I'm starting stage 1!



  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 300 Member
    I did my A6 workout today.
    Went down in weights for squats today, since I wanted to go down all the way and I did not like using dumbbells. Waiting for my workout gloves. May be next week I will switch to dumbbells again since my office gym does not have a squat rack.

    I went up in rows, and finally in step ups although it was tough by 3rd set.

    Squats 55lb *10 *4 ( did an extra set since I went down in weight)
    Incline Push up - first 5 in each set were a bit easier.
    Seated row 90lb
    Step up 20lb DB *2
    Prone Jackknife with stability ball 12*3
  • Trundlegate
    Trundlegate Posts: 52 Member
    Boo hoo, just finished my B8 which means just two more workouts left the AMRAP as possible ones.

    Hope stage 2 is good.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    mnsmov, you cranked it. awesome. 90# rows, you rock.

    mayaysf, i felt exactly the same way yesterday. i had every intention of running but i could not after my B4 workout on Wednesday. way too tired. and i feel the same way since i was working out 6 days a week - i feel kind of like i'm wimping out on my running but the reality is your body needs to repair so best to give it time to do that.

    Pudding 1980, you're probably strengthening the ends of the muscle by doing lighter weights but moving more deeply into them. you'll get a better base for later i would think. know what you mean, though, i'm not improving on lat pull downs at all. my back used to be so strong! prolly the result getting older and me not doing much weight training until the last few months.

    doing A4 today (feeling healed!) (started with the B workouts instead of A). hoping for some gains. friday afternoon is a great day for the free weight section - hardly anyone there.

    great that we're all in this together - seeing how others are progressing is motivating and helps keep me striving for more.

  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    I had a great B4 today. I couldnt resist and added T25 at the end. Awesome 600cals burn, I'm sure I'm still burning, i felt great but I'm sure my DOMS will totally revenge tomorrow.

    I'm excited because I went up on the shoulder press to 15lbs (I DID IT!!!) it was hard but I DID IT (i couldnt find the 10lbs one, so instead of skipping it, i went for it, and so glad i did).

    I did the lunges with the preloaded bar at 25lbs, I think i'll up it next time, it's so much easier than with the dumbbells

    for the first time I saw the squat rack empty with the olympic bar empty (plus gym empty) so i also went for it, and did squats, i loved it, and i'll keep doing it there from now on (if it's empty).

    All in all, great burn and feeling awesome with the improvements
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    did B5 today - either not completely restored or losing strength. haven't lost weight, so i assume not restored?

    my hands can't hold more than 95#. unless i have a spotter can't see being able to move up anybody else have this trouble?

    back and core are weak weak weak. not improving at all. i know this because i can lunge 55# but can't squat or dead lift 105#. should i add more core strengthening? if so any suggestions?

    going to nashville on vaca today - here's hoping i can eat clean and get all my workouts in!! happy spring everyone :-)
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 300 Member
    mayaysf - amazing! you had energy to go for t25 after this workout! thats nice And great work on 15lb DB too! Shoulder presses are hardest for me too so I understand :)

    It leaves me completely weak and shaky by the end generally

    sunshinelively - You mean you are still tired from prev workouts? Could be. Some days I feel like that. I cannot manage to lift more than 60 including the oly bar and we don't have squat rack @ my office gym. I will try again with DB squats but I don't see myself going up in weight for my squats soon either. But I seem to get better with my lat pull down and rows. Hang in there - may be more time at the same weight and trying to increase only 1 exercise weight will help you?
    I see when I stay the same or go a bit less in squats, my rows and push ups are better.
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    Ladies amazing job to all of you!! So Sorry I've been MIA~ I complete A4 on Tuesday then got hit Wednesday with horrible dizziness, migraine and tiredness and couldn't workout until today!!

    B4~ I did 3 sets of 12 plus some added cardio. Total about an hour workout :) Deadlift went up to 115#~ @sunshinelively I'm also having trouble with the grip strength. I had to stop my second set at rep 8 to re-adjust my hands.
    Shoulder press still at 25#DB's, not sure what I'll do when I only do 10 reps. maybe do the olympic bar with added 10 pounds?? Gosh that seems so heavy! LOL, As for the lat pulldown I did 85# but it felt too light after 3 sets of 12. can def push myself there. I really want to be able to do a pullup again so I'm hoping all this back work will help! Lunges I held 25# DB's and just did stationary lunges to focus on form. I added in single hamstring curls with 45# each leg and some other medicine ball core work.

    As for feeling tired and getting through workouts, Always go based on that day and how you feel. You won't always be able to push the same weight. you can always go lighter and focus on form with more sets :) Hell, sometimes I just walk out of the gym if I'm not into it lol.

    I know this is personal, but does anyone else struggle with binge/emotional eating?? I was alone last night because my hubby was having a guys night, and totally over did my calories on not so healthy options because I was lonely and stressed from my day with the boys. I know I'm sabotaging myself, and even know while I'm eating that I shouldn't be :( It's been a bad cycle ever since I had my boys~ It's more stressful being a mom than I ever thought it would be, seriously the hardest job ever. Then I pick myself back up and get re-motivated but then eventually it happens again. It's been less often in the past few months so I'm getting better, but not complete back to the will power I used to have!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Twinmom, I have BED (binge eating disorder). It is very, very difficult to live with. Not to make light, but I often wish I were addicted to alcohol or smoking as those can be abstained from completely. Food is unavoidable. I find I do well for a few days, maybe a week, and then bam! Either I am alone, dh not around like you mentioned, and looking to snack while I watch tv, or something makes me angry or upset and I immediately want to drown my feelings in ice cream. It is very hard. I feel it's something I will always struggle with and it much more of a hurdle to my weight loss than exercise is.
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 300 Member
    twinmom823 - Glad to see you are making progress, and agree on the stress eating part. Though I don't binge, I constantly over eat and wonder if I will ever have a day when I dont/cant think about food.

    I agree this has happened more frequently since my daughter was born and that with my IUD I find that 2 weeks before my cycle every month I feel like eating everything in sight. Now I have learnt to recognize the pattern and accept it.
    Knowing it will sabotage my hard work in workouts I continue to give in to eating all day some days and that hurts.

    I am yet to lose any weight, but I feel tighter a little in my thighs and less cottage cheesy - I guess that's a good sign, although not losing any weight is a bummer. But I did not gain anything either, so I guess that's better.
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Morning ladies! Had a great lifting week and weekend! This will be week 4 in stage one and I'm so happy to finally be getting into the home stretch! I found a picture that I took in November when I first joined MFP. I may not have the perfect body yet but I've come quite a ways and it definitely gives me encouragement to keep going.
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 300 Member
    redlipstickly - thats great progress! Keep it up!

    I seemed to have had a good lifting day today. After a weekend of eating like there's no tomorrow :P
    Did workout B5

    Deadlift 75 * 10 * 3 - I can definitely go up in weights in my next workout.
    Shoulder press -These made me v happy! I am still with 12DB, but 10* 3 was almost easier without having to take a break or feeling really hard
    Lat Pull down 80 *10 * 3
    Lunges 20DB * 10 *3 - Here also, pretty pleased that I was able to finally see 20lb DB :)
    Crunches - 5DB overheard on the ball.

    All of you have a good lifting week!
  • catdevrandom
    Hey ladies!

    Although I was not active last week, I kept coming here to check how you're all doing! Progress is great as ever, nice!

    @twinmom, sorry about your hard week, and I hope you get better soon!

    @mnsmov, great workout, keep it up! And don't worry about that scale yet! My post might interest you ;)

    @redlipstickly, congrats!!! Almost there! I'm still looking forward to the second part of Stage 1, to get to do 3 sets instead of 2, finally!

    @Pudding1980, sorry to hear about the BED :( Can't even imagine how hard it can be... I don't have any advice to offer other than to give you my sincere hopes that it won't be something with which you'll struggle forever... You'll get over it! :)

    I took the last week off to let my knees heal, and I'm happy to report that the pain is completely gone. I'm getting back to the gym tonight for B4, finally! Will manage to get two sessions done before Easter holiday, when I'm off to Portugal to meet my family for a couple of days, whoohoo!

    This break week was welcome in the end. It was interesting because I now see better how my food intake is in relation to my TDEE, once the water weight from muscle recover got out of the picture.

    For 3 weeks I didn't see any weight changes, the scale was just stuck at 57.5kg (126.8 lbs). I was starting to suspect that my TDEE was lower than I thought and that I was actually eating at maintenance.

    (Just for the record, I'm 1.62m/5'4", started calorie counting here on MFP at 59.2kg/130.5lbs, and started NROLFW at 57.6kg/127 lbs. The book puts my TDEE at 1900, although other calculators were suggesting 1700. I decided to go for the slight deficit and to eat around 1600 on resting days and 1840 on lifting days.)

    BUT... After this break, on Saturday the scale went down to 56.4kg (124.3 lbs)! I am suspicious that it might be even broken, but the measurements and the pictures are also showing a visible improvement :) In case you're curious, the pics are here: http://bit.ly/1m4XuVY [NSFW! Underwear]

    So my conclusion is that 1600 is a good deficit for me. I eat well, do not feel hungry or deprived at all, and the fat is coming off, slowly but surely. Maybe the scale was not moving before the break week because of the small noob muscle gains, as the book predicted :) I'm going to keep doing this until I feel like I'm happy with the fat loss and ready to move up to my maintenance (probably 1750 on resting days and 2000 on lifting days).

    Cheers to all!
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 300 Member
    @Pudding1980, sorry to hear about the BED :( Can't even imagine how hard it can be. Hope it works out...

    @catdevrandom Thats great Super cool progress!! 5'4 " 123 is my ugw. so you are sooo there! :)
    Meeting family is always awesome! Enjoy!!

    I am also 5 4" and I was 129 when I used to eat 1200. then I started increasing my cals to not feel super tired always - slowly increased to 1500. Then got to 131. Since I started heavy lifting, I am eating 1400-1500 and have been @ 130.4 - 133. :frown:

    Have never seen 120s since a month. But I am making good progress and going up in weights so I hope it is adding upto something
    I also read on the FB group that many ppl saw losses with their 1 week rest between stages, finally losing all their water weight.
    Your results also prove that.
    I am trying to keep myself motivated and not dwell too much on scale, but it is tough. I look better in all my clothes and all my clothes still fit so I am trying to reason myself and tell tht I have not actually increased.

    I am curious about your routine. What do you do on your non lifting days?
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    A5 today :) Squats up to 135#~ Holy crap it's heavy and I didn't get to go low until the last set when I felt more comfortable. Pushups I did decline with my feet on a bench and Rows up to 90#. Again, I replaced the step ups with single leg press on the sled and added 45# plates to each side. For core I did seated russian twists with a 35# plate. Added in side lateral raises and reverse butterflys with 15# dumbbells. I only did 5 min warm up on the stairs, but got a 50 minute workout in.

    I hope no one would be upset with me, but I think I'm going to do B5, then go to A7/B7 for 3 sets of 8, then the AMRAP last two workouts. I just really want to get into stage 2, and feel my form and strength is there to do that. That means I'd be able to start Stage 2 on May 1st :)

    My issue is more with maintaining a clean diet than doing the workouts. I've been lifting heavy for years and Stage 1 is so repetitive I feel ready to move on. Plus my workouts used to be 3 sets of 15 heavy weights, but I'm willing to try Stage 2- 2 sets of 10 reps heavier than I've lifted before :) Also, I used to do 20 minutes of cardio before lifting, so I'm interested to see how adding the HIT after lifting changes my body.

    I really just need to keep myself accountable with nutrition! I'm not seeing any changes physically or on the scale but feel stronger in the gym :)
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    mnsmov- I haven't seen the scale move at all and my measurements have been all over the place but they're finally coming down consistently now that I'm not self sabotaging with diet. Also I've definitely seen some visual differences. Is that the case with you? The visual changes have been the only thing keeping me from burning the book.
    catdevron- congrats on your loss! You can definitely see a big change from your pictures. Great work!
    twinmom- I wouldn't be mad at you at all. I'm bored to tears with stage one and want to move on to stage two so bad but I know the only person I'll be robbing if I skip them is me and even knowing that I'm not going to be doing the AMRAP. I know the program will make stronger. I don't need them to prove it. You have more experience and time with weight lifting so I'm sure it won't affect you.

    My ankle has been throbbing and hot. Needless to say I haven't lifted yet this week. But the barbell I ordered that was supposed to be in three weeks ago has finally made an appearance. I'm going to pick it up tonight and I'm so excited to start lifting without the ez curl bar I don't know what to do. I also made a decision about calories. I know he wants us to eat an extra 300 on lifting days but honestly? I'm not even hungry. I'm forcing myself to eat. I'm going to stick with the 1995 I've already got. Especially since I think maintenance might be a little lower for me.
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 300 Member
    @twinmom823 : I also would not be upset at all about that. You have been lifting for a longer time and need to challenge yourself - so go for it!
    Yes, I am better at workout consistency than clean eating one, or staying in range.

    @redlipstickly Yes, that's great to know measurements make a difference. I kept telling myself that I did not look different but when I took measurements, I did see changes in my waist and thighs. So I am happy. Its been a month since I started lifting heavy and I guess this so far is good for me.

    Hope your ankle feels better. Yes, I am not following the calorie instructions from the book. That will be too much of an increase for me I think.

    I did my A7 workout today. Pretty pleased I increased the Row weight. But I still suck @ push ups. So used to knee push ups, I do the full range of motion with knee push up. Have a real hard time getting down even with incline with full body push ups.

    Squat - 80 lb
    Incline push ups
    Row 95 lb
    Step ups 20lb DB
    Prone Jackknife - by the 3rd set of 15, I was completely shaking and ready to get down the ball. :P

    I added 2 45lb bench press and 2 sets of 10 knee push ups at the end.
  • jazoo
    jazoo Posts: 9
    My name is Johanna and I just read NROLFW and I'm starting my first workout tomorrow! I've been doing another program from Bodybuilding.com for about five weeks, but I'm not really seeing any results (I know it also has a lot to do with diet, so I'll have to get a grip on that too). I want to lose weight and get stronger and more energetic. A lot of the book makes very much sense to me, so I'm very excited to try out the program. I know I'm starting a bit later than the rest of you - is it still ok that I join this thread? It's super useful for me to see what weights you guys started off with and so on, so that I have a hunch of where to start trying.

    Also - is there a site with printables? I would like to print a progress chart and also the workouts and bring to the gym. I read the book on Kindle on my phone, but all the charts are so small I can hardly read them.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
  • catdevrandom
    Hello all!

    @mnsmov: My routine has been quite lazy, to be honest. I've been lifting two to three times a week (except for this break because of the knee). I found that I needed one extra day between the workouts more often than not... And I don't do cardio except for 10min warm up at the treadmill, at a 7.5km/h speed more or less. One day I did a 35min interval run, but that was just once...

    But I must say I walk somewhat. I don't have a car and the city where I live is hilly. Every day I walk for some 10-15min (each way) on my way to the university, and there are some very steep stairs on my way! Plus I work on the 3rd floor and never, ever take the lift. One of these days I'll use a pedometer for the whole day just to see more or less how much walking I've been doing daily...

    @twinmom: You go, girl! I'm inspired by your tweaks on the program, haha! I'm just wondering, though, how much of the program is meant to people new to lifting, so that the most dramatic changes would be for people who have never lifted heavy (like me). I'm curious to hear how eating at maintenance works to non-beginners like you... Have you ever done the bodybuilders approach of bulking/cutting?

    @redlipsticklyfe: Sorry about the ankle! Definitely you should not force it, it's just not worth it... Hope you get better soon! And I know what you mean about not being able to eat extra on the lifting days. I quite often felt like that as well. Oh, I read in another thread something about trying to figure out what is your real TDEE by using your weight changes and your calories intake over a longer period of time (6 weeks at least). Have you seen that? It's really not a big hassle to calculate once you already track your intake...

    Cheers to all!
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    My name is Johanna and I just read NROLFW and I'm starting my first workout tomorrow! I've been doing another program from Bodybuilding.com for about five weeks, but I'm not really seeing any results (I know it also has a lot to do with diet, so I'll have to get a grip on that too). I want to lose weight and get stronger and more energetic. A lot of the book makes very much sense to me, so I'm very excited to try out the program. I know I'm starting a bit later than the rest of you - is it still ok that I join this thread? It's super useful for me to see what weights you guys started off with and so on, so that I have a hunch of where to start trying.

    Also - is there a site with printables? I would like to print a progress chart and also the workouts and bring to the gym. I read the book on Kindle on my phone, but all the charts are so small I can hardly read them.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

    Another lurker here - I started a couple of weeks ago.

    You can access some progress sheets at werkit.com. Here is another link for log sheets: http://www.thenewrulesoflifting.com/training-logs

    I made my own cheat sheet with pics of the exercises that I then put in protector sheets so I wouldn't have to tote the book to the gym.
  • jazoo
    jazoo Posts: 9
    Thanx! I have the book on Kindle in my phone, so it's not a problem to bring it. However it's not searchable, so looking for exercises is kind of tricky... Anyway, it's not an issue quite yet, since stage 1 seems simple enough to remember. (But, @skbarton if you'd like to share your cheat sheet that would be nice too).

    Anyway, did my first workout on this program today, and I love it! I love that every workout works the entire body, instead of just parts (like legs, or chest/biceps etc) like the previous program I did. Since I could only go to the gym twice a week it was sometimes two weeks between repeating a certain area and that's way too long to get any progress.

    Looking forward to following this thread and hearing more about your progress as I launch on this journey!