


  • smc0170
    smc0170 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Steve and I'm 30 years old. I'm planning on completing my first sprint-tri in August. I was a competitive swimmer for 11 years, but ended a little over a decade ago. Since then I've gotten married, had a child with my amazing wife...and put on about 70 pounds. I was fairly content with my lot in life, although being a fat Dad wasn't my ideal situation. There would be plenty of times that my son (who's 19 months now) would want to run around or play, and I simply wouldn't have the energy to keep up.

    That all changed on Halloween night 2013 when my mother unexpectedly passed away from cancer. It was very sudden and we weren't ready for it. That was the moment that I committed myself to make a change to my life. The fact that she didn't even make it to 60 years old really told me that you don't have as much time as you think you do.

    Back when I was a swimmer, triathlons always interested me, however I was never able to really give one a go due to my demanding swim schedule. I had talked with my Mom several times about wanting to do one some day, and I decided that it's now or never. I started on a very slow building C25K program the day after her funeral (I have bad knees from the swimming days, and I didn't want to get hurt), and I got back in the pool again on February 1st. Almost 25 pounds later, I'm starting to feel that this is actually something I can accomplish. I still have a long way to go, and adding in bike really scares me, but this is the first time I've been excited about anything athletic since I hung up the Speedo when I was 19.

    I would love any tips with anything related to tris (training, gear, race strategy), or just to make a few friends. Feel free to add me!
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    Hi everyone!
    My name is Brooke and I'm just shy of 40.

    My first sprint tri is two weeks from today, the Spa Girl Tri on May 10, 2014.

    I have been obese to varying degrees my entire life. In February of 2013, the super morbidly obese version of me decided to turn things around. At that time my osteoarthritis was so severe and I was so out of shape that everything hurt all the time and I could barely walk without major pain. I started swimming to keep pressure off my joints and eventually hired a personal trainer. When I mentioned to him that I wished there was some event I could do for endurance he suggested I look into sprint triathlons. I bought my bike as a reward for losing 100 lbs last August and ended up registering for the Spa Girl Tri with a friend (who has since backed out). My ortho doctor gave me the thumbs up on the condition that I don't run. I started training in earnest in January and have shifted my focus from weight loss to becoming a triathlete. The weight loss is a great side benefit! I swim a mile to a mile and a half 3 times a week, have trimmed my 400 meter time to 9 minutes, and am walking a 15-minute mile pretty regularly. When I bought my bike I couldn't get my legs to do two rotations of the pedals and now I am comfortable doing 13 mies in an hour. It'll never get me to Kona but I am proud not only of my progress but of the people in my life who are making the same kind of changes.

    My trainer and I are competing in the Couples Tri in Austin on July 13, 2014. I have another friend who is going to be my partner in 2015. Other than that I'll be biking the Rock N Roll Marathon in San Antonio on December 7, 2014. I think this season I will only have the 2 events because after the Couples Tri I will be water-grounded by my doctor while I get some knee injections. I am hoping that by next year I can move on to Olympic Distances.

    Feel free to friend me, especially if you would like to help a slow, fat newbie that has fallen in love wth multisport.
  • polyspal
    polyspal Posts: 9
    I go by Nik and I have never done a triathlon/duathlon.
    A close friend of mine wants to try, not an official one though. Just go swim a mile at the nearby lake, 5 mile bike ride and 2 mile run. I said I'd do it with him and it seems like fun. I'm not going to like the running though. >~< I'm a fishy. I don't run.

    I am a swimmer and water polo goalie. I have great endurance with pretty much any activity, speed varies.

    I look forward to my first official triathlon.
  • Rilaid01
    Rilaid01 Posts: 6
    45 year old, I've done tri's in the past and have let myself go. Time to get back into it. Goal is a 1/2 IM for next year. I'm concerned about my weight and the strain it's putting on ankles, knees and hips as I always have some pain in there. I'm tipping 260, and at 5'9", I don't have many places to carry it. Will be easing into this again.

    I'm starting up on Endomondo, feel free to friend me.


  • TIUClare
    TIUClare Posts: 62 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Name: Clare
    Age: 31
    Location: Warrington, UK
    New to this group and new to trialthlons / duathlons.
    I'm trying to lose weight and improve my fitness. I have multiple sclerosis, which sometimes gets in the way of my training, but overall, I am getting fitter to help myself deal with my MS better.
    I've signed up for a sprint tri (400m/20km/5k) on 31st May 2014. I'm currently doing a couch to 5K programme and trying to get back into the habit of swimming front crawl (I used to swim A LOT as a teenager, but have only really swum breast stroke as an adult). Hubby is a keen cyclist and is getting me out on the bike...
    Please add me and I could do with as much advice as possible!!!!
    Clare :flowerforyou:
  • couerdelion
    couerdelion Posts: 4 Member
    Hi All

    Name: Richard
    Age: 40
    Location: Dublin, Ireland

    Been doing triathlons since 2011 but never really lost enough weight through all the training and have plateaued this last couple of years.

    I concentrated on cycling racing this year (2014) but too heavy to be truly competitive on anything but the flats - when the roads start going up I start going back. Because of the cycling my first triathlon of the season is only next month (Oly) and then I'll do another couple (Sprints) in September to round the season off.

    Next year the plan is to go long. Already signed up for HIM Mallorca in May 2015 which will be my 3rd half distance race and will probably do another more local HIM before going long in September 2015 at IM Mallorca. The distances in the IM don't phase me - I've done the IM swim distance in coached sessions plenty of times. The concentration on cycling this year means the cycle doesn't seem too hard either. I hate running though but I've 6 marathons done last year and am doing another in October. What scares me is trying to do them and all the training required at my current weight and seeing pictures of a fat me coming down the finishing line looking out of place among the mainly leaner athletes.

    I was 125kg when I first started training and am now 108.6kg (6ft 4). Still a long way to go and I hope to hit 85kg by next September ready to toe the line of my first IM.
  • Icemanbn
    Icemanbn Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all. My name is Scott, age 62, a retired journalist, two-time IronMan, two time-cancer survivor, sober since 10.2.88, a certified USAT level 1 coach. I've struggled with weight all my life. After losing and gaining the same 100 pounds several times various ways including Weight Watchers and high-protein, low carb diets, I ballooned to about 400 pounds and a 50 inch waist in 2005. I realized I couldn't take that much weight into old age and expect to live long.

    I thought about what it was I did or didn't do that led me back to the same place. I wasn't doing any exercise. It was always diet alone and without a lifestyle change, I would eventually return to old eating habits and gain the weight back. So, I started riding a bike. Lost a lot of weight in 2005, bought a better bike and kept riding. I beat cancer the first time in 2006, starting riding in triathlons on relay teams to raise money for LiveSTRONG and kept riding. I did my first sprint triathlon in 2009, my first half IronMan in 2010, my first IronMan in 2011, beat cancer again that year, did more triathlons in 2012 and did my second IronMan in September 2013. Along the way I started using to lose weight and to control it.

    I'm still in 34 inch pants but they are tighter after I had to slow down on running this year due to arthritis in my hip. So I'm back to log food and exercise again. Logging food is a great start to any weight-loss program. Exercise is essential. I did a short-distance triathlon earlier this year and I still ride bikes four to five times weekly and swim twice at least. I plan to lose more weight, get down to the lowest I've ever been and see if the hip will tolerate running farther with less weight on it. If so, then it will be back to long-distance triathlon, perhaps a half IronMan, in 2015. Life is good.

    Good luck to everyone on reaching your goals.
    Scott Richardson
    Beyond Normal Fitness
    Normal, Il.
    "It's hard to be me, I just make it look easy."
  • 3athlt
    3athlt Posts: 131 Member
    My name is Marty, 49 years old, new to MFP. My endurance sport history isn't the best, but I sure tried like hell. I haven't entered a race in over 7 years due to making poor lifestyle choices and being in a bad marriage (STBD). I've had my share of injuries (7 foot/ankle surgeries) and THIS time I will not be in a hurry to jump into the Ironman distance. Last time I tried to get ahead of myself because I wanted my mother to see me finish my first IM - she was slowly dying of old age. Unfortunately, she's gone now but my IM dream lives on. IM will always be there. I've got a **it load of weight to lose, and I hope to knock it off slowly and safely. Hopefully my foot health won't betray me so I can make my dreams come true. My IM goal isn't until 2019. That will give me plenty of time to build my cardio base, lose weight (duh!), gain strength and flexiblity, improve my swimming DRAMATICALLY, get some desperately needed speed, and get some badly needed race experience along the way.

    For now, my plan is to hit my daily food and exercise goals. I'm strength training 6 days/week and walking (with a small percentage of jogging thrown in) and/or cycling/spinning 7 days a week. I wish I could afford a pool membership, but I can't afford it right now. I do have a Halo swim trainer and I plan on mixing it into my training plan this week.

    I have a long road ahead of me and I pray that my foot health will be good enough to achieve all my goals.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and offer any suggestions you may have for me.

    Godspeed, everyone.
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Well lets see:) My name is Sara. I currently live in Lexington, SC
    I did my first tri in 2009 with a friend of mine who convinced me about 2 1/2 weeks prior to join her and I made it through but thought I was going to die the entire time (who does that anyway???). A lot of life experiences happened in between and I decided I wanted to try again last year and wanted to lose weight too. This time I did it right though. I chose a tri in September that I signed up for in May and trained all summer, lost about 40 lbs in the process and came in 2nd in the Athena division!! Woo hoo!!
    I am hooked! I've been working on getting down to a better racing weight as well (nearing 80 lbs lost...and about 20 more to go). I got a (cheap) tri-bike for Christmas and am working on building up my collection of all things related to tri gear, lol...much to my husband's chagrin;)
    I am a part of the NW Columbia YMCA Tri Club (even have a spiffy tri kit to wear!)
    I am joining my cousin-in-law up in MD in less than two weeks for the IRON GIRL Tri with 2000 other entrants!! holy cow that's a lot of people!! I'm used to like 250...with waves of 15;)
    And I will be doing my first International Distance race on August 30th!! breathe...just breathe...I can do it!!
    Oh! And my cousin-in-law just convinced me to train with her for the next year for a 1/2 Iron Man (probably next October!)...someone please tell me I'm not crazy...
    I would love to have a few more tri friends on here so anyone who wants to send a friend request my way I'd love the support (and to support as well!)
    Good luck on any races you have coming up or on your training!!
  • annathelu
    annathelu Posts: 127 Member
    Hello! I'm Anna -- mother of two living in Virginia. I completed my first tri last week! It was a sprint, and my times weren't great, but I fell in love. So wonderful training hard and accomplishing such sport. Looking forward to more races and getting to know you all.

    Good luck to you!
  • Warren_Abrey
    Warren_Abrey Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! I'm Warren, I live in Winnipeg MB Canada, and at 35 I was inspired to pick up a long forgotten goal of racing in Triathlons.

    I'm putting in the time to get better at running, faster at cycling and remembering what I've forgot about swimming this summer with plans to register for the local sprint Tris next summer, honestly I can't wait!

    I haven't met too many people around the city that race in Tri so I'm toying with the idea of joining a club, the only issue is I train at odd times because of my (rather ridiculous) schedule - any advice is welcome!
  • aceink64
    aceink64 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello Every One I'm Daun
    I'm 50 years Old and right around 300Lbs
    I'm training to do my first Tri in Oct this year, I feel very confident, in the Swim, gaining confidence in the bike, the run is my weakest by far, the best time I have been able to do in the 5k at this point is 47 minutes doing a run walk. I still have a couple of months to go so hopefully it will all go well. I also like the way it has been motivating me and I'm losing weight at the same time so very happy and enjoying the training at this time.
  • Hi I'm Mike. I lost 75 pounds since Oct. of 2013 then after reaching ideal body weight regained 15 pounds. The first Ironman Chattanooga will be happening this month and I am using it as motivation to get back in gear and train to run in next years event. Chattanooga has a contract for 5 years so I will hopefully be a 4 time Ironman by the time the contract is up. I lost all of my weight doing road and mountain cycling so now I'm working on the run and swim portions although the bike will always be my main passion.
  • nwingr
    nwingr Posts: 43 Member
    Hi, I'm Nate. I have been around tri's since the early 90's. I used to do international distance and then went down to sprints as the kids came along. This year I only did tri's as a team member as my kids joined in with me. The kids are now teens and I am making some lifestyle changes which will free up some time.

    I am committing to doing a half ironman distance tri a year from now and a full ironman distance race two years from now. I live in the north so I have winter training to deal with, so a little extra planning.

    If anyone is looking at a similar schedule I would love to be able to exchange ideas and encouragement.
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Welcome to all the new folks.

    Mike don't go eating the sponsor food from Chattanooga. :P

    Nate I coach a few folks in the North. Get a trainer and a Netflix subscription. Make yourself a badass on the bike over the winter. Everyone knows Iron distance tris are all about the bike anyway.
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am originally a runner and have ran a million 5Ks PR 22:09 and 2 half marathons PR 1:51...was having some joint issues with hips and knees everytime I would try to train harder and was suggested by my physical therapist to swim 3x a week and biking would help as well. Accidently stumbled across a great deal on a tri bike about 6 months ago so knew I couldn't pass it up and people would ask me when was my first tri I would laugh and say not for me...

    Well I did my first tri yesterday at the Galloway Captiva Triathlon 9/15/14 and finished in 1:08:41 which actually qualifies me to start with the elite group for the next one! I am HOOKED. God is good!

    I know a lot of things I can improve on to bring that time down. I am a much better swimmer than I swam as I started on the front line but the far outside and had to swim over people to turn around the buoy and ended up swimming way farther then I should of :/ It's a learning process! And the best part??? I am not hurting (besides expected muscle soreness) that I was able to complete my swim workout the next day and will run today. Looking forward to any tips you guys can offer as well :)
  • nwingr
    nwingr Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement Scott! I guess indoors on the cycle is one of the sacrifices to having a solid race. -Nate
  • EnduranceGirl2
    EnduranceGirl2 Posts: 144 Member
    Welcome to the world of triathlon. Good to know you're hooked ;-)
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement Scott! I guess indoors on the cycle is one of the sacrifices to having a solid race. -Nate

    I'm indoors during the week pretty much year round. I have 2 jobs, 3 kids, and a wife that needs my attention too. On the trainer while working from home or in the wee hours of the morning is how I get my weekday work in. I save my hall passes for the weekend.
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I just found this group today. I'm a triathlete and my longest to race date is a half Ironman (70.3). My first Ironman will be October 2015 in Louisville, KY. Great to 'meet' you!