August Goals/Challenges



  • AlicesGrandma
    AlicesGrandma Posts: 48 Member
    My August goals:

    (1) Log everything into MFP daily. Post weight every 4 days or more often.

    (2) Work out (usually water aerobics) four hours a week minimum.

    (3) Eat fewer calories than my allowance (always at least 1200).

    (4) Think about food less often than exercise. It seems I have no problem doing this in the middle of the summer, but really am challenged in the winter.

    Thank you for MFP!

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    August goals, hmmm.

    I haven't set my August goals yet because I feel like I'm in a rut and can't dig myself out. I haven't lost any weight in so long that I stopped logging it. And I'm frustrated. I've tried everything... cutting calories, increasing calories, exercising more. Nothing works. The scale won't budge. I don't have much more to lose (about 8-10 pounds) and I know I should be happy that I haven't gained, but it's making me crazy. Maybe I just need to take a break from all this and just see what happens???

    The worst part is that we start a few days vacation tomorrow and, knowing my hubby, that will include lots of eating out. He loves to go out to eat. It's his favorite activity! So I can see that there is no way I'll be staying on course or losing any weight during vacation. :sad:

    Everyone seems to be doing so well, and you're all so positive. I hate to be the bummer. But I'm just not feeling very good about things. Does anyone have suggestions for moving beyond this point? I'm willing to try anything.

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member

    It must be so hard once you get near goal. I have talked about how difficult it must be in the past and I admire everyone for sticking with it. I know when I get close, IF I stick to 1200 a day and IF I stick faithfully to my workout regimen, I might be able to lose 1 pound every 5-6 weeks. That doesn't give you much room for screw-ups or fun! It will be hard to be focused. I know that now and I've got a long way to go! not logging really the answer? How can you be sure you are cutting back if you don't log? I imagine logging everything for the rest of my life. It is just a good habit, I think. But then I've only been here 7 months, not over two years like you. I may feel differently then.

    I eat out a lot and find it almost easier because I have a set amount of food in front of me. No seconds! The pitfall of eating out is the things I might think are low in calories, but aren't. I'm usually better with the 6 oz. sirloin than the chicken dish on the menu. Muffins are worse than donuts when it comes to calories. And salads, unless I get them without cheese, croutons, nuts, or fruit, and dressing to dip my fork into on the side, are usually a disaster. People say get an appetizer. Right. Almost always higher than the meals are. Again, that is where logging helps me. Also, so many restaurants now post their calories. However, I'm probably preaching to the choir on these points, huh?

    Not being near goal, like you, I don't know all the successful tricks. Jean or a few others probably know better.

    I guess it just gets harder to have that calories deficit. My daughter would say that the answer would be to speed up your metabolism then and the way to do that is by strength training. I try but don't really like it Yet, I still try and people here remind me to do them. I use a resistance band and it is easy to travel with.

    Vacations usually give you good opportunities to get in a lot of walking don't they? At least mine do.

    Hope you have a great vacation. Hope someone has some other ideas that might help. Just don't give up! And don't quit posting here.

  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,120 Member
    Rose: As Charlie has mentioned, I also am a way away from getting anywhere near my goal weight and don't assume to understand that with which you are struggling :blushing: but we have been at stages (besides weight loss) where we get frustrated and think, oh what the heck, give up! So here are some of my thoughts:

    Stepping back and looking from a different perspective helps sometimes, but it doesn't mean giving up! Logging is much harder than we realize when we are not attaining our goals! I would encourage you also to log again, but perhaps look at it as for a different reason for a few weeks? You are going away for a few days and sound concerned about all the yummy food. I too have a DH who enjoys dining out (and he doesn't have a weight control issue. :grumble: ). Why not consider your challenge to just try to control what you eat, enjoy your time together, and count it a very successful day when you eat a maintenance type of day and even if you have a binge/bad day, your challenge will be to return to maintenance the next day? These are not easy challenges believe me, as we have all struggled with these circumstances at times! :flowerforyou:

    Focus is a great thing, but you can burn out if the focus can be all consuming, don't you think? You have had great success with your weight loss to date, sincere congrats, it is ok to take a break to remove your tension and frustratation. Maybe August should be your "lighten up" month, and I don't mean lost pounds :smile:

    If in Early August you consider to not strive for losing weight but giving yourself and your body some rest and recovery time, and challenge yourself to "enjoy" some maintenance time, you might get back a feeling of success and later this month start another plan!

    I also agree with Charlie's suggestion, that vacations give opportunities for lots of walks! Don't think exercise, just movement!

    Pls stay with us, relax and enjoy your next week or so, aware all the time that everyone needs rest and recovery time!

    Just some thoughts, and am sure some other members of the Group may offer some more insight, keep in touch and cheers Marian
  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Rose, I wouldn't worry too much about a few days vacation -- restaurants certainly can be difficult -- I find the salt content a problem --but for a few days just think about better, not necessarily best choices, enjoy your meals and plan your return date as your reboot date. Appetizers can be good options, also great if you can have more veggies and salad on your plate than other things. I find breakfast to be especially tricky when traveling, and will hunt out oatmeal, yogurt or the egg special minus the bacon, toast and potatoes :) If I am not mindful a breakfast buffet can shoot 70% of my planned calories. Also 100 calorie pack of nuts or other snack help me, avoid reaching that too hungry point before dinner.
  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    My own remainder of August goals --

    Lose 4 pounds

    Increase calcium from dietary sources (I take a supplement if my daily intake is too low)

    Actually use fitdesk (more than 20 min per week)
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Hi All,

    Just logged-in to revisit my August goals as already half-way through the month!!

    :grumble: I'm not keeping up with the pool workouts, gotta make more of an effort.

    :happy: I'm getting the kranking time in. Combining the hand bike with computer time is really working out well.

    Hope everyone is having a successful month! :flowerforyou:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    :happy: I'm getting the kranking time in. Combining the hand bike with computer time is really working out well.

    Would you please tell me how you are doing this? I am at my computer a lot!

    I am working on my Aug goals even though I have not been reporting.

    I am walking as I can with the SM disease, but really trying to do it. But not up to 10,000 steps at all - more like 7000, but I know as I feel better the steps will come

    I am staying within my calorie amount - which is good :smile:

    Hope each of you have a fantastic day :flowerforyou:

    Onward and downward we go :tongue:
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    :happy: I'm getting the kranking time in. Combining the hand bike with computer time is really working out well.

    Would you please tell me how you are doing this? I am at my computer a lot!
    Thanks Rebamae

    I set the hand bike directly on the desk in front of the monitor and krank away while either reading or watching a video on-line.

  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    WHOO HOO! I lost 2 lbs finally! Yesterday I exercised for 2 hours total and watched the calories at dinner. Now I want to do more :) Little success but BIG INSPIRATION!. I just got tired of looking in the mirror and seeing no change. Who cares what the scale says, my heart tells me more about how I feel and my head tells me what I should do. Thanks for being here so I can share with you all :) I actually will have a challenge to keep those 2 lbs off even for a week! So not getting myself into a halo, just saying, I have a big relief and reward from yesterday. YEAH! Have a great week you all!
  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    May I join the challenge? I started back at MFP on Wed. 8/6 after two years away and gaining back all I lost previously plus sum - reading the posts really helps me - it's so encouraging to know I'm not alone in this struggle! I thought if I joined the August challenge it would keep me on track and keep me focused on what I want to accomplish. (overall 50 lbs. to lose) If I'm allowed to join, I'll post my challenges. Here's hoping :flowerforyou:
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    May I join the challenge? I started back at MFP on Wed. 8/6 after two years away and gaining back all I lost previously plus sum - reading the posts really helps me - it's so encouraging to know I'm not alone in this struggle! I thought if I joined the August challenge it would keep me on track and keep me focused on what I want to accomplish. (overall 50 lbs. to lose) If I'm allowed to join, I'll post my challenges. Here's hoping :flowerforyou:

    welcome-back-sign-smiley-emoticon.gif Of course you can add your August challenge to the post! The more the merrier. :happy:

    smiley-computer005.gifAnd be sure to join us on the' Wednesday Check-In' post also. Nothing like reporting out weekly to keep you focused on your goals.

  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the Welcome Back sign!

    So my challenges are:

    Record my food intake every day

    Do some type of exercise at least five days per week

    Repeat to myself each time I'm tempted to 'slide back ' : " It's my choice, what do I actually want to do - indulge now or choose to make the healthy choice this time? "

    And I definitely will check in on Wednesday - it's my first weigh in since I came back and I'm hoping it's a good one - But if it isn't, I'm hoping that I remember with the help of these posts that it will eventually show on the scale and in the meantime, it's healthier choices.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Welcome!! :flowerforyou:

    I wouldn't be where I am weight-wise if this bunch of 60's weren't always supporting me!!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I haven't been logging my steps and miles. Frankly, I don't really feel I need to anymore. I have only a few times not hit my 10,000 steps goal in the months since I started counting and average more like 15,000 a day. Sometimes up to 20,000. I don't want to become compulsive with my spreadsheets, etc. (although I do love them) I naturally enjoy the walking so much that I don't see me doing less. (well, maybe when winter comes, but I will still do as much as I can at the gym).

    I did challenge myself to do some other exercises rather than just walking and stationary bike and keep up with the resistance bands. I tried upper body weight machines so far, and I prefer the resistance bands (I'm not feeling the love yet, but they are better than the weights). I tried lower body weight machines and LOVE them. (I was bummed because one of the machines was broken last night). So I'm trying the alternate day thing with one day off probably.

    I have tried the elliptical a couple of times and HATE it. The bouncing motion makes me dizzy. But, I have a couple of times broken into a slow jog while walking for a short distance. I don't want to be a jogger, but sometimes, I just want to speed it up a little. With my gym closing down for 3 days next week, my daughter and I are going to dig out the golf clubs and go to the driving range. Not a lot of calorie burn, but probably pretty good for the waistline and the upper body in general. We both love to play, but we never seem to have the time at the same time to get together and go out. We both always liked to play 9-holes of a short course real early when we both had Mondays to do it. I'm not big on wasting 4 hours for 18 holes on a full course unless it is a scramble with friends and beer.

    The month is half over and I have only lost 1.5 pounds. Don't think I will see the 8-pound loss I was again hoping for. 6.5 pounds in two weeks. Naw, probably won't happen; but, it's all good.

    Have a great second-half of August. Hope your weather is as beautiful as ours has been (August and it was only 46 degrees when I came to work this a.m. What great sleeping weather and great electric bill saving weather! Currently 78 at 3 p.m. with only 44% humidity!) The summer of 2014 will go down as one of my favorite weather wise.

  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,120 Member
    Good Day to All! :flowerforyou: Just checking in as it just past mid month. Quite pleased with myself, if I do say so myself ! :blushing: I wasn't able to be very active with MFP and taking care of myself for about a week - just like all of you family issues just happen! So dealt with it and we all seem to be stabilizing and getting back in the groove! So I just reviewed this month's diary to date and have happily discovered I have walked:

    9 times this month
    Goal is : 16 walks (min of 20 minutes/ walk)
    Pace: Sloth pace is totally acceptable :yawn: you get to see the view!

    So, with continued good effort I will meet my goal for August - let's see, as I am such a mathematical genius - NOT - I have 14 days to get in 7 walks! Don't want to get too smug but 'got to get her done'

    Off to go for a walk now and the sun is shining :glasses: good luck on your challenges this month, btw how is everyone doing? Cheers, Marian
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    August is a little more than half over. I'm going to continue working out with weight twice a week at the gym and I started doing Saturdays by myself at home.

    Still exercise 3 times a week at PT, logging in over 2 miles on those days. Keep up with my water exercising as often as the weather allows.

    I'm a little concerned over my weight. I stay a little under my calorie goal and I was hoping with the exercise to see the numbers 'lean' to the left. But many times the number on the scale is upwards. Somewhat disappointing, though I realize all I can do is to keep trying.

    Happy Trails,

  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Marian, we must have posted at about the same time :-)
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,120 Member
    Yep Claudine, we are twins! :drinker:
  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    I have a chance of meeting my goal of losing 4 lbs (from Aug. 6 when posted). 2.2 to go, if I don't fall off wagon over Labor Day weekend. Anyway still making progress. It is interesting to me to see how I have reformulated my thinking from going to the drive in getting two, foot long hot dog with the works, and a large fries as a treat (1,400 C.)-- to getting one foot long hot dog with the works (400 c.), no fries, and very occasionally at that.

    I have a Dr.s appointment tomorrow for six month check up on blood work. I have been running border line on sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. I was able to cut cholesterol medicine in half in January and have stayed at good levels so far. So hoping for improvement with weight loss/increased exercise in last 6 months, or at least no change -- and may be tweaking my diet a bit depending on results. I tend to be sensitive to carbs -- and do better on a carb moderated (not low carb) diet. I know BP is okay, so interested in other results.