Induction and Fats

Maaggie1 Posts: 29 Member
I'm finding it really difficult to get all the fats in that I'm supposed to. I use a tablespoon of butter when making my scrambled eggs, have added mayonnaise to my salad dressing, and eat salmon, bacon, chicken and beef - but I always seem to come up short on grams of fat consumed. I'm on induction, so I can't add nuts and such yet. Any suggestions?

Edited to add: that 8 pounds lost in my sig line is from a year ago, when my weight loss just stopped. That's why I'm trying a lo-carb approach. Edit again: fixed it - ticker is now correct.


  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    Use more olive oil, avocado and coconut oil. Are you eating dairy? I also added parmesan, blue cheese and other cheeses to my food. Or, do a search on "fat bomb recipes" and you will find other items to help!

    Good luck!
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Cream cheese. Avocado. Heavy whipping cream.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    HWC, Coconut Oil and or Olive Oil (i cook and drizzle it over my lettuce). Mayo on Boiled Eggs. yuuumy. Fatty Meats
  • Maaggie1
    Maaggie1 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you all! I'll get some coconut oil when I go shopping this weekend. I hadn't thought about putting mayo on boiled eggs, but since I love both, that sounds yummy! Was cream cheese on the list for induction? I'll have to go re-check, but I'll buy some cheese I like from the list when I go shopping as well. I'll check out "Fat Bomb" recipes, and if all of the above don't get me there, I'll try that too. Thanks so much for your suggestions!
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I also do Bulletproof coffee, which is basically coffee with heavy cream, butter and coconut oil added - yummy!
  • VaporHero2
    VaporHero2 Posts: 24
    I snack on pieces of cheese (block cheddar) with cream cheese spread on them. Its really yummy with plenty of fat.