How did it go yesterday?

newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
Did you do anything different? Learn anything new?


  • telepneff
    telepneff Posts: 71 Member
    Yesterday went well.

    I went for a run during my lunch break so spent the afternoon with a red face.

    In the evening I did my third pole class and managed to let go! (still holding on with my legs). It was scary but that is something new that I learnt.

    I also cleaned out the animals and cleaned the kitchen so it was a pretty active day.

    I did really well on my calories too, I was quite a lot under my target but it was needed from being over the day before.
  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    I did well on my calories. I learned that I can fill up on an entire 16 oz. bag of frozen veggies. I steamed a stir fry blend and tossed them with a few teaspoons of spicy Szechuan sauce. Less than 200 calories for lunch, and I was full 'til dinner. My hubby had to attend a meeting last night, so I was without a walking partner. Walking by myself is not as much fun - I get bored and usually cut it short. I told myself I'd walk for at least 20 minutes, and ended up doing 50, so I can pat myself on the back. :wink:
  • PJB1980
    PJB1980 Posts: 4
    It went really good, I done some gardening and mowing. I got a mile in yesterday Yay me because II don't exercise LOL. :smile: I stayed within my Carb and Calorie goal. My husband wasn't feeling good so I walked to my video.
  • Tigerorchid03
    Tigerorchid03 Posts: 5 Member
    It was flooding so I walked the mall, and did some shopping. I was disappointed to not get my hour walk in. But today I walked 1 1/2 hours to sort of make up for the deficit.
  • ljones01
    ljones01 Posts: 13 Member
    Yesterday was GREAT! This morning I'm having issues with my sweet tooth :( But I'm meeting a friend after worki to walk the 3 mile loop at the park. Just trying to take this "one day at a time." Hope everyone has an awesome day!!
  • Jen11051981
    Jen11051981 Posts: 17
    Yesterday was a little bit tough, I think that I am worn out! I am going to eat light today and not hit the gym. I think I need a day off exercise. I having trouble balancing work, coaching, the housework, working out and the kids. I have to take a break and play catch up.
  • mrsgosch
    mrsgosch Posts: 55 Member
    It went good I did some cardio and core exercises. I planked for the first time ever and it was hard! I was way under my calorie goal and even avoided eating a ton of sweets that my DD and DH were eating in front of me.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hungry between lunch and dinner, but didn't go over. Prelogged everything & just adjusted. It's much easier to prelog and do the figuring out before you eat. Did my exercise. Pretty much did what I was supposed to do, yipee!
  • hamo1987
    hamo1987 Posts: 65 Member
    Yesturday wS a great day, I stayed under my calorie goal, I played outside with my kids, we bbqed and I still was able to have one smore, lol... I had a great day first in a long time I didnt obsess over being "starving" lol when really I was just thinking way too much about food rather than nutrition. It was one day, but one successful day, and I'll take it
  • naj609
    naj609 Posts: 18 Member
    Yesterday went well! I went the whole day without my usual can of Pepsi & pushed a little bit futher on my cardio.
  • Robinmacmillan
    Robinmacmillan Posts: 11 Member
    Yesterday went great. Ran for 30 minutes, then did an hour and a half of mulching. Saw somewhere on the site how to balance the carbs/protein/fat for weight loss. Did it for the first time ever. It was hard, but I think it pointed out that I eat too many carbs. I lost 3 pounds, and I'm sure it was a lot of water weight and will likely come back. I am hopeful with tracking the carbs etc. though, that I can see more weight loss than I have seen in the recent past.
  • Ziki252
    Ziki252 Posts: 6
    YES! I learned that I eat WAY more carbs than I thought I did. I realize not everyone on here is doing a low, or restricted carbohydrate diet, but I am. I thought vaguely I was probably between 25 and 30 net grams of carbohydrates a day, wow, actually I am a little above 50. So today, it is all about watching for those hidden carbohydrates and calories. So far, so good. I just really like to eat. A lot. If I am being honest, I'd love some chocolate right now. But, then I look at my wardrobe (all fit me 40 lbs ago) and the craving for chocolate diminishes.
  • Ziki252
    Ziki252 Posts: 6
    Is pre logging, simply writing/entering in what you will eat, before you eat, then sticking to that?
  • gasgonias
    gasgonias Posts: 1
    Yesterday was pretty awesome. I had a lot of energy, so I mowed and raked my lawn for about 3 hours.

    I've been doing the Ideal Protein Diet for about 5 weeks now and so far it has been the greatest weight loss plan that I ever tried. With my health coach always there, I know that I can get good and healthy directions on how to lose a healthy 2-3 lbs. a week. So far, I've lost 15 lbs. in the program and I have 13 more lbs. to lose to reach my ideal weight.

    The thing is, I've never really paid so much attention on the affects of high carbohydrate intake before. Now, I make conscious decisions on how much carbs, protein, and fat I can take daily to get to my desired weight. It is all about knowledge and persistence, isn't it? Knowing what works for your body and how it makes you feel is the best policy.

    I know that I might sway here and there, but overall yesterday, today, and tomorrow will be a commitment I have to take for my health.
  • KelleP
    KelleP Posts: 33 Member
    I ate well and went to Pilates class. I'm feeling it today but no gain... little pain!
  • alidawn81
    alidawn81 Posts: 8 Member
    Zumba last night, counted all calories (under goal), and worked out at 5am today!
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Congrats to those who had a great first day, and an even BIGGER congrats to all of us for checking in on Day 2!!! Often times, it's not the challenges we face regarding weight loss that cause us not to reach our goals but the lack of commitment. The fact that we're posting means we're committed.

    The first day was wonderful. It was my rest day from exercising so I did exactly what I was scheduled to do - rest. I was super pleased that I was able to reach my protein goal. Yea, for me!!
  • Northern_Girl12
    Northern_Girl12 Posts: 15 Member
    Didn't feel great yesterday, to be honest. I had a migraine in the evening and ended up going over on calories. However, today has been great and I got lots of sleep due to the headache. Feeling good now.
  • CanadianCountryGirl1973
    CanadianCountryGirl1973 Posts: 108 Member
    Yesterday was great! Walked farther and faster than ever before (the biting flies are out where I live, so it's good motivation to walk faster than they can fly!!). Today however, was discouraging... went to a restaurant and thought I ordered smart... evidently not!!
  • newlife6745
    newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
    Ziki, I would say yes. I think preplanning will let you know how much more/less you can have.