Post your miles!



  • robino222
    robino222 Posts: 14 Member
    8/20 -- 2 miles walked -- 30 total!
  • tm82001
    tm82001 Posts: 133 Member
    From August 1 through the 19th: 67 miles

    August 20th: walked 5.3 miles

    Overall: 72.3 miles.... going for an even 100

    Need 27.7 more miles!
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    8/19: 5
    8/20: 6.5

    Monthly total: 133.7
  • cher192
    cher192 Posts: 28 Member
    8/4/14 got a mile & a half in. 47.5 more to go.

    8/05/14 1 mile 46.5 more

    8/6/14 1.5 miles

    8/7/14 1.5

    8/8/14 2

    8/9/14 4

    8/10/14 2 35.5 left

    08/11/14 1.5

    08/12/14 3 31 remaining

    08/13/14 2 miles (29)

    08/14-8/17 8 miles (21)

    08/18-08/20 5 miles (16)
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    8/2- 3 miles
    8/4- 5 miles
    8/5- 3 miles
    8/7- 5.2 miles
    8/9- 8 miles
    8/11- 3 miles
    8/12- 5.4 miles
    8/15- 8.7 miles
    8/18- 4 miles
    8/20-3 miles
    Total 48.3
  • shealy_dragonfly
    shealy_dragonfly Posts: 36 Member
    3 this morning. total 49.8. Only .2 away from goal!!!

    And yes, I could have done another .2 today, but I really want to reach my goal on a jog day (which will be tomorrow, lol)
  • Lyndonbearsmommy
    Lyndonbearsmommy Posts: 1,083 Member
    I am at 30.81 miles for this month.
    19.19 to go.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    35 before + 6 mile run today = 41 miles. 9 to go

    5 miles today for a total of 46 . 4 miles to goal.

    today was a whopping 6.33 for a total of 60!!!!
    That's goal with 11 days to spare!!! Lets go for another 20!! in 11 days. math is bad my before total was 52.75
    Today miles on elliptical 54.75 total
  • tm82001
    tm82001 Posts: 133 Member
    From August 1 through the 20th: 72.3 miles

    August 21th: walked 2.7 miles

    Overall: 75 miles.... going for an even 100

    Need 25 more miles!
  • erniewebbiii
    erniewebbiii Posts: 1,174 Member
    3.75 on Thursday, 59.5 for the month.
  • cher192
    cher192 Posts: 28 Member
    8/4/14 got a mile & a half in. 47.5 more to go.

    8/05/14 1 mile 46.5 more

    8/6/14 1.5 miles

    8/7/14 1.5

    8/8/14 2

    8/9/14 4

    8/10/14 2 35.5 left

    08/11/14 1.5

    08/12/14 3 31 remaining

    08/13/14 2 miles (29)

    08/14-8/17 8 miles (21)

    08/18-08/21 7 miles (14)
  • shealy_dragonfly
    shealy_dragonfly Posts: 36 Member
    3.75 miles today - 3 miles of this was jogging! I'm so excited at my progress!

    I also met/passed the 50 mile goal today. Total for the month so far: 53.55
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    35 before + 6 mile run today = 41 miles. 9 to go

    5 miles today for a total of 46 . 4 miles to goal.

    today was a whopping 6.33 for a total of 60!!!!
    That's goal with 11 days to spare!!! Lets go for another 20!! in 11 days. math is bad my before total was 52.75
    Today miles on elliptical 54.75 total
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    35 before + 6 mile run today = 41 miles. 9 to go

    5 miles today for a total of 46 . 4 miles to goal.

    today was a whopping 6.33 for a total of 60!!!!

    That's goal with 11 days to spare!!! Lets go for another 20!! in 11 days. math is bad my before total was 52.75
    Today miles on elliptical 54.75 total
    Today 22 aug was 3 miles on treadmill/ 57.75 total for August
  • erniewebbiii
    erniewebbiii Posts: 1,174 Member
    100 heat index, but got 3.75 in. 63.25 for the month.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    35 before + 6 mile run today = 41 miles. 9 to go

    5 miles today for a total of 46 . 4 miles to goal.

    today was a whopping 6.33 for a total of 60!!!!

    That's goal with 11 days to spare!!! Lets go for another 20!! in 11 days. math is bad my before total was 52.75
    Today miles on elliptical 54.75 total
    Today 22 aug was 3 miles on treadmill/ 57.75 total for August

    today, 4 on watch tracker but 4.25 on treadmill.... counting 4 just to be safe makes my total on 23 aug 61.75
  • robino222
    robino222 Posts: 14 Member
    6 today -- 34 total!
  • wednesday 3miles, this morning 3 miles, 38 so far...
  • shealy_dragonfly
    shealy_dragonfly Posts: 36 Member
    3 more today, total 56.55 so far. :)
  • tm82001
    tm82001 Posts: 133 Member
    From August 1 through the 23th: 75 miles

    August 23th: walked 6 miles

    Overall: 81 miles.... going for an even 100

    Need 19 more miles!