When do you want to reach goal weight?

LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
I have chosen October 25th (or thereabouts) because it is the birthday of my departed first girlfriend. Of all of the girlfriends I've had she never had problems with me losing weight. So I figure, I can reach goal weight around that time in her memory.


  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I am in no rush to loose this weight which is probably why it sticks around. I will pick September 1st as my target.
  • maddieftaylor
    maddieftaylor Posts: 65 Member
    July 22nd ideally but I don't think it's possible!
  • hotplugged
    hotplugged Posts: 37
    I would like to lose at least 5 more by August 15th.

    Ideally, I would like a sixpack of July 4th, but that may be a stretch ahahaha
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    August 1st, my mum's birthday. We're having a family get together/pool party. Gotta look my best :) so I'd like to be down about 6lbs. I'd say it's attainable
  • rdkstar
    rdkstar Posts: 260 Member
    Want to lose 13 pounds total. Family reunion is in 1 month. So hoping for 5 pounds by then. Other than that no real goal just want to reach maintenance ASAP.
  • auburn3535
    auburn3535 Posts: 37 Member
    September 19th my 5th year marriage anniversary. Would like to loose 15 lbs.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    July 26th. 20 year high school reunion that night and beach vacation the following week. 1/2 with my college girlfriends and the other 1/2 with my boyfriend's family.... let's do this!!!
  • honey_tequila
    honey_tequila Posts: 31 Member
    I would love to be at goal at my one year anniversary of starting a new, healthier life. That's mid August. Failing that by Aussie summer would be awesome! :D
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    This weekend.
    No, realistically...I'd love to lose 10 by mid-August. I'm going on a short cruise with some friends.

    Why is it that when we're so close the motivation is just not there??
  • itsthenewhealthyme
    I am looking to lose the last 10-15 by the beginning of August, which I know would be highly unlikely and unattainable... So I guess September or even October. Hey, if I can keep it off afterwards it's all worth it, right? Unfortunately I am severely lacking in the motivation department...
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    This weekend.
    No, realistically...I'd love to lose 10 by mid-August. I'm going on a short cruise with some friends.

    Why is it that when we're so close the motivation is just not there??

    This weekend works for me too:wink:

    For me I think my lack of motivation is because I feel good and, with the help of some shapewear, I look good too. But I def would prefer to be 10 pounds lighter.
  • Cantenucci
    Cantenucci Posts: 1 Member
    All I want to do is lose 5 lousy pounds by July 17th..beach vacation. I used drop weight like water, but now that I'm close to 50 it's turned into such a challenge.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Hopefully I'll kick the last of the freshman 10 by the end of July for my family reunion (4 pounds! so close, but so difficult) and then lose another five to reach my final (for now) GW of 120 by Thanksgiving (October... 13th, I think?). I've started doing heavy lifting so depending on how I look at 120 I'll either try to lose another five or start a bulk, but that seems like a long way off right now.
    For me I think my lack of motivation is because I feel good and, with the help of some shapewear, I look good too. But I def would prefer to be 10 pounds lighter.

    I'm the same. At 5'2 and 130 lbs I'm fairly healthy and don't look bad, but I'm a bit out of shape and flabby. But it's so easy to say "well, good enough", especially when I really want dessert or to sleep in instead of doing my workout.
  • lorileahb
    lorileahb Posts: 14
    My goal is by the end of summer/August... allow for enjoying a few summer events, but being their before the fall kicks off. :)
  • misticmay
    misticmay Posts: 15
    I would like to lose the 15lbs by the time I go back to college in September :)
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    I would like to lose 13 lbs before my birthday if possible, that is late September. I think it is a couple of pounds under my ideal weight but I like it a little under so that by maintenance, it is ok to gain a little. I know I cannot always maintain the weight after I reach my goal. I may be a little under or over and it's easier to gain.
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    I've gotten lazy about setting a definite date, so all of your goals are inspiring me!

    I'm taking it really slow because I'm training for my first marathon in early October. I'd like to lose another 7-8 pounds by then if possible (have lost 2-3 in the past 4-6 weeks), but will take whatever I can get.

    My ultimate goal is about 17-18 pounds. I'm going on a big trip next spring, so maybe by then? It's so tempting to just go extreme for a month or two, but I know it's not the right way to do it :sad: And I couldn't keep up my running if I did, so I'd be really screwed come October!
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    I'm hoping to reach my goal weight of 130 by August 22, which is when my summer work ends and I go home for a visit for a bit :) Not sure this is totally achievable, but I'm going to try!
  • zilkah
    zilkah Posts: 207 Member
    my wedding is next july so by then DEFINITELY :) but, the end of this summer would be nice!!!
  • Motivation712014
    Motivation712014 Posts: 33 Member
    125 is my goal! I am going to Cayman Islands end of July. I want to achieve my goal by then for our upcoming trip.