Introduction (Name, State, Goals, how achieve it)



  • Name: Lauren
    State: Oklahoma
    Goals: At 100 days, I want my weight to be down from current (184.6) to 150. It's 2.4 pounds per week, and I believe I can do it. After 100 days, I want to continue going until I reach 135-140. I want to feel sexy in my own body, instead of hiding from the mirror.
    Recipe for Success: Stay within my calorie limit each day, and STOP BINGE EATING. No more "I'll start tomorrow" or "I had 3 cookies already, I should just eat the whole box and not buy any more." Those days are done. I'm also starting a fit camp in two days, and afterwards I'll incorporate exercise into my weekly habits. I want to walk the dog more, too.
  • everydamnday
    everydamnday Posts: 42 Member
    Hi :-) my name is Leah, I currently live in cincinnati, ohio. I really would like to lose 20 lbs by 2015! I'm just getting started again I've lost and gained the same 25 lbs over the last 3 years on & off sooo I'd love for 2015 to finally be the year I keep the weight off for good. I just started logging again and going to try to up the protein, hike/trail run 3x weekly & crossfit 3x weekly. Good Luck everyone! :-)
  • Hello everyone! My name is Prima Williams! I am from Jacksonville, Florida! My goal is to lose 15lbs. I am going to switch up my eating habits and workout regimens with will include Hiphip CARDIO, strength training and spinning (spinning IF I CAN FIND A GREAT INSTRUCTOR. Lol)
  • believefsc
    believefsc Posts: 49 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Dana and I live in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. My goal is to lose 35 pounds by the end of the year. I am achieving this by using the 17-Day Diet plan and getting my butt moving!
  • Thanks for adding me!

    My name is Suzanne. I live in Canada. My goal is to lose 12-15 pounds by 2015. My non-scale goals are to be able to fit my wedding rings back on, achieve a "normal" BMI, and to get into my pre-baby clothes again. :)

    I plan to achieve this by eating within my calorie goals (set at 1 lb loss per week) and by exercising regularly. Right now I'm working on JM's Ripped in 30 and going for lots of walks.

    Add me if you'd like, but if you could, please tell me that you're from this group too! :)
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    Name: Alicia
    State: New York
    Goals: Be at or below 200 lbs by the end of challenge; get more efficient saving habits in place to quicken leaving Long Island; increase home cooked meals; get myself to the library more often
    Recipe for Success: Keep up with my current eating habits and setting milage goals to stay motivated in the gym; set mini goals regarding spending and plan for necessary expenses in the next 100 days; make time for cooking and use seasonal veggies; utilize resources from library whenever possible.

    This group has exploded and totally surpassed my expectations! I'm so happy to have so many people on board - this thread could be very valuable in the future to remember what brought us here. Only two days until we start - get in your information on the spreadsheet!
  • disturbed_s
    disturbed_s Posts: 40 Member
    Hi guys, I'm Selina and live in Auckland, New Zealand.
    I'm currently around 88kg and would like to be around 75kg by the end of the 100 days.. My eating is pretty tight at the moment and I do a bit of walking on treadmill and cycling on a stationary bike as I have a knee injury preventing me from doing some things (would love to be able to run!)
    Good luck to you all and can't wait to hear everyone's progress!
  • cowleyl
    cowleyl Posts: 169 Member
    My name is Lyn. I live in Canberra, Australia. I started my weight loss journey at 127 kg and am down to 103.4. I got as far as 91 but it's slowly creeping up. I find that no matter what I do I lose at the slowest of paces. I own a treadmill and exercise bike, so I hereby commit to 300 minutes of exercise a week. I would love to be 95 kg by the end of this challenge.
  • nnylacire13
    nnylacire13 Posts: 26 Member
    My name is Erica and I live in Southern California. I've recently returned to MFP after having left because I was pregnant. Unfortunately, we lost the pregnancy at 9.5 weeks; but before that I spent 7 weeks on the couch nauseated and on bed rest. Needless to say, I gained weight that I'd like to take off now. That was our fifth loss in 14 months, and all together I'm up about 45 pounds now. My goal for the last 100 days of 2014 is to put a 20 lb dent on that number. I will do that by counting/logging caloric intake, returning to a mostly paleo diet, resuming exercise four times a week, and making lifestyle changes such as taking the stairs at work.
  • Hello Everyone,

    I'm Liz and live in London. I would love to lose 20 by end of 2014.

    I strive to eat a balanced diet, walk as much as I can and go to a weekly Pilates class.

    I am in a good place right now. I need to be consistent and keep it going. I here for you all and I hope you will be here for me.
  • Triplestep
    Triplestep Posts: 239 Member
    Hello! I am from Rhode Island, a recent empty-nester living alone with my husband for the first time (second marriage; the kids came before he did!) and I want to use this time to re-focus on my health. And let's face it - I want to look better. At 51, I think this will only help my career and my general outlook.

    I have about 85lbs to lose total, let's say 20lbs during this challenge. My plan is to exercise 5 days a week (yoga and treadmill). I am halfway through a Whole30 program, which is 30 days of eliminating foods (very similar to Paleo) then careful reintroduction to determine food sensitivities. Technically, I will be breaking a Whole30 rule by weighing in for my starting weight here (you're not supposed to weigh-in for the whole 30 days) but I'm eager to get in on the ground floor of this end of year challenge. The timing could not be better :)
  • strwbrryshr
    strwbrryshr Posts: 8 Member
    I am Mariesha I live in California my goal is to lose 30 to 50 pounds plan to do this by eating high protein diet 90 minutes of yoga 5 days a week and the gym for cardio 6 days a week
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    Hello ^_^ my names Wilson and in 100 days I hope to have my weight ticker all the way down and be on my way to a more toned and sculpted body =D
  • DebLF55
    DebLF55 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi! My name is Deb, 58 yrs, from Illinois, married, retired, and I'm getting sloppy with my eating plan. I need to get back on track!
    My goal is to lose 20 by the end of 2014. This should be doable, but only if I get in more exercise and follow my eating goals of 5-6 high protein meals per day.

    Currently weigh 200 lbs and long term goal is 160... I may change that to 150 lbs the closer I get to 160! :wink:
  • beachykeen81
    beachykeen81 Posts: 29 Member
    Name: Heidi
    From: Ontario, Canada
    Goal: to be under 200 by new years/my birthday which is Dec 30
    How: stick to my eating plan, log everything and don't eat back exercise calories, lots of weight training and cardio. and support and motivation from all of you! :)
  • Calyse90
    Calyse90 Posts: 147 Member

    Name: Calyse

    Goal to have more stamina, and lose 30lbs by the end of the year
    How: ( I joined the gym on 09/15/14. taking zumba/kickboxing 5 days a week ( 60 min classes), 12 cups h20 daily, 1200-1400 cal daily
  • disturbed_s
    disturbed_s Posts: 40 Member
    Erica - so sorry to hear of your losses ???? it is never easy at all. Good on you for starting this challenge x
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member

    I'm Nady and I'm from California. My personal goal is to reach 226 lbs (or 30 lbs less than the weight on 9/23/14) by the year end and long term I want to weigh 173 lbs or less. I am focusing on three things:

    1. Eat healthy and stay under my MFP calories limit.
    2. Do multiple low intensity walks on most weekdays.
    3. Stay motivated by seeing self and the group succeed.

    Good luck team.
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,602 Member
    Hi all, I am Malea, I am from Austria.
    I am currently at 89 kg, and I would really like to get down to 80 kg by the end of the year (but I will be happy with anything below 83 kg).

    -) stay below MFP calories
    -) go to the gym 2-3 times a week, walk as much as possible, and do some workouts at home, too
    -) be consistent - that's the most important thing...
  • Niharika_sri
    Niharika_sri Posts: 83 Member
    Hello everyone! This is Niharika. I am from India.
    My goal would be to lose at least 20 pounds in these 100 days.
    I would be focusing on being regular as I don't usually stick to things, but this time I'll give it my best shot. So I'll be eating clean, logging in my diary daily and of course, exercising daily for 20-30 minutes at least.

    Hoping to hear from all of you regularly. Let's keep each other motivated and reach our goals together!