One Million Step Challenge in 100 days



  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Stoked!! Yesterday I was working from home and didn't think I would be able to get as many steps in as I would like. HOWEVER, I made up my mind to get them done and went for a walk in the afternoon and got just over 20,000 for the day.

    Day 75 - 20,382
    Total steps 1,153,273

    Pretty happy with this. If I can keep up my 15,000 average, then by the end of the challenge I will do about One and a Half Million Steps! Right - so that is now my new goal :smile:
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Day 76 - 17,171
    Day 77 - 27,601
    Day 78 - 20,422

    Total now at 1,218,437
    Average per day 15,620

    I stepped it up a bit this week to make up for my slow week last week. Happy to get my average back up again. Just need to keep it there :smile:
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Day 73 - 5,047
    Day 74 - 6,687
    Day 75 - 7,937
    Day 76 - 9,417
    Day 77 - 8,089
    Day 78 - 11,219

    Total - 891,556
  • Starting total - 887,614 steps

    Day 71 - 9308 steps
    Day 72 - 14,863 steps
    Day 73 - 12,409 steps
    Day 74 - 13,114 steps
    Day 75 - 13,097 steps
    Day 76 - 9199 steps
    Day 77 - 6388 steps
    Day 78 - 12,179 steps
    Day 79 - 6951 steps
    Day 80 - 12,562 steps

    Total steps to date - 997,684 steps
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Day 79 - 17,460
    Day 80 - 6, 390
    Day 81 - 10, 874
    Day 81 - 8, 954
    Day 82 - 6, 261
    Day 83 - 6, 081
    Day 84 - 20, 325
    Day 85 - 20, 054

    Total - 987, 955
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Awesome work Colleen and Helen!!! You are both about to tip over to the one million mark!! Probably already have by the time I have written this post - so congrats to you both!

    I've been a bit absent. Really busy at work and home life has been all over the place. Trying to get my bearings most days and not doing so well at the moment.

    Had a great step week and then fell in a hole for a couple of days. Trying to keep my average over 15,000 per day but have fallen a bit from where I was. Anyway, here is the last week:

    Day 79 - 8,023
    Day 80 - 12,584
    Day 81 - 21,007
    Day 82 - 3,139 (working from home, sat on bum all day at my desk)
    Day 83 - 3,153 (working from home, sat on bum all day at my desk)
    Day 84 - 11,629
    Day 85 - 13,578
    Day 86 - 20,130 (this included doing my first Body Combat class in 10 years, and a walk in the afternoon)
    Day 87 - 12,274

    Keep moving forward! Chin up and face the day :smile:
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Just cos it will push me over the million, I am logging the last couple of days rather than waiting for the weekend :laugh:

    Day 86 - 8,820
    Day 87 - 14,269

    Total - 1,011,044 :smokin:

    Of course, you got here a while ago Skim and Colleen will be here by now too, but - wow, look at us all go!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Yay for Helen!! Congrats on your million :drinker:

    Oh my gosh there are only 9 days to go in the challenge!!!

    I didn't do so well this last week. Been really busy with work, the days I worked from home didn't get to go for a walk as planned and no other exercise either. Even my days at the office were slow because I didn't get to go out at lunch time. it's just been one of those weeks.

    Day 88 - 13,081
    Day 89 - 1,883 - surely this must be my slowest day ever since I got my FitBit!!! I sat on my butt just about all day, started work at 7:30am at home and didn't finish until about 7pm. Then sat on the lounge and watched TV because I was so brain dead.
    Day 90 - 7,889
    Day 90 - 12,880

    Total 1,359,687, my daily average has dipped just below 15,000 due to my non-effort this last week, so I'm going to have to step it up for the next 9 days to get to my goal of 1.5 million for the 100 days.
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Day 88 - 7914
    Day 89 - 7317
    Day 90 - 8020
    Day 91 - 11539

    Total - 1,045,834

    I'd be happier if I was truly managing 10,000 steps every day but as you say Skim, some days are just too busy. While have to pick up my pace when the hiking season ends though as thats all that has lifted me :blushing:
  • Starting total 997,684 steps

    Day 81 - 8616 steps
    Day 82 - 12,399 steps
    Day 83 - 11,020 steps
    Day 84 - 8873 steps
    Day 85 - 10,465 steps
    Day 86 - 12,101 steps
    Day 87 - 12,377 steps
    Day 88 - 11,620 steps
    Day 89 - 10,283 steps
    Day 90 - 10,298 steps

    Total steps 1,105,736 steps
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I think we are all doing fabulously!!

    Congrats Colleen getting to your million!

    I had a terrible week last week, but am on track again.

    Day 92 - 13,534
    Day 93 - 30,055 - wow!
    Day 94 - so far today just hit 22,000 - but going to bed soon so it wont get much higher than this. It was a rest day but I walked the LONG way to work and then after work walked to Martin Place station via the Rocks and Circular Quay... Not exactly the most direct route but I wanted to get up to 20,000 today and it was very pretty.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Day 94 - 22,145
    Day 95 - 22,270
    Day 96 - 25,527

    Total 1,473,218

    So in order to get all these steps done on a work day, I have been leaving early and walking to the train station (8 minutes), then walking from Town Hall to my office via Darling Harbour, which takes about 45 minutes. At lunch time I go for a 20-30 minute walk, if I have time. Then at the end of the day I walked from my office via the Rocks and Circular Quay to Martin Place Station, takes about 45-50 minutes. It's a really nice walk, but then I get home later...

    All good, but I feel a bit tired today.

    Today I'm working from home, so really have to make a big effort. I've been to a Spin Class this morning and my FitBit only recorded 5000 steps for ONE HOUR of Spin! ugh... So I then walked for 35 minutes to get to the 10,000 mark. I wont be able to go out at lunch time because I'm busy, but am planning to join a friend tonight for my first ever Zumba class, so that should get me up around the 20,000 step count.

    Aiming for my biggest week ever this week and ending the challenge with a bang! 4 days to go!!
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Day 92 - 18, 954
    Day 93 - 7024
    Day 94 - 6770
    Day 95 - 6545
    Day 96 - 7236

    Total - 1, 092, 363
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Well done on your 30K plus day Skim.

    Ive really been struggling lately. Haven't left the office during the day and have been going home to diy instead of exercise. Only the weekends have saved me.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Thanks Helen! I've had weeks like that too - but we all made it to the million so I think we should be proud!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member

    I'll have to post my final numbers later but wanted to say a big CONGRATULATIONS to everyone for taking part :flowerforyou:
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Day 97 - 6592
    Day 98 - 10, 004
    Day 99 - 8175
    Day 100 - 12, 626 (and most of them were running!!!)

    Grand total - 1, 129, 760
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Ok, so here are my final numbers:

    Day 97 - 25,146
    Day 98 - 25,187
    Day 99 - 20,148
    Day 100 - 21,330

    Total - 1,565,029
    Daily Average - 15,650

    And that is that!!! What a great challenge, I'm so glad I did it, I was really starting to slack off on my steps and this has got me back in the groove of walking more. I've kept up 15000 and 17000 since finishing and going to keep to over 10,000 a day. Really, all it takes is a planned walk and more incidental movement during the day, it's a good habit to keep up.

    Thanks everyone for participating!!

    After Maxine's Challenge finishes in 3 weeks, I'll start up another challenge to take us to the end of the year :smile:

    Any suggestions?
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    On 7 Oct it is 80 days til xmas so how about 80 days in 80 ways? Each day you have to identify something healthy you have done that day with no repeats allowed. It forces you to try new exercises/sports and recipes as you soon run out of things to list as you can only list arms workout, stairclimb etc once
  • Starting steps 1,105,736

    Day 91 - 10,241 steps
    Day 92 - 10,572 steps
    Day 93 - 10,194 steps
    Day 94 - 10,401 steps
    Day 95 - 11,401 steps
    Day 96 - 12,521 steps
    Day 97 - 14,369 steps
    Day 98 - 10,493 steps
    Day 99 - 7115 steps
    Day 100 - 11,074 steps

    Total steps for 100 days 1,214,117 steps