What did you do TODAY?



  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    Today, I got a little bit of work done on some props I'm building for the theater. (Way behind, the next two weeks are going to get real interesting real fast.)

    Went a little bit over my calories today, nothing huge. I don't always eat back my exercise calories but today I factored them in and so netted only a little over.

    Spent some time thinking about one of the most influential (if not THE most) people in my life, my high school theatre teacher and mentor. Today she would have been 70. That she died of complications due to obesity still sits on my heart and never quite leaves the back of my head.

    Walked the dogs, Had a great rehearsal for the show. Came home and had a snack. Checked in here. That's pretty much it.

  • scrappinkar
    scrappinkar Posts: 26 Member
    My husband and I walked 3 miles today in 1 hour! Ate really well, too! Really proud if myself!
  • ToughPeopleDo
    Today, I made it almost the entire day following my diet, then I messed up and had a binge. It sucks, but it happens, and I am committed to it not happening again.
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Congrats to everyone! Looks like lots of activity today! Finished up 30 mins on the treadmill and 30 mins treading water! Tired but feel great!
  • 1953Barbara
    1953Barbara Posts: 7 Member
    Today didn't go as well as I'd have liked--perhaps feeling deprived after being so good yesterday. I satisfied my sweet tooth so tomorrow should be easier to manage. I'm amazed by all the exercise others are doing. Keep posting about it because it's motivating!
  • mlh37214
    mlh37214 Posts: 517 Member
    For the 21st, and actually before joining this group, a weight loss over the weekend (the first in close to a year) was highly motivating. I did a 40 minute Core/total body workout DVD and went for a walk on the greenway. I did a total of 2 miles - had planned to do more, but it was closed for tree trimming and I had to cut it short. :) Total of 73 minutes of workout time.

    I also made a roast in the crockpot for the week of work meals and planned my veggies/snacks for the week. On a bad note, I bought a pint of ice cream at the grocery for my week's sweet treat....I ate all 1400 calories of it today. On the positive side of that, it's gone for the rest of the week and I'm left to fruit or granola bars.
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    -__- Nothing. I'm getting sick so I've drugged myself in an attempt to kill it before it gets worse. *sighs* Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better.
  • heavenlyb14
    heavenlyb14 Posts: 303 Member
    Total veg out day today.

    I had warm and comforting food but was within target.
  • paperboy13
    I went over on my calories and total fat - Hershey bar.

    I also started my exercise program. Just a little stretching and walking today, but something to build upon,
  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    Today I ate healthy and within my limit AND this included eating a few pieces of salt water taffy my assistant brought back from her trip to Portland. I am also about 30 mins away from heading to my regular deep water aquafit class. My total steps so far today have been low … I really need to remember to get up and away from my desk more regularly.

    All in all it's been a pretty normal, good day. :smile: (I think the week starting on a Tuesday also helped a little!)
  • greensmoothie007
    greensmoothie007 Posts: 19 Member
    Today I stayed within 100 calories of my goal but ate nothing but junk. A Culvers double burger, a bag of Doritos, tons of coffee and a huge cookie. WUT! My poor body :(

    No more, I am going to start eating a big salad everyday. I need my veggies.
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Had our first session with our new trainer today - he introduced us to Kettle Bells, Ropes, and these straps that hang from the ceiling. Will be seeing him again on Saturday and then M & W until the end of May. I thought I was going to die!! LOL!! I think that is a good thing.
  • JoAnney162
    JoAnney162 Posts: 9 Member
    I got up a little earlier today did some t-25 before work. Good job there and good all day at work and then I blow it when I get home...ergh...I need to get some salads to have when i get home!
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    Had a follow-up appointment with my Dr. to discuss my test results taken Friday:

    From Dec 17 to April 18:

    Cholesterol has dropped from 257 to 202 (standard range 100-200- almost 'normal'!)
    Ldl ('bad' cholesterol) has gone from 165 to 129
    Hdl ('good' cholesterol) has gone from 42 to 55

    Triglyceride has dropped from 186 to 157

    and (drum roll please)
    Fasting Glucose has dropped from 242 to 138 :bigsmile:

    Needless to say, he was pretty pleased. They still need to come down, of course, but there was no denying the improvement. The fact that I am down 20 pounds since he last saw me in January made him smile as well. (The nurse who weighed me had to do a double-take at my file when she checked my weight from last visit.) Best NSV since starting this quest. He changed one of my meds, we discussed some other stuff and he sent me away with a new Rx and said to just 'keep doing what you're doing.' I intend to, though now I'm going to try and start working macros instead of cutting calories alone. I'm glad it's coming off at all, don't get me wrong, but it really should be coming off a little faster, I'm just being a bit lazy lately. If I just tighten up a bit on the treats and start moving even a little more, I know it can be better. (Not that he said that, it's just how I feel.)

    Took the dogs to walk and pick up my daughter and niece from school and we did an extra lap around the park on the way back. Did a little housework while supervising homework and then went to rehearsal (directing a play.) Just finished a little crafting for said play, and checking in here one more time before toddling off to bed. G'night, all :flowerforyou:
  • mlh37214
    mlh37214 Posts: 517 Member
    Ate pretty well - would have been under my calories if I hadn't given into temptation as I got a latte on the way to work, and added a cookie. All in all, though, it could have been a lot worse!

    Workout was destined to not happen, but I kept my promise to myself and did 10 minutes on the stationary bike before getting ready for work. (My HOA had some people on property doing work on our condos and I was woken up by vibrating walls and an obnoxiously loud noise...along with my dog barking b/c of it. Got very little sleep today, but tried hard! Spent most of the day laying in bed, willing myself to sleep...long night at work ahead!!)
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    Well I haven't done much YET today. After several lazy days though I'm going to get back on track... However I decided while making breakfast I'm not going to track food today. It's not laziness so much as I screwed it up and confused myself haha! I'm not good at math >_< I was making pancakes like I do every morning and decided to experiment with the protein powder I bought and never use. Threw I think about a quarter scoop (my scale is on the fritz) in then and added WAY to much water haha so I had to add more mix then offered my fiancee some pancakes also. He norm doesn't like pancakes so I never offer him any. So yeah my math is all messed up LOL however I'm getting ready now to put on my music and Polar FT4 and go do the dishes pick up the bed room and maybe sweep and mop the house. Josh (fiancee) normally does all the chores and cooking so yeah it's sadly easy for me to be lazy :blushing: But lately he's been suffering from some nasty anxiety and it's messed him up bad so I took up the chores (he still cooks) and find that when I get the motivation and energy for them I burn some mega calories.

    I want to start using my Wii again to become fit. That's how I lost my first 50 pounds! However the table our tv sits on is short (to me) I can;t find any taller tables or stands for it :frown: And every time I try to use it I get a crick in my neck specially when using the Wii Fit board with it. I think I have an idea for a solution for it now I just have to convince Josh it's a good idea haha! We never use the tv except for my Wii any how so making it taller won't affect any one. Well enough rambling. I'm off to get some chores done. I told myself no WoW or games until they are done and logged :) Have a nice day! And it's sunny today here WHOOT! :flowerforyou:
  • heavenlyb14
    heavenlyb14 Posts: 303 Member
    Ate well, slightly less lazy than yesterday.
  • AlyssaDarby13
    AlyssaDarby13 Posts: 158 Member
    Yesterday I did pretty well, up until the end of the day when I decided "comfort food" was the answer to my problems. My body doesn't seem to be too angry with me about it, so that's good. I haven't logged my food yet, so I don't know if I was within my range. I'm thinking not. I also skipped out on going for a walk with my dad and sister because I was having technical issues I was trying to work through. So far today I've been doing ok. I am adjusting to a new dosage of my anti-depressants, so it's making me a little unstable until it "settles", which took about a week last time. With this in mind, I think I'm doing pretty great and will continue to keep myself in the best mindset I can.
  • lwynd002
    lwynd002 Posts: 115 Member
    Last night I binged on all things chocolate...it was a terrible night that I just estimated calories and skipped breakfast today (sounds terrible, i know).

    I bought a food scale this evening and plan to have more accurate diary entries from now on! Also, I went to the gym this evening and did cardio for about 40 minutes. I was breathing so heavy and had terrible cramps the whole time (I am SO out of shape) --but, I kept going.
  • lwynd002
    lwynd002 Posts: 115 Member
    Had a follow-up appointment with my Dr. to discuss my test results taken Friday:

    From Dec 17 to April 18:

    Cholesterol has dropped from 257 to 202 (standard range 100-200- almost 'normal'!)
    Ldl ('bad' cholesterol) has gone from 165 to 129
    Hdl ('good' cholesterol) has gone from 42 to 55

    Triglyceride has dropped from 186 to 157

    and (drum roll please)
    Fasting Glucose has dropped from 242 to 138 :bigsmile:

    Needless to say, he was pretty pleased. They still need to come down, of course, but there was no denying the improvement. The fact that I am down 20 pounds since he last saw me in January made him smile as well. (The nurse who weighed me had to do a double-take at my file when she checked my weight from last visit.) Best NSV since starting this quest. He changed one of my meds, we discussed some other stuff and he sent me away with a new Rx and said to just 'keep doing what you're doing.' I intend to, though now I'm going to try and start working macros instead of cutting calories alone. I'm glad it's coming off at all, don't get me wrong, but it really should be coming off a little faster, I'm just being a bit lazy lately. If I just tighten up a bit on the treats and start moving even a little more, I know it can be better. (Not that he said that, it's just how I feel.)

    Took the dogs to walk and pick up my daughter and niece from school and we did an extra lap around the park on the way back. Did a little housework while supervising homework and then went to rehearsal (directing a play.) Just finished a little crafting for said play, and checking in here one more time before toddling off to bed. G'night, all :flowerforyou:

    That is wonderful! And so motivating! Thanks for sharing