July Chat



  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    jbouthiette - you keep working on it, because I see from your ticker you are having success. Congrats to you for your progress so far!

    reba and grandmother - liked your sharing posts, and WA used to be our home state and it is beautiful! I like to travel too, always have, as I was born into a naval family where we moved every 1.5 to 2 yrs. Just seems comfortable to me to be someplace new and for people not to know me!

    bvifun - congrats on nearing your success goal! Any tips for me and others who might be struggling?

    I too live on an island, The Big Island in Hawaii. We still work on the mainland until we fully retire in 2 years or so. The humidity has been something to adjust to. My tip is to scheduling exercise as soon after you get up to avoid the heat. I started doing that this month and I am enjoying exercise a lot more. I also spread it out throughout the day, no intense 60-90 min exercise times. Just a 30 min early morning, mid-morning and late afternoon. Haven't lost a pound but haven't gained either.

    Had fun over the weekend because it was our 13th Anniversary - we went out for dinner and a comedy/magic show. Didn't do bad on the scale because I have been exercising and watching my calories 80% of the time :) Have a Great Week going after your goals!
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Wooken - Thanks for that clip from your home town. Our son used to live in Chandler, and those 115-degree days were killers! Loved seeing that haboob - never saw anything like that when we visited. Kinda stirs the imagination! Indiana Jones, Mission Impossible, Mummy Returns, Sandstorm, and the like.

  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    I'm getting a renewed sense of "why I want to get healthy" looking forward to getting focused now that the major of all the major summer pre-made plans are winding down!! I hope everyone is doing great!!!

    I just love the SUCCESS STORIES they are so motivational :flowerforyou:
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    It was really quiet on here over the weekend. I hope that means everyone was out enjoying themselves. My w/e did not go as planned due to a virus of some sort. On Sat. it took my voice and hid it somewhere still to be found. DH likes that I cannot answer back. :laugh: Little does he know how much I am saving up. As it rained all w/e, it didn't matter to me that I couldn't go out.
    bvifun - congrats on nearing your success goal! Any tips for me and others who might be struggling?

    I not sure that I have much advice Smiles except to remember it is a long process so just keep at it. The support is really making a difference for me.

    Happy anniversary Smiles.

    I tried something new in foods tonight. Shirataki Noodles. I had seen recipes for these on MFP forums but had never tried them. I am not on a low carb diet but, you see, I love noodles, pastas, dumplings, pirogies....starch of any kind or nationality. So to cut down a little on starch and still feel full did appeal to me. We cannot get the kind with tofu in them but I did not mind the texture at all and the smell went away when they were cooked. All this is good, as I thought I was buying 2 bags but instead bought 2 boxes or 12 bags. Without the tofu it has a longer shelf life so it also works well as hurricane food.

    Charlie. We moved down here from Calgary. I lived there for over 25 years and DH was born and raised there. Were you there for Stampede? I love the city but I think I now prefer smaller places to live.

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member

    I was in Calgary for business actually. A three-day seminar. It was an unusually warm winter both here and there. I went in February and went on Saturday so I could sightsee a little and save money with a Saturday stayover. Only needed a sweater on Saturday and Sunday. On Monday there was a big snowstorm. That was more in keeping with what I had expected. Really loved Calgary. Walked all around the city. Went to the zoo. Went up the space needle-type thing and loved the transportation system. Left after seminar finished on Wednesday. That was in 2002.

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    So much fun reading all your updates! it's been a crazy few weeks for me, which did not help my battle with the scale, but think I'm finally back on track.

    I came up to the lake early last Thursday to get the place ready for guests (mostly toting and putting stuff away, then sweeping up dead bugs LOL) and then Thursday evening everyone arrived. We had a great weekend - boating to swim at the island (sandy bottom, calm water), watching the fireworks from the middle of the lake, fishing, swimming, floating, laughing - good stuff! Rick fixed us all grilled rib eye steaks (with baked potatoes) for Independence Day dinner. I had been dreaming of this meal for months, and it was worth waiting for. I was a good girl - ate half the steak & saved the other half, split the potato with one of the other girls. YUMMY!!

    So they all went home on Sunday evening, and I refused to leave :bigsmile: Had two medical appointments this week, which have both now been rescheduled. Rick is planning on coming back up next weekend so I figured I may just as well stay until then!

    Yesterday I was a total, complete bum. Went from jammies to swimsuit to jammies at bedtime. :blushing: Might put out a bit more effort today and actually get dressed to go to town for 15 minutes - not sure yet if it's worth the energy.

    Oh... I was born and raised in the Madison, Wisconsin area. Married a guy who joined the Navy, so ended up living in southern California, Rhode Island and Okinawa, but we came back to Wisconsin when he was discharged. My favorite part of living there was the cabin we had up north on a lake. I learned to hate hate hate winter, especially when my job started to require a lot of time on the road. Part of my career allowed me to go to meetings in various places - from Maine to the Carolinas to Florida, the Virgin Islands, Arizona, and all over the Midwest. I have actually at least visited most of the states other than upper New England. When I met Rick (he lived in Texas, I was in Wisconsin) we debated about who would move; I ended up making the move in 1999 because his business was established here and it didn't break my heart to live without snow and ice. I love where we live, but I especially love our place on Lake Livingston. I think I'm a water baby (luckily so is Rick). It is hot & humid here in the summer, but fortunately they invented air conditioning!

    Speaking of hot and humid.... I think it's time I go jump in the lake :glasses: Catch up with you all later......
  • ustillcan
    ustillcan Posts: 45
    Hi all-
    My first post in July, this looks like a great place to start. I've only been on MFP for a few weeks. I think it is a great tool and resource for support.

    I'm originally from southern Ohio and now live east of Cleveland, Ohio. Married my high school sweetheart and we've had a great life together. We traveled the country the first 7 years we were married, so I have lived short bursts in about 20 states. We didn't choose to settle in Cleveland but that's where the job took hubby.

    My daughter gave us two beautiful granddaughters that we adore! My son is now engaged to marry before the end of this year. So our family life is full. We have wonderful get togethers - that always involve a lot of food of course.

    I've struggled with my weight since I was 14. I need to lose at least 20 more lbs, and I am trying to focus on improving my health and fitness as a priority. Just turned over this new leaf last month. I'm treating my daily exercise goal like I treat going to work. You just have to do it. Some days I enjoy it, some not so much lol. I've also split this into a morning and an evening routine.

    We started our lives together living in an airstream travel trailer, now we have a motorhome that we use for vacations. I hope to retire within a couple years and we plan to sell the big house and live in the Rv for at least a couple years. We will spend winters in Naples, FL and much of the summer going anywhere we get a hankerin' to go. The only lower 48 states I haven't seen are Oregon and Washington, so that's high on the list!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Welcome, ustillcan. Glad to see you here! We are both in Ohio. I can remember going to Mentor on a Friday night while in High School (yes, I can remember that far back) because Mentor was on our football schedule (I was raised in Erie, PA).

    I have a question for all of you: Do you limit your MFP friends. I'm very fussy about my friends. 1. They must be active (too long away and I unfriend unless I know why). 2. In most cases, they must show their diaries (I have a few who don't, but they are from back when I first started). 3. I prefer something in common (location, age, same weight loss goals, etc.) 4. I won't be "one of scores." I just got a request and the person already has 693 friends. (They don't need me, too!). 5. In keeping with #4, I don't want my list to become cumbersome that I don't have time to read and respond to my newsfeed.

    As in my non-on-line life, I am very choosy about my "friends." I value all of you in this group and although I'm not friends with all of you, I look at the entire group as friends and love everything you share while we take this journey together.

  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome ustillcan. This is a very successful and fun group.

    Charlie, Yes, I have limited my MFP friends for many of the same reasons as you do. I have to sense a certain connection with someone. Also, I want to have time to read my friend's posts and take time to look over their diaries. It gives me good menu ideas for myself. I like seeing others' activities because it makes me feel that I will also be able to participate in a more active lifestyle. (Not that exercise is my favorite thing!) but as for everything else, a positive action begets another positive one :-)

  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Hi Charlie,

    What a great question about MFP friends.

    Like you, I do not want so many that I cannot read all their posts everyday. I see each person as an individual with individual issues and I do no think I could do that with 600+ friends....or even 20+. That is why i have not asked everyone on this forum to be a friend. :wink:

    I do not unfriend people if they are not active as long as they were supportive when they were active. One friend said that when she went away and came back, she was so happy to see old friends still there. I wish people would just pop in and say that they are taking a break or giving up. We get to know a little about someone and then...poof! ...they are gone and we are left wondering if they are ok.

    I had one person unfriend everyone because, as she confided in me, some of her friends were critical of her so she dumped everyone. Sad...I thought. I have never had a friend who was critical, negative or a know-it-all. I think I would maybe dump someone like that. I do negativity just fine on my own. I do critical just fine on my own. I need a balance and that is support not criticism.... except gentle reminders. Before asking a new friend, I read what they have written on forums to see if that person writes in a positive way. Maybe that explains why so many of my friends are from this forum. :bigsmile:

    I have looked for something in common in that I have found older people to be less judgmental. We have all been there and done that. I also try to find others who either understand my health issues or at least accept them. That last part is true in real life as well. I not longer feel the need to "educate" others in the hope they will understand.

    I like going into others' diaries mostly to get ideas for something different and I have mine open to friends as a form of accountability on my part. That way they can see the good, the bad and the ugly days. :laugh:

    This is great topic and I am looking forward to seeing others' viewpoints.

  • ustillcan
    ustillcan Posts: 45
    Thanks to all for welcoming me.

    Since I'm very new to MFP i don't have many friends, but I'm not looking for hundreds. It's nice to get familiar with a few that you can see their progress and struggles and cheer them on and when they encourage me back it feels more like a real 'friend' who cares.

    I still work long hours so my free time is a little limited, but I will do my best to be a frequent visitor. I am enjoying getting to know the site and look forward to getting acquainted with all of you. Seems like a good group where I can be right at home :wink:
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    I had a good day today despite eating too many chocolates...we will gloss over that! :ohwell:

    I went out with some friends for a walk and lunch...and they took me to a new to me lake for a lovely walk. So I now have another lake to go to to run round! :smile:

    Also one of my friends is training for a half marathon so she asked me to go on a run with her next Tuesday morning........hoping I can keep up with her ...but having a run in the diary will ensure I actually do the run....looking forward to the challenge of running with someone else which will be a first for me......:bigsmile:

    All good

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    I am needing help!

    I have had a couple nights of Restless Leg Syndrome - very uncomfortable. I have had a "touch" of it since the wreck, but nothing like these two nights.
    I really do not want to go on any more medicine - can anyone give me suggestions for what I can do? Thanks so much!!
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    ustillcan, welcome to the group. I am one of a few men on this group and hope that I help encourage you on your journey. I have been on MFP for a while, but am pretty new to this group. The group is a friendly bunch who offers much encouragement and good advice.I hope I can do the same for them all as we share our journey to better health.

    - JB
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member

    I heard that eating more protein can alleviate RLS, you could be low in iron. Also, adding Vitamin can help. Check with your doctor to see what foods you can eat instead of taking more medication.
    Good luck,
  • ustillcan
    ustillcan Posts: 45
    Thanks JB - those are my initials also and my nickname at work! I'm General Manager for a manufacturing/service shop which is a very very male environment. I'm only 5'1 but I run a tight ship with a sense of humor (most of the time)

    My goals are the same as yours - improve my health to get the most/best out of what remains to be enjoyed.

    on the RLS, I've had episodes of that too but it always went away after a few nights. I wish I had some advice. If you find a good solution let us know. I suspect Claudine may be right and it has something to do with a deficiency.

    Jean- the marathon is great! More power to you! Keep us updated on your progress.

    My big challenge for the weekend is staying within my calories with a small potluck tomorrow with friends - oh my, so dreading it but want to be with my friends, so wish me luck on that one.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Glad it is coming into the w/e!!! I can not wait to swim, weed the flowers, mow the lawn, make healthy salads, ( drink a little wine ). Watch a Netflix movie with my BIG kids. I just love the summer, OH and take a couple of good walks!!

    I wish you all a great day!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Good day to each of you!!

    It is Saturday and I am hopeful DH will quit early so we can do something. What? I don't care, I just want to do something. Anybody else ever feel that way?

    I walked this a.m. and went further than I have for a while :drinker:
    Now, the trick is to keep it up on a daily basis - so that is my plan and I am going to stick to it!! :tongue:

    This is the only week-end in a while that we don't have specific plans that we must do - that just does not happen too regularly.

    I hope each of you have a fantastic Saturday!!:flowerforyou:
    Onward and downward we go!!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Hi all..... I don't have many friends on here...in fact I pretty much stick to this group, for the same reasons as everyone else.... I found I had little connection with many people, but here we all seem to have clicked. In the past I would make Friends with someone and a week later they would disappear never to be seen or heard from again .... so even though many of us here are not officially Friends I am very happy and comfortable being here with you all.

    ustillcan......I am not actually training for a marathon ... just going running with a friend who needs a running buddy.......I know my limits and would not put myself under so much pressure...lol

    Having a good weekend with walking and some tai chi along with pottering about in the garden and thinking about what I put in my mouth........ still lovely weather here and a nice refreshing shower just now which might cool of the evening.....

  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone!
    It's back to work for me tomorrow after a mini staycation to celebrate my 65th birthday. :noway: On the up side, during that time, I started jogging a bit and exercising with noodles in the pool. But, on the downside, I feel like I ate everything I saw. My hubby's idea of a good time is to go out to eat. Usually, I work at making good choices when we go out. The last several days that just did not happen! I don't even want to look at the scale, let alone step on it. I think that will wait until later in the week.

    Hope you all have a good week ahead. Just remember that, although I don't post much, I do stop by and read when I can.
