PALEO and Healthy Grains



  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    no.. lol.. i never said grains are good for vitmain c... ha ha ha.. i know that vitamin c comes from fruits and veggies.. i think everyone knows that...
    i must have not explained myself.. that was seperate..
    the grains were more in reference to things like white rice or maybe oats or something... i was just wondering if ANYONE thinks and can prove their is anything good about grains...

    so far no one can up with anything we need it for...

    This is what you said:
    I also read about some people having some deficiencies in vitamin C and having kidney issues.. I read this on the PALEO websites.. and so i am trying to find out if anyone here actually includes grains....

    It's pretty hard to interpret that as anything other than "Paleo people cut out grains and ended up with vitamin C deficiency."

    You also mentioned that you forgot that you can get vitamin C from vegetables, and the fruits you've listed aren't particularly great sources of vitamin C.

    Perhaps you should take a little more time writing your forum posts before actually posting them, so that you make sure you're saying what you're trying to say?

    I was just trying to be nice by acknowledging what people said about vitamin C thats all... :flowerforyou: and i probobly should read what i write... i had 2 ideas in my head and i put it all in one.... what can i say? sorry about that..... i did not mean to confuse anyone..

    as for the grains...still searching for anyone who can say anything good about it.. i keep reading about fiber online.. but i get enough from veggies.. so again.. i wonder what the purpose is...

    I was in Italy last year and this one lady showed us all these beautiful corn fields and she told us... " just so you know, we "italians" dont eat corn.. "corn is for pigs".. and then she mentioned how ONLY in america do we eat so much corn.. and everyone on the bus (AMERICANS) we started laughing.... its true.. CORN is all over...

    anyway.. FUNNY!!! :) ! gotta love the ITALIANS

    I must say.. HAVING A BLAST on this forum... i think just posting and logging and reading and all this is making me keep my weight at 130 :) !!!!! if this keeps going. i am going to have to cheat soon...
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Dragonwolf
    I see you have lost a lot of weight.. :) !! thats fantastic.... you lost the 48 lbs. with PALEO?? It also says you have been doing this since 2012.. so like 2 years already :) ... and in all this time.. no grains.. no sugar,,, no junk... alcohol? maybe... just curious

    All i can say is KEEP IT GOING.. i wish you luck.. you dont have that much to go.................................
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Hi Dragonwolf
    I see you have lost a lot of weight.. :) !! thats fantastic.... you lost the 48 lbs. with PALEO?? It also says you have been doing this since 2012.. so like 2 years already :) ... and in all this time.. no grains.. no sugar,,, no junk... alcohol? maybe... just curious

    All i can say is KEEP IT GOING.. i wish you luck.. you dont have that much to go.................................

    No, it wasn't all from Paleo. I have PCOS, so weight loss has been slow and frustrating no matter what I do. The loss on my ticker has been from my highest weight, so that I remember how far I've actually come, because it very often feels like I haven't gotten anywhere.

    I can't say my journey's been completely grain, sugar, or junk free. I tend to be pragmatic about things in general, including my food, and so, some things will occasionally make their way in. I've found through quite a bit of experimentation, how much of what I can handle before experiencing adverse effects in one way or another. Generally speaking, though, these are conscious decisions to consume foods that are not Paleo, after weighing the pros (taste, diplomacy with family, etc) and cons (bloating, chance of eczema or acne flairup, headache, lack of satiety, etc). The more I do this, the more I find that eating most grains, particularly wheat, usually isn't worth it.

    In fact, I've only lost about half of the weight on my ticker from Paleo, and even that required some medical help, due to the PCOS. However, I stay with Paleo less so for the weight loss aspect, and more for the other health benefits I've found. At one point, I started getting eczema on my hands that wouldn't go away even with heavy duty corticosteroid creams. I also suffered from moderate to severe acne that I could never do anything about. I even had the beginnings of arthritis in my hips that was starting to bother me, as well as persistent cluster headaches and migraines to the point that I was taking 800mg or more, daily, of Ibuprofen, to be able to function and keep the headaches from turning into migraines.

    All of these things were cured by going Paleo and keeping my carbs under 100g a day. For that alone, I don't plan on going back to eating non-Paleo with any kind of regularity.
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    Dragonwolf....Sounds like you have had a very tough time.. I admire your will..

    A few months ago on a TRIP to chicago, my cousins who do CROSSFIT told me how they do PALEO ( they are young in their 20's) .. They told me it would be a great way to maintain my weight etc..and not be so hungry all the time.. and they also said MOST of my stomach issues comes from the food i currently eat... So i decided to try PALEO and cut out all the sugar and grain and dairy .. since they look so amazing and are so apparently healthy... and they are FOODIES.. so i was impressed...

    so far its been like 2.5 months...

    I have NO stomach issues anymore
    I am Maintainting my WEIGHT
    NO hunger or CRAVINGS

    Since i am not really trying to lose weight.. mostly maintain, i have been adding 1 item little by little to see how my body handles it.. If i get bloated or my stomach hurts or i gain weight... the food is OUT.. mostly i have noticed ALCOHOL does not work at all for me.. i mean NO AMOUNT.. i just get very sick... my next step was grains.. but as i read.. not 1 person actualy eats them.. so i am just going to stay for now since i cant find anyone who thinks its a good idea..

    thanks for your story.. you are very brave.. and I think of all the lifestyle diets.. this has to be the healthiest one.....