Still Awaiting Arrival of Baby? Introduce yourself!



  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    Thanks for the invite. I knew with baby brain I would forget to look up the group. ;) My name is Tressa and I"m 29 1/2 weeks right now and at a loss for energy. I'm having a little bouncing baby boy who will be named Jackson. I'm due August 1 according to my first ultrasound and July 31 according to the 20 week ultrasound. Pretty sure it's going to be right around there....
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm Lisa and baby arrived in December, so she'll be six months at the beginning of June. Eleanor is her name, she weighed in at 9lb 3oz and 21.25 inches tall.

    Congrats to all the expecting moms!

    Thanks for the invite, this sounds like a great group to share experiences on the mommy front!

    My first is Eleanor :) We call her Ellie
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Hi I'm Megan, 33 year old WAHM (cloth diapers), home schooler, and wife to a sailor. I'm 21 weeks right now...due Sept 25th, though I expect an October baby! ;) I have 2 girls already, 6 1/2 and 3 years old, who are best friends! I normally love running and being active and strong, but I tell ya what...the motivation is just not there these days! lol I'm doing the best I can for now and looking forward to our pool being ready to swim in. (Right now its still a nasty green, cloudy mess, but we're working on it! lol)

    I'm looking forward to the rest of this pregnancy (especially stronger kicks and feeling baby move from the OUTSIDE), but I'm also looking forward to being the sole occupant of my body again! ;) I can't wait to kick my own butt with workouts and get back into shape. lol It usually takes me about a year to recover, so I look forward to being on the journey with you guys!

    I'm also really excited about the prospect of my first home birth! I have no idea what it will be like. I know it will still hurt and all. But I'm SO excited to be in my own private atmosphere, have my music and birth pool, privacy, and no continuous fetal monitoring! I wonder if I'll want to deliver squatting or on my hands and knees? I wonder how smoothly it will go. The one thing I know is that I CAN do it and it will be healing and empowering! :D
  • heatherz104
    heatherz104 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm currently 27 weeks and expecting our second little one due on August 24:) Have one little boy about to turn 3 named Wyatt and the new one's name will be Joshua Bennett.

    Oh and I cloth diapered with our first (at least most of the time anyway) and breastfed so looking forward to doing those things again as they were two of the most enjoyable parts of having a new baby for me.

    Oh and Valley83 - my birthday is July 14th!
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    Hello! What a great idea for a group! Thanks for inviting me to join! :)

    My name is Suzanne, I'm 22, I am currently pregnant with our first and she is due on June 6th. :) 18 more days until due date!
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm currently 27 weeks and expecting our second little one due on August 24:) Have one little boy about to turn 3 named Wyatt and the new one's name will be Joshua Bennett.

    Oh and I cloth diapered with our first (at least most of the time anyway) and breastfed so looking forward to doing those things again as they were two of the most enjoyable parts of having a new baby for me.

    Oh and Valley83 - my birthday is July 14th!

    Cloth diapering and breastfeeding are my favorite parts too! Well, and babywearing, too! lol
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks for making the group @tiggerhammon! I'm almost 39 weeks, due May 28th. This is my first baby so I'm equally excited and terrified! I'm actually most excited to see my husband as a father... I know he's going to be amazing! My husband and I officially finished nesting this weekend and now we're just sitting back and relaxing until baby Hannah decides to make her appearance.

    I'm planning on cloth diapering and breastfeeding as long as I can produce the goodies. I'm glad to be a part of this group! I know the next few years are going to be super tough and having a supportive group is going to be super helpful. :flowerforyou:
  • sunflower92630
    sunflower92630 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi my name is Teresa live in California and am currently 13+4 weeks along with my first due in November 2014 and gotta say Second trimester is so far way better than the first! I finally feel like myself again without the extreme mood swings, hunger and nausea nad morning sickness all at the same time (Which is just completely weird and exhausting!) and I have so much more energy!

    My husband and I couldn't be more excited about this kid.
    Just married in January this year (january 2014) and already preggos. so newlywed and new baby all in one year is a lot to handle, but I'm taking it one day at a time and love the idea of having this support group even past pregnancy!

    Congrats to you all on this adventute! :bigsmile:
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Hello! Thanks for adding me! I am Brittany and i'm 27 years old. I'm expecting my first child (a girl) on June 22nd! I am 35+1 today!
  • netsirk12
    netsirk12 Posts: 220 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I'm Kristen. Due July 22nd with my first. Lyric Catherine. So excited. I have put on a lot of weight and have been diagnosed with GD,

    Friend requests welcome.
  • brittyD906
    brittyD906 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm brittany; due with my second boy around June 15 (:
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Welcome everyone! So glad we are getting together a good group of us - and a good group full of good people too :) I have been friends with most of you for a little while and am so happy we get to continue being friends.
    I'm brittany; due with my second boy around June 15 (:

    Yea! Someone that shares my due day. It will be interesting to see how close they actually are.
  • sunflower92630
    sunflower92630 Posts: 76 Member
    Welcome everyone! So glad we are getting together a good group of us - and a good group full of good people too :) I have been friends with most of you for a little while and am so happy we get to continue being friends.
    I'm brittany; due with my second boy around June 15 (:

    Yea! Someone that shares my due day. It will be interesting to see how close they actually are.

    This is really cool since June 16th is my birthday so would be cool if one of you had a kid on my birthday! Bring on the awesome Geminis!
  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    My name is Mandy and I'm 27 years old and having a repeat C-section next Tuesday morning (5/27). This is my third and final baby - all boys! I'm getting my tubes tied after they're done performing the c-section.
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey! My name is Kim. I'm have a repeat c-sec on May 29th. This will be our second boy (and last child). I am 37 yo and just too old to go thru this again :)
    I am still working, but I hope this will be my last week. I loved how one of you said "can't wait to get my body back". That's exactly how I feel at this point. I'm tired of sharing... even though I will be breast feeding
    I know it will take a while to get enough rest/ energy after the baby comes to start exercising and focus on eating right. But at this point I can't wait! This is a BIG baby and I am worn out after carrying him around for months
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Hey! My name is Kim. I'm have a repeat c-sec on May 29th. This will be our second boy (and last child). I am 37 yo and just too old to go thru this again :)
    I am still working, but I hope this will be my last week. I loved how one of you said "can't wait to get my body back". That's exactly how I feel at this point. I'm tired of sharing... even though I will be breast feeding
    I know it will take a while to get enough rest/ energy after the baby comes to start exercising and focus on eating right. But at this point I can't wait! This is a BIG baby and I am worn out after carrying him around for months

    I want my ribs to not feel constantly bruised anymore, it's like "I love you kid, I really do, but keep the partying down or get out"
  • BrainOnAStick
    BrainOnAStick Posts: 126 Member
    Hi, all. I am India.

    Our son is due June 7, which puts me at 37 weeks now. This is my first pregnancy, at the ripe old, yet wise age of 36. :)

    Like some others mentioned here, we plan to cloth diaper and breastfeed.

    I am glad this group is here. I've had some nice discussions with other expectant MFP folks and look forward to keeping the conversation going.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Looking forward to all the discussions.
    I am curious, for those that opted into repeat Csections, what made you decide to do so. I had the hardest time coping with my Csection the first time. I felt like I had failed. I also could not walk for 3 weeks and retore my scar right after I had just got moving again and had to do more down time. It was awful. I am praying and hoping and crossing my fingers and doing everything in my power to accomplish a VBAC and if I fail again, I am going to bawl!

    I totally understand wishing the baby would hold still or vacate! At this point, I am really hoping for the vacate option, but that is not happening it seems. I don't believe there is any way to get him to hold still either and my internal bruises are getting bruised :(

    Glad you are here India :)
    What made you decide to go with cloth diapers? I have thought about it and to be perfectly honest with you, my biggest hold back on that is just - ew! lol
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Looking forward to all the discussions.
    I am curious, for those that opted into repeat Csections, what made you decide to do so. I had the hardest time coping with my Csection the first time. I felt like I had failed. I also could not walk for 3 weeks and retore my scar right after I had just got moving again and had to do more down time. It was awful. I am praying and hoping and crossing my fingers and doing everything in my power to accomplish a VBAC and if I fail again, I am going to bawl!

    I totally understand wishing the baby would hold still or vacate! At this point, I am really hoping for the vacate option, but that is not happening it seems. I don't believe there is any way to get him to hold still either and my internal bruises are getting bruised :(

    Glad you are here India :)
    What made you decide to go with cloth diapers? I have thought about it and to be perfectly honest with you, my biggest hold back on that is just - ew! lol

    I am going to have a repeat C-section, because it's the only way my OB will deliver after the 1st one. And honestly, I had a really good experience with mine. I'm 5 months post-partum and can't see the scar. I was home 2 days after delivery, shoveling snow 4 days after delivery, and back to myself 100% within about 10 days. I didn't want a C-section but after having one I wouldn't hesitate for another. My baby was so high up in my body and was showing no signs of dropping. Even with the C they had to vacuum her out! If it had been awful, though, I'd definitely find a new OB and go for a VBAC. Was yours an emergency C-section? My OB said that (in his experience) scheduled ones are quite successful, the emergency ones tend to have more problems (it's a different cut).

    We're cloth diapering here and so far so good! We use gDiapers and they're fabulous. We opt to use this paper liner thingy on top so it captures all the solid waste and it just gets flicked into the garbage or toilet. It cost about $400 to stock her diaper supplies from birth to about 36 lbs., we've yet to have a blowout, it's good for the environment, and they're cute as can be! Yes, there is more laundry--I do 2 diaper loads a week. We have regular disposables for travel, back-up stock in the diaper bag, and for babysitters and even the babysitters have gotten to the point where they prefer the cloth now! As my husband put it--one way or the other, you're dealing with poop, might as well spare the landfills while you're at it!

    (ETA: We've also read that cloth diapered babies tend to potty train quicker since they actually feel wet--rather than having everything wicked away. That's a bonus! My friends daughter is **almost** trained at 14 months. She uses diapers overnight (still in a crib) and when they're away from home for more than a few hours, but other than that, she's done!)
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    I'm a "yougin" in this group, it seems! I'm currently 18 wks, 3 days with our first, due on October 19th. Yesterday we found out we're having a GIRL! I'm so excited. I'm giving birth at a birthing center with the support of my husband, a doula, and the midwives there. I'll be taking the Hypnobabies class in preparation for a natural birth. My pregnancy has been in the wide range of normal from what I can tell. The worst part has been keeping up with work travel, which exhausts me and usually makes me sick. I never knew that pregnancy could exacerbate motion sickness! Here's hoping for no more vomiting in the airplane bathroom. Happy to be part of this group!