May Chat



  • redzz16
    redzz16 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks so much! Between the 3 of them. I'm in love!!!
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Congratulations Jo on your new arrivals. Welcome to the group and Welcome Ireallyneedit.

    Charlie, I know exactly how you feel. When good things happen with my children, I get ecstatic. When my son, moved from Texas to Phoenix, I knew it was a blessing. I now get to spend long week-ends at least twice a month with my two Beautiful little granddaughters. (It sounds like a lot but my son and his wife like having me there cause I help them a lot.) I have another son in the Phoenix area, with 4 children whom I am close with but I don't see them as often due to their busy schedule and son and DIL don't like coming up to Prescott. I also have a daughter, sil and the sweetest grandson in Albuquerque, NM.

    I'm happy for you that your son and his family are moving closer to you. Your location sounds ideal for so many outdoor activities. It's so great that you maximize on the trails and parks that surround you.

  • missyfit13
    missyfit13 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello all,

    Cris - it is so nice to hear about your mom. I lost mine in 2007 way too soon. She was on the waiting list for a lovely little apartment in a senior home. She died at home with me where she was living and 1 week later they called to say her apartment was ready. It was heartbreaking.

    We now have my Father-in-law staying with us 1/2 the week. We share him with my brother-in-law. I don't know if it is the best arrangement but it is working. And going back and forth seems to keep him occupied. He can no longer live alone and is suffering from dementia. He is fine some days and others it just falls apart, so he has to live with his children. At some point they may have to put him in a home, but his sons are not ready to do that yet, so we have the current arrangement. He is such a lovely man, but it is hard to see this strong man who has worked hard all his life be so helpless. He is 94.

    Welcome to the new members. Great posts from everyone. It is so fun to come here to catch up on everyone's daily life.

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    It seems that so many of my MFP friends are dealing with elderly parents. I know it is so hard. We went through the same thing many, many years ago with my parents (I was a very, very late child). Since my children were very young and we lived 200 miles away, the majority of the care went to my sister and brother-in-law (my sister was 25 years older than me [just her and me] and my nephews were also older than me and long gone from home at the time). I would go up often and give them a break, but I know that it was a difficult responsibility and will always be grateful for the wonderful care they provided during difficult times. I hope I made up a little to her during the short time she was ill before she died. My nephews still live out west and I tried to spend time with her. So, my admiration goes out to all of you going through this now.

    Twins! How exciting Red. You and ireallyneedit have your hands full!

    Claudine: I don't think twice a month is too much. I spend two hours every Monday morning with my grandkids and we are close. It gives their mom a break, keeps the kids used to me, and lets me set the schedule. I loved spending time with my grandmother and my kids weren't lucky enough to have the close grandparent relationship when they were young. They barely remember their grandparents. The minute I walk in the house, my 4-yr. old granddaughter asks, "What's our craft called today, Grandma?" We have so much fun doing crafts and art projects and making up stories. My ex goes over, too, and we switch off spending time between her and the one-year old. (He never has to change a diaper that way). He is the rough-and-tumble grandparent. Their other grandmother died before they were born.

    I felt good yesterday at the gym. One of the staff came up to me and asked me how much weight I had lost and how much had my workout increased. She gave me a high-five when I told her. She is really the only worker I have every spoken to there (except to say "Hi!") and it was really only when I first started and I asked her how to use the stretch trainer (I love still love the stretch trainer). She said that she and another staff member were talking about how I was there everyday and how much weight it had seemed that I had lost. She said that when we had talked back in January she had seen how I worked hard, but it was hard for me and thought, that like most people who begin in January, I wouldn't last. It made me feel really good that strangers notice and now I feel even more motivated. You see, Holly, someone besides you notices! :laugh:

    When I began in January, five days a week, I did the stationary bike for 10 minutes at Level 1 and would cardio walk 1/2 mile at about 2 mph. Now I do the bike for entire 30-minute limit at Levels #11 and #12 (top is 20) and have been cardio walking about 3 miles a day at 3 to 4 mph. (totally walk between 5 & 10 miles a day) everyday. I still love the stretch trainer and if your gym has one, I highly recommend it. I now do light weights, but want to do the resistance bands as soon as I get the right weight.
  • retiredholly54
    retiredholly54 Posts: 33 Member
    Feeling grey (I like blue so not feeling that) - my shins feel like they are full of cement (grey), the weather is grey skies and rain for the next 5 days (I gotta stop watching the weather network) and since I'm solar powered, unless you add alcohol, it is just draining my energy away (no booze too many calories) and to top it off I had to have my picture taken today for my license renewal - look at all that grey hair lol. The only thing that seems to be going right is that I'm not eating my foul mood away. Eating healthy.

    Thanks for letting me rate - should be better next Wednesday - it is supposed to be sunny.

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Sorry, Holly! Sometimes it is nice to let yourself feel gray and either delve into a good, trashy novel or binge watch a comedy on the computer. For you :flowerforyou: .
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Holly - Everyone gets 'grey' at times. Call a friend or go to a movie or rent a movie. You can clean out a closet and feel like you got something done. I think a movie is better.

    Charlie - it's so cool that you have these secret admirers. Most people who start in January, don't last. You certainly proved to be different, I hope that some day, I can have at least half of your determination.

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Holly, I should have hyphenated "binge-watch." If you don't already do this, it isn't binging on food, it is binging on all the TV series that are on the computer. Watching a years worth in a row. Great for British comedies and period pieces and Korean dramas.
  • missyfit13
    missyfit13 Posts: 19 Member
    hi everyone - Grandmacharlie - what an accomplishment. You are doing wonderfully. I really admire you sticking it out at the gym. I do not have that resolve. You are to be congratulated. Grandkids - two of mine live next door and a day rarely goes by that I don't see them. I have been a large part of their lives and don't regret it. My third grandchild lives about 3 miles away and I see her often. They are all teenagers now, one in college, and two in high school so they are onto their own lives, but still come and see me often. Sometimes it is just to pop in and give me my mail, or help with a resume, or get me to help them with something.

    I'm really trying to get my energy up, but it is not working. I feel so tired all the time, but I need to keep moving. I really love cooler weather and it is becoming hot here is northern ca.

  • missyfit13
    missyfit13 Posts: 19 Member
    I love to binge on movies. I take a day off when my husband is playing golf. He hasn't been playing and I miss that day to myself. He played Thursday and I sat 1/2 the day knitting and watching shows I recorded. I love the british sitcoms and the PBS shows like Foyles War, Endeavor, and Downton Abbey. Good Stuff.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    I am new to this group. You all seem so positive and I am enjoying reading all the posts. I am a big reader but you really touched on my favorite thing watching the series of PBS and Acorn .

    Foyles, Doc Martin, Inspector Lewis, MI-5 I could go on and on. I will rent the entire series and watch from the beginning. Luckily my husband likes them too. So we watch together.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I watch on a lot on Hulu for the British and DramaFever for the Korean. I also watch on my smart phone while riding the stationary bike at the gym. Have you watched the British series Rev or Stella? They were two of my favorites. I'm currently watching Starlings. Brendan Coyle (Downtown Abbey and Lark Rise to Candleford) and John Dagleish (Lark Rise to Candleford) are both in it! Also, to keep ahead of PBS, I watch the current British TV using a VPN. I don't own a TV so I watch on my laptop or at gym on my Smart Phone.

    Mostly I read. Wore out my first Kindle and am now on my second! It is always in my purse!
  • Fig_1946
    Fig_1946 Posts: 98 Member
    I love Doc Martin. I also am an avid fan of OLD movies ('30's and'40's) with Bette Davis, Olivia DeHavilland, (sp?) Joan Crawford....

    I live alone, so there's no one to bother me. I also read a lot. I like my solitude.
  • sandiebro
    sandiebro Posts: 31 Member
    Did someone mention Foyle's War? LOVE Michael Kitchen who seems able to act just by raising an eyebrow.

    Martin Clunes also fab and, in real life, not one bit like his persona in Doc Martin.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    All good. Love Martin Shaw and his series Judge John Deeds and now George Gently. I check them out of our wonderful public library. I do have a Nook but still love the feel of a book in my hands. I always have a book at my side.

    Last night we saw Philomena, it was really good. Judi Dench is the best!!!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Those British series' are my favorite.

    We've watched all of them; Foyle's War, Doc Martin, Lark Rise, MI-5...

    The latest (my husband recorded it off the internet from BBC America, I think) is Garrow's Law.

    I'm a book lover too; that stack is growing and it's a good thing my ipad doesn't get any heavier from me downloading books to read!!
    It seems that a LOT of my reading material is--you guessed it--British!!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Sounds like many of us have books and British TV in common. I'm really liking "Starlings."

    I agree with Philomena. Love it and Judi Dench is the best! British stars are so much more "real" than Hollywood. It isn't about the most beautiful. It is more about talent, I think.

    Think I will go see the movie, "Chef" Has gotten great reviews. I just haven't been to a movie since starting this in January. Tough to go and not have popcorn!

    Spent some time today with grandkids so son and dil and start to get ready to move and to list their house. Since I am off work tomorrow, I'm going to do the same then, too.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Hi everyone! Just a quickie to say I am back from Italy having enjoyed the unique city of Venice and the beautiful Lake Garda. I hit my target of over 10,000 steps each day...often up to 16, 17 and even 21,000 steps ....... but did eat alot of lovely food, ice cream to die for and wine every day with dinner...... so I am expecting to have gained some weight tomorrow when I get on the scales .. watch this space .....:bigsmile:

  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    Kids and Grandkids are a wonderful part of life and I am so glad for you and your family. We live 1500 miles from our young daughter who has 4 year old twins however we are blessed cause they come to Florida 2 times a year for a month each time and in Canada we see them for a month here and we go to them for a month so that is all good as they are so happy where they are. We see the old granddaughter and old daughter all the time as instead of renting an apt. we chose to move in with them (she is a single mom) and help her by paying the bills etc. It works cause we are not here much and they love it when we are cause I cook, clean etc. and take my 12 yr. old with us wherever we go (cottage etc.) so all is well.
  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    I think today is the day to post Wednesdays right??? I have to get with the program. I have not lost or gained so that is ok. I have tracked and did well with everything this week so feel good about that. However went to the Drs. and found out I have diabetis I have been pre-diabetic for years but if you get two readings of over 3 you are diagnosed with diabetis I am very disappointed as I was 3.4 and 3.8 which is not that Dr. says once you are diagnosed can't get it off. I am so scared as we travel a lot out of country and insurance is already high so with this diagnosis it will be off the wall...I do not have to take meds yet can be controlled with diet and exercise and lifestyle changes I am not sure but I will try. Thanks for listening to me.....