Happy Monday Check-In/Accountability & Goal Setting!



  • Jeep_This
    Jeep_This Posts: 819 Member
    Hey guys! Happy Monday! Still going to forge ahead with this!

    This week I drank on Monday, started my 30 days on Tuesday and also kicked smoking on Tuesday.

    My alcohol calories for last week (Monday): 934 calories
    I was over my calorie goal for the week by 308 calories. Not bad for first week in. Now that it's almost been a week, I think I can reign it in a bit.

    This week I intend to have 0 drinks and I intend to not be over my weekly calories. Hoping exercise, even just extra walking, will help me get there!

    Still have to fit in that wedding dress in under three months!

    How's everyone else doing??! How was the week and weekend?

    You go! Don't think of it as depravation, it is your choice. You are not depriving yourself of beer, you are making a choice not to "relax" in it. Same with smokes. You can do this!
  • nadamandar
    Thanks! Yeah! I'm feeling pretty damn good!
  • nadamandar
    Hey! How's it going, everyone? Just wanted to let you know I'm reading a book called "Controlling your Drinking: Tools to Make Moderation Work for You." It's written by William Miller and Ricardo Munoz. I'm 79 pages in and it's making a lot of sense to me. Still won't be drinking anything for a while, but now's a good time to establish some good habits and secure some tools for success!

    Have a great weekend!
  • nadamandar
    Anyone out there having a Sober September? If so, how's it going? Today is the 15th! Half-way point for many! Mine is tomorrow! I feel really fantastic! We're having fun at home and cooking so many wonderfully healthy things! Eating lots of treats! Amazing what you can enjoy when you're not filling up your calories with beer!

    Anyway, 0 drinks last week and I was 1189 calories under my goal for the week! I have my annual physical tomorrow and I'm so excited to finally tell my doctor that I am a non-smoker. She asks about it every year and every year I say: "We're planning to quit, I really want to quit, etc." Ohhhhhhh it's going to be juicy. I also want to jump on her scale. My Mom gave me her crappy old scale. Or let me borrow it, anyway. I want to know how 'off' it is/may be. If it's at all accurate then I'm one pound off of my original goal when I joined in June! Will find out tomorrow!

    Anyway....who ever is out there reading, how all's well!! Happy Monday : )
  • lisawinning4losing
    Yay! Good for you. You're doing great. Yeah I also tried to play the game of still drinking but still staying under my calorie goal, which I could sometimes do, but all too often everything goes out the window. So right now I'm on day three of a 30 day no alcohol challenge, and so far so good! Yes it's amazing how much more you can eat and/or how much lower your calories are when you're not drinking! :drinker:
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member

    Anyway....who ever is out there reading, how all's well!! Happy Monday : )

    All is well. Zero alcohol for me this September, so far. You sound like you are doing great. Keep it up!
  • nadamandar
    You keep it up too!!!!
  • ajs2mf
    ajs2mf Posts: 97 Member
    The first half of September hasn't gone super well for me. :( Hopefully, the next couple of weeks will be better.

    I put up a little calendar in my living room, and I write the number of drinks I have per day. There are a lot of X s for days with no drinks, so that's good. But I haven't been sticking to only three... Just having the calendar there though has been helping me to keep moderation in mind.
  • nadamandar
    Don't forget to celebrate the X's! Good for you!!
  • nadamandar
    Happy Monday! Hope everyone is well! Still going strong over here...
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    Good morning and TGIM! ( I know I am sick)
    I got the strong jones-ing for beer over the weekend so I bought a 6 of non-alcoholic Beck's and it did the trick. No alcohol.

    Now I have to make it through this week at the annual meeting of my profession in Scottsdale AZ. Geologists are a life form based on alcohol, not carbon, so this will be a lot of temptation to face. Practicing my "no" responses now will make temptation less spontaneous. Knowing you are all out there (my portable meeting) also helps.
  • nadamandar
    Will be sending you positive "no" strength and energy! I had a tempting afternoon after work yesterday. We had a busy brunch at work and my co-workers were sitting and having a pint (or two), it was a nice, balmy afternoon...sigh. BUT I stayed strong! You will too! If we carried Beck's or something similar, I totally would've stayed. We don't carry any Non/low alcoholic beer, which I think is wrong.

    Anyway....hang in there! I'm learning about "No" practicing and statements in the book I'm reading right now. It'll be the true test when these 30 days are complete and I have to practice my hand (and mouth) at moderation! If I can't keep it in check, I'll just have to consider benching it again.
  • lisawinning4losing
    I'm at the end of day 9 of my 30 day no alcohol challenge. I lost five pounds my first week off of alcohol.
  • nadamandar
    Sweet! Feels great eh? I'm having to really focus on eating more. Between running/working out and not drinking, it's a struggle to meet my daily requirements for calories and I can't stand to drop much more weight. It's amazing though, the mess that is my skin. Three weeks in with not drinking and smoking - still detoxing through my face. Haha
  • teknosprite
    teknosprite Posts: 50 Member
    Hello all! I'm new to the board, thought I'd join in on the check in. To put it bluntly, I drink too much and I dont wanna. I've been losing weight but know I could lose it so much faster if I didn't drink. Regardless, I want to cut down. Sometimes I can just have one or two, but most of the time if I have that I will have some more. It's become kind of a habit/routine to get some drinks after work or class, and I want to break that routine. I know I will be having drinks at a music festival this sat ... So I'll start small - no drinks Thursday/fri, no drink Sunday (even with football!) then I'll try to only drink 1 day out of the next mon-Thursday. I'm more apt to work out if I don't drink (of course). I want to burn calories not drink them up!! I'd love some support and accountability :)
  • nadamandar
    Hey Teknosprite! Welcome! You are now supported and accountable. I can relate to a lot of what you're saying. I'm on a 30 day clean out right now. Day #25. It's going well. I'm hoping to return to drinking with some new tools for moderation. I've been reading a book/workbook called "Controlling Your Drinking" and I'm hoping all the work I am doing will serve me. My fiance and I do 30 days every fall and always say the same about moderating but eventually we slide back into old habits. This time IS a bit different though as we've also quit smoking and intend to remain non-smokers. That involves minding our drinking because we've both made mistakes in the past with quitting smoking for over a year then having that stupid drunk cigarette. ALso, I've never read a book to set myself up for success and tools for moderating. Always just assumed I could moderate just through willpower. So we will see....as the last stretch is upon us, I feel nervous because I'm excited to have a nice glass of red. But excitement is normal. I cannot over drink with red wine, I get woozy after two glasses of red and paranoid about my teeth/mouth, etc. So that's going to be my jam for a little while as I know I have limits with it.

    Going home to visit my Mom this weekend. That's going to be tricky without drinks. And being so close to the end I'm oh so tempted to end it early, but I don't think my fella will allow for that, thankfully. My Mom DID pick us up some Becks fake beer, which is adorable. That'll get us through, I hope.

    Teknosprite, your goals sound attainable and realistic! Please keep me/us posted and goooooood luck!!! Where do you live? My Mom's a football nut too. Not me, I'm missing that gene.
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    I broke my pledge.

    I was out of town at a conference of geologists (a different kind of life form based on alcohol rather than carbon), and went out to dinner and had a bottle of wine between two of us, and 4 ports after dinner.

    I hurt the next morning. DUH!

    SO I am now two days sober and it will stay that way.
  • Jeep_This
    Jeep_This Posts: 819 Member
    I broke my pledge.

    I was out of town at a conference of geologists (a different kind of life form based on alcohol rather than carbon), and went out to dinner and had a bottle of wine between two of us, and 4 ports after dinner.

    I hurt the next morning. DUH!

    SO I am now two days sober and it will stay that way.

    Jaques - how long were you sober before that?
  • Jeep_This
    Jeep_This Posts: 819 Member
    but I don't think my fella will allow for that, thankfully.

    He's a keeper!!!! Sounds like you have support from your fella and family. That is great!:happy:
  • nadamandar
    Hey guys! Morning! Happy Monday!

    Day 28 for me over here! Good week - had one free day up at Mom's house. 976 calories under my goal for the week! Mom's wasn't too bad! Had a couple of Beck's Non-alcoholic. Not too shabby!

    Got to chill on the sugar consumption. Quitting smoking and my 30 days booze free acted as a passage to eat dessert nightly. Can't keep that up. I've also been waiting for my skin to clear up, it's worse than before I quit smoking and stopped drinking. I think it's the ice cream, candies, etc. Unless my skin is still reacting to the detox...but 28 days later?

    How's it going, everyone?

    Have you bounced back, Jacques? That's what I need to learn....if I have a night where I give in and have a couple extra, just dust myself off and keep going with my goals. Getting those goals prepared for later this week.