Weekly Accomplishments



  • sbjmorgan
    sbjmorgan Posts: 158 Member
    I'm down 2.8 pounds this week, I worked out or walked every day, I met my step goal every day, and I tracked everything even though some of my choices were terrible.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I did not have a good food week, but I still have it all written down regardless. I am going to probably be about 1000 calories over for the week mostly due to eating out and not being able to play volleyball on Wednesday for that fourth workout (so down 1 workout for the week). Plus I'm going to a baseball game tomorrow, so I'll have to be very careful about making sure I stay within my calorie limit and get a really big workout on the books in the morning.

    On the positive side, I'm scheduled to be down 4200 calories a week to lose 1.2 lbs/week and if I'm 1,000 over my weekly goal - I'm still losing!
    Hooray for MFP!
    I'll only lose a lb. instead of more (likely), but I'll still lose a lb!

    Here's to seeing the more positive side of a bad week. :)
  • oshmom
    oshmom Posts: 78 Member
    Good job people! I was excited to post my first gym weight training session today...but the trainer cancelled! I did watch Biggest Loser which always inspires me.

    I guess this weeks accomplishment will have to be that I have logged for over 40 days straight. I often drop off at dinner or after. Looking for more inner dedication!
  • fitmomapn
    fitmomapn Posts: 14 Member
    I tracked my food and exercised every day. I am pretty on target with calorie intake but have to choose foods with less carbs and less fat. (even though I eat clean and only have healthy fats I am still over my goals). I also could do better in the water category. My weight is the same as last week....*sigh*. Oh well... keep plugging along! Great week everyone!!!! Lets just keep looking forward!
  • fitmomapn
    fitmomapn Posts: 14 Member
    Awesome job logging 40 days!! I just passed 10 days for the first time in a long time. Hopefully it continues!
  • Sexythighz
    Sexythighz Posts: 159 Member
    My week was awesome. What helped me to stay on track was my meal prep. I prepped my meals on Sunday. I'm currently on a 7 day detox which does not allow me to eat any form of meat . I can see a difference in my body already.
  • krislott
    krislott Posts: 14 Member
    Congrats to everyone on their accomplishments last week!!! :flowerforyou:

    My goals for September are to remove pop from my diet; lose 10lbs; check-in daily and log everything I eat; and develop an exercise habit.

    Week 1 Lost 3.8lbs; didn't drink any pop; Logged meals daily.
    Week 2 Lost 2.6lbs; didn't drink any pop; Logged meals daily.

    Still struggling to get my exercise started. :blushing: Busy schedule and not being a morning person are making it difficult.

    I’m proud of myself this week for eating at Taco Bell and still not drinking any pop. :bigsmile: Was very glad to see they have SoBe Lifewater.

    Good luck to everyone on the week ahead. We can do this!!
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Ok - admitted self-praise post. Feel free to scroll past, but I just have to tell someone!
    I'm so proud of myself for the past 3 weeks!
    I'm down a little over 3 pounds in 3 weeks (3.6 lbs exactly - and my goal was 1.2 lbs/week!), which makes me comfortable that I can reach my goal for September of 6 lbs. (although that goal is coming up FAST!).
    AND -- I saw a number on the scale I haven't seen since months before I got pregnant in August of 2012. I gained 35 lbs during my pregnancy and I am officially 36 lbs down since the day I had my son.

    Hope everyone else is having a GREAT month!
  • krislott
    krislott Posts: 14 Member
    Congratulations!!!! :flowerforyou:
    I'm so happy for you. You've accomplished a great deal! Keep up the incredible job!!!
    SUPERSUE42 Posts: 45 Member
    This week I bought a scale. And my husband got me this Surface Pro. ????. I weighed myself this morning and it indicates I am losing some weight. The tape measure is not really showing it yet.
    It was a good week during the week I ate well and drank about 6 glasses of water daily. This weekend I am volunteer at a Combined Driving Event. That is a type of horse event and there should be a lot of walking. As long as I bring a healthy lunch I should stay on track. I did walk the fog and horse as planned. ????
  • sbjmorgan
    sbjmorgan Posts: 158 Member
    Broke my plateau this morning! I don't think I've ever been so happy on the scale! Usually I give up what I'm doing during plateaus but I did not give up this time...
  • amina429
    amina429 Posts: 48 Member
    Congrats Rose, Sue & Morgan! You guys are all doing awesome.

    This week was not as "successful" as last week, but I did log everything (even though I went over a few days) and managed to lose .8 lb. I'm really hoping to lose 3 more lbs by the end of September, and I might not make that goal - we'll see.
  • oshmom
    oshmom Posts: 78 Member
    I missed posting on Friday. My accomplishment was going to my first 2 weight/strength training classes and more cardio. Committed to 3 mornings a week. 6 a.m.!AACKK!
    I always know I am on the right track with movement when my laundry basket is full of work out clothes! Food not as great. And too much wine. :( I have the Thanksgiving jeans hanging prominently in the closet!
  • krislott
    krislott Posts: 14 Member
    Congrats to everyone on their accomplishments last week!!!

    My goals for September are to remove pop from my diet; lose 10lbs; check-in daily and log everything I eat; and develop an exercise habit.

    Week 1 Lost 3.8lbs; didn't drink any pop; Logged meals daily.
    Week 2 Lost 2.6lbs; didn't drink any pop; Logged meals daily.
    Week 3 Lost 0.2lbs; didn't drink any pop; Logged meals daily except one.

    Logging late as I had to travel this week. Found myself without access to a computer one day and didn’t get my daily done.

    I’m proud of myself this week for not gaining any weight as much as I had to eat out.

    Good luck to everyone on the week ahead. Keep up the great work!!
  • krislott
    krislott Posts: 14 Member
    Broke my plateau this morning! I don't think I've ever been so happy on the scale! Usually I give up what I'm doing during plateaus but I did not give up this time...

    Great job!!! Way to hang in there and push through! :flowerforyou:
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Posting today because I weigh in on Thursdays.
    I played competitive volleyball for the first time since HS last night and while I am SUPER sore (and slightly bruised), I am down a full 5 lbs. as of today for September.
    Since my goal was 6 and I have 5 more days, I'm thinking it is definitely doable. Either way, over 5 lbs. goal should be achieved easily! YAY!
    Week 1 lost 1.8 lbs.
    Week 2 lost 1.6 lbs
    Week 3 lost 1.6 lbs

    Total = 5 lbs.

    GO US!
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Congrats Rose, Sue & Morgan! You guys are all doing awesome.

    This week was not as "successful" as last week, but I did log everything (even though I went over a few days) and managed to lose .8 lb. I'm really hoping to lose 3 more lbs by the end of September, and I might not make that goal - we'll see.

    You can do it! I thought the same thing going over, but I still lost weight. See if you can make it up in some serious work out sessions this last week. I bet you'll lose more than you think. Maybe not 3 lbs., but who knows?
    You've got this!
  • Sexythighz
    Sexythighz Posts: 159 Member
    Just wanted to check in. So far so good on my end. The weight is falling off.
  • krislott
    krislott Posts: 14 Member
    Congrats to everyone on their accomplishments last week!!!

    My goals for September were to remove pop from my diet; lose 10lbs; check-in daily and log everything I eat; and develop an exercise habit.

    Week 1 Lost 3.8lbs; didn't drink any pop; Logged meals daily.
    Week 2 Lost 2.6lbs; didn't drink any pop; Logged meals daily.
    Week 3 Lost 0.2lbs; didn't drink any pop; Logged meals daily except one.
    Week 4 Lost 2.4lbs; didn't drink any pop; Logged meals daily except one.

    Found myself without access to a computer again one day and missed a daily log.

    Missed my weight loss goal by 1lb, finishing the month with a 9lb loss, but totally proud of the loss!:happy:
    I’m really proud of myself for not drinking any pop for a whole month and staying committed this month.
    Ready to set my goals for October and keep on moving forward!!

    Good luck to everyone on the week ahead. Keep up the great work!!