!

    Anyways time to get back to work :) I missed my group!!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Holly, good luck in your job search. Being in a job you don't like, or one that doesn't make you feel fullfilled, is frustrating. I hope you find something perfect for you....and I hope it pays boatloads of money! :)
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    @Holly: I think you're making the right decision regarding the job. It also shows the strength you have and respect for your own happiness by being willing to step away from something that isn't making you happy or giving you the opportunities that you have truly earned.
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    I don't know where to start even I just polished up my resume recently so that's done! I guess I search for appealing jobs and start applying!

    So where I am it was spring break last week and we had my step kids for the whole week, they finally went home yesterday and I say that with love but I am tired, and I still didn't sleep well! I really just want to sleep one whole night and till 8 am! I have no kids to think about tonight so I am hoping that means sleep!

    I really prefer teenagers! The youngest turned 5 on Monday so we have a few more years of sleepless nights!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    @Paula I completely understand the reverse NSV. I am currently the smallest I have been in probably 20 yrs but there are some clothes that still don't fit. For me it's because of my apron and as my friend pointed out yesterday, I am shrinking from the top down. :S
    @MichelleLee, Same here! I just hope there's something left on top by the time this is over. :laugh: Paula
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    @Paula, @MicheleLee: I think I'm in that same boat. When I was measuring I lost more off my chest than I did anywhere else. I keep wondering what my cat is going to sit on when both the fat shelf and my boobs are shrunken so much. :laugh:
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    I love that many of you are shrinking from top down! I think I'm shrinking from bottom up. My jeans around the legs and thighs are extremely loose, then around the waist they fit a little loose and my tops fit tight on top and loose around the middle. I like that this is happening, I just look a little silly in my ill fitting clothes! My goal is to hold off on buying new clothes until I am able to shop in the misses section of the stores. I have most of what I need in plus sized clothing up to my current size.
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Hmmm. Reverse pear? :wink:
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    The reverse "pear" body type is called "apple" - real terms! :laugh:
  • Singularity84
    Singularity84 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi guys :) I am so excited that it's actually starting to feel like spring around here! I've been able to get outside and take several walks over the past week, which has been great. I used to hate going for walks unless I was going somewhere specific, but I've been cooped up in the house for so long that I have absolutely loved it.

    Also, my flash mob started practices back up last week, which has been super exciting. We were on a hiatus for over a month, so it's awesome to get back to it. We have a bunch of new people who have been showing up, which makes our practice space a little crowded, but it's great to have fresh blood. Plus, we had a performance today of one of our old routines. Took a few run throughs to remember it all, but it was nice to know that we could still do it after so much time off.

    I think I promised to post a video before, so here is one from a performance/marriage proposal that we did a couple months ago, but we performed the same routine today.

    Hopefully that works! (Also, there is a super intoxicated lady who tries to join in part way through, who didn't quite realize what was going on :P She kept asking us if we had practiced and how we all knew the dance. :laugh:)
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    I just watched the falshmob video, that is awesome! Looks like so much fun!
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    @singularity84 - Looks like a lot of fun. I don't think I'd have the courage to try and coordinate a dance in public. I can't even coordinate with my aerobics dance DVD!

    @Paula - Yeah, I thought of that afterwards. I think the third is "hourglass." It's interesting as a teenager I was an apple, now I'm a pear.
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Okay for the last two days MFP says im not eating enough! I'm was under 1200 for the previous two days! Finding a balance is hard! I have had plenty of days over my calories so I'm certainly not worried that I'm starving myself I have just been very stressed out and not hungry very much! I did have two small pieces of pizza for lunch so that should shoo me over today! I'm pretty big girl and I love to eat I didn't think under eating would be my problem just yet!

    Well Wednesday is almost over and than 2 more days till the weekend! We are going to watch some bull riding on Saturday! My heart really isn't in the big family date! My husband and I are just struggling so much to barely get along and the kids get upset when we fight so I'm trying to avoid being all together! Not so hard with a husband who is a truck driver! It seems pitiful to me because we have only been married for a year but the it was a very trying year and I think it broke us a bit! All he wants is to work and all I want is to do is run away! Same thing really

    So my happy post got kind of sad, sorry! I need to share it with someone I have not even told anyone because I don't want to sound like a complainer! I'm being a complainer now!

    Well I hope no one else is having a bad Wednesday and I will be happier tomorrow :)
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Etherlily, It's great that you're back!
    Singularity, the dance mob looked like a lot of fun.
    Holly, Maybe once the job issues get settled... maybe it will with family too. You have a whole lot of stress on your plate right now. Just be careful with eating under... it could lead to a binge. Stress is a natural appetite suppressent, but when it lets up... watch out.
    However I'd take it as a silver lining... you're training yourself to make do with smaller portions which shrinks your stomach. I hope the weekend goes well, maybe it'll help you guys reconnect a bit.

    I'm bummed, I wasn't feeling well last week and dropped to 222. Then started to feel better. I started to eat normally and exercise again and it it went back up to 229. In one week. I wasn't that much over considering my exercise. But I don't know.... kinda glum right now. On the other hand, there is no more snow in my yard!!!! The weather has turned nice enough for the kids to ride their bikes to school again!!!
    I tried the Polar Loop that my SIL got me for my birthday... it is useless to me. It measures activity and steps based on arm movements. So while I was at work portioning cheese I walked 12000 steps. lol! So much for that pedometer... I was really excited too because it was waterproof. I want something that has a built in HRM and pedometer, waterproof and syncs automatically. However it isn't made yet. :P
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    I heard that some of them have GPS and so know how far you walk and what route you took and if it was a hill or flat.
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    @Holly - The family situation sounds rough all around and there is no shame in letting it out. You can't be expected to hold everything in. Just take it one step at a time and remember to breathe.

    @Pixy: It sounds more like the movement of fluid. I'd be suspicious of carbs/sugar and sodium in there. Or hormones. My body has decided to gift me this month with a second period apparently.

    I struggled with motivation today, had some fast food and discovered that I need to make sure I am eating throughout the day as my motivation will crash as my blood sugar gets unstable. Lesson learned and hopefully it will stick.
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Pixy: that's the dangers of the scale we let it motivate us so much! You will kick it again keep up the great work!

    Maelyn: I hope you feel more motivated today :)

    Today I am just tired! I should get to sleep in tomorrow and than tomorrow nigtht I am taking my family to a bull riding event! I am excited for it :)