Garmin connected to MFP



  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    It is all screwy for me.

    When I synced this morning upon waking (as I normally do) two things happened.

    1. A Garmin adjustment was made in yesterday's log but the total calories burned value was taken (active and exercise) and put into the exercise diary. The trouble is that the value was a positive number and MFP looks at calories burned as a negative number. So although i had posted a -3,044 cal burn from cycling yesterday, the Garmin value that came over was +6000-ish. Therefore, my total cal burn was viewed as +3,000!!!!! Which not only is impossible (you burn cals just existing) but then completely skews the total cals in my diary for that day. So now instead of showing that i actually was 2,490 cals under goal, my diary said that i had overeaten by nearly 3,000 cals!!! WTF!!!

    2. There was also another nasty surprise in that there was an entry for today's diary that showed a +690 exercise burn adjustment (even though I had just woken up) and this then lowered my remaining cals for the day by that amount!!!! Arrrggghh!!!

    Not sure who did the integration, MFP or Garmin, but there are some definite bugs. I would imagine that they are easily fixed though, so am still hopeful. Until then I will manually delete and correct the entries every day or switch off integration for now. :(
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    I synced mine last night after completing my food log for the day. I'd also ran yesterday while wearing my vivofit/hrm but had already logged my calories burned manually into mfp. It seemed to work perfectly! I got an extra 100ish calorie "bump" from the vivofit, but whatever, just difference in BMR calc's between the two is my guess. I don't sync my Garmin 610 to connect, everything is logged in dailymile instead, so hopefully that helps not get things doublecounted.

    The only problem is that it wouldn't pull in my calories at all from mfp into connect for yesterday. Today is the only option, it won't let me go back to yesterday and last night it wouldn't pull them in. But today seems to be working ok so far.
  • marcellinus2121
    marcellinus2121 Posts: 17 Member
    MFP/vivofit will not recognize calories earned with another device. I tested the bike with the FR620 and have no credit for that. I manually added the calories burnt to MFP but even then - nothing. As for now one must have the HRM connected to the vivofit when cycling.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    veloman, you have to see what the difference is between your Garmin so-called "bmr" each day and what you will find in MFP under "goals" as the Calories burned in normal activity. Because the difference there will reflect in your exercise adjustment. I had to re-adjust all my goals in mfp, because I had it kinda rigged up in a way that only I understood. Once I went in and made MFP sedentary and my deficit, then there's no "assumed" activity by mfp, instead garmin takes care of that with the adjustment. SOrry if that doesn't make sense, b/c i can't even quite make it all out sometimes, but I just know from experience that you have to get your Goals setup correctly (the farther the MFP normal activity caloires is from the Garmin so-called "bmr", the stranger that exercise adjustment will be, I think.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    czmmom and airangel, it seems that aswearing had a similar problem with yesterday but is working about y'all?
  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    I just checked and it seems to be working ok today. I was thinking it might take a couple of days to get all the kinks worked out. Thanks for asking!!
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    veloman, you have to see what the difference is between your Garmin so-called "bmr" each day and what you will find in MFP under "goals" as the Calories burned in normal activity. Because the difference there will reflect in your exercise adjustment. I had to re-adjust all my goals in mfp, because I had it kinda rigged up in a way that only I understood. Once I went in and made MFP sedentary and my deficit, then there's no "assumed" activity by mfp, instead garmin takes care of that with the adjustment. SOrry if that doesn't make sense, b/c i can't even quite make it all out sometimes, but I just know from experience that you have to get your Goals setup correctly (the farther the MFP normal activity caloires is from the Garmin so-called "bmr", the stranger that exercise adjustment will be, I think.

    Ahh, thanks for this! My TDEE according to mfp is 1,670, and with my vivofit on rest days, it's around 1735 give or take. So I imagine I'll get an extra 50-100 calories added back to mfp by vivofit each day to allow for this, correct?

    I think I apparently just really like to play with numbers. I have mfp set to a daily net goal of 1350. I use my Garmin 610 to record my runs and workouts and manually log the calories into mfp. I also wear my vivofit during workouts and runs so that I get my total TDEE that day. Then I have a spreadsheet where I enter my daily TDEE from vivofit, calculate 80% of tdee, my calories from mfp, and compare my over/under for the day and accumulate by week also calculating the % cut and the pounds I should have lost vs actual with running totals. A little overkill, yes?;) The 80% cut comes out pretty close to what mfp shows as my net once I changed my daily net to be 1350 instead of 1200, so I can use the calories on mfp to get pretty close to where I should be eating. So now that vivofit integrates, I'll have to play around with it all again as it's adding back in those 100 or so calories a day.
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    veloman, you have to see what the difference is between your Garmin so-called "bmr" each day and what you will find in MFP under "goals" as the Calories burned in normal activity. Because the difference there will reflect in your exercise adjustment. I had to re-adjust all my goals in mfp, because I had it kinda rigged up in a way that only I understood. Once I went in and made MFP sedentary and my deficit, then there's no "assumed" activity by mfp, instead garmin takes care of that with the adjustment. SOrry if that doesn't make sense, b/c i can't even quite make it all out sometimes, but I just know from experience that you have to get your Goals setup correctly (the farther the MFP normal activity caloires is from the Garmin so-called "bmr", the stranger that exercise adjustment will be, I think.

    Well I can live with that difference but this is something altogether different, The Garmin data was essentially saying that I had CONSUMED an extra 3000+ calories instead of burning them as I had.

    I've sent an email to MFP in case I have some settings wrong but it is all very confusing. Also why would there be an extra adjustment of 690 calories added on the start of the day before I had even got out of bed? That's silly.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    veloman, you have to see what the difference is between your Garmin so-called "bmr" each day and what you will find in MFP under "goals" as the Calories burned in normal activity. Because the difference there will reflect in your exercise adjustment. I had to re-adjust all my goals in mfp, because I had it kinda rigged up in a way that only I understood. Once I went in and made MFP sedentary and my deficit, then there's no "assumed" activity by mfp, instead garmin takes care of that with the adjustment. SOrry if that doesn't make sense, b/c i can't even quite make it all out sometimes, but I just know from experience that you have to get your Goals setup correctly (the farther the MFP normal activity caloires is from the Garmin so-called "bmr", the stranger that exercise adjustment will be, I think.

    Well I can live with that difference but this is something altogether different, The Garmin data was essentially saying that I had CONSUMED an extra 3000+ calories instead of burning them as I had.

    I've sent an email to MFP in case I have some settings wrong but it is all very confusing. Also why would there be an extra adjustment of 690 calories added on the start of the day before I had even got out of bed? That's silly.

    Make sure that the 3000+ is not just a doubling of one of your mfp meals. That was happening to me yesterday until I made sure that SOMETHING was in each meal (even if it was just a Quick Add of zero calories). It's like it's expecting at least 4 meals and if you don't have 4 meals filled-in, it just double counts the 3rd meal or something. Idk, everyone seems to be having different problems, but at one point I had that problem yesterday, so check it out and see.

    As for the 690 being added at the start of the day, that might be that difference between how you have Garmin setup ("bmr") and how you have mfp setup (calores from normal activity). Maybe?
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Sigh...mine on the small widget is not working but if I blow it up to the full page version it does show my calories. Should work using the small widget on the dashboard though but it's a no go

    I did way back when change meal names..not sure if that is what is causing the hiccup or not.

    I did connect/disconnect a few times, hit sync a few times, waited way more than 5 minutes and still nada on the small widget. :noway:
  • ann121212
    ann121212 Posts: 290 Member
    Smooth sailing for me so far. A slight difference in my bmr between mfp and garmin - which follows through in the active calories, but that is no biggie, and it is the same every day so it will be easy to factor in.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    I'm having problems in general in Firefox, so I'm using Google Chrome. Have you tried a different browser?

    I know Garmin was shutdown for a bit today, they are obviously working and tweaking it daily.

    At various times today everything looked right and other times it was a terrible mess--depending on my logged meals. As for the meal labels--I don't know. There is something to do with the meals, but I don't know if it's the labels or just the mere existence of more than 4 meals and that some of those meals somewhere in the middle might be left blank. I could NOT get the correct cals to move from MFP to Garmin UNTIL I made sure that all of my day's calories were contained in 4 consecutive meals (no skipped meals in the middle; but skipped meals on the ends, like in the first and sixth position is okay). ugh!!!!

    If you are having troubles, just try log all your foods into just 4 of your meals, all consecutive (no skipped meals) and see if that helps. I finally moved my early morning meal down to my mid-morning slot which had been blank, just so I could have 4 consecutive logged meals--after that everything showed up okay in Garmin. Before I did that, it was only taking data from part of the day because it wouldn't bring anything from earlier because of that skipped meal. sigh. They've GOT to get that fixed.
  • marcellinus2121
    marcellinus2121 Posts: 17 Member
    It was all so fine. A couple of hours ago I had -2 kcal on the dashboard. Now all of the sudden I again have 617 kcal left (it's just before midnight). Just like yesterday, but not the exact numbers. What??? I've tried all tricks I can think of, but nothing changes this.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Could it have dropped one of your meals (subtotal)?

    I had something like this happen in the middle of the day, after I logged some food, it suddenly dropped an entire subtotal of my topmost meal. I'm pretty sure it was because of skipped meal. IOW, when early breakfast was logged, everything was great...but when I logged lunch (and skipped late breakfast), it dropped the early breakfast subtotal completely. After trying to get it back all day and then having more problems when I logged dinner....I finally just made sure I logged everything into 4 consecutive meals, with no skipped meals, and it all adds up now.

    Also, just to mention, they sync weight too. I couldn't figure out WHY suddenly my Garmin BMR was a tad lower. Then I realized that I'd logged a slight weightloss last week in MFP, but NOT in Garmin. Well, they synced my weight and when they bmr went down just a tad. :cry: I'm happy for the weight loss, but not for the lower guaranteed daily cals.
  • marcellinus2121
    marcellinus2121 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you for the reply. I'll have to take a look at meals and see if there's someting I'm missing. Right now, I simply don't get it...
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Ok, NOW things seem to be showing up. The full sized page HAD the data, but the small widget on dashboard never did. Played with the back/forth arrow and another small arrow thing on the widget and now I have a small widget with calorie info from both today and yesterday. Strange but very happy it seems to be working now.
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    Well it's been a couple of days now and there is definitely an issue for me. The problem is that when the Garmin adjust meant is made, it looks at total calories burned in MFP, not just calories burned during normal activity. It then subtracts the Vivofit number from this and enters the difference as an adjustment.

    So for instance if my calorie goal in MFP is 2300 and let's say that my vivofit number for that day turned out to be 2200. Then one would reasonably expect that the Garmin adjustment would be 100 (2300-2200)

    Trouble is that if I ride my bike and burn 2000 calories, the system adds that to my expected number (2300+2000 =4300) and then deducts the base Garmin number. Therefore I get an adjustment of 4300-2200=2100. So effectively this becomes an upward adjustment and reduces my remaining calories by 2100!!!

    The bike ride data is already in Garmin Connect via my edge, but the sync takes no notice of it. They should either add it to the number coming across or not include it in the MFP base number. Negative adjustment on or off makes no difference.

    I have made MFP aware of it and we'll see on Monday what they come up with. Till then I just have to delete the Garmin adjustment and put in my own :(
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    I see what you mean. I noticed that Activities are ignored. In my case it's usually running or walking anyway, and tbh the calories counted by the hrm are sometimes completely off the wall. (Especially when I do two bak to back runs and one might be an hour and the other half as much but Garmin shows MORE calories burned ??.) I was relieved when that mess was ignored, but it really doesn't help folks like you. Maybe they'll have that fixed later in the Summer, when the other sports watches will come online.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    I'm still having the problem where my food must be logged in "Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks" or else things go haywire. I don't like it one bit. I have always had my meals as 5am-9am, 9-1, 1-5, 5-9, 9-5, because those are specific segments of my day. Changing the labels makes all my back data look ridiculous. Really hoping they fix that--it's got to just be some Garmin programming, b/c I rather doubt that other 3rd party apps are like that (like all fitbit users have those standard labels in their mfp diary?? doubtful!)
  • fyoung1111
    fyoung1111 Posts: 109 Member
    Actually Activities are not ignored. For example, yesterday my only exercise was a cycling Activity and those calores came into GC as Active and moved over to MFP perfectly. What nobody will see until the July update is FR or Edge data. Beginning with that update, the Forerunner and Edge data will replace Vivofit data (HRM paired or not) for any minutes that they are used simultaneously. It's actually the perfect solution but, for now, it is just a promise. Until then, FR and Edge data are simply ignored. For that reason, if you are doing non-step based exercise wear your HRM or you won't get credit for your effort.

    Sherry's comment about activity based calories being all messed up is a different issue that I am still providing test data for and Garmin is actively working on fixing. There is more information on this particular mess here: