Men: How to build muscle after age 50?



  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    I really believe that inclines are better than bench presses for bodybuilding. I think the bench press is the most over used exercise ever invented. I would recommend doing at least as many incline presses as flat benches. Most men( including me) I know have over developed lower pecs and underdeveloped upper pecs. Also, as you get older the risk of developing rotator cuff probems increases.

    IMHO only but while I agree that inclines should be included, doesn't incline have more should risk than flat bench?
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    I really believe that inclines are better than bench presses for bodybuilding. I think the bench press is the most over used exercise ever invented. I would recommend doing at least as many incline presses as flat benches. Most men( including me) I know have over developed lower pecs and underdeveloped upper pecs. Also, as you get older the risk of developing rotator cuff probems increases.

    IMHO only but while I agree that inclines should be included, doesn't incline have more should risk than flat bench?

    Incline decline flat smith what ever! it doesn't matter as long as you're doing one vertical pushing movement and one horizontal pushing movement, intensely and basing your sessions poundage progression it makes little difference.

    So much bro bro science on hitting the 'muscle for all angles' blah blah.

    OP its very simple, eat a diet consisting of nutrient dense foods in a small surplus, train hard and progressivly without changing your routine every week, get plenty of sleep, avoid stress, shoot for roughly 1g protein per lbs of body weight and enjoy!

    As somebody has mentioned if you're worried about your testosterone levels go see a dr and get it chcked
  • jaweiss1
    jaweiss1 Posts: 71 Member
    I really believe that inclines are better than bench presses for bodybuilding. I think the bench press is the most over used exercise ever invented. I would recommend doing at least as many incline presses as flat benches. Most men( including me) I know have over developed lower pecs and underdeveloped upper pecs. Also, as you get older the risk of developing rotator cuff probems increases.

    IMHO only but while I agree that inclines should be included, doesn't incline have more should risk than flat bench?
    Yes, incline bench position reduces the subacromial space and thus can cause impingement. For people with a smaller space to begin with or those with existing injuries, this can lead to problems.
  • lovestolift67
    I just turned 47, and a Personal Trainer. My goal is to help others in our age bracket. Outside of supplements, focus on eating nutrient dense foods. As for supplements, I use protein powder (more plant based) and testosterone supplements, and a vitamin pack that is geared for older men. The results are great, but what I do may not work for someone else. To maintain lean muscle without supplements, just eating properly, and figuring out the big 3 ratio (Protein, carbs and fat)
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Older, you have been diagnosed with Low T?
  • kikstand
    kikstand Posts: 36 Member
    I've just injured my back again, two days after my back routine.
    I'm 52 and started lifting again this year with a 4day muscle group split. I was searching the forums as well as Google trying to make sense of why I have trouble with my lower back. Last month was a lower intensity month due to an August injury identical to this one. I'm thinking my strain is associated with mounting and dismounting my bench with dumbbells, or in Thursday's back routine, dumbbell bent arm pullovers.
    As far as the incline topic, I have noticed pain in my shoulders during incline bench that is not present during flat bench or military shoulder presses. Also doing crunches or sit-ups I have a popping sensation in my hip area. I continue to reduce my intensity and eliminate certain exercises to compensate for these obstacles, yet still I have back pain. I am determined to persevere.
    I take beef protein after workouts, multivitamins, glucosomine/condroitin, and fish oil daily. I have been juicing fruits and vegetables for most of this year and counting my calories through the mfp app.
    I'm a mess and my family thinks I'm out of my mind. I think they may be on to something.
  • JWB101
    JWB101 Posts: 5
    I'm 53 and can relate. I am going through the injuries also. Hurt my shoulder last week and don't really know how or which movement was the culprit. As for as different exercises such as incline or flat being better, I have a different take on that. I believe in the path of movement. I have a few joints; hip, shoulder, elbow, etc. that I have to be careful with. If I lift outside of the path that a certain joint is comfortable with, I get pain. Incline bench, no shoulder pain, flat bench, ouch! I'm doing more on machines these days but adding in light workouts with dumb bells. Got a pain in the center of both kneecaps when I squat, so I do my squats on a Hammer Machine and not too deep. As for the family, they just keep shaking their head. Keep up the good work!
  • stockdogDavidDog
    check out congruent exercise. see youtube video and/or book. Especially for old men." I was your age once but cannot remember it." It is body building with an emphasis on avoiding injury.
  • thedreadpiratebob
    I read the question and thought I might contribute. The I scanned the responses. Papa Grande, your in good company. Solid advice in every post. I'm 61. Started weight training in Jan. of '14 w/ really rewarding results in a short amount of time. (6 mo.) Consistency IS key. Supp's, by-in-large are a waste of money. It's a learning journey. Take it.
    BTW, I liked the vibe and info so much I had to Join the Group!
  • RickDube64
    RickDube64 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 50 years old. I try to get about a gram and a half of protein per pound of body weight per day. I use Body Fortress whey protein to make up for what I can't eat. I use kre-alkalyn creatine, and N.O. Fury for muscle pumps. I really notice the difference without them. As far as lifting, I'm not doing anything different than I did when I lifted in my late 20's and I'm making great strides. (I need to update my profile pic). The key difference for me at my age, is that I'm not worried about how much weight I can lift like I did when I was younger. I lift enough to get at least 8 reps. If I find that I can do 4 sets of 10 reps, then I lift heavier next time. I am careful to concentrate on proper form so I don't hurt myself, and what I don't know how to do properly, I get on YouTube and learn how to do.
  • Kryptonite1965
    Kryptonite1965 Posts: 3 Member
    1gram per pound of body weight forprotein is a good place to start. a multivitamin is a good thing. Creatine does help me get a better pump and feel stronger but it's optional. as I have aged I have found its advantage to focus on the contraction of your muscle and get a really good burn on your reps. less emphasis on the amount of weight you can do more emphasis on the contraction. I have found my recuperation is better if I do less but intense sets, fewer than I used to but intense. Eat good, sleep good. Kick *kitten*.
  • 1capybara
    1capybara Posts: 162 Member
    dont increase the amount you lift from day to day rapidly, make slow and steady increases, concentrate on correct form so u dont hurt yourself, do warmup sets, and stretch before or after or both