Introduction (Name, State, Goals, how achieve it)

Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
edited October 2014 in Social Groups
My name is Christine from Northern Virginia. My goal is to lose 17 lbs by the end of the year. I plan to reach my goal by doing the Daniel Plan which is the 5Fs - Faith (Christian living), Focus (things I am grateful for daily), Food, Fitness and Friends. Food is basically eating clean, no refined and processed food. I plan to incorporate LCHF - low carbs and high fat (healthy fat). I plan to work out 5 times a week for 45 mins to an hour.:heart:


  • determinedladybug
    Thanks for starting this Christine.

    My name is Amy. I currently reside in Nevada but Oregon is home. I feel best when I am fit and active. My goal is to lose 15lbs by the end of the challenge. I am planning on achieving my goal by exercising, eating healthy and calculating calories and macros for the first time. I love the gym but am listening to my trainers and only working out 4 times a week. I am lifting and doing cardio 3 times a week and doing some intense power yoga for the 4th workout. Sometimes I do yoga on my rest days but keep it relaxing and easy. I am really trying to develop healthy sustainable habits I can maintain.
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    Name, Sonja
    State, NH
    Goals, Health
    how achieve it Keep on keeping on, logging and exercise and lots of water.
  • peaches026
    Name: Linda
    State: CT
    Goals: 13lbs in 100 days
    How: food/water logging. Cardio min 3x week
  • _Blues_
    _Blues_ Posts: 62 Member
    Name: Liz
    State: Delaware
    Goals: 20lbs in 100 days
    How: Finding every opportunity to move and burn calories, eating healthy and not starving myself, drinking plenty of water and green tea. Staying focused and motivated as well as not stressing about every little thing.
  • Name : Anna
    State: NSW in Australia
    Goal: 100 days b/p free
    How: Eating wholesome foods, being happy, and using support networks.
  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    My name is Jerri I live in Oregon my goal is to lose 20 to 25 lbs by 2015 I am doing this by eating the clean living lifestyle, doing the 21 day fix, walking, trampolining and working out at the gym. I am determined to lose this weight!
  • Neritel
    Neritel Posts: 24 Member
    Hi :)
    I live in the uk and will start at around 388 lbs. i am still debating what i want to write down as a goal. Something tough to keep me extra motivated or something less extreme? I hope to be somewhere between 330 and 350 lbs by the end of the year. I will do that by continuing what i am already doing: 10 or more hours in the pool each week and eating at a deficit.
  • LoveLiveLife27
    My name is Nicole I weigh 238 i plan to lose 20lbs by 2015
    I plan to do so by working out 5-6days a week 1 hour of cardio half an hour for weight training.
    I went down to 212 then i dont know what happened but I need to be serious this time.
    Looking forward to this weight loss journey with you guys :smile: :bigsmile:
  • GatorDeb1
    GatorDeb1 Posts: 245 Member
    Sorry jumped the gun and made a thread before I noticed this :\

    Debbie, Vegas, to write an autobiographical book, 1000 words a day for 100 days.
  • firststepformefal
    firststepformefal Posts: 180 Member
    Frances, Campbell River, BC Canada. I weigh 258 lbs. I want to lose 15 lbs. by the end of the year. I will do this by attending curves at least 4 times a week, cutting out junk food and tracking my food intake. I am trying to get to 10000 steps a day. I did pretty good today and got to 7100 approx.
  • EmilyStopFlying
    EmilyStopFlying Posts: 124 Member
    Emily; WA, Australia; I want to get fitter, complete a 5k and lose 15 pounds (although that is lowest on the priority list); and I will keep eating healthily and running and start going to the gym more often :)
  • Qbaimee
    Qbaimee Posts: 157 Member
    Hi I am in Aimee from Louisiana. My goal is to lose 43 lbs by 2015. I know I can do it. My plan is to stay focused. Workout 4-5 times a week at my gym and track track track.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Kathy - South Dakota, USA
    Goal - another 15 pounds lost by 2015 (more would be just fine!)
    Method - counting all calories, weighing all solids, logging accurately, eating foods I like in moderation, drinking water, moving as much as possible

    Good luck everyone!
  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    Hi Im Curly from the UK (north east)
    Hoping to get down to 10.5 stone (not overweight any more) by 2015. Really any decent change would be ok though as I haven't moved for over a year now :-)
    I have just started cross fit 3 times a week, have currently got very achey arms, but determined!
  • mctreestar
    Thank you Christine! I love the mantra the 5 F's! (Faith, Focus, Food, Fitness, and Friends)!

    I am Mary from New York. My goals are to lose 15 pounds by the end of the year. My biggest issue is staying focused, so I will concentrate on that :happy:

    Currently going to the gym 2-4 times a week, trying to up that to a minimum of 3 times as week and to stay focused and track all that I eat, no matter what.
  • Onoiam50
    Onoiam50 Posts: 355 Member
    Debra from Adelaide, Australia, currently 229 pounds would hope to be a lot closer to getting under 200, currently do cardio by riding my bike daily and have a fitbit flex to keep me moving. Feel free to add me..
  • alison2earth
    Hello! I'm Alison from Florida. My goal is to lose 25 lbs by the end of the year (my ultimate goal is 50 after that.) I'm cutting out refined sugary treats, reducing portion sizes, eating more wholesome food and just minding my calories. I like to shoot hoops, dance, jog, lift light weights, use exercise videos, and my home stationary bike for exercise! :D Good luck everyone!
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    Hi Im April, in from wakefield in the UK. I would like to loose 14lb during this challenge, and plan to be comfortably able to run 5k i can happily do 3k and have done 5k in the past but not even attempted it for a good few month.
    I plan to loose this weight by running x3 week, swimming x1 a week, then i kickbox and do karate and should also be starting jujitu soon, During this challenge i will be doing the next step towards my black belt in kickboxing, i have a brown belt cdurrently and have one more assessment before my pre-dan to complete. I should make blackbelt in the next 4-6 months.
    I really could do with increasing my upper body strenght which i why i started swimming, i tend to swim mostly using my arms my legs jsut seem to follow.
    I havent been to well latly and have been eating quite a bit of rubish, and not attending my classess. i plan to change this by the begning of the challenge and am starting with a run this afternoon.
  • mojpal
    mojpal Posts: 44 Member
    Hey, my name is Mojca, I come from Slovenia.
    I was doing great on MFP at the beginning, which is 10 months ago, but now I think I need this challenge to get me motivated again.
    I would like to lose 25 pounds in 100 day. I'll try to achieve this by eating as clean as possible (with some cheat days) and exercise at least 4 times a week (walking and swimming).

    I wish good luck to everyone!
  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    Already altered my goal - maybe not overweight any more is too ambitious for 100 days ;-)