Three Random Facts - Let's Play!



  • I'm Jen, and...

    I've driven "cross country" 8 times.

    I'm a dyslexic English teacher.

    On one of my feet, one of my big toes is longer than my second toe... but the on the other, the second toe is longer.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    1) I can not straighten my pinky finger on my left hand, the furthest it will go up is perpendicular and if I try to push it any further it starts to twitch uncontrollably
    2) I am afraid of the dark.
    3) I have never traveled anywhere that requires me to have a passport.
  • runningsmo
    runningsmo Posts: 11 Member
    1. I have toe thumbs. Or spoon thumbs, take your pick, but I prefer to call them toes. :)
    2. I sometimes sit in my office and wonder how I got my job. Despite being 30, I'm pretty sure I'm still a kid. Just one that can drive and legally drink.
    3. I not only talk to my dog, I sing her songs. Daily.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I'll play
    1) I am learning ASL even though I hate when people stare at me, which happens when you are signing
    2) I love dogs but hate poodles. Bad experience as a kid. I despise all poodles. (sorry if you own a poodle)
    3) I can't whistle or roll my R's
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I'll play
    1) I am learning ASL even though I hate when people stare at me, which happens when you are signing

    I have always wanted to learn but haven't gotten around to it.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I'll play
    1) I am learning ASL even though I hate when people stare at me, which happens when you are signing

    I have always wanted to learn but haven't gotten around to it.

    It's one of the languages offered at my school.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    hmmm :)

    1) i hate talking on the phone (friends and family are ok), id rather send 100 emails and put myself at a disadvantage than pick up the phone to fix a problem

    2) hearing whale songs makes me cry

    3) i sometimes wish i was a disney character instead of a real person :D

    edit: i know you said 3 but something that always earns me weird looks came to mind: i dont understand inflation and never will :P
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    3. I not only talk to my dog, I sing her songs. Daily.

    i sing to my dog too :D mostly "smile by charlie chaplin"
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    1. I can't touch velvet, it makes me gag and my skin crawls.

    hahaha i feel the same :)
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    1. I can't touch velvet, it makes me gag and my skin crawls.

    hahaha i feel the same :)

    I'm like that if I have to untie a knot in a string. I would rather just cut the danged thing!
  • gzoesch
    gzoesch Posts: 7 Member
    1.) Movies/shows with animals being hurt make me cry. Movies/shows where people get hurt don't phase me/make me giggle.
    2.) I sing. A lot. As long as no one can hear it.
    2.) If my roomie puts the dishes away in the wrong place I have to fix it. Immediately.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    1.) Movies/shows with animals being hurt make me cry. Movies/shows where people get hurt don't phase me/make me giggle.

    i know what thats like :P
  • girlmrcs_1
    girlmrcs_1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hahaha, love this! I'll play

    1.) Everything has it's place, it's where I've designated it to be. Put it back in the wrong spot, and I WILL freak out.
    2.) I love all cats, but I love mine the most. He lets me hold him like a baby.
    3.) I am the best motorcycle passenger ever.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hahaha, love this! I'll play

    1.) Everything has it's place, it's where I've designated it to be. Put it back in the wrong spot, and I WILL freak out.
    2.) I love all cats, but I love mine the most. He lets me hold him like a baby.
    3.) I am the best motorcycle passenger ever.
    #1 is TOTALLY me!
  • jitsuda
    jitsuda Posts: 230 Member
    1. I eat jelly fish.
    2. I love Japanese manga.
    3. I met my first boyfriend when I'm 31 - We are married :)
  • PRguez
    PRguez Posts: 61 Member
    1. I have dyslexia
    2. I hate olives but I love olive oil
    3. I hate not living by the sea (I grew up in a town by the coast)
  • kgrinholz
    kgrinholz Posts: 7 Member
    1) I sell vintage items on the side.
    2) I don't have a filter (although I really try to).
    3) I still have dance offs with my little sister. Never too old!
  • kgrinholz
    kgrinholz Posts: 7 Member
    2. I hate olives but I love olive oil
    3. I hate not living by the sea (I grew up in a town by the coast)

    Me too!
  • miketau2
    miketau2 Posts: 29 Member
    Do you speak Spanish? And I have always wondered, when you use a spiral bound notebook, is it easier for you to put the spiral on the right side and write from the back page to the front?
  • miketau2
    miketau2 Posts: 29 Member
    Congrats on marrying your first! ;-)

    What does jellyfish taste like? Does it have a unique taste or is it 'just like chicken'? LOL