I'm starting stage 1!



  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member

    I am thinking maybe I need to add HITT now. NROL4L has a much longer warm-up and it has a five 1 min rounds of metabolic training at the end. Thinking about subbing that warm-up and adding on the metabolic training. Do you all think that's a bad idea? Or should I start HITT training now if I feel like I have more to give?

    Yes, I would go for it. I did NO cardio during the first stage and gained 2 pounds. Now that I added it back in this past week those pounds are off...go figure. DO whichever cardio will work best for you on that day :)
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    welcome new ladies!

    @write2nicole Please check and recheck your form in the initial weeks. Don;t hurry to increase wights. Yes, doing warm up sets or entire work set even without weights for lunges is best. Make sure your knees are not crossing your toes when you lunge. And it should feel more like a vertical movement rather than forward and backward when done correctly. Doing it with weights, initialy I felt very wobbly and had to work on my balance and up the weight v slowly.

    Deadlifts also - get the form right with light bar first. You can check the videos and even use the FB forum for NROLFW for posting video and get form correction/suggestions etc - Esp if you are doing it by yourself without trainer's help.

    ^^^Everything she said!!!
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    Ladies I'm so happy to be able to help :) I'll edit this later with my leg workout I'll be completing this afternoon.

    You all have such wonderful advice and encouragement! If you have specific questions about training/form/nutrition, go ahead and send me a personal message so I can respond sooner in case I don't have time to read this whole thread~ YAY!
  • write2nicole
    write2nicole Posts: 12 Member
    @write2nicole Please check and recheck your form in the initial weeks. Don;t hurry to increase wights. Yes, doing warm up sets or entire work set even without weights for lunges is best. Make sure your knees are not crossing your toes when you lunge. And it should feel more like a vertical movement rather than forward and backward when done correctly. Doing it with weights, initialy I felt very wobbly and had to work on my balance and up the weight v slowly.

    Deadlifts also - get the form right with light bar first. You can check the videos and even use the FB forum for NROLFW for posting video and get form correction/suggestions etc - Esp if you are doing it by yourself without trainer's help.
    Thanks so much, mnsmov15! Yes, I definitely focus on form. LOL, the first workout, I was following the written directions too closely and was extending my front leg out too far. Now I definitely focus on getting my thigh parallel and I don't think my knee goes past my foot, but I'll make a note to watch for that, too.

    The 20 lb. bar is the lightest at my gym for deadlifts, so that's what I'm sticking to. Hopefully I'll see improvement. I've watched videos, which helped, but I should probably stand so I can see my reflection from the side rather than forward.

    Congrats on finishing Stage 1!
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Thanks for the advice twinmom!
  • Point202
    Point202 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey there. Just started Stage 1 this week, and love the program so far. Except I've got to substitute something for those lunges, my knees just won't let me do them :frown:
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    @sunshinelively I am right there with you sista!!! Just finished AMRAP B and soo happy. Since I finished just the 1 set, did some HIIT at the end. This week, I am done with TOM and next week just cardio and some HIIT workouts and no lifting. Hoping that would show some progress 1.5" each thigh is GREAT!!! I would love slender thighs someday, moving away from my perfect pear example.. - although I like my hourglass shape just fine :P

    Pretty excited about stage 2 :)
    I am eating @ 1400 based on ETP groups suggestion since I started NROLFW and yet to see any changes on the scale. Have 9 more lbs to go for my UGW. This is homestretch, so I expect this will be S L O W - though it frustrates me.

    I have swollen face most days after I lift heavy and feel cushy. Hoping I will eventually lose some water weight and feel the scale go down. I have been slowly losing inches

    My AMRAP B

    DL 65 * 35
    OHP 12 * 25
    Lat Pull down 75 * 30
    Lunges 10lb each * 40
    Crunches 60
    followed by HIIT for 20 mins
    Happy Friday all!!

    ^^those are some great numbers mnsmov! have you done a bodyfat % i bet you lost a lot there! my amrap starts sunday, trying to decide if i should skip the week off or not, since i had one week of only two workouts while i was on vacation. i'm eating at 1500 with the occasional cheat. not sure if this is right or not - i'm 5'5" age 49.

    OK so here's summary of start-finish numbers for stage 1, A&B:

    Squat: Start - 55, end 115
    Pushup: start 15 on high incline, end 15 on the flat
    Row: start 60, end, 85
    Stepup: start - BW on stairs, end - 40 used cardio step 6 risers
    Jackknife: start 15, end 30 x 2, 25 x 2 , 20 x 1

    DL: start 40, end 105
    Overhead Press: start 24, end - 50
    Lat Pull Down: start 60, end 70-80
    Lunge: start 30, end 70
    Swiss ball: start BW 15, end 25 w/20# dumbbell

    not sure what's going on w my back i may switch machines to see if it makes any difference. overall really feeling like progress was made. not sure my pushups are really up to par from a form standpoint, may go back to inclines since the top of my legs touch the floor not my chin or chest.

    so happy about all the action on this thread - love the comments!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    i officially finished stage 1! did my B8 workout last night. so glad i did. i never loved B workouts so i was super happy with getting it out of the way. since i couldnt do the squats for my last A workout and squat rack was emoth, i just went for it and switched deadlifts for squats. when i finished i did a shirt insanity core cardio abs, so i felt a good burn.

    from this week i will take the week off lifting and focus on insanity, i really want to see that fat melting off my belly or i might have a meltdown lol.

    im glad we will keep posting over here, it's easier to follow all of our progress here, and help each other on the next stage.

    congrats on finishing - and welcome back and i'm right there with you on the belly fat.....BEGGONE!! ha
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Hey there. Just started Stage 1 this week, and love the program so far. Except I've got to substitute something for those lunges, my knees just won't let me do them :frown:

    welcome - this thread is great lots of support here!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    welcome new ladies!

    @write2nicole Please check and recheck your form in the initial weeks. Don;t hurry to increase wights. Yes, doing warm up sets or entire work set even without weights for lunges is best. Make sure your knees are not crossing your toes when you lunge. And it should feel more like a vertical movement rather than forward and backward when done correctly. Doing it with weights, initialy I felt very wobbly and had to work on my balance and up the weight v slowly.

    Deadlifts also - get the form right with light bar first. You can check the videos and even use the FB forum for NROLFW for posting video and get form correction/suggestions etc - Esp if you are doing it by yourself without trainer's help.

    ^^^Everything she said!!!

    +2 :-)
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member

    Squat: Start - 55, end 115
    Pushup: start 15 on high incline, end 15 on the flat
    Row: start 60, end, 85
    Stepup: start - BW on stairs, end - 40 used cardio step 6 risers
    Jackknife: start 15, end 30 x 2, 25 x 2 , 20 x 1

    DL: start 40, end 105
    Overhead Press: start 24, end - 50
    Lat Pull Down: start 60, end 70-80
    Lunge: start 30, end 70
    Swiss ball: start BW 15, end 25 w/20# dumbbell

    not sure what's going on w my back i may switch machines to see if it makes any difference. overall really feeling like progress was made. not sure my pushups are really up to par from a form standpoint, may go back to inclines since the top of my legs touch the floor not my chin or chest.

    so happy about all the action on this thread - love the comments!

    Awesome job!!!!
  • twinmom823
    twinmom823 Posts: 66 Member
    hey Ladies! Forgot to edit for my leg day yesterday so here's my workouts from the past 2 days :)

    Legs~All supersets~ 3 sets 15 reps
    Core was TRX side plank with side lifts
    Double Leg Extension 90#/Double Ham Curl 60#
    Hack Squat Plea 50#/Pulley Inline Plea 150#
    Single Leg Straight Leg Deadlift with Barbell 30#/Single Leg Sled Press 70#

    Core was seated russian twist with 20# med ball
    DB bicep curl 20#/DB Overhead tricep extension 30#
    Seated single arm concentration curls 15#/DB Tricep Skull Crusher 15#
    Standing Hammer Curl with pulley/rope 60#/Tricep Pushups on an incline bench.

    Doing good with my first week of high protein, no fruit or dairy. Feeling tired but was down a pound from last week.

    Keep it up ladies!! Have a great weekend!!
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    oh wow twinmom, that sounds tiring just looking at it. i saved it for an off day. especially the biceps/triceps.

    so last night while still debating, week off/no week off... well, i started watching the european women powerlifting competition, 45kg division. it was mindblowing, i spent seriously about 2hrs watching it. those 45kgs ladies looked amazing, not bulky, not manly, and hey, no belly fat!!! they had a strenght i dream about, lifting almost and sometimes double their body weight. i learnt a lot about technique as well.

    so my conclusion was, if they can do it, i definitely can too! i need to get stronger to get leaner and i just wanna be badass like them lol.

    i woke up this morning and went straight to the gym, it was basically empty, squat rack all empty and lonely, best feeling ever! and i went for it. what a damn killer workout!!!!! OMG, im already feeling it!

    FSPP- 45lbs, empty bar... ooooo damn! my arms couldnt hold the push press properly. i need stronger arms. i dont see me upping that weight any time soon, if ever...
    step ups- 45lbs empty bar, used a 3 raisers, all the bench ones were too hard on my legs and couldnt go over 15lbs dumbbell last stage. i dont mind going lower on the steps, but better form and more weight.
    dumbbell 1pt row- 10lbs dumbbell each hand, it wasnt too hard, so i can see me going up to 15lb before end of stage.
    static lunge- 45lbs empty bar. first off, im weird, i love lunges, i ended last stage at 65lbs lunges with the olympic bar. but the static ones, ooooooo hell, are they supposed to work the quads and butt? coz they were ON FIRE!!
    push ups- bw/10 ... after insanity i can do up to like 15 i think but at this point i was exhausted, so those 10 felt like 100!! this workout A is deceiving, looks easy in paper but what a killer.
    plank- 4 sets of 30s... here i was daydreaming that i could do the 60s, lol yeah right, at this point my whole body was shaking, i think one of the guys passed by and looked at me as if i was having a seizure lmao
    cable horizontal woodchop- 40lbs... i guess i did it right, same as in the pics, but it didnt challenge me too much, so this i might uo before the end of stage, not in a hurry though, need to make sure i have good form.

    i did also 2sets of back extensions with 25lbs plate, 10reps. and legs straight up extensions abs exercise, bodyweight 2 sets of 10reps.

    i had thought i'd do a quick 15min hiit or core abs exercise when i got home, but i barely dragged myself to the FLOOR! yes FLOOR, went straight to my floor mat for like 20mins. This stage 2 it's a whole different challenge. so excited but NOT looking forward to B workout, it's even longer.

    Happy weekend everybody! shopping time for me!!!! yay!
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 315 Member

    Squat: Start - 55, end 115
    Pushup: start 15 on high incline, end 15 on the flat
    Row: start 60, end, 85
    Stepup: start - BW on stairs, end - 40 used cardio step 6 risers
    Jackknife: start 15, end 30 x 2, 25 x 2 , 20 x 1

    DL: start 40, end 105
    Overhead Press: start 24, end - 50
    Lat Pull Down: start 60, end 70-80
    Lunge: start 30, end 70
    Swiss ball: start BW 15, end 25 w/20# dumbbell

    not sure what's going on w my back i may switch machines to see if it makes any difference. overall really feeling like progress was made. not sure my pushups are really up to par from a form standpoint, may go back to inclines since the top of my legs touch the floor not my chin or chest.

    so happy about all the action on this thread - love the comments!

    Awesome job!!! Super happy for you! :)
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 315 Member
    hey Ladies! Forgot to edit for my leg day yesterday so here's my workouts from the past 2 days :)

    Legs~All supersets~ 3 sets 15 reps
    Core was TRX side plank with side lifts
    Double Leg Extension 90#/Double Ham Curl 60#
    Hack Squat Plea 50#/Pulley Inline Plea 150#
    Single Leg Straight Leg Deadlift with Barbell 30#/Single Leg Sled Press 70#

    Core was seated russian twist with 20# med ball
    DB bicep curl 20#/DB Overhead tricep extension 30#
    Seated single arm concentration curls 15#/DB Tricep Skull Crusher 15#
    Standing Hammer Curl with pulley/rope 60#/Tricep Pushups on an incline bench.

    Doing good with my first week of high protein, no fruit or dairy. Feeling tired but was down a pound from last week.

    Keep it up ladies!! Have a great weekend!!

    Oh wow!! That's intense! Just looking at the list makes my legs hurt :) I generally don't workout on weekends But ran this morning bright and early and loved it! Would try to continue it. Hope this makes the scale move a bit.
    Hope the high protein no diary n fruit works for you! Great job on losing a pound already!
  • mnsmov15
    mnsmov15 Posts: 315 Member
    oh wow twinmom, that sounds tiring just looking at it. i saved it for an off day. especially the biceps/triceps.

    so last night while still debating, week off/no week off... well, i started watching the european women powerlifting competition, 45kg division. it was mindblowing, i spent seriously about 2hrs watching it. those 45kgs ladies looked amazing, not bulky, not manly, and hey, no belly fat!!! they had a strenght i dream about, lifting almost and sometimes double their body weight. i learnt a lot about technique as well.

    so my conclusion was, if they can do it, i definitely can too! i need to get stronger to get leaner and i just wanna be badass like them lol.

    i woke up this morning and went straight to the gym, it was basically empty, squat rack all empty and lonely, best feeling ever! and i went for it. what a damn killer workout!!!!! OMG, im already feeling it!

    FSPP- 45lbs, empty bar... ooooo damn! my arms couldnt hold the push press properly. i need stronger arms. i dont see me upping that weight any time soon, if ever...
    step ups- 45lbs empty bar, used a 3 raisers, all the bench ones were too hard on my legs and couldnt go over 15lbs dumbbell last stage. i dont mind going lower on the steps, but better form and more weight.
    dumbbell 1pt row- 10lbs dumbbell each hand, it wasnt too hard, so i can see me going up to 15lb before end of stage.
    static lunge- 45lbs empty bar. first off, im weird, i love lunges, i ended last stage at 65lbs lunges with the olympic bar. but the static ones, ooooooo hell, are they supposed to work the quads and butt? coz they were ON FIRE!!
    push ups- bw/10 ... after insanity i can do up to like 15 i think but at this point i was exhausted, so those 10 felt like 100!! this workout A is deceiving, looks easy in paper but what a killer.
    plank- 4 sets of 30s... here i was daydreaming that i could do the 60s, lol yeah right, at this point my whole body was shaking, i think one of the guys passed by and looked at me as if i was having a seizure lmao
    cable horizontal woodchop- 40lbs... i guess i did it right, same as in the pics, but it didnt challenge me too much, so this i might uo before the end of stage, not in a hurry though, need to make sure i have good form.

    i did also 2sets of back extensions with 25lbs plate, 10reps. and legs straight up extensions abs exercise, bodyweight 2 sets of 10reps.

    i had thought i'd do a quick 15min hiit or core abs exercise when i got home, but i barely dragged myself to the FLOOR! yes FLOOR, went straight to my floor mat for like 20mins. This stage 2 it's a whole different challenge. so excited but NOT looking forward to B workout, it's even longer.

    Happy weekend everybody! shopping time for me!!!! yay!

    I heard FSPP is tough!! Makes me gulp !!! Lets see how planks workout - I am planning to just do a combo of run and HIIT this next week and start Stage 2 week after that. I also worry that I might have to restart my strength building again. But the book suggests taking a break. so I might do that.
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Maya: You're really killing it with these workouts. It hadn't even occurred to me to do the step ups with the bar. That's a really good idea. The B workout is longer but for some reason during stage one and two the B workouts were my favorite. I'm not pressing anything more than the bar on the fspp either.
    Twinmom: You really kill it with these workouts!
    Mnsmov: The fspp is challenging but you feel like the baddest of badasses when you have them all accomplished. And I know if anyone can do them you most certainly can
    sunshine: I'm pretty sure it was you that asked me about Tabata but if I was wrong I apologize in advance. I love them. I've only just done my second one so no word yet on how well it's working for me but I feel great when I finish them.

    Halfway through the A workouts and almost halfway through phase 2. I feel like phase one is a sort of gate keeper. If you can make it through the tedium and length of the first phase the others really fly by. I can't believe I'm going to be over halfway through this time next week. The Tabatas are going well. I'm tossing one on the end of every workout because....bikini season. And I ended up doing 75 second planks during my last A workout because eventually we're going to be doing 90 second planks and I just want to make sure I'm ready. I'm really having fun with this stage and I'm excited to move on to stage 3. It's funny during stage one I was concerned about my weight but in this stage which will probably do more to address my weight I'm thinking more about lifts. Go figure!
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    @write2nicole Please check and recheck your form in the initial weeks. Don;t hurry to increase wights. Yes, doing warm up sets or entire work set even without weights for lunges is best. Make sure your knees are not crossing your toes when you lunge. And it should feel more like a vertical movement rather than forward and backward when done correctly. Doing it with weights, initialy I felt very wobbly and had to work on my balance and up the weight v slowly.

    Deadlifts also - get the form right with light bar first. You can check the videos and even use the FB forum for NROLFW for posting video and get form correction/suggestions etc - Esp if you are doing it by yourself without trainer's help.
    Thanks so much, mnsmov15! Yes, I definitely focus on form. LOL, the first workout, I was following the written directions too closely and was extending my front leg out too far. Now I definitely focus on getting my thigh parallel and I don't think my knee goes past my foot, but I'll make a note to watch for that, too.

    The 20 lb. bar is the lightest at my gym for deadlifts, so that's what I'm sticking to. Hopefully I'll see improvement. I've watched videos, which helped, but I should probably stand so I can see my reflection from the side rather than forward.

    Congrats on finishing Stage 1!

    Still pretty new at doing this but I wanted to ask..... I would be concerned about doing a deadlift and then watching your side view due to the body mechanics of the lifting and then turning the head..... Perhaps do it with verrrry light weight?
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    did you ever have one of those workouts that was totally smooth sailing and where you felt so good and strong? how i felt today doing stage 1 amraps workout B!

    Results #/reps, start, end

    Deadlift: 45#/15 - 45#/40
    Shoulder press: 24#/15 - 30#/30
    Lat Pulldown: 60#/15 - 60#/30
    Lunge: 30#/15 - 30#/30
    Crunch: BW/15 - BW/100

    Did a two mile run at 6.0 mph with another mile of warm up cool down. I feel amazing!!!

    red: glad you're a little ahead of some of us - you can give us the preview of what's coming. wondered how difficult tabata is what is involved?

    mnsmov: i'm going to skip the week off so we'll be on the same path next week

    twinmom: i swear you're going to be competing in a body building competition someday - those workouts sound intense for sure

    skbarton: glad you're signing on for this. i'm close to your age at 49, hoping to stave off muscle loss for as long as possible. will be great to hear how someone my age experiences this program

    welcome marie and nicole!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member

    Legs~All supersets~ 3 sets 15 reps
    Core was TRX side plank with side lifts
    Double Leg Extension 90#/Double Ham Curl 60#
    Hack Squat Plea 50#/Pulley Inline Plea 150#
    Single Leg Straight Leg Deadlift with Barbell 30#/Single Leg Sled Press 70#

    Core was seated russian twist with 20# med ball
    DB bicep curl 20#/DB Overhead tricep extension 30#
    Seated single arm concentration curls 15#/DB Tricep Skull Crusher 15#
    Standing Hammer Curl with pulley/rope 60#/Tricep Pushups on an incline bench.

    ^this.totally.rocks. :smile: