May Monthly Challenge: Calorie Burning Hours!



  • Naruto4ever
    Naruto4ever Posts: 112
    Today was fun walking..... 75minutes@4mph... Walk in rain... Everything seems so alive in rains...
    Torsha@ hubby is a big fitness buff... So we have many dumbell plates at home... So i use them... But me n jasneet have our eye on powerblock adjustable dumbells.... Am saving up money for them...
    Minutes done this month: 1405/1440.,,
    Minutes left: 15/1440:smile: :
  • yogeshsarkar
    yogeshsarkar Posts: 119 Member
    1557 minutes done, 243 minutes remaining. Sadly my weight loss seems to be slowing down, only lost 600gms this week, compared to 1+ kg/week for past 4-5 weeks.
  • jasneet12
    jasneet12 Posts: 239 Member
    202 minutes to go! and i dont even want to talk weight loss! my weighing scale has been taken over by demons!
  • jasneet12
    jasneet12 Posts: 239 Member
    Wow. I would really like to start strength training at home since my weight loss has practically stalled after the initial 20 kgs. The gym seems a little intimidating for now, frankly.
    I'll check out the site. Thanks.
    What equipments, if any, did you guys buy?

    I have 1kg and 3 kg dumbbells. I have also bought sklz resistance tubes and handles (the links are up somewhere in this thread) but I am yet to work with those.
  • TorshaDattaChoudhuri
    It rained here in Kolkata and my swimming pool was swarming with insects. Couldn't get my workout in either yesterday or today.
    :-/ Will go walking tomorrow for sure.
    I am thinking of buying dumbbells too.
  • Naruto4ever
    Naruto4ever Posts: 112
    Hi... Hiking with backpack today: 90 minutes.... No wonder my maths teacher use to spank me all the time in school... I have miscalculated my minutes this month....
    So, recap: Week 1: may 1- 4: 364minutes
    Week 2: may 5- 11: 320 minutes
    Week 3 : may 12- 18: 490 minutes
    Week 4: may 19-25: 495 minutes
    Total minutes done till now:1668/1440.....
    Challenge done this month.....:drinker:

    Woods are lovely dark and deep.... Miles to go before i sleep...
  • sakshi0112
    sakshi0112 Posts: 4
    ohh i guess i joined it late!!well i am "in" for june challenge
  • jasneet12
    jasneet12 Posts: 239 Member
    easy day with only light stretching and an ab workout...167 minutes to go...
  • yogeshsarkar
    yogeshsarkar Posts: 119 Member
    Completed my challenge of walking 30 hours i.e. 1800 minutes, now 4 days remain and I am hoping to finish with a total of 2082 minutes of walk time i.e. 70 minutes each day for next 4 days.
  • TorshaDattaChoudhuri
    Well done naruto and yogesh.
    Way to go jasneet.
    My exams begin tomorrow, won't be able to workout. :-/
  • jasneet12
    jasneet12 Posts: 239 Member
    Good luck with the exams @Torsha

    an hour long workout today! just a 100 minutes to go to complete the challenge! :)
  • Naruto4ever
    Naruto4ever Posts: 112
    45 minutes wAlking today....
    Good going jasneet.....
  • jasneet12
    jasneet12 Posts: 239 Member
    45 odd minutes done today! I worked with the resistance tubes! its good; very similar to the dumbbells; you just have to be careful on the adaptation. but still good going. I was using a 10lb tube which is supposed to 4.5 kgs but it did burn less than my 3 kg dumbbells and more than a 1 kg dumbell...

    just under an hour to go!
  • Naruto4ever
    Naruto4ever Posts: 112
    Great going jasneet....
    Today's excercise: walking @4mph 75 minutes and strength training: 45 minutes....
  • yogeshsarkar
    yogeshsarkar Posts: 119 Member
    2012 minutes of walking done till now. Also received my resistance band today (got inspired by Jasneet to buy it, thanks Jasneet) and used it for chest workout, along with free weights and it worked really well.
  • Naruto4ever
    Naruto4ever Posts: 112
    Hey jasneet.... What resistance band excercises are u doing??
    Walking @ 75 minutes...
    Tomorrow last day of the month... Lets see how much i get out of tomorrow....
  • jasneet12
    jasneet12 Posts: 239 Member
    Ive just managed 40 minutes today! 20 minutes to go more! :( dont know when i'll manage those

    Ive got SKLZ triple handle and sklz tubes of 10 lb, 20 lbs & 40 lbs. I can use them in different combinations to get upto 70 lbs.

    what have you bought Yogesh?
  • yogeshsarkar
    yogeshsarkar Posts: 119 Member
    Did 75 minute walk today, so final tally is at 2087 minutes this month.

    Jasneet, I bought Vector X JF-1100, it has resistant tube (Heavy Resistance) and handles for Rs. 722. I wasn't sure if I was going to end up using it regularly, hence didn't want to spend on SKLZ setup.
  • jasneet12
    jasneet12 Posts: 239 Member
    I missed out on this challenge by 20 minutes :cry:

    Congratulations Yogesh! Naruto! for completing the challenge! :flowerforyou:
  • Naruto4ever
    Naruto4ever Posts: 112
    Jasneet.... U did real good....
    So may month yielded 1990 minutes of excercise.....
    Lovely going yogesh.....:smile::flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: