What Is your ideal weight?



  • I would love to be 145 but I have been between 146-150 depending on the day of the month. I have only been 145 twice in my life and one was an extreme amount of yoga in high school and the other was due to unhealthy practices. So, back to yoga I go!
  • Hi girls! I'm 5'11 and weigh 147 pounds and would like to get down to 135-140 this may seem low but I have a really small frame the most I've ever weighed was 155 and it did not look right on my body
  • 4my2jays
    4my2jays Posts: 168 Member
    I am 5'11 and my goal weight is 175-180. I will get there in due time. Doing it the right way. Slow and steady wins the race :)
  • I'm 5'9 and the lowest weight I have ever been, when I was doing heavy lifting/circuit/hiit type training 6 days a week and attempting to eat correctly, was 155lbs. Because i'm pear-ish shaped I still had some pudge on the bottom - however I was visually fit. Even so I looked fit up to 165lbs and normal at 170lbs. Right now I'm at an unfortunate 200lbs and having some difficulty breaking this barrier after coming down from 206-208lbs in about 3 weeks...

    Also I have the fires of hell under my *kitten* as I have 2 beach vacations planned for this summer starting the 2nd week of June. I'm feeling sincerely pressured *sigh*
  • I'm 6'0" and I'm currently at 166lbs. Yeah I sound heavy but I'm 6'0" tall so my height hides the heaviness.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Thats tough for me. At 245 now at 6'3". When I weighed 220 I felt sickly, and 255 I feel fat. Maybe 225-230 is good. No way could I get to 200.
  • jadzia11
    jadzia11 Posts: 17
    Hi Ladies!
    My weight is currently something around 240lbs (109kg). I'd love to get down to 163lbs (74kg) but i will be soooo happy, when I will weigh 180lbs (around 80kgs)
  • nikarjc
    nikarjc Posts: 13 Member
    Im a wierd case. I'm 5'9" weigh in between 205-210 lb and wear a 11/12 size L shirt. I am going to assume I have minimal fat and if I lost the skin from loosing 140lb Id weigh in around 190. Im happy where I am just trying to gain muscle and loose more fat!!
  • tobiasmom
    tobiasmom Posts: 161
    I'm 31, 5'9", and aiming for 145, currently at 193. It's what I weighed pre-pregnancy and got back down to post-pregnancy. I think I've been as low as 135 when I was 18. Like a lot of other ladies have said, I carry a lot of weight in my hips/thighs/butt/legs. I really don't like to wear dresses and shorts right now because of my legs. Hoping to change that!
  • divainsneakers
    divainsneakers Posts: 397 Member
    I am 6'0 and I have been told I have a large frame. I am currently looking to get to 233 (down 100 lbs). My next big goal is to be 199. I'll reevaluate from there.

    Different from weight loss attempts in the past I am exercising between 4-6 times a week (mainly Jazzercise), so I'm curious to see if I'd be happier at a higher weight with more muscle than at a lower weight with less muscle.
  • ChippleMunk
    ChippleMunk Posts: 13
    I'm 5'10 and had never struggled with my weight until I had my baby.

    My starting weight was 218, I had no idea I was considered "obese" I knew I was chunky, but carried my weight so well since I am tall. When I was in high school I was 145 and too skinny for my bone structure, I had sharp hip bones popping out. So now, I would ideally like to get to about 155. It's a lot of weight to lose, but I've set my goals small and know if I was skinny once, I can do it again.

    I highly recommend Jillian Michaels Ripped In 30! 30 minute workouts. I've only been at it for 2 weeks, dropped 8 lbs and 4" from my hips! I am almost out of the obese category and into the overweight zone! Yay, me!
  • thezzz
    thezzz Posts: 14
    I'm 6 feet tall with a large frame. At my fittest, I weighed 170. That was exercising 4 hours a day (in college, playing a sport, training in a martial art, and cycling).
    My dream goal is 180, but I'll be thrilled if I get to 200. (Currently at 234)
  • I'm 5'10, 165 lbs. At around 150 lbs I can see abs. My goal is around 155 but with some more muscle.
  • sandtisch
    sandtisch Posts: 32 Member
    Right now, I am only aiming to get under 100 kg (220 lb) - halfway there, started March 1 at 280lb! - , then under 200 lb and then ... Maybe 180 lb. But Onederland it is for me ...
  • sandtisch
    sandtisch Posts: 32 Member
    Right now, I am only aiming to get under 100 kg (220 lb) - halfway there, started March 1 at 280lb! - , then under 200 lb and then ... Maybe 180 lb. But Onederland it is for me ...

    Oops, I forgot, just under 6 ft tall (1,82m) ... broad frame, if such things exists. ;)
  • I agree! I would love to be abound the 165-170 mark. I don't want to be skinny at all, just a nice healthy midpoint!
  • SuzieQ430
    SuzieQ430 Posts: 44 Member
    At 5'9" I feel my best at about 145. I'm getting older now, so we shall see how hard it is to get there.
  • I would like to be around 200. I'm 6'1". According to BMI, I'm currently obese. The only reason I don't actually believe that is not because I'm in denial, but because if I weighed what I'm "supposed" to (within a normal BMI), I would look/feel far too skinny. I'm not small-boned, and I'm really tall. If I weighed much less than 190, I would be uncomfortable. I would feel like a skeleton. On top of that, when I tell people my actual weight, they think I'm joking. No one believes me when I say, "Yeah, I actually weigh 240. Wanna bust out the scale?"

    At the fittest point in my life (college DI volleyball), I was 195. I looked freaking amazing! I would like to get back to that, and so that's why I really do not believe what BMI tells me. I'm going to try to do what my body tells me, and not what the numbers tell me. :)


    P.S. I've never had a place to kinda vent about this stuff. Most people shrug me off or say, "You look fine. Don't worry about it."
  • hburge87
    hburge87 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 6ft tall - current weight is 153 pounds - not sure how much I should lose - wanna be a slim size 10 > wearing size 12 now = any advice ??
  • I'm 5'10" and my ideal weight is 155lbs. I've been this weight before and it made me about a size 4-6 in women's clothing. I've got a long way to go to get back to that though.