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  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Welcome all of our new friends. Feel free to add me!! :)
  • tragerjs
    Good morning everyone,

    I'm new to the group, and new to type 2/prediabetes. I had gestatiional diabetes 7 years ago (omg I can't believe my baby is 7!) and while I was fine for the first few years after, my sugars started creeping up as did my weight. I'm currently on Victoza 1.2mcg and working on my eating habits and losing weight.

    I just thought it would be nice to get some support. I'm using myfitnesspal as a food diary. I'm sort of grumpy with these food changes.

  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I'm new to the group, and new to type 2/prediabetes. I had gestatiional diabetes 7 years ago (omg I can't believe my baby is 7!) and while I was fine for the first few years after, my sugars started creeping up as did my weight. I'm currently on Victoza 1.2mcg and working on my eating habits and losing weight.

    I just thought it would be nice to get some support. I'm using myfitnesspal as a food diary. I'm sort of grumpy with these food changes.


    Howdy, Jen! I know exactly how you feel (minus the pregnancy part as of yet).:flowerforyou: I take Metformin to help with elevated blood sugar caused by morbid obesity. I am also working on my lifestyle in an attempt to lose a ton of weight and stay alive at least until age 70. I also, on doctor recommendation, use MFP to track my life, and understand EXACTLY what you're saying re: grumpiness.

    If I may add my two cents, it really helps me to mix up my meals and exercise, and know that little movements count just as largely as a huge, sweaty workout. Being in a wheelchair (from birth) limits my workout options to horse riding, hand biking and simple chores, 1 hr/week, 1/2-1 hr daily unless school gets in the way and whenever I can around my school schedule, respectively. Believe it or not, even those little spurts of cleaning mean a lot when they add up. When I go hand-biking, I'll turn the handles both ways and go at varying speeds and resistances, and watch different shows each time just to keep it fresh. As far as mixing up meals, I will add different fillings to my sandwiches (made with Sandwich Thins or guilt-free bread), and we try to cook enough food to allow leftovers, which we then nosh on for a couple of days, or months if we could freeze some.

    Please let me know if any of those thoughts helped. Have a blessed day!:smile:
  • tragerjs
    Thank you zcb94! Todays lunch actually didn't have enough carbs; I had a P3 protein pack (turkey, cheese, peanuts), a low-fat string cheese, and a cup of mixed berries. All that was only 19 carbs according to MFP! I'm still trying to get the hang of it. Somedays I go over my carbs and some days I'm under.

    I work full time and I'm a single mom, so unforutunately I don't cook a lot. I try to cook on the weekends when I have some time, but I'm having trouble finding SIMPLE diabetic recipes. All lot of what I find requires the most expensive, obscure ingredients!! Lol
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Thank you zcb94! Todays lunch actually didn't have enough carbs; I had a P3 protein pack (turkey, cheese, peanuts), a low-fat string cheese, and a cup of mixed berries. All that was only 19 carbs according to MFP! I'm still trying to get the hang of it. Somedays I go over my carbs and some days I'm under.

    I work full time and I'm a single mom, so unforutunately I don't cook a lot. I try to cook on the weekends when I have some time, but I'm having trouble finding SIMPLE diabetic recipes. All lot of what I find requires the most expensive, obscure ingredients!! Lol

    I totally understand your pain. As I mentioned, simple sandwiches built carefully are great if your family likes that sort of thing, as are leftovers from weekend suppers, in your case, if you can leave anything over. There definitely is a learning curve. but you'll find "safe" meals and a good activity schedule that everybody likes in due time. Again, I hope to have helped in some way. I'd love to FR you and try to help further if at all possible!
  • LadyNiteOwl
    LadyNiteOwl Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Jeannette and I just found out I have Type 2 Diabetes two weeks ago. I gave up sugar 2 weeks ago. I know carbs turn into sugar. I don't know how many carbs I can have in a meal. I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis, High Blood Pressure, High Cholestrol,,and am Obese. I have been yo-yo dieting most of my adult life. It is time for me to take better care of me.

    I am using my fitness pal to journal my food and exercise.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Jeannette and I just found out I have Type 2 Diabetes two weeks ago. I gave up sugar 2 weeks ago. I know carbs turn into sugar. I don't know how many carbs I can have in a meal. I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis, High Blood Pressure, High Cholestrol,,and am Obese. I have been yo-yo dieting most of my adult life. It is time for me to take better care of me.

    I am using my fitness pal to journal my food and exercise.

    Welcome Jeannette!! I cut sugar back initially but I've slowly added foods back in. Sugar is a carb. Lots of people here eat to their meters. Not all the same things raise every diabetics blood sugar. The American Diabetes Association says women should have 30 -45 carbs per meal if they are trying to lose weight and about 15-30 per snack. Lately I've been eating more carbs than that. I had 111 lbs to lose when I started April 24, 2014. I've already lost 36 lbs. I also have high blood pressure.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • conniehgtv
    conniehgtv Posts: 309 Member
    Hi! I am T2 since 2000. I has been a long battle. I work in health care and we have a Path to wellnes programthat has helped tremedously the last 3 yrs.I found a Dr 3yrs ago that understands me. I have always been high A1c and managed to keeep it lower than 7 by sheer will power. My new Dr switched me to Victosia. I call it liquid gold. It is expensive but i have gotten my numbers consistently below 6.5 on this and Metformin.My weight is a whole nother issue. Cannot get under 250 and at 250 exercise is a joke. My Diabetc coach has challenged me to let go of the carb phobia and focus on clories for 3 months to try to lose 12 lbs. I have lost 12 and feel much better. My numbers are 119am 130 post meals and 100 bedtime. I want to get to under 6 A1c. Thanks for the support!!!
  • conniehgtv
    conniehgtv Posts: 309 Member
    I agree about support. we have path to wellness program at work. I have a coach I meet with every 3 months. Tremendous help.Last time he challenged me to lose 12 lbs, so here I am active in MFP and have lost 12lbs. I see him again in oct
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi! I am T2 since 2000. I has been a long battle. I work in health care and we have a Path to wellnes programthat has helped tremedously the last 3 yrs.I found a Dr 3yrs ago that understands me. I have always been high A1c and managed to keeep it lower than 7 by sheer will power. My new Dr switched me to Victosia. I call it liquid gold. It is expensive but i have gotten my numbers consistently below 6.5 on this and Metformin.My weight is a whole nother issue. Cannot get under 250 and at 250 exercise is a joke. My Diabetc coach has challenged me to let go of the carb phobia and focus on clories for 3 months to try to lose 12 lbs. I have lost 12 and feel much better. My numbers are 119am 130 post meals and 100 bedtime. I want to get to under 6 A1c. Thanks for the support!!!

    Hi Connie,

    I completed a wellness program through my local YMCA a few years ago, and found these sessions to be tremendously beneficial too. One of the best decisions in life I could have made for myself. It's great you've found a doctor who you feel comfortable with. You've made good progress so far by utilizing the help of a diabetic coach along with your willpower and determination to accomplish your blood sugar management goals. Congrats on your weight loss too. NOT an easy task to be sure.

    Wishing the continued success and good health you deserve..

  • sacha2000
    sacha2000 Posts: 2 Member
    HI All
    recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes looking for some online support or anyone local to help each other get healthier.
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi sacha2000, Welcome to the Type 2 diabetes support group. You're looking quite dapper in your profile pic!

    This is a great online community eager to share our knowledge and experiences living with this chronic condition. while offering genuine support and encouragement.

    Check out Although I'm in the states, I refer to this very helpful online resource often.

  • Melaniel25
    my name is Melanie and i am type2 uncontrolled but working on it.just rejoined mfp tonite and am excited to be back!
  • Ruthiesgirls
    Ruthiesgirls Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, my name is Ruthie. I have diabetes 2, currently taking 2000 mg of metformin a day. I also have other health issues which include high cholesterol, high blood pressure, I have had a heart attack and a stroke. I had back surgery in 2009. I live in pain from this daily, but function through it using meditation and medications. I have now been actively doing cardio for 45 min a day 5 days a week using my elliptical. I push myself to do this because it's hard when so many medical issues, but I figure if I want to get rid of the ones I can by losing weight, eatting healthier and becoming stronger, then it is well worth it! I eat very healthy now. My oldest son is into fitness and has actually won awards on his pysic competitions. He is helping me. He is laying out what I should eat and how to excercise. I am adding strength excercises to my regimen. Till I get stronger, right now using the ball for this.i eat or try to get in 6 meals a day trying to total 1200 calories a day. Lots of protein, low carbs, low fat. I've lost 10 lbs and so happy. This last few days my fasting blood sugar went from the 180's to 78. I am so going to stick to this plan because my goal isn't just to lose weight but to be medicine free for the most part. I know there are a few meds I will not be free from, but so happy with my progress. I am thankful to belong to this group. The posts will encourage me. Thank you LadyNiteOwl for inviting me! Oh, in two mths I will be 59 years young!
  • LadyNiteOwl
    LadyNiteOwl Posts: 61 Member
    Your welcome Ruthie :) I am happy you joined me in this group. I believe we will make alot of new friends. It is good
    to be in a group where everyone knows what you are going through. Everyone can support and motivate each other.
  • LadyNiteOwl
    LadyNiteOwl Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Melanie :) My name is Jeannette and I joined this group recently, Welcome Back!!!!!
  • Todom2
    Todom2 Posts: 1 Member
    Howdy y'all. I'm back. I was here 2 1/2 years ago but didn't stick to it. I'm T2 and I've never been fully under control in all this time. My doc took off a piece of my bum yesterday when I saw her. My A1C is 8.5. My fasting levels are always >200. I'm on metformin and farxigia (new drug) but she's changing both of those meds to something stronger and giving us 6 weeks to get this under control or i'm going on insulin. And the high levels of glucose are affecting my vision. So, I'm back. I could stand to take off a couple of pounds but I am not obese (181 lbs). She isn't worried about my weight. It's my diet. I'm also hyperlidemic with triglycerides previously over 350 (now controlled with Crestor). I've done some reading and I now understand insulin resistance a little better but i'm still a novice. I'm a southern boy. If it isn't fried, we don't eat it. I guess that has to change. Anyway, hello everyone. It's nice to meet you. :) Tony
  • _gwendolyn_
    Hello everyone. I was diagnosed in 2009. I was taking metformin twice daily, but now I control my sugar with diet and exercise. I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my hips and spine and neuropathy in my feet and legs. I am doing my best to stay active, but it's not easy since I spend 9 hours a day on my feet for work, so being on my feet to exercise isn't easy after a long day of standing. My current A1C is 5.3. It was 7 when I was diagnosed.
  • jillshadow
    jillshadow Posts: 76 Member
    Hello everyone! I was diagnosed when I was 19 and I am 26 now, so a few years. Ashamedly, I decided to not take care of myself and eat carbs and sugar and not give myself insulin (I didn't care about myself really. I also could not afford my insulin so when I did take it and could afford it I saved it for only when my blood sugar went really high). I am finally starting to care about myself and I realize now how unfair it would be if I left my husband a widow at a young age, so when I feel like I am not worth it I just remember I need to do it for my husband. I also want children some day, and I know I can't do that unless I get the Diabetes under control.

    Also I do not know if I belong here or not - I cannot get a definitive answer on if I am type 1 or 2. I have had some doctors say I am type 1 and some say type 2. I am assuming I am type 2. Oh well, its great to be here anyways!
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    hi there.
    my name is ruth, i'm in the UK and i'm not diabetic but my boyfriend found out he has type 2 two days ago. as i do all the shopping and cooking i feel that it is up to me to educate myself as to what is what and do my best to help him.

    at the moment we don't know much, he's been put on metformin, im not sure what does other than he has to increase it next week. he has an appointment with a diabetes nurse but that isn't until the 19th september almost 3 weeks since diagnosis, the doctor believes he may have actually been diabetic for the past three years judging by his medical history but nobody out 2 and 2 together and did conclusive tests and he's not someone for going to the doctors even if he's unwell, thankfully he got sick of me nagging him about a reoccuring abcess and got a doctor that wanted to test him for everything while he was there.

    he is monitoring his levels using an accuchek mobile device which imports data into computer program that he can print off and he is keeping a food diary so he can take information with him to his appointment.

    i feel a bit overwhelmed and guilty by it all as although i've tried to encourage him to be active and lose weight i've still fed him what he wanted and portion sizes that he wanted, he's a grown man after all and can make his own mind up but i am hoping that the diagnosis will at least make him think twice about what he is eating (i'll be fighting a losing battle trying to get him to exercise) and we can see some improvements and that it helps me with my weight loss.

    ok i think i've rambled enough now lol