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  • I'm 53 and married. Mom to 3 grown kids (college age and older) and two dogs. I have begun a career in real estate recently and have been super busy, and full of excuses about why I can't eat right. Consequently, I've gained 10 pounds in 4 months and fallen off the gym wagon. I need some motivation to help myself! I've lost weight before doing MFP....I just need to get back on the horse!
    26 pounds to my goal!
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    Good Morning! I just ran across this group and thought that it would be an interesting one to be a part of! I will be 51 in September, I have been on this weight-loss journey for almost two years in a couple of days. I had lost 71 lbs and have gained some of them back, and now my goal is to lose the remaining 50 lbs. I'm dertermined!!!
  • Good morning! I joined MFP a month or so ago, but didn't make the commitment to start until today. I have lost about 35 lbs. on my own, but not by employing healthy means. Recently, I learned that I have pre-hypertension and also that my fasting glucose is quickly approaching a pre-diabetes dx. It's time to get healthy (the rift way) now before high bp and diabetes become a reality.
  • carrieEL
    carrieEL Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, my name is Carrie, I'm 48 I have 3 children, 29, 27 and 25 and also 2 grandson's. I live in Newfoundland. As of Oct 1st 2012 I have lost 118lbs with about 20 more to go ..I keep a food journal on here so if any of you guys would like to see what I eat, I find it helps me a lot when I'm stuck and in a rut to see other diary's....I know 118lb sounds like i'm a pro at this but trust me, I battle with this everyday and need support...I never want to go back to 309lbs again...I feel I have my life back and I'm so much happier...Having a group of woman who struggle with the same issues and also to share good times and advice is wonderful!!! thanks for having this group :D
  • wishfulgal
    wishfulgal Posts: 9 Member
    Hello all, I'm from the United Kingdom, but live in France. I'm a veteran fatty. I've been 'thin' (for about 3 days of my life). My adult weight has ranged from 108lbs (for 3 days) to coming up for 200lbs. I'm the wrong side of 50 and find that menopause slaughters the metabolism. Mine didn't just slow upped and died. Need tips from other ladies of a certain age who succeeded in the quest for health and relative sleekness.
  • AmyJ421
    AmyJ421 Posts: 4
    Hi Everyone, my name is Amy and I joined back in November of last year, but didn't really start logging my food until April. I'm 48, married with 2 adult children in college and 2 step children in elementary school. I've always weighed between 135 and 140, but I quit smoking last year and I shot up to 160, now looking to lose that and get back to being fit the healthy way. I feel like I've lost and gained the same 10 pounds the last six months, so I want to focus on what I'm actually eating and calorie deficit. I look forward to being part of the discussion. Feeling motivated...
  • IMENuff
    IMENuff Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Charlotte. I am 44, have five kids (ages 24, 20, 12, 11, 3), and work outside the home. I have never been a skinny girl, but I was never really heavy, either. I have only dieted once in my life and that was after the birth of my daughter, now age 11. I lost what I wanted on Atkins, and it was no big deal. Since then I seem to have packed on a little more weight each year. In fact, I think it is happening faster than before. Now I look in the mirror and the scale and realize I have a problem –and a whole lot more weight to lose this time. I have set out to do it a couple of time, but have not followed through. I am worried that I just won’t make myself do it. I seem to want what I want now to the point of it being easy to put of the benefits of losing the extra weight. I am hoping that MFP will help me find the motivation I need to stay on track.
  • andreavarangu
    andreavarangu Posts: 78 Member
    Hi I'm Andrea, I'm 52 and my weight has gone up and down my entire adult life....but with a generally upward trend. Now is the time to finally fix this....This time I will lose the weight and learn finally how to live on maintenance. I'm DONE with being overweight!

    So I've now logged in for 47 days straight and lo and behold this works! I've lost a little over 8 pounds and although there is plenty more to go there is no rush I'm on plan and staying there.

    My biggest challenge is that I love to entertain. Dinner parties are my thing! Along with wine and cheese and chocolate. I love to cook and bake and and drink! :laugh:

    So I'll be looking forward to ideas to help me combine my social life along with my weight and fitness goals.

    I know it can be done!
  • claradox
    claradox Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm 42, and had a partial hysterectomy in April--and now my hormones are trying to kill me. Fighting sad and anxious mood, as well as irrational need to cry, by eating healthy and exercising. I could use any support I could get right now, because crying at work is not a cute look.
  • pkarais
    pkarais Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm PK!

    I've recently turned 49 and in just a few months, I gained back 15 pounds of the 20 I lost last year! So It's time to get a grip and start with healthier choices. I enjoy sightseeing and the outdoors and as I think about growing older, I don't want to have trouble getting around, huffing and puffing on hikes and activities. I'm not much of an "exerciser", but I am hoping to somehow make it more a regular part of my life. I liked the way I looked and how much more confident I felt when I was within a normal weight range for my height - so I want to get back there!

    I'm married for 17 years and recently moved for a new job in Seattle (where the food is great, thus complicating my weight loss attempts!). I took an apartment 1 mile from my office so walking every day is the plan and a good start!

    I've struggled with my weight since my 20s and have had my ups and downs, tried various weight-loss programs, but never with lasting results due to lack of discipline, activity and a sweet tooth like a runaway train. (Is that a doughnut? Yes, please!) At this point, I can see it's really a lifestyle change that's needed and I feel committed to making a fresh start in my new city!

    Good luck to all of you ladies! Looking forward to hearing all our success stories!
  • Hi, I'm Deb
    I recently turned 55 and have been battling lifelong weight issues. I had been fairly successful for most of it- taking a (now dangerous) supplement and exercising more when the scale tipped up, later tipping the scale then joining jenny craig and going back down for a few years, tipping again then weigh watchers and good for a year. I never could go back to what I had done in the past because I required the novelty of doing something new to carry through with it. Then menopause hit at 49 and a bunch of other hurdles were placed in my way. It no longer was just watching what I ate and excercising more. It was about trying to do that while no longer having the drive or motivation to carry through with it. No longer having the will power. No longer getting excited about seeing the scale go down, or being excited over doing much of anything active. Always being tired and not wanting to do anything that would get me sweatty since it reminded me of the extreme annoyance of hot flashes. No longer sleeping soundly through the night and therefore being tired. HRT only works a bit- it started out great, I'd thought I'd found the answer- a patch. It worked for about 8 months then no longer was successful. Then the cream which worked for 6 months, then the spray- 3 months, the gel- nope, the sublingual tablets-nope, the regular pill- a little bit- but too much and depression hit. So now I'm at the point where I've never been heavier, getting about 10 nasty hotflashes a day (6 years out from starting menopause), and eating is the only enjoyment I seem to feel. Maybe getting rid of the fat and getting in better shape will do the trick? we shall see....
  • oh, this is my second go around with MFP. I didnt really engage the first time so I'm hoping this'll work!
  • Hi, I am Anne, I am 56 almost 57 years old. I was 183 now after 2 years at 146 and aiming for 125/130.

    I want to loose weight but also improve my health and for me one cannot exist without the other.

    I enjoy cooking and entertaining, have a large social circle and love it.

    Looking forward to exchange with all of you.
  • dabears6352
    dabears6352 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all. My name is Michelle.

    I'm 43 and this is my second attempt using MFP. I really llike the resources available and the food database is awesome! I have the bad habit of getting 'serious' about my health and weight for a few weeks and then go back to the same bad routines. I really want to lose about 60 pounds but I'm trying to set a short term goal and go from there. My goal is to lose 10 pounds by July 31.

    I currently live in Texas but I'm originally from Montana and miss home!

    I look forward to hearing success stories!
  • jor53
    jor53 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Pat and I'm 53 years old and want to be fit healthy and fit. I love to laugh and just want to live life and enjoy! I'm no about drama, and negativity has no place in my house!
  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member

    I'm Angela and this is my 2nd time on MFP... trying to do it 'smarter' this time :) My 1st week weigh-in is in the morning, so we'll see. Looking forward to learning from and growing with y'all!
  • gogigi333
    gogigi333 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello - sorry for this long intro!

    I'm Gigi, 51 and new to these support forums. I recently read a good article on behavior modification for weight loss, and they stressed the need to track what you eat and have an active support group. My 2 best friends are model thin, and my husband is fit, so I don't have a local group that has the same weight issues that I do. These forums seem like a good place to find like minded people. I'm especially interested in this group for women over 50, because my weight seems to have gone out of control once I hit 50.

    I have had to watch my weight my entire life. When I was in my 20s and 30s I was where I wanted to be with a BMI of 22-23. Of course I always wanted to lose 5 more pounds, but I felt good and looked good. I was very active - ran 6 marathons, lots of half marathons and at least a 10k race every month. Also worked out in martial arts 3-4 times per week. Yes, that was before kids :-)

    I was a late bloomer, but I married, moved and had kids and life was different. My weight started slowly increasing in my 40s. I no longer had my running group of friends, and live in a rural area now and have looked, but there are NO local running groups. With the kids there are always birthdays, parties, celebrations that involved lots and lots of sugar and lovely homemade desserts. I'm fairly active, but don't do the many hours of running and cardio that had always kept my weight down. Plus I'm older and the metabolism is slowing.

    Then I hit 50. I was so tired of dieting my entire life, I just felt rebellious and stopped watching what I ate for almost year. I didn't go crazy binging or anything like that. But I had ice cream with the kids. I baked more. I had 2 or 3 fabulous homemade desserts at the many potlucks I went to. I started having an evening glass of wine or 2. I bought chocolate for all the holidays - valentines, Easter, Halloween, Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Nothing extreme, but all those little indulgences seemed to change my metabolism and I stopped getting on the scale. Or even looking in the mirror because I didn't like the way I looked. My sister gave me her old jeans so I had some clothes that would fit.

    When the warm weather came this year, I found that NONE of my shorts or summer clothes fit. I couldn't begin to button my huge "fat shorts". The real shocker was that my shirts didn't fit - too tight in the chest and pinching my arms. What!??! I've never gained so much weight that my SHIRTS didn't fit! Couldn't wear my dressy black jacket to a funeral because my arms were too big! Then one day walking down the street I caught sight of myself in the mirrored windows and saw that my belly was jiggling as I walked. I was mortified.

    I got on the scale and found out I gained 25 pounds in about 6 months. That's gaining a pound a week!! If I gained just a couple more pounds I would have an officially obese BMI of 30.

    I was in denial. I'm not any more. More importantly, I'm now "ready" to diet. I've been dieting for a couple months now, but am very discouraged how hard it is to lose weight at 51. Previously, if I just dieted and upped the exercise, the weight would slowly, but surely come off. Now I've stopped gaining, but losing weight isn't happening. It's depressing.

    So I'd like to lose 25 pounds to get back to a BMI of just under 25. Longer term, it would be nice to lose 40 pounds and go back to a BMI of 22, but not holding my breath on that one.

    Some of this might be familiar to you other 50+ women. If you can relate, consider being my friends to help support me. I'll support you as well. I'm really committed now, I just need to lose a little weight to get some momentum going, and some friends to encourage me when I'm going through a rough patch.

    thanks for reading this far!
  • ItsRobyn66
    ItsRobyn66 Posts: 20 Member
    About Me:
    I'm a California girl, married for 20 years, and have two children (17 and 10). I've been a stay-at-home mom for the past 10 years. I started working part-time from home a month ago as a medical transcriptionist and I love it!

    I never had an issue with my weight until after the birth of my first baby. I lost 15 lbs on WW and maintained the weight loss for about 7 years but since baby #2 . . .bad eating habits, easy access to food all day long, age, and a slowing metabolism (not to mention a lack of exercise) have caused the pounds to creep back on.

    I'm 5'4" and my goal is to lose 20 pounds and keep it off. I'm hoping that through MFP I will find encouragement, support, and ideas to help me on my journey. I signed up 2 years ago but never ended up using MFP. I'm back and ready to give it a go.

    Why I want to get in shape:
    I want to look cuter in my clothes and not feel "creaky and sore" all the time. Bye bye muffin top and tankini. Hello hot bod!

    My Inspirations:
    Not picking out what I wear for the day based on what I look less fat in.
    Looking as hot as my 5 yrs younger husband.
  • msmindylee
    msmindylee Posts: 61
    Hello all, nice to find this group!

    I'm Melinda (sometimes known as Mindy), and I'm 53 years old. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, lived there for most of my life, with a one-year stint in the Boston area and a one-year sojourn in Europe when I was a teenager. About 16 years ago, my husband and I moved up into the Sierra foothills, about 70 miles northeast of Sacramento, and we love being country bumpkins now, LOL.

    We both love to cook... and eat... and drink good wine... and we have both put on a lot of weight since we got married 22 years ago. I've tried lots of methods for weight loss and a healthier body, and they've been so restrictive I couldn't stay with them. In the past couple of years, I've also gotten really hyper-aware of how much garbage there is out there for us to eat. I think about all the chemicals and preservatives I've ingested over the years and it really makes me wonder how I've managed to digest any of it!

    As a result of this realization, my approach to health has fundamentally changed. I look back into history and notice that people used to eat meat and butter and eggs and all that stuff, and there was virtually NO heart disease (certainly compared to now). Ever since fat was demonized, and we supposedly learned what was better for our bodies etc., the occurrence of obesity and diabetes has SKYROCKETED. How is it that we are headed in exactly the wrong direction?

    I want to base my diet on whole, real food. For one thing, it tastes better! For another, it's more satisfying, right down to the soul. I believe that by listening and learning what my body actually wants and needs (rather than what the food conglomerates tell me I need) is KEY in finding the right balance of nutrients, calories, and FUN for optimal health. It's not all that easy to figure all this out, because there are billions of dollars being spent out there to try to convince us of what's healthy, so we need to be really careful about our choices.

    Sorry, I tend to go on and on about this, it's a definite soapbox issue for me. But it really resonates deep down.

    Other stuff about me: I have no human kids, but we currently have two dogs, two cats, five goats, and three chickens. I work in a community college library. My husband and I love to travel, and our most recent trip was a total "bucket list" adventure - we rented a sailboat in the British Virgin Islands for a week and sailed around from island to island! It was awesome.

    Looking forward to getting to know you.
  • BettyBoop6011
    BettyBoop6011 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All, My name is Charlene, I'm 43 and a mother of 3. I'm trying to improve my health for a better quality of life. I planning for this to be a successful journey.