Chat thread



  • CHSegl
    CHSegl Posts: 89 Member
    Threadjack: total NSV today made me smile! I was eating lunch and listening idly to the 2 young men chatting at the next table over. Heard the word "deadlift" go by- one says to the other, "165-175 is a really good deadlift man!". These two were buff guys in their mid 20's. I deadlift 220 routinely (PR 235#) and am a woman pushing 53.... :)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yah those
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Nice CHFay! It's always an ego booster to notice you lifting more than someone else. Especially a dude :bigsmile:
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    Threadjack: total NSV today made me smile! I was eating lunch and listening idly to the 2 young men chatting at the next table over. Heard the word "deadlift" go by- one says to the other, "165-175 is a really good deadlift man!". These two were buff guys in their mid 20's. I deadlift 220 routinely (PR 235#) and am a woman pushing 53.... :)

    Heh. That's awesome. High-five.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member

    Tomorrow is my birthday, so I made some cookies tonight to make ice cream sandwiches with. :) I also made these chocolate peanut butter protein cookies that I really like to eat. 219 calories, 21g carbs, 11g fats, 12g protein.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I should say hi and introduce myself. I am in my 4th week of lifting, my 2nd week of Strong Lifts 5x5. I was doing those exercises plus more the first 2 weeks, like up to 12 exercises with at least 3 reps, just to get used to lifting weights. I bought a bench and weight set that I have put down in my finished basement.

    So, I think I am finally losing the water/glycogen I retained when I first started lifting, either that or my body is on a fat losing jag.

    We are going away this weekend Friday-Monday so I lifted Sunday, then tonight, then Thursday so I can get my 3 workouts in.

    Have to learn how not to hurt myself, I have some bruises on my legs. From the big weights? Nope. first of all I am having issues getting my knees right on my bench using the curl thing on one end, I have been doing 70 lbs. with that in addition to strong lifts, over one time under the next. Then, I had the brilliant idea to put my dumbbells on my legs during my rest in between flys. Maybe I should store myself with my dumbbells for that one!

    I can't do as much with bench presses or overhead presses, am at 55 lbs. with them, but with deadlilfts, rows and squats I am at 65. Going to work on form the rest of this week and then may increase again next week, we will see how it goes.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. I have a pic of what I looked like (not covered up, front and back) 39 lbs. down 2 lbs. before I started lifting, so I will be able to do good comparison shots later.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member

    Tomorrow is my birthday, so I made some cookies tonight to make ice cream sandwiches with. :) I also made these chocolate peanut butter protein cookies that I really like to eat. 219 calories, 21g carbs, 11g fats, 12g protein.
    Looks yummy, have a great birthday!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I should say hi and introduce myself. I am in my 4th week of lifting, my 2nd week of Strong Lifts 5x5. I was doing those exercises plus more the first 2 weeks, like up to 12 exercises with at least 3 reps, just to get used to lifting weights. I bought a bench and weight set that I have put down in my finished basement.

    So, I think I am finally losing the water/glycogen I retained when I first started lifting, either that or my body is on a fat losing jag.

    We are going away this weekend Friday-Monday so I lifted Sunday, then tonight, then Thursday so I can get my 3 workouts in.

    Have to learn how not to hurt myself, I have some bruises on my legs. From the big weights? Nope. first of all I am having issues getting my knees right on my bench using the curl thing on one end, I have been doing 70 lbs. with that in addition to strong lifts, over one time under the next. Then, I had the brilliant idea to put my dumbbells on my legs during my rest in between flys. Maybe I should store myself with my dumbbells for that one!

    I can't do as much with bench presses or overhead presses, am at 55 lbs. with them, but with deadlilfts, rows and squats I am at 65. Going to work on form the rest of this week and then may increase again next week, we will see how it goes.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. I have a pic of what I looked like (not covered up, front and back) 39 lbs. down 2 lbs. before I started lifting, so I will be able to do good comparison shots later.


    I tend to have at least one bruise on my body at all times. I've gotten them from the cable machine, kettle bells, the barbell, and various other equipment at the gym. Not to mention all the times I knock my arms and legs on random things in my house.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Hello everyone! I was talking on my FL about how I missed this group, and they invited me to come back! So I will introduce myself, jump in, and see if you all agree that I can fit in. The reason that I left originally was that I stopped doing Stronglifts.

    I did Stronglifts (switching over to Starting Strength at some point) for much of 2013. However, in the fall last year, I hired an internet trainer and I now do a mix of lifting. My current routine has me doing the Big 4 for low reps once each week, and the rest of the programs are more heavy circuit work. I <3 my programming and I love my trainer, and most of all I <3 lifting weights in any form!

    So here I am, if you'll have me!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Well, you already know my opinion on you being here Elaine! WELCOME BACK!!!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member

    Tomorrow is my birthday, so I made some cookies tonight to make ice cream sandwiches with. :) I also made these chocolate peanut butter protein cookies that I really like to eat. 219 calories, 21g carbs, 11g fats, 12g protein.

    Oh man, it's a good thing I just had a cheat meal last night xD That looks yummeh!!

    @perseverance Welcome to the group! And the "random bruises" club. I'm a huge klutz myself, so I know what it's like!

    @BikerGirl I'm not doing SL anymore either, I didn't do it for very long, in fact, but I stuck with the group and I love it here! Say, what's the name of your internet trainer?
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Hello everyone! I was talking on my FL about how I missed this group, and they invited me to come back! So I will introduce myself, jump in, and see if you all agree that I can fit in. The reason that I left originally was that I stopped doing Stronglifts.

    I did Stronglifts (switching over to Starting Strength at some point) for much of 2013. However, in the fall last year, I hired an internet trainer and I now do a mix of lifting. My current routine has me doing the Big 4 for low reps once each week, and the rest of the programs are more heavy circuit work. I <3 my programming and I love my trainer, and most of all I <3 lifting weights in any form!

    So here I am, if you'll have me!

    Welcome back, I haven't done stronglifts since sometime in 2012 I just never left and just stick my nose in and try to hep out from time to time.

    Welcome back :bigsmile:
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Yay, and thank you!

    @krokador, it's Steve Troutman. He's on MFP as stroutman81 and his company is Body Improvements. And he is terrific.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    *waves at Elaine*

    I'm only lurking at the moment with my arm :( it's too depressing to see all the workout reports. I'm calling the doc back tomorrow as 2 weeks on ibu 3x/day has done nothing. if anything it's worse with shooting pains too. although the gardening I've been doing probably hasn't helped!
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    Ugh. I've missed some workouts and I'm not happy about it. (Sick on Monday, work stuff prevented me from going on Tuesday)

    Getting back to it today, though. Hopefully the guy who likes to tell people to stop doing bench presses won't be there again.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    You have a guy who tells people to stop benching? Is it because he wants all the benches, or is he claiming it'll destroy their shoulders or something?! xD What the hell? I would drop that guy on a bench and drop a bar on him, see if he changes his mind xD (Not seriously, but geez, some people...)

    I don,t know if that beats the old man I see doing machine chest flyes for 20+ minutes every time I see him... That machine is right at the exit of the ladies' locker room. Just creepy :|
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Yay, and thank you!

    @krokador, it's Steve Troutman. He's on MFP as stroutman81 and his company is Body Improvements. And he is terrific.

    I've been following him on Facebook. Lots of good info! Glad you're back in the group (I only minimally participate, but am a full on lurker).
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    Threadjack: total NSV today made me smile! I was eating lunch and listening idly to the 2 young men chatting at the next table over. Heard the word "deadlift" go by- one says to the other, "165-175 is a really good deadlift man!". These two were buff guys in their mid 20's. I deadlift 220 routinely (PR 235#) and am a woman pushing 53.... :)

    LOVE IT!
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    You have a guy who tells people to stop benching? Is it because he wants all the benches, or is he claiming it'll destroy their shoulders or something?! xD What the hell? I would drop that guy on a bench and drop a bar on him, see if he changes his mind xD (Not seriously, but geez, some people...)

    I don,t know if that beats the old man I see doing machine chest flyes for 20+ minutes every time I see him... That machine is right at the exit of the ladies' locker room. Just creepy :|

    He's a trainer there and he has some weird vendetta against bench presses. Last time he lectured me about how they don't do anything and are a waste of time and that I should never do them. (I guess it should be noted... I didn't ask him.)
  • caseys29
    caseys29 Posts: 63 Member
    You have a guy who tells people to stop benching? Is it because he wants all the benches, or is he claiming it'll destroy their shoulders or something?! xD What the hell? I would drop that guy on a bench and drop a bar on him, see if he changes his mind xD (Not seriously, but geez, some people...)

    I don,t know if that beats the old man I see doing machine chest flyes for 20+ minutes every time I see him... That machine is right at the exit of the ladies' locker room. Just creepy :|

    He's a trainer there and he has some weird vendetta against bench presses. Last time he lectured me about how they don't do anything and are a waste of time and that I should never do them. (I guess it should be noted... I didn't ask him.)

    Funny! Does he look like this?
