May 2014 Walk Challenge



  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,458 Member
    May Goal: 50 miles
    5/3 Exercise TV-Walking at Home-3miles=47 to go
    5/4 Walk it Off & Tone it Up-5 miles=42 to go
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    - zichab 5 miles, that's great!! , I know exactly what you are talking about when you say "life happened". If you want to feel successful instead of hating when you don't reach your goals, take a look at a book called "Mini Habits". Look it up at Amazon and see the reviews of other people. That book helped me a lot when I was in the same situation.

    Today I've walked 10.5 km (6.5 miles). When surfing the net I saw a free site called irunurun, where you can keep score of your goals and habits. It is simple and user friendly. I've decided to use it for making my exercise into a habit. Even though I have completed more then 10 km (6 miles) a day for the last four days, my actual goal is to walk only 1 km (0.6 miles) a day. Each day I walk 1 km I will put a checkmark in irunurun and call that day a success, because it has taken me nearer my true goal, which is to form the habit of exercising each day. Even though my success mark is only 1 km, I often end up with more then that distance. But I'm sure that if my success mark was 10 km a day I would soon give up. As we know life happens to us all. The secret of success is setting your success mark for each day so low, that even when life happens, you can reach that goal. And if life does not happen on a particular day you are free to go over the success mark as a bonus :happy: .
  • Luthien007
    Luthien007 Posts: 281 Member
    Yesterday I walked 9km. We went to the city and walked a lot, hardly noticed the kms adding uo when there is so much to look at. We saw a movie "Belle" and I loved it, quite glassy eyed several times.
    Today will be a Leslie dvd after work. Thank goodness for this group - its such great motivstion
  • christchick7
    christchick7 Posts: 533 Member
    Goal: 75-100 miles

    Yesterday: 0 miles

    Today: 50 reps each with 3 pound weights: bicep curls, triceps kickbacks, modified flies,
    overhead presses, chest presses; LS 5 Really Big Miles

    Total: 11 miles
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    3.5 miles at the park with the dogs today

    23 miles with Leslie to date

    26.5 miles total so far.
  • heavenlyb14
    heavenlyb14 Posts: 303 Member
    - heavenlyb14 wrote
    I've just added The Power of Less to my 'books I need to read list, thank you Alex. Maybe we will start the first Myfitnesspal reading group. I understand what you are saying about procrastinating when you know that you should go out for a walk, groups like this help to motivate us. I have found that listening to a podcast dedicated to health and fitness whilst walking is very helpful.
    Starting a Myfitnesspal reading group sounds like a great idea! I think it should contain:

    1. The title of the book.
    2. A small 3-5 line excerpt from the book.
    3. A small 3-5 line review, where the person recommending the book says something about why she/he likes the book.

    Point 2 and 3 should be optional, we don't want to make it hard for people to recommend a book.


    Title: Mini Habits, by Stephen Guise.

    Excerpt: A mini habit is basically a much smaller version of a new habit you want to form. 100 push-ups daily is minified into one push-up daily. Writing 3,000 words daily becomes writing 50 words daily. Thinking positively all the time becomes thinking two positive thoughts per day.

    Review: A habit is an action that is easier to do then not to do. Most of us have made brushing our teeth into a habit. If we can make exercise and eating moderately into a habit, we have won the weight loss war for good. But how do you form a habit? By starting with mini habits. Stephen Guise's book explains the machinery of mini habits.

    Question: Does anybody know how to start Myfitnesspal reading group?

    I will look up how to set up a group by the end of this week. I like your suggestions Alex and you are motivating me to put my walking boots on when I'm feeling lazy. Super progress for you this week.

    Well done everyone, such a positive start to the month, how can we not smash through our targets?
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    5 advanced miles with Leslie today

    28 miles with Leslie to date

    3.5 miles outside to date

    31.5 total to date goal 100
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    Today: 50 reps each with 3 pound weights: bicep curls, triceps kickbacks, modified flies,
    overhead presses, chest presses; LS 5 Really Big Miles

    Wow, 50 reps each! That's massive :flowerforyou:
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Goal 65 Miles
    May 3 -- 2 Miles
    May 4 -- 2 miles of 5 Day Slim Down.
  • christchick7
    christchick7 Posts: 533 Member
    Thank you lidenalex...welcome to the Leslie group!!! GREAT to meet you...:flowerforyou:
  • Reddirtblacktopqueen
    Reddirtblacktopqueen Posts: 79 Member
    5/2 6.43 miles
    5/3 3.15 miles
    5/4 2.22 miles

    Total of 17.10 miles for the month so far. Only 92.90 miles to go! :noway:

    Happy walking everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • jak227
    jak227 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone. This group sounds great! 5/2, 1.5 miles; 5/3 3.1 miles; 5/4 2 miles; 5/5 1.5 miles at lunch and at least 1 mile later tonight as a cashier. Enjoy the nice weather everyone :happy:
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    Today I walked 8 km (5 miles) while listening to "The Practicing Mind".

    Title: The Practicing Mind, by Thomas Sterner

    Excerpt: All my failures in music had stemmed from my lack of understanding the proper mechanics of practicing, of the process of picking a goal, whatever that may be, and applying a steady effort toward achieving it. Perhaps most important, I realized that I had learned how accomplish just that without the frustration and anxiety usually associated with such an activity.

    Review: In his book Sterner shows us how we can accomplish our goals using the 4 S:es: Simple, Short, Slow and Small. By deliberately doing small and simple tasks slowly with short intervals, we can accomplish more then with any other method. Don't believe me? Read his book and be convinced. He talks from direct experience.
  • Crystal_LDee
    Crystal_LDee Posts: 17 Member
    Coming into it late, need to make up some lost miles...
    Today's miles: 1.1 miles
    May Total miles: 2.1 miles
    Goal: 30 miles
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Goal for May: 175 miles
    To date: 27 miles
    Left: 148 miles

    This month I'm doing a combo of these throughout the month:
    Leslie Sansone 5 Mile Fat Burner Walk
    Leslie Sansone 3 Mile Radio Remixes Walk to the Hits
    A mile walk to the library (1/2 mile each way)
    1-3 miles on the Treadmill at Gym
  • heavenlyb14
    heavenlyb14 Posts: 303 Member
    I walked for five miles, outside, yesterday and today so 80 miles left to go.
  • MelxH
    MelxH Posts: 93 Member
    today I did another 4 fast miles, yesterday I walk 4 miles outside
    so 12 miles so far!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    - heavenlyb14 wrote
    I've just added The Power of Less to my 'books I need to read list, thank you Alex. Maybe we will start the first Myfitnesspal reading group. I understand what you are saying about procrastinating when you know that you should go out for a walk, groups like this help to motivate us. I have found that listening to a podcast dedicated to health and fitness whilst walking is very helpful.
    Starting a Myfitnesspal reading group sounds like a great idea! I think it should contain:

    1. The title of the book.
    2. A small 3-5 line excerpt from the book.
    3. A small 3-5 line review, where the person recommending the book says something about why she/he likes the book.

    Point 2 and 3 should be optional, we don't want to make it hard for people to recommend a book.


    Title: Mini Habits, by Stephen Guise.

    Excerpt: A mini habit is basically a much smaller version of a new habit you want to form. 100 push-ups daily is minified into one push-up daily. Writing 3,000 words daily becomes writing 50 words daily. Thinking positively all the time becomes thinking two positive thoughts per day.

    Review: A habit is an action that is easier to do then not to do. Most of us have made brushing our teeth into a habit. If we can make exercise and eating moderately into a habit, we have won the weight loss war for good. But how do you form a habit? By starting with mini habits. Stephen Guise's book explains the machinery of mini habits.

    Question: Does anybody know how to start Myfitnesspal reading group?

    In order to either start or to find a reading group in MFP you would click on the community tab. Then once you are in community area you would click on the "group" tab. After you do this you are on the Groups page where you will see all of your groups that you belong to. You will see a field listed as "Find A Group" that you can fill in key words such as 'book club' or 'reading groups' or any key words that will help you find a reading group that you might like to join. There are a number of them already established.

    If you want to make your own group instead then look toward the right and you will see another heading called "Group Options" and there you will see the green + icon to start your own group. Just follow the directions and you will have made your own group.

    I hope that this helps, and that either you find a group already made that meets your expectations, or make your own group.

    Good evening UGH didn't get 2 walk yesterday only at work and that was 2 miles but at a slow regular walk and another 2 miles today ... about 2 do my LESLIE 3 mile walk and so can't wait 2 walk off this stress... so Leslie miles so far is 13 miles and walking from work is 4 miles.... 59 miles to go....
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Saturday: Cleaning house, gardening/yard work, (Sunday is free day)


    4 miles: from the 5 mile Walk It Off & Tone It Up DVD, using firm band.

    0 miles: walking outdoors

    Goal for May: 40 miles, Continuing an emphasis on strength will change my usual mileage from previous months.

    So far: 7 Leslie/ or other walking DVD miles

    So far: 0 outdoor miles

    Welcome to even more new walkers in the group :flowerforyou: . So happy to have you all joining in. AND... I still see others who have walked with us before coming back :drinker: . YIPPEE :drinker: . The more the merrier.

    I love reading the miles and how you are walking!! Thankyou :smile: .
