Happy Monday Check-In/Accountability & Goal Setting!

Hey All!

Morning! Just looked over my diary and calculated my over-consumption. I also added together all my alcohol calories for the week.

So, looking back over last week, I'm over 1,461 calories. Alcohol calorie consumption: 2,959 calories. 2 alcohol-free days.

I think this is something I'd like to continue to work on. Set weekly goals to try and cut down from where I am.

Anyone want to join? It's hard to throw those calories right out there, but accountability is good!

This week's goal:

2-3 alcohol-free days (3 being ideal, but summer's tricky!)
Alcohol calories for week: 2000
If I'm going to have a surplus in calories for the week, I'd like it to not exceed 800 total.

Fingers crossed! Happy Monday!


  • bethanyka
    bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    My alcohol consumption last week was just too much. i am not sure of the calories, because when I'm drinking, sometimes I just... don't log... ALSO.... after a few drinks I tend to eat things that I normally wouldn't...... that being said...

    alcohol-free days: (at least) 4 per week
    alcohol calories ( i just added in the "booze section, so I will dilligently track from now on): 1500-2000

    I really want to lose at least 2 lbs this week, so that doesn't leave me too much room for calories of alcohol/ mindless eating after alcohol.

    Good Job so far!

  • nadamandar
    nadamandar Posts: 82
    We can do it!
  • ariannes225
    ariannes225 Posts: 15 Member
    Last week's booze calories: Oh.... thousands. Really. Sunday was just OTT between brunch, a wedding shower, and wine night with another friend... let's just not even go there.

    Goals this week: Booze calories: around 1,000. Alcohol-free days: 1. (starting small)

    Good luck everyone!
  • nadamandar
    nadamandar Posts: 82
    1000 for the week! Ahhh! Brave! You can do it! I know...summer is the worst (& best!). It's hard. I just bought my wedding dress yesterday and it fits pretty perfectly except for a little bit of pooch belly. Beer! It's all your fault, beer!

    Had drinks last night. 688 cal worth. Beer. 1,312 to go. And I think beer's out for the rest of the week. Sober night with my fella tonight, so that'll make 2 with Monday. Just gotta pick one more. Prob Friday (as hard as that is with Friday mentality and all). I am working for probably 12 hours on Saturday and there's no way I want to risk being even slightly foggy at Saturday morning's wake up!

    I'm glad you're both participating! So thanks!
  • ariannes225
    ariannes225 Posts: 15 Member
    Good ol' beer. Had a 10 oz glass of the stuff yesterday, about 200 calories worth (8.5% so it's higher in calories than other more watery stuff). So, 800-900 calories left. Alcohol free day is today. I ALMOST caved and had a beer at lunch (I work at a major university where access to the on campus pub is readily available) BUT I did not. Proud of myself for that, and sticking to it. Has anyone else been tempted?
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    I say I stopped drinking two years ago. But we had a big party and I bought the beer, and one of the guests brought more beer so we ended up with tons of the stuff in the fridge for weeks. IT was too tempting. I had a few, two per day, every other day or so. Alone. In secret. Felt ****ty.

    I finally took it all out of the fridge, told the family why I was doing so, and they understood. So back to taking it one day at a time. It isn't worth it for me. I have to abstain.
  • nadamandar
    nadamandar Posts: 82
    That's great! It's so difficult to be tempted. Much easier when it's not in the house, just like chocolate and cookies and chips and ice cream and and and..... ; )
  • nadamandar
    nadamandar Posts: 82
    I had another dry night last night! That's two! Probably not tonight though, going to meet my sister for a drink at 5pm tonight. She had one hell of a weekend, and I have my wedding dress so we'll be chatting away! It'll be fun and silly and worth it! Just gotta bench the beer.
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    Way to go! And thanks for the support!
  • Becksga
    Becksga Posts: 70 Member
    Alcohol free August anyone?
  • Alcohol free September! Can't do August.....summer's too hard. Sorry! But I'm doing thirty days in September. My fiance and I take a clean month every fall.

    Had my sis over for dinner last night. Ouch. Now at 1466 alcohol calories for the week. Have a good weekend!
  • ariannes225
    ariannes225 Posts: 15 Member
    Agreed- summer is hard. I'd probably consider doing September. I had beer AND some wine yesterday, so not the best day ever. Wine tonight too... So my 1,000 calorie goal is out the window. It'll be more like 2000. Still, an improvement over last week. I'm just looking to improve week after week.
  • Yep! Me too!
  • PSlosing29
    PSlosing29 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I'm a lush and gaining weight because of it. But its a new month so I'm setting goals of no hard alcohol this month (except my anniversary and husbands bday) other than that I'm just going to have a few beers a week, maybe some wine. Then September I hope to be going alcohol free.
  • ariannes225
    ariannes225 Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome! The more the merrier!
  • Welcome, welcome, welcome!
  • Happy Tuesday!

    My alcohol consumption last week was just too much. i am not sure of the calories, because when I'm drinking, sometimes I just... don't log... ALSO.... after a few drinks I tend to eat things that I normally wouldn't...... that being said...

    alcohol-free days: (at least) 4 per week
    alcohol calories ( i just added in the "booze section, so I will dilligently track from now on): 1500-2000

    I really want to lose at least 2 lbs this week, so that doesn't leave me too much room for calories of alcohol/ mindless eating after alcohol.

    Good Job so far!


    I've been meaning to mention this post! I eat the worst things when I've been drinking! When I hit a point where I start to feel a little out of control/drunk, I will try and use food to sober up - which usually involves pigging right the hell out!
  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    I've developed scary symptoms from hangovers including lots of heart palpitations, panic attacks, and random pains. So this is finally what I've needed to make a serious attempt at stopping alcohol.
    OH, and I also threw a swing at my husband for trying to put me to bed last time. Don't remember. He's pretty pissed about it.

    Since I cannot have just one drink, I am abstaining completely.

    Its nice to meet everyone here.
  • Hey! Welcome!

    I can relate to the scary symptoms of hangovers. Anxiety, panic, as well as guilt and depression sometimes. Started at the end of my 20's. It's not bad if I keep drinks to three and under, but more than that...I'm shaky and icky the next morning. That being said, three drinks is often the point where I lose discipline and say *kitten* it, and end up having a couple more.

    Each day is a new one though and that's pretty inspiring. We can work on our issues and struggles but also try to be gentle and forgiving with ourselves.

    As far as your partner, I can relate in some ways too. Though I've never taken a swing, we've definitely had senseless fights that could've been non-existent if it weren't for alcohol. I'd say 90% of our disputes have erupted when drinking or in the aftermath of a night of drinking. Waste of precious time. I guess I try and look at it as having a silver lining. We are getting better with drinking, with communication, sensitivity, etc. and I can't help but think that if we hadn't had those stupid, overly dramatic, booze-soaked fights, we wouldn't have had the learning and the deepening of our understanding of each other and how/where we need to really support each other.

    My two cents early on a Sunday morning! Oh why, oh why do I have to work on a Sunday? Criminal.

    As I'm only trying to have 2000 cal. from alcohol this week, I am concerned about this evening. After today, I will have worked 20 hours over the last two days and I'm going to want wine. But I only have 134 calories remaining. Hahah. Maybe I'll just have a decadent treat instead. Oy.

    Happy Sunday!
  • So......IT'S MONDAY!

    How'd everyone do? I messed up last night. I knew it'd be a tricky night after working all weekend. I had good intentions and bought "Skinny Grape" pinot grigio, 8% and 80 cal for just under 5oz. I drank 3 quarters of the bottle, my fella finished it. I did, however, have a half pint of guinness and 2.5 glasses of wine at work, after work.

    Trying not to feel ****ty about choices. There are some victories in my week. I had 3 clean days. I consumed 2,583 alcohol calories. Better than last week but 583 over my goal of 2000.

    I said that I didn't want general over-consumption for the week to go beyond 800cal - only 67cal over for the week. Yay!

    This week will be difficult. It's my sister's birthday on Wednesday night and I'm going to see Motley Crue & Alice Cooper on Sunday night, after working all weekend again. Still, must try where I can.

    So, here are my goals:

    3 clean days
    Alcohol calories less than last week (2,583) - giving room for these two events
    Over-consumption calories not to exceed 800

    Want to hear from everyone else! Highs/lows? How ya doin?!