2 week challenge



  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Just a quick check-in to say that I will lift weights today. If I say it here then I have to do it! I'm going to try to work in a quick workout after I get home but before I have to put the baby to sleep while my husband feeds him.

    Beeps--your trip sounds lovely! I haven't been to Europe in a while, but I definitly need to get back. I think that all of my international trips in the last five years or so have been to the Caribbean (Jamaica, Aruba, and the Bahamas). LOVED Aruba.

    Ashley--my bucket list is all running related. I want to run a marathon in all 50 states (14 down so far) and I want to do the Comrades ultramarathon in South Africa someday. But that's about it.

    A friend of mine is getting married in India (Bombay) in December and we're thinking about going, though my husband's boss told him all these scary stories about how unsanitary it is over there, even in the big cities. I can't imagine that it's that bad, but we'll see.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    It is only Tuesday and I am having a crazy week already... I did pretty well yesterday and for the first time ate more protein than carbs and was pretty close on all the macros! I only got in a very short run yesterday and was pulled into meetings all morning today so no run yet. My goal to run every day this week is already not looking good :grumble: I do have training tonight so that is something to look forward to! I always love how I feel afterwards!!

    Amy - I am going to have to try your lower-cal chicken cordon bleu - it sounds yummy. I am doing technical sales support now for a large IT services company so we travel to do presentations to the potential clients. I used to work in another area in IT and was very active in a professional organization that would send me to do presentations or attend conferences. With my job now they are trying to reduce costs in all areas (typical) and one of the easiest is to cut travel, so we do more web presentations and conference calls and limit the number of people who need to actually meet a client. I have gone from having a very high level in the airline programs and knowing the gate agents (seriously) to not really traveling much at all. This is not necessarily a bad thing though!

    Better - I love the Northwest! It is so beautiful and really great for outdoor activities all year round. I live in the Southwest and would really prefer the NW! It is nice here and the weather is generally ok but it is definitely not as pretty as the NW. I also love the east coast - not FL so much but pretty much everything north. Also very pretty! I totally agree on the midwest - meh...

    Beeps - I am sure you will be worrying about all of us while you are in Europe :laugh: Seriously I hope you have an awesome trip and forget all about MFP while you are there!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Poor Chicago :cry:

    I have been to most of the southern states east to west, but not much north except for in central. I did go to DC when I was young. We are doing a road trip in June with another couple and their 2 year old we are driving to Charleston, and then Myrtle Beach and then Pigeon Forge TN. I've never been to SC so that will be nice.

    Internationally I have been to Grenada in the Caribbean and Mexico 4 times (Puerto Vallerta, Cabo, Playa Del Carmen, Cozumel).

    I would love to travel more, but I'm sure its on hold for a bit now that we are in baby mode :happy:

    I did not do well yesterday. I was just really hungry all day. Breastfeeding does that to me sometimes. And I did a double workout and run Sunday, so I was sore and needed a rest day. But, I did workout this morning and my appetite is back to normal today. Still hanging around 148 my original goal back in January was to be at 145 by this wedding we have Saturday. Doubt that will happen, but I am pretty proud of how far I have come. I think my new goal is to be at 140 by our trip in June. That's about 6 weeks away.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Have to postpone my lifting, today.....because I am going to take my lunch hour to go see my grade 7 son's band perform (he plays trumpet in his school band!).

    That means I'll lift tomorrow and Friday - 2 days in a row! Yikes!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ohhh bucket list fun!

    I was lucky enough to study abroad in Granada, Spain for 6 months in college. My friend and I traveled all over Southern Spain, but didn't make it out of the country (aside from Portugal). We agreed at the start of our stay that we would take time to really explore Spain and I don't regret that decision one bit! I've been to Mexico and have been to Jamaica. There are so many places I want to go Internationally - Thailand, Vietnam, Belize, Chile, Panama, Turkey, Greece... my list could go on and on.

    I've started to work on traveling to more States as well as I haven't really gotten out of the North West very much, but have spent a lot of time traveling around the NW. I would love to go to Boston, Maine, DC, New Orleans, New Mexico, Colorado, Alaska and Nashville. I haven't really spent much time in the mid- west, but I freaking love Chicago Chloe!

    Still haven't made it to the gym this week, but I've been walking everyday. I might just have to be satisfied with that for awhile. I just don't have the energy or will to make it to the gym.

    Good luck lifting two days in a row Beeps!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I'll be totally fine....I'll lift a bit early in the day on Thursday - and will use less weight than ordinary.

    And then, that leaves Friday to be its own (great!) lifting day.


    cardio on saturday....it'll be a THREE-peat!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I LOVE Charleston! It is so green and beautiful and the warm ocean is right there. My brother lives there now, but will be moving back here in 2 weeks. This summer, I will go to Florida for the first time. I have done all of the southwest and northwest, Michigan, Chicago, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania. I want to go to Nashville and New York and I want to take my kids to some of the places I went as a child, like Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon. My husband's family has a timeshare in Hawaii, so we will go there when the girls get older. Other countries-Thailand, Japan, Ireland, Italy.....

    Oh, and Chloe- I will be probably be freezing my booty off in Chicago next Christmas- it's a fun city though!

    I've had a pretty good week. I fell asleep early, like 8:30 and woke up at 11 STARVING so I ate some goldfish and cheese.I was still low.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I said chicago (and Miami):tongue: I do want to go to both of those cities. What's the best time of year to go to Chicago?

    Last night I ate a ton, but I logged the jog and didn't go over. The scale didn't have good news for me. I know I haven't been sticking to the 1600 per day, but I think if I stuck to that I would be good. it wasn't bad, half a pound this week, half a pound last week...
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Amy - I went to Chicago in early September and the weather was PERFECT.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Thanks for all the Chi-town love :happy: It's a beautiful city. There really is no "best time of year" to visit tho. I would probably say summer, but then you chance it being 100 degrees and 100% humidity. I would say your best bet is probably September though. Although there is the stray crazy weather day during that month too. Gotta love the midwest!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Gotta love the midwest!

    or not:huh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I want to see Chicago, too!

    And New Orleans!

    And New York City!

    But, mostly places beyond North America interest me most.

    PS - I am WAY over-budget on calories today....THAT SUCKS.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I LOVE to travel!!! We got back after midnight last night and I am still exhausted!! We had a blast though!! We were going non-stop and got plenty of walking in. Food wasn't too bad as my hubby and I seemed to split entrees so we wouldn't get to0 full and feel stuffed. I don't typically cook with salt though, so I definitely feel the water retention from all of the sodium in the food.

    Our trip was amazing! I can't believe how much we packed in/saw on this trip. Venice Beach, Muscle Beach (the guy in the background of my pic tried to imply I needed to pay because he was in the pic, I replied "um, no, I wanted a pic of myself " :p Lol! Went into the Freakshow and saw some of the people from the show. Got the token famiy pic with the Hollywood Sign. Went to Universal Studios and that was a BLAST with our boys. Dinner on the Santa Monica Pier, Mullholland Dr., Beverly Hills and Mann's Chinese theater. Then we drove on the 101 up to San Francisco and that was refreshing. Went to the Golden Gate bridge, Alcatraz, Lombard St., Coit Tower, Postcard Row, Muir Woods, China Town, the Farmer's Market, and Buena Vista (where Irish coffees originated ;) and stayed on Fisherman's Wharf. Loved every exhausting minute!! I didn't get in my last day of weights in L.A. because the gym only had cardio equipment, then I didn't even look at the gym in Frisco because our first afternoon there, I pulled my right glute walking up Lombard St. in wedge flip flops!! Stairs from that point on were difficult for the remainder of our trip :grumble:

    Getting back to the routine today, made my detox tea and spaghetti squash for the first time...it might be my new fave!!

    What I can see:

    Beeps - New Orleans is on my bucket List!

    Amy - Lol, exactly!! I'm so over the Midwest! I do, however love Chicago :) I've been to Miami at the end of February and it was GORGEOUS!

    Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies! I love talking about travel. I love SF. My bro-in-law lives there. I went when I was 12 with my fam and have been twice with my husband. So much fun. He and his GF of 20 something years also do nature photography and trips so they always take us to gorgeous places in the area. Probably my most favorite trip ever was a trip out there in 2001 I think. We went to some amazing places, which names escape me.

    I've had a pretty bad week. I haven't been terribly over cals (well 300ish Tuesday) but I have not been making the best food choices. We had dinner out Tuesday (not planned) and I woke up yesterday and just felt icky. I stepped on the scale just to see how bloated I was and it was up 2.5 pound from last weigh in! I determined I would not be weighing in this week, but decided to step on "unofficially" this morning and it was down 1.5, but still a pound over last week. So I really need to make better food choices this week. I seem to be in a cycle of good week, not so good week. I think it has to do with my every other week weigh in. So I will "officially" weigh in next Wednesday or Thursday and each week from here on out. I need the accountability. Vacation looms and I need to kick it up a notch.

    I've done well with workouts. I ran Monday, did 6 week 6 pack Tuesday morning and then walked to and from dinner, and did some yoga yesterday as well as ran and walked with Daphne, and then carried her in her backpack about 40 minutes round trip to and from a free concert downtown. That was fun. I packed a picnic (chicken salad, cheese, fruit, crackers) and we sat out on a blanket and listened to a concert. The weather was gorgeous, just a little chilly and plenty of sunshine.

    OK, I need to get to work. I've got my circuits class tonight. I need a good sweat. Have a great day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    My husband went to costco last night and I BEGGED him to buy some koala jumbo sour soothers for me....he came home with some PGX capsules, lolololol!!

    I've never tried 'em, but he KNEW I was outta-my-mind with some sort of foodie craving and, since Europe is only 2 weeks away, likely better to TIGHTEN the belt, then to LOOSEN it!

    I'm going to try them today (they are supposed to make you "feel full") and I'll see how it goes. I don't believe in "magic bullets", but I own them, so I'm going to ingest them.

    I get to lift, today! BOOM!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Jen, your trip sounds like a lot of fun (minus the glute strain).

    I took had a rest day and it felt good. Mike and I went to a brewery but it was raining so the food truck left and I needed to eat so we went for tacos, which aren't a terrible choice, with the beer, and a 3-2-1 cake I was over, though...

    I ordered a garden! I am excited to grow vegetables. There is a service and they just come install it, a 4x8 raised bed and I picked 30 vegetables and they plant them, with drip irrigation and all.
    I picked some squash, beans, tomatoes, onion, lettuce (3 types plus spinach). Supposedly it will pay for itself in a couple of years but we'll see, I bet I am always buying stuff because the stuff in the garden isn't ready when I want it, but I will have to do a better job of planning meals around what's in the garden!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Very cool Amy! My husband is installing a raised bed for me maybe this weekend, but most likely next. We have to get our house ready for our annual Derby party next Saturday. We had a rather large garden at our old house in Lexington and I miss it. We've tried planting tomotoes in our yard at our new house, but as Eric puts it, "It's like Disney in our alley"....bunnies, and squirels, and chipmunks oh my! And those critters ALWAYS get to my ripe tomatoes before I do. We'll put the bed out front and hopefully they'll be less inclined to eat my stuff. I think I'll do tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and may try kale. Also I always have a basil plant (at the end of the season I make pesto and freeze it in ice cubes and I have fresh pesto all year) and usually a rosemary. I'm excited.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Jen, how did you like the Bizzy workout? I'm thinking I need something structured, and 21 days sounds like a perfect time frame. I like the circuit style. Looks like I could get it done in 40 minutes.... I'll have to see if I can find 40 minutes of time that I could spend in my gym 4x a week. That may mean working out in the morning. Hmmmm....... Maybe 3x a week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member

    I ordered a garden! I am excited to grow vegetables. There is a service and they just come install it, a 4x8 raised bed and I picked 30 vegetables and they plant them, with drip irrigation and all.
    I picked some squash, beans, tomatoes, onion, lettuce (3 types plus spinach). Supposedly it will pay for itself in a couple of years but we'll see, I bet I am always buying stuff because the stuff in the garden isn't ready when I want it, but I will have to do a better job of planning meals around what's in the garden!

    This sounds SO exciting! In my OLDcity, I used to garden and I really enjoyed the vegetable garden stuff. In NOWcity, husband says we spent WAY MORE MONEY buying the seeds and watering the garden, etc., than we EVER did by just buying the produce at the grocery store and he bulldozed the (very small) garden I did have.


    Truthfully, I don't like gardening enough to argue much....but, if I had my own garden, and likely my own gardener, I really would enjoy the fresh produce out of it!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    LOVE New Orleans. I went to law school there, it’s definitely my favorite city in the US. DC (where I live now) is a close second though.

    Jen—I also love spaghetti squash! My husband has celiac so it’s our go-to substitute for real spaghetti.

    Amy—Your garden sounds fun! Rabbits eat just about all the vegetables I try to grow, so we’re just going to stick with tomatoes this year. We also do a farm share so I still get lots of fresh fruits and veggies from that.

    Beeps--what are koala jumbo sour soothers? I've never heard of them.

    That's all I can see/remember.

    The baby is still sick, and now I'm sick again, so workouts have been mostly a fail, except that I did get in a quick lifting session on Tuesday when I got home from work. I'm going to try to do that more often since it worked out pretty well, though it only works if my husband is home when I get home (he usually is). I have a walking lunch date today, and a running date tomorrow, and another walking date Sunday, so that will help. Tomorrow will be tough on food though. We're going to some horse races and there will be a lot of snacking, so it'll be hard to log.