2014 MFP Grand Tour Challenge - SIgnup/Discussion Thread

TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member

Yes folks its that time of the year again - time to start signing up and pinning on the Dossards.

Giro d'Italia starts a week today on the 9th May Over in Ireland...


For the duration of the Three Grand Tours - the Giro, LeTour and LaVuelta, I'll be running a team based challenge which is themed upon the race.

The Teams, as per the pro-peleton, are squads of 9 people - we have places for up to 3 teams, so 27 places overall.

Each team of 9 riders will try and ride between them a distance each day equal to or greater than the distance of that day’s stage in the Grand Tours

The person in the team who rides the largest total km’s gets the Leaders Jersy,

The person achieving the fastest average speed overall gets the Sprinters jersey

and the person who posts the highest total ascent figure in metres gets King of the Mountains jersey.

Distances and dates for the first installment, and my favourite race of the three, the Giro d'Italia are as follows


So, the overall distance is 3445.5km between the 9 riders, or just over 383km each, or 18.23km a day. (11.3 miles for the metrically challenged). Obviously, some riders will ride more than this, some will ride less, none of you are expected to ride every stage of the race duration, and there are 3 planned rest days in there anyway, so it's actually eminently do-able overall , whilst still being fairly tough to achieve the distance every day.

To verify the distances/speeds/ascents rides will need to be logged via some form of GPS and posted to either Strava (by preference) or Garmin Connect. As I’d be looking at average speeds and climbs, I think that it’s only appropriate to restrict this challenge to outdoor mileage only.

So – anyone up for a challenge ??

Hopefully I've given enough time for people to see this, and sign up - who knows - we might even have enough people to fill all three teams :smile:


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