Introduce Yourself



  • coloradotiff
    coloradotiff Posts: 22 Member
    Hey all. I actually need to lose 50 but 40lbs is a good start. Trying to keep at 1200 calories and get my sweat on AT LEAST 30 mins aday. It's hard!
  • heaven_511
    heaven_511 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Angel and I'll be 43 in August. I am 5'3" and 180 lbs. My goal is to lose 35-40 lbs. I previously lost 39 lbs using MFP and Zumba. Over the last 2 years I have gained it all back. In fact, when I weighed this morning, I was 5 lbs heavier than when I initially started. :embarassed: I currently do Zumba 3-4 days/wk and I recently (last week) joined a local gym where I started strength training with my husband. I'm a pretty active downfalls are my food choices and my addiction to sweets. I hope to find the encouragement, motivation and accountability that I need to be successful on my journey back to a healthier me. I look forward to getting to know you all as we share our journeys.:flowerforyou:

    140 here I come!
  • sunshine7103
    sunshine7103 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Tracey. I'm hoping to loose 40 to 50lbs. I'm 25 yrs old and I have 3 kids, a 3 yr old and 5 month old twins. I currently weigh 203 and 5'4. I really want to get down to the 150's and continue working out. I figure if I reach my goal weight and continue to live a healthy lifestyle I will continues to loose weight. I joined this group because you truly loose more weight when you do it with others! I am so excited to see the transformation to the new, healthier me.
  • mcshylie
    mcshylie Posts: 7
    Hi! I am 55, 5'8'' and weigh 198. Weight has just been creeping up over the past 15 years. I am active and energetic, but want to lose 43 pounds and hold steady at 155. I'm into MFP 10 days now - love the accountability. It's a serious reality check for what I was consuming, on a daily basis. I am down 2 lbs. and have a good feeling about this. Can anyone tell me where I can get a weight-track display counter like some of you have at the end of your posts - reflecting your weightloss & goal?
  • Limath
    Limath Posts: 89 Member
    You can add the ticker on the My Home tab, under 'Profile'. It will let you personalize it, then add it to your profile. Good luck!
  • skinnybyhalloween14
    skinnybyhalloween14 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! My name is Maggie, I am 18, 5'5", and currently 175lbs. Two years ago, when I finished high school, I stopped exercising altogether and went from a comfortable 140 to quite uncomfortable 175. My goal by Halloween of this year is to be 40 lbs less than I am now :) Now that it's the summer, I want to take the opportunity to jump start my weight loss before I go back to school. I've only been on MFP for 5 days now, and have been burning about 1000 calories each night on the elliptical :)
  • 4men1lady79
    4men1lady79 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi I'm Zina, 34yr old SAHM...I started my journey back in 2012 weighing in at 205lbs after my 3rd child was born...I've tried a lot of things but I've finally figured things out! Now I'm down to 183lbs...its been slow and steady but I'm not stopping now! My goal weight is around 145lbs.
  • muzz1906
    muzz1906 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I am Marina in my late 40s and based in London (UK). I have only just recently joined the site 25 days ago so still getting used to the calorie counting! Over the last 15 years I have slowly but surely gained around 40lbs in weight and at 5.4ft I now feel frumpy and dumpy! Clothes shopping is a nightmare as nothing fits - I am a typical Apple shape so all my weight concentrates round my waist and upper body which is disproportionate to my slim-ish hips and thighs. My job as Administrator/Receptionist is basically sedentary and I know I need to move more so am trying to add some activity to my day such as walking a bit more and taking the stairs where possible. I am not ready to dive into the gym yet!! Anyhow I thought I would join the group and take inspiration from all of you as I tend to get disillusioned very quickly if I don't see immediate results, which I am dangerously close to becoming as I keep losing and gaining the same 2lbs since I joined! :)
  • phelan999
    phelan999 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, Everyone,

    I'm 37, 5' 7", and 204 this morning. I lost 30 pounds on WW two years ago, but quit because it costs money :smile: I joined MFP a while ago, but never did anything with it and I forgot my password for a while. I booked a cruise vacation this summer, and I want to be in better shape for that, so I'm here and I'm trying. I have thyroid issues, but mostly feel healthy. I have a sedentary job, and I just want to be less jiggly. My downfall is usually after dinner - that's when I get snacky.
  • silverstarrlyte
    silverstarrlyte Posts: 83 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Stefanie. I am 42, 5'3" 156lbs. I'm a wife and mother of a 16 year old son, and 17 year old daughter that is graduating tomorrow night!
    My goal is to get to 130lbs. I have been eating less, and trying to eat reasonably clean. I run 4-5 days a week, I would like to add in some strength training, but have not felt like I had the energy to do more than I have at this point.
    I have let myself go - spent the last 20 years being a mom, and have realized that I need to do some stuff for me! I want to feel pretty again!

  • siegel7707
    siegel7707 Posts: 7
    hello!! my name is Melissa, I am new to myfitness. I gained 40 in the last few years and I would like it to get lost!!! I have problems sticking to things, so here I am, trying again. I am 30 years old, married with one child. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. I LOVE to eat, especially when bored, so tracking my caloric intake is new and helpful (I feel hungry though). I am 5'4" and weighed 188 on 5/22. I want to get below the 150 mark. I hope to make some friends and meet some goals together!
    Much love!! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • mmredd100
    mmredd100 Posts: 50 Member
    My name is Melissa I am getting ready to turn 25. My weight fluctuates right now between 170-175. I would like to lose 40 pounds or at least until I feel healthy and happy. I have been able to lose weight before but I am having trouble committing this time around. I would like to lose this weight over the next year so I can prepare for a fall wedding. I would love to meet more friends who are supportive and share their tips! I have started running and working out with the trainer now I just need to get my eating habits down. Good luck!
  • sali2001
    sali2001 Posts: 4
    Hi Everyone, my name is Sam. I am 39 y/o. I am starting at 165 and would like to get back down to the 125-130 range. I was at my goal 3 years ago, before I started nursing school, and I have just let things go. I want to get back on track before school starts back up next fall. I love running, hiking, and Bikram.
  • cicibeanz
    cicibeanz Posts: 77 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Celia. This is my 2nd day back on MFP after a disastrous fall/winter in which I gained 20 lbs- the 12 I had lost on here last summer plus 8 more for good measure. I've never seen the 190s on the scale before and frankly it scared the crap out of me. I see my mother struggling with type II diabetes and other weight related issues and I don't want that to be my future, but it's hard to break my comfort food and tv habits. Anyway, this group seems like a good fit. After last night's weigh in I realize that my goal is closer to 50 lbs than 40, but I'll be happy with any progress in the right direction.

    I just finished my Masters and am looking for a new job and tying up some academic loose ends, which no doubt contributed to the stress eating but honestly I'm just as excited for my next adventure (whatever that may be) as I am nervous. :)
  • Michie360
    Michie360 Posts: 2
    Hello, my name is Michelle but all my social media friends call me Madison Mason. I have struggled with my weight all my life losing and gaining more pounds than you can imagine. My heaviest weight is 220 lbs. and my lowest weight is around 154 lbs. I currently weigh 197 and my long term goal is to get back down to 154 and maintain it. My mini goal is to drop 10 pounds by the Jay Z\ Beyonce concert on July 7th which is exactly 3 weeks from today. The only problem is that I am an emotional eater and work\home is very stressful right now. With that said dropping the weight is going to be a struggle.
  • Im 28 and had enough. I have been in a continuous spiral f weight gain for years now .I'm 224 as of today and am looking for some major tips on what I can do to lose the weight. I am 5'2'' and am not a very active person. I recently got a promotion that has me sitting at a desk most of the day. I have time before bed to work out, That's about it. A 8 month old who wants constant attention and a non-involved husband(when it comes to dieting). Those are my obstacles. I would like some fresh ideas about how to get active and recipes that are not just salads. I MUST DO THIS! I NEED You all!

    My goal for now is 190lb. I know its still up there but at this daunting 200+ Ill be happy when I see anything under 200. My ultimate goal is 160.p
  • carriemyrah
    carriemyrah Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! My name is Carrie, and I'm 38 years old. I have a daughter who is 5 years old and a son who is 21 months. I'm a "Do-It-All" mom (works full-time, shops, cooks, picks-up, etc.) and have decided that's it's time to focus on ME and to get my health on track before I hit 40. My goal is to be 160 lbs, so I have 43 lbs to lose.

    I lost 45 pounds 10 years ago through Weight Watchers. I kept the majority of it off until my first pregnancy. It's like my fat cells remembered where to store everything. I did not lose all the pregnancy weight after the birth of my daughter and then it compounded with my second pregnancy. Losing weight today is not like it was 10 years ago. It's so much harder with a husband, two kids (three including the dog), balancing work and trying to maintain my sanity.

    I started working out with a trainer this year, but did not see real weight loss results until a second trainer pushed me to track EVERYTHING I put in my month. Since then, I've realized a 15lb weight loss from April to now, but it's still a long road ahead. I'd love some friends just to help motivate me to my long-term goal. One pound per week seems like forever (that's puts me to my goal March 2015). But I'm committed and would love to help anyone else out there who's in the same boat as myself and wants a friend through the long journey to a better life.
  • georgiagreeneyes
    georgiagreeneyes Posts: 69 Member
    Hello... My name is Daniela, I am 23 years old, 5'8, and currently weigh 171 pounds. Until the age of 20, I maintained my weight at 130 and was very comfortable with it. In the past 3 years I have gained 40 pounds and no longer feel comfortable in my own body. I have tried losing weight before but cannot manage to stay motivated... but this time will be different.

    We have almost exactly the same body stats, but my weight gain happened in a much shorter time span. I was in a severe car accident at the beginning of the year. I've been very inactive as I'm recovering from several orthopedic injuries. Unfortunately I didn't have much control over my diet and the weight came on rather suddenly (I also have endocrine disorders that really affect my metabolism). I'm working on managing my diet better in hopes to at least prevent any more weight gain.

    I look forward to being able t work out again, prior to my accident I was very active running about 30 miles a week and doing Insanity workouts. I also do not feel comfortable with my current body image, and am anxious to get back to a weight in which I'm more comfortable with body--- for me that's under 130 lbs. If anyone is looking for an accountability buddy or extra support feel free to add me as a friend, my name is Amanda Lynn!
  • sgraves06
    sgraves06 Posts: 31 Member
    Good Morning!

    I am 29 years old at 5' 9" and at the heaviest weight of my life.... a whopping 197 pounds. I was in a great place at a weight of 153 pounds and both feeling and looking fabulous just two short years ago. It is just amazing how quickly (and easily) I gained over 40 pounds! Following a very comfortable relationship, stressful job, and no personal accountability.... here I am. Today I have decided to begin using MFP again. I acheived my most proud weight (153 lbs.) by using MFP, exercising everyday, and utilizing the amazing support of the other members on this site. I am ready, who is with me?!?! :)

    I look forward to meeting my goal of a 40+ weight loss with you. We can do it! Whose with me??!