JUNE exercise challenge



  • carrieann8
    carrieann8 Posts: 124 Member

    Anybody up for an "Eat Clean" challenge??

    That sounds wonderful!!!! I do Paleo and that would help me ALOT!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,589 Member
    I feel this is a good site for it about clean eating http://www.thegraciouspantry.com/what-is-clean-eating/ but this is only one site.
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    @Skittles: I LOVE your determination!!!! "WE ARE DOING THIS"!!! YEEESSSSSSS!!!! I mean seriously...this time last year I was almost 400lbs. I couldn't clean myself in the shower properly, I had a hard time wiping, none of my clothes fit, I couldn't even reach around my thighs to dry myself out of the shower...as a matter of fact, I would almost CRY when I looked at my FACE in the mirror!!! I was soooo MAD at myself that I had let myself get this big. I FELT HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I felt like I was going to be single for the rest of my life because WHO ON EARTH would want me looking like that??? But not only "looks" but it was OBVIOUS that I wasn't taking care of myself!! Men can definitely be attracted to larger women but they are NOT attracted to women that don't love themselves and don't take care of themselves (I mean unless they have their own issues! LOL which is not the type of man that I'm trying to attract!).

    SOOOOOOOO...I say all of that to say... I AM AT A FORK IN THE ROAD!!! Do I want to choose the road that leads me back there??? Back to being miserable and hating to look at myself in the mirror??? ORRRRR do I want to continue down this path where I LOVVEEE looking at myself in the mirror...I feel FREE and CONFIDENT and can't WAIT to get dressed up and go out to see people--friends. Do I want to continue down this road where I'm doing TRIATHLONS AND COMING IN THIRD PLACE, where I'm JOGGING AND FEELING GREAT ABOUT MYSELF?????

    I've come waayyyyyyyyyy too far to let it slip away!!!!




    After MONTHS of being good to myself!
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    Starchile: you have done amazingly well! Congrats!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,589 Member
    Look at you, your doing great. We all fall off. I still am having a hard time with food. but I am slowly getting there. I just need to add more weight training in. I been stuck at this 320-316 **** for to long. we are getting to 300.

    today I started week 3 of my c25k and it was 2 mins of jogging and 3 mins of walking for 30 mins. I may have to do this one for another week. it was hard for me lol
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I had to work 2 hours late today and it nearly derailed me bit I decided to suck it up and go anyway. I just started week 3 of my pre-C25k.

    Skittle & Star: way to jump back in and recommit to yourselves! When I get discouraged from a plateau I also like to look back and see how far I've come so far and it helps. I'm so glad I've been taking pics because I can SEE the difference.

    Way to kick butt ladies!
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Whoa! Haven't been around much lately...didn't realize that there were men in our little group now!!! SORRY FOR TMI!!! LOL.

    Thanks everyone for the support...sometimes I have to GO THERE to remind myself of why I'm doing this!!!

    So, what I started working on yesterday was: getting my portion sizes back under control. Perfect example, I was eating what I THOUGHT was 1 cup of cereal this morning. At one point I got good at eyeballing it and having it come out to EXACTLY 1 cup. This morning I decided to measure what I was SURE was one cup...and it was a CUP AND A HALF!! When I got it to actually 1 cup it looked like such a tiny amount! LOL. But that's what I was eating before and was satisfied. ahhh. The other thing is cutting out snacks after dinner. That's been ROUGH for me!!! But I know it's sheer boredom! And then no more chips!! I've eating THREE bags of potato chips in the last 2 weeks...BIG BAGS. Those jalapeno kettle chips are KILLING ME! But I'm DONE. The salt, the cholesterol...NO GOOD.

    Sooooo...one thing I've learned is that it doesn't have to be "ALL OR NOTHING". Even though I'm officially getting back on track Monday (have some things I need to clear out of my kitchen, go shopping for good food etc.), I'm starting these little things NOW.

    Oh yeah, and drinking more water.

    Hang in there everybody!!!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,589 Member
    well June is almost over. which is crazy, I wanted to be at 300 by my B-day June 3rd and it didn't happen. so I am now planing to be at 300 by the end of July. I am only 13lbs away. I know I can do this. all of us will be out of 300. we just need to keep doing what we are doing and pushing our selves because we are we are worth it. :drinker:
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I have had a few successful days in a row with keeping my eating in check......I know it is less than a week, but it is a start....

    I throw in the towel once in a while, but not forever at least.....
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,589 Member
    I have had a few successful days in a row with keeping my eating in check......I know it is less than a week, but it is a start....

    I throw in the towel once in a while, but not forever at least.....

    that is great that you have a few days. just keep going.:)

    tomorrow i'm staring my 30 day shred
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Ok, I am feeling good, July will be a good month for me, I can feel it.....will be looking for the July thread tomorrow with something to report!!