Welcome RN's! Introduce yourselves!



  • christinevhoogasian
    Hi! I am an RN and an NP in Massachusetts. I work 45+ hours per week at my NP position....and I'm also in school to get my doctorate of nursing practice (DNP) so my life is anything but dull! lol. I need to lose about 20 pounds. I have been doing great with exercising, but not so great with keeping away from lots of junk food all of the time! :( Anyone else have this really bad willpower problem that I have???
  • christinevhoogasian
    Hi Marci! Good for you that you did not eat your husband's BK food. I felt the same way today when I went out to lunch with my friend. She ordered chicken parmesan and then she ate dessert...but I ate salad with salmon and then had a nice cup of decaf coffee for my dessert! :) Now if I could just do this every day!
  • thatoneblondechick
    thatoneblondechick Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all!! I've been an RN for about 3.5 years now, working in a small, rural, critical access hospital. I work in med-surg, ED, and OB. Primarily NOCs but throw in a few day shift stretches as well. I love working NOCs but the temptation to feed my face all night is a huge one to overcome, especially since I try to maintain a "regular" schedule on my days off.

    Looking forward to "meeting" other nurses on here!
  • kmca1803
    kmca1803 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi, I'm Kelli and I'm an RN in Australia. I've spent 15 years in adult and paediatric ICU, the Cardiac Cath Lab, as an Nurse Educator and also do a bit of Tropical and Rural and Remote Nursing as well. Phew! That looks more exhausting than it really is. Guess that makes me a bit of a jack of all trades!
    A lifetime of shift work and on call has contributed to bad eating patterns and weight gain, so I am excited to find this site as I think it will keep me accountable for my food intake. I think its great to team up with other nurses, as no one understands the difficulties of shift work, unless you are a fellow "shifter"!
    I would love to add and be added so we can support and encourage each other. Feel free!
  • thatoneblondechick
    thatoneblondechick Posts: 2 Member
    Hey kmca...sent you a Friend Request! :)
  • Wolves06
    Wolves06 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Ev from the Netherlands. Hope I'm already welcome here, because I'm still a student, but I hope to graduate in january. During my internships I usually struggle to maintain good eating/excercising, so I hope to see here how fellow nurses are managing =)
  • melanie9674
    melanie9674 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, my name is Melanie. I have been a RN for 22 years. I currently am an Education Coordinator for Surgical Services. I just started my MSN on line. Working full time, school and family, i have little time for "me". I have quite a bit of weight to lose. I am looking to lead as an example. I am looking forward to living a long, healthy life.
  • melanie9674
    melanie9674 Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome, and good luck with your nursing career!
  • ageage22
    ageage22 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello to all,
    I'm RN for more than 6 years, but this is my second profession. I never was skinny, but on the other hand I would not consider myself fat. I have bigger bones and I'm tall, so automatically my weight is more then regular person...
    I always was obsessed about my weight, but to be honest I didn't do much with it. I had multiple attempts of starting new chapter in my life, but it was never successful. Now after my "on the job" back injury I'm motivated more then ever to loose 20 lb for the beginning, but continue to loose up to 45-50 total. That's my goal, and I intended to follow small step after small step - and be the person I always liked to be.
  • joymomrn4
    joymomrn4 Posts: 173 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Marti from Cleveland Ohio. Nurse for 28 years in almost every setting (I tend to switch it up every 3-4! Wife and mother of 4. Now its time to switch up the diet and fitnesss routine! Feel free to friend me. Besides MFP, I love gardening, entertaining, decorating, traveling (to warm p;aces) and shopping!
  • Jensan03
    Jensan03 Posts: 13 Member
    jap247 wrote: »
    Hi there!
    I have been working in a Neonatal ICU for over 20 years. I work both 12 day and night shifts.....I love the work, but I hate the hours!!!
    BTW...you never get used to it! Like many of my coworkers, I have been plagued with poor health for years...migraines, mood swings, sleep disturbances, exhaustion, weight gain..and more recently crohns, and gluten intolerance.
    I turned 50 this year! A real wake up call...I need to take action now...and fight harder to regain my health! I have always eaten well, and followed good nutrition! I have always been fairly active...but remained overweight. I walk, go to the gym, kayak, cross country ski...and work with horses! I must admit that I felt cheated, betrayed by my body....I didn't get what was going on! And I hated the looks and comments that I got from others offering me diet advice, like just cut out bacon and fries and chips and candy...OMG....I eat healthy...I was eating on average 1400 cal a day...Seriously!!! I don't eat junk, or fast food, or fried foods, or pop, or alcohol, or cookies, or pies....or chips...or pounds of butter or sugar!! I eat good healthy food - fruit, grains, vegetables, lean meats, dairy, eggs, nuts and legumes...I drink water, and tea! I have been gluten free for 6 months now....and no I don't eat Gluten-free products, as they are loaded with calories...
    Anyways, I am done feeling like a victim...I am now doing everything in my power to get fit! I am working with a trainer and nutritionist! I had to increase my caloric intake to 1700 cal/day and increase the hours that I sleep from 5 to 8 hours/night...and guess what...I lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks!! A true break through!!!
    I am looking for serious, like minded people to go on this journey with! So if you are serious, and committed 100% to regaining your health, let me know, maybe we can support each other along this journey!!!

    I hate day /night.... But love the 12hr shifts! Cant get any better than 3 day work week!!!