Introduction (Name, State, Goals, how achieve it)



  • Ladybug1250
    Ladybug1250 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi Everyone!! Happy to be here!

    I'm Jamie from NY.
    My goals are to loose about 15 lbs by the end of the year. Overall I think I'd like to lose about 20-25 but I'd have to see how I like my figure after shedding a bit. I've been here (on this round of MFP) for almost 75 days and sadly I have about .5lbs loss to show for it. I know exactly how to maintain my weight as I've been stuck here around 150ish for like 3 years now, what I don't know how to do (consistently) is lose weight. I'm hoping the motivation and support from this group will help :-D
  • ivygirl1937
    ivygirl1937 Posts: 899 Member
    Hello! I'm Amanda, I'm from Kansas. My goal is to be smaller than a size 20 by the end of the year overall, not just on the smallest part of me. I'm going to do this by continuing to log, log, log, and exercise (cardio + strength training + yoga). Really excited to get a jumpstart on my journey!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Hi, I'm Suzanne from Toronto.

    I'm currently 173.4 and would be ecstatic to lose 18 lbs between now and the end of the year, and achieve my ultimate goal weight of 155, but that's not very realistic. I'm aiming for at least 10 lbs lost and would like to break 160 by NYE. The last 10 lbs is going to be a grind, but this time around I am super focused and motivated! Can't wait to rock this challenge!
  • annemariebeary
    annemariebeary Posts: 5 Member
    My name is Anne Marie and I am from Orlando, fl. My goal is to lose 13 pounds and to be down to 140 by the end of the year. My ultimate goal is to be at 124. Last year I started a desk job and my lifestyle went from very active to sedentary. I plan to lose the weight by going back to my old ways. I still sit at a desk all day, but I have a FitBit and track all my steps. I also plan to start running again (knowing I used to run 5-6 miles is depressing yet motivating). I will also track everything. The thing that will be the hardest for me is not downing lots of beer on the weekends while watching football! Good luck to all!
  • LisasRoadtolosing100lbs
    I'm Lisa and I'm from Medford NY (Long Island). My goal is to be ready to wedding dress shop next year. And for that I promised myself a 30 pound weight lose first. I also want to get back off the diabetes meds and start being diet controlled again.

    To achieve these goals, I have set goal! I started the triple 100 challenge today, that's 100 days of 100 sit up and 100 push ups. This is harder then I thought it would be. I also signed up for a few FUN runs. The turkey trot thanksgiving morning and the holiday hohoho run the Saturday before Christmas. I started the couch to 5K training, I fell in love with running two years ago but got side tracked by injury. I also cut back almost removing carbs (the bad ones that is from my diet) and INCREASING my veggies - Veggies at every meal!

    Well I wish you all the best of luck. I can't wait to see everyone's finished products!
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    in a 100 days I want to weigh 155 lbs I weigh 161.4 lbs right now.

    i want to workout every single day by walking my dog

    I also want to workout everyday by riding my stationary bike or walking on my treadmill everyday for at least 30 minutes a day.

    I also go horseback riding 1x a week and i count that as a workout

    I want to eat out only 1x a week

    I also want to drink 8 cups a water each day

    also I want to wear my fitbit
  • bigroastdinner
    bigroastdinner Posts: 263 Member

    I'm Laura, from England. Currently just over 140lbs, aiming for 133lbs by the end of the year, potential end goal closer to 126, but I'm not too sure. Aiming for 'toned' more than losing a lot of weight but not sure how I will manage that yet.

    I do badminton and zumba once a week, but I will be trying to eat cleaner and stay under 1500 calories, and also try and fit in 2/3 extra workouts at home (depending on aches) each week.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Kylie814
    Kylie814 Posts: 12 Member
    My name is Kylie and I'm from Syracuse, NY. By the end of the 100 day challenge I would like to weigh around 150, I am currently 180. I plan on achieving this by continuing to go to the gym and workout with my personal trainer and also start eating healthy and right!
  • DevSanchez
    DevSanchez Posts: 314 Member
    I'm Devon. Originally from Toronto, but I reside in Cleveland Ohio. I've been an athlete my entire life until an ACL tear and major depression put me on the sidelines. I'm finally at a place where I can work on getting healthy again. I want to lose a total of 80 lbs. I am a long way from that! My 100 day challenge is to lose at least 15 lbs...
  • marthalgutierrez92

    My name is Martha, I live in Orange County CA, my goals are to gain more stamina and loose weight along the way,
    I plan on following a healthy diet plan, counting my calories and kicking my own *kitten* 6 days a week with a workout.
    Now, I have a lot of weight to loose, but I plan on being patient doing it slowly. Not expecting unrealistic goals like -6 pounds a week, I now have a different mentality and approach i'm gonna kick my own *kitten* and shoot for minus 1-2 pounds a week!
  • plfett
    plfett Posts: 45 Member
    Hello! My name is Pam. I live in Minnesota. I would like to lose 15 pounds by the end of 2014. I plan to achieve this by working out at the gym a minimum of 3 times per week and logging my food a minimum of 5 times per week. With the goal of having leftover calories at the end of each day!
  • nicolejo143
    nicolejo143 Posts: 214 Member
    My Name is Nicole.
    I live in California.
    My ultimate goal is to loose 20lbs and get into shape.
    My goal for the challenge will be to get as close to that goal as possible. I realize the more weight that I loose, that my rate of weight loss will slow. So, I'm going to set my goal for the challenge at 15lbs.

    Its going to get difficult around the holidays but I'm hoping that joining this group will hep me stay on track. Last year I actually gained 15lbs during the holiday season! I am going to do everything in my power to avoid holiday treats, and bad eating choices. I'm on a good start. I've been eating healthy and loosing weight, I just need to keep it up.
  • justdebbie1
    justdebbie1 Posts: 214 Member
    my name is Debbie. I live in Kansas. I would like to lose 24 pounds. That is 8 pounds a month. I hope to achieve this by not eating after 7pm. and working out everyday on my Gazelle, also eating more healthy food . I have changed my activity level to lightly active as I have recently sprained my ankle. I know that if I go over a bit on my daily calories then when I get all my calories burned for the day I have left over calories at the end of the day.
  • bstevens87
    Name: Beth
    State: Missouri
    Goals: Reach my mini goal of weighing 125 lbs but preferably losing even more than that.
    How: Healthy eating & logging everything I eat and adding exercise to my daily routine.
  • ChampCrucial
    ChampCrucial Posts: 120 Member
    Walking off the failures of this weekend.

    Promised my friend Deahna that I would reach my goal weight for our challenge with another friend by her birthday Nov. 17th. That is 7 weeks to lose 17 lbs. That would put me at 199 which is my record weight. After, I hope to maintain that until the end of the year.

    Aside from that I have made my goals from now until May (graduation)

    Dunk a basketball
    10 pull ups
    1 handstand push up
    1 leg squats
    2 or 3 bridge progressions
    1 rep bench 200lbs
    190 lbs ripped
    2 personal training certifications

  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Name: Cara, 28
    State: Massachusetts

    Goals: I'd like to be 165 by new year (~20 lbs). I know that its aggressive and may not happen. I'll be happy meeting 169lbs since that will get me out of the "obese" range and into the "overweight" range. I know a lot of people don't put much stock in BMI, but I think the overall ranges are pretty accurate for me.

    How: I'm trying out TDEE. I've been using the MFP method, but feel like I'm overeating on workout days and undereating on rest days. TDEE should level that out. I've been running (and strength training), but planning on taking winter as my off months for running. I'll be starting P90X in mid October (if I get the dvds back from a friend they were loaned out to). I'm hoping that it will up my fitness level in a different way from running and should help out my strength training too.
  • 2CABetterMe
    2CABetterMe Posts: 119 Member
    Name: Erica
    State: Texas
    Goal: lose 24 lbs.
    My goal is to start the New Year under 200 lbs. My areas that I need to focus on are my calorie intake, water intake and exercising a minimum of 3x/wk for 30 minutes or more (usually more).
  • mmalo446
    mmalo446 Posts: 57 Member
    Name: Megan
    State: Mississippi (home is Wisconsin)
    Goal: lose 15 lbs.
    How: Keep up my healthy eating and tracking everyday. Also by pushing myself with my fitbit and getting my steps goal in everyday, and mixing it up with some biking now that its going to be cooling off.
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Name: Melissa
    State: Indiana
    Goal: lose 16 pounds
    How: eating healthy exchanges of high protein, low carb, and nothing that I know I shouldn't eating. I would like to do 5 days of cardio with 2 days being strength.
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    Name: Katrina
    State: GA

    This morning I reached a short term goal which was to remove the pesky 10# I put on from multiple vacations and recovering from a torn meniscus. I said adios to those bad boys and am ready to continue on my quest for fitness and health. I do a combination of kettlebell, trx and functional fitness (push ups, planks, squats etc) 3 days a week at the gym. I also do Zumba 2 to 3 evenings a week. I try to keep it real with a nice mix of protein, complex carbs and healthy fats allowing for the occasional indulgence. I had a couple of health setbacks that snuck up on me the last 12 months but I have managed to power through them and hope that is the end of that! I look forward to participating in this challenge and hope it is mutually beneficial to all.