May 2014 Walk Challenge



  • christchick7
    christchick7 Posts: 533 Member
    Goal: 75-100 miles

    Today: Radio Remixes 3 miles

    Total: 6 miles
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi everyone - I hope May is much better for me than April.

    My goal for May is to walk 100 miles and to try walk with Leslie at least 3 times per week.

    I really enjoy walking outside so if the weather is nice that is were I will be.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Welcome to the monthly walk challenge heavenlyb14, MelxH, lidenalex, SCOTTJACKIANG. It is always a delight to see new faces join in a monthly challenge :flowerforyou: .

    I'm also so happy to see many of our seasoned walking buddies coming back for May's challenge :drinker: . Definitely, April's challenge was so much fun and so many miles of all sorts were walked last month. I so enjoyed reading all the different exercise, besides LS walking DVDs, being done. I did a lot of winter clean up in the garden/ yard last month :smile: . That was a fun way to add real life strength training :noway: indeed.

    Again, a warm welcome to one and all.

    Each one of you are my reason and inspiration for starting us off each month.

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Thursday: I walked a lot doing many errands, as well as grocery shopping :laugh: .


    3 miles: from the Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan.

    0 miles: walking outdoors

    Goal for May: 40 miles, Continuing an emphasis on strength will change my usual mileage from previous months.

    So far: 3 Leslie/ or other walking DVD miles

    So far: 0 outdoor miles

  • Luthien007
    Luthien007 Posts: 281 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm back for May to walk 70 - 100 miles with Leslie :).

    Today I did the 5 mile fat burning dvd while watching a french movie on netflix :). Love the benefits if working out in my lounge room.

    Current Leslie Total for May : 5 Miles

    Keep on walking everyone!
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    5 advanced miles with weights added brings me to 18 miles to date

    82 miles to go
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    - God job bandit5125:happy:
  • heavenlyb14
    heavenlyb14 Posts: 303 Member
    Another five miles today in the glorious early summer sunshine, 90 miles remaining.
  • heavenlyb14
    heavenlyb14 Posts: 303 Member
    Day 2, walked 10.5 km (6.5 miles). It's strange, I hesitated to go out and walk, putting it off. Then I say to myself "OK go for just one km and then you are free to go home". I go out activate the RunKeeper on my iPhone, and then start the audible book, the one I listened today was "The Power of Less". After 1 km I realize that if I return now I will have 1 km back, so it'll be 2 km. But I don't return, instead I go around a park, and when I return I have walked 6.5 km. In the evening I go for a short walk, continuing to listen to "The Power of Less" and letting the RunKeeper keep track of the distance. 40 min later I'm back with 4 more km added. it was not so hard, I say to myself. But tomorrow will be as hard to start as it was this morning, and I'm not sure how it will go.

    I've just added The Power of Less to my 'books I need to read list, thank you Alex. Maybe we will start the first Myfitnesspal reading group. I understand what you are saying about procrastinating when you know that you should go out for a walk, groups like this help to motivate us. I have found that listening to a podcast dedicated to health and fitness whilst walking is very helpful.
    Good Morning hope all of ya are enjoying your weekend... so far I have walked 9 miles with Leslie's dvd and thoroughly enjoying the time I set aside to do this for me. I NEVER take time 4 me because I LOVE my family and things are always needing to be done. I DON'T MIND helping it's just a TOTALLY different perspective when ACTUALLY taking time 4 myself... My goal is 72 miles for the month and I have 63 to go :smile:
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    - SCOTTJACKIANG. 9 miles! Well done :happy: You are just like my late mom. She always put her family first, never thinking about herself. I regret that she was like that and she should also have thought of her own needs. I REGRET that I didn't see it then, because I would have insisted that she take care of herself. So please take care of yourself, and you will do your family the greatest service possible.
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    I have been super fail at this for the last couple months, so this month has to be a success! I'm going to go for 50 miles this month.
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    - heavenlyb14 wrote
    I've just added The Power of Less to my 'books I need to read list, thank you Alex. Maybe we will start the first Myfitnesspal reading group. I understand what you are saying about procrastinating when you know that you should go out for a walk, groups like this help to motivate us. I have found that listening to a podcast dedicated to health and fitness whilst walking is very helpful.
    Starting a Myfitnesspal reading group sounds like a great idea! I think it should contain:

    1. The title of the book.
    2. A small 3-5 line excerpt from the book.
    3. A small 3-5 line review, where the person recommending the book says something about why she/he likes the book.

    Point 2 and 3 should be optional, we don't want to make it hard for people to recommend a book.


    Title: Mini Habits, by Stephen Guise.

    Excerpt: A mini habit is basically a much smaller version of a new habit you want to form. 100 push-ups daily is minified into one push-up daily. Writing 3,000 words daily becomes writing 50 words daily. Thinking positively all the time becomes thinking two positive thoughts per day.

    Review: A habit is an action that is easier to do then not to do. Most of us have made brushing our teeth into a habit. If we can make exercise and eating moderately into a habit, we have won the weight loss war for good. But how do you form a habit? By starting with mini habits. Stephen Guise's book explains the machinery of mini habits.

    Question: Does anybody know how to start Myfitnesspal reading group?
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    I had a 8 km (5 mile) walk in the morning, through the city park. The sun was shining and a lot of folks enjoying the flowers and the trees in the park. In the evening I took a 5km (3 miles) walk through the city. Both times i listened to the book "Mini Habits". I am a member of the, which lets me choose one audio book per month for a reduced price. I like to listen to motivational books when walking, sometimes I forget that I'm walking only to realize that I have walked 3 miles without being aware of it :wink: .
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,458 Member
    Life happened last month and I was not able to complete my goal :sad: . I got a bad cold, read can't breath to walk,:noway: then, had a new granddaughter to watch on SKYPE, :heart: then had a death and had to travel-and will have to again :cry: and then it is finals week so I am sitting and grading, grading, grading! :ohwell: So, I am scaling back this month so I DO IT becasue I HATE not reaching goals :mad:! So for May, my goal is 50 miles! Sorry to be MIA at the end of last month, but I am back with all of you and walkin'! :wink:

    May Goal: 50 miles
    5/3/2014 Exercise TV-Walking at Home-3miles=47 to go
  • ChaiyaChaiya21
    ChaiyaChaiya21 Posts: 37 Member
    New to the group. I joined in April but I am not one for starting things in the middle. I have been sideline from my regular workouts due to a injury so I am going to really rely on my DVD's to keep me going. I have never really thought about setting a walking goal before so maybe I will start with just a few times a week and see if I can't surprise myself.

    Goal: 50 miles

    So do we only count LS DVD's or do we count outdoor walking in our miles? Just curious. Hope I can do it!!!
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    5 mile advanced power walk with Leslie.

    23 miles to date 77 miles to go to my goal of 100
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    - God job bandit5125:happy:

    thank you! I am finally setting aside time for me. I have always catered to my family and never did what I want, now its my time. They are adjusting.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    A little late but I'm in.

    I did do 2 miles of Walk your Belly Flat yesterday. Also built a garden bed which took the better part of 3 hours yesterday. Not counting it in this effort though. Ate out and really ate back all those calories and then some. Moving on and will do better

    May 4 -- 2 miles of 5 Day Slim Down.
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    - ChaiyaChaiya2, welcome to the group :happy: .
    So do we only count LS DVD's or do we count outdoor walking in our miles? Just curious. Hope I can do it!!!
    I think we count outdoor walking as well. since up till now that's the only one I've done