April 2015 Due Date Club



  • JDearman143
    JDearman143 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm so glad I found this group! I'm 9 weeks pregnant & due April 30th.. It's my second, but our 3rd combined and our first together.. =) Married in June, pregnant in July and VERY excited.. But, I've found with all my raging hormones I've become extremely depressed about weight.. I lost 60lbs and became tone, fit and felt better than ever after my last pregnancy and after being overweight my entire life, I finally felt AMAZING about myself.. Well, I think because I've spent the last 2 years focusing on fitness and restricting my diet with very little fat in it, and now that I'm too tired and nauseated to exercise and nothing healthy is easy to stomach (the thought of salad makes my stomach turn!), the pounds are piling on quickly! Since I've got married in June, I've kind of taken a break from the gym and went 1-2 times a week and really only ate good part of the time and then since I found out I was pregnant, I've made it to the gym once and anything diet is OUT THE WINDOW.. So, I've gained 30lbs since my wedding in June and probably 10 of those have been since I found out I was pregnant and I'm only 9 weeks!! This is going to spiral out of control quickly! My husband actually has the day off and is out buying me an elliptical so I can work out at home (may be easier at home than finding the energy to drive to the gym after working a full time job) as we speak, so hopefully that'll make me feel better about myself, but geeze, after having a life long battle with weight, finally getting it off and then becoming pregnant, I really didn't think I'd feel this way.. I know I can fix myself again once the baby is here and I really shouldn't beat myself up, but right now I can't blame the baby for this weight and I think that's what gets me.. Anyone else have similar problems? I feel so selfish for thinking this way but gosh darn it, I came too far to get fat again but I can't help it! lol. Thanks for the vent session.. =)
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    It is definitely hard to go from a weight loss mentality to not. I find myself still in the mindset of losing sometimes, and then catch myself. I don't ever want to go back to where I was. I had lost about 40 lbs before my first pregnancy, was pregnant, and could not take off the last 10 lbs that I gained with my first pregnancy. But I know how frustrating it can be to gain weight before you get pregnant. I was in that boat too. Currently I am at the same weight I was, when I was 22 weeks pregnant! Yikes! I think all any of us can do, is exercise when we can, eat what we can and rest as much as we can.

    I am 10 weeks today, and can tell you that the exhaustion does get better, I am still tired, but I am finding that this week, it seems a little better or maybe I am just getting used it. Although this time, lettuce does not taste like chemicals, I still find myself not wanting it, but make myself eat it a little. I have only gained about 2-3 lbs depending on the day now, but I am scared that if I let myself, I will balloon up. Try eating as healthy as you can, and if you can't stomach vegetables, eat fruit. Go for a couple of short 10 minute walks until you have the energy to do more...we will all get there. Don't beat yourself up. Do what you can.
  • Lelah77
    Lelah77 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm having phantom scents lately. This morning I smell fresh mint everywhere. I think I'm craving a mint lemonade. But the only place that make one local is 30 minutes away and I don't have time to go there for lunch.

    I am 14 w with baby #3 and I have been having phantom scents, too!!! I have never experienced them before and I thought I was going crazy!!! One day I had several co-workers sniffing around my desk for a "tuna" smell - I swore a student had played a trick on me. Another day I smelled fresh coffee, but there wasn't any in sight. SO WEIRD!!!!!

    Thankfully it is about my only symptom right now. I made it to 11 w before even finding out I was pregnant, and it was a total shock.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Wow, Lelah, LUCKY YOU! I wish I could breeze obliviously through 11 weeks! Congratulations!

    Last week --Week 9--was probably my hardest week, and it seems like that's often the most difficult week for first trimester symptoms. Right when I hit Week 10 a few days ago, however, it seems like the symptoms eased up a little. I still have a fog in my brain and I did have a massive wave of major nausea this evening, but hopefully things are on the path to improvement. I get to hear the heartbeat on Wednesday, so that's also something to look forward to!

    Phantom smells: I don't think this one is actually phantom and I sure wish it were -I can smell my own body odor, and it's totally repulsive. Either it's gotten stronger (thanks, pregnancy), or my sense of smell superpower is ridiculous, or both. So gross and sad. I asked my husband about it and he's like, I'm trying not to get too close to you while you're feeling so sick. Thanks... I think?

    It's so great having a community to talk about the weird aspects of pregnancy with!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Phantom smells: I don't think this one is actually phantom and I sure wish it were -I can smell my own body odor, and it's totally repulsive. Either it's gotten stronger (thanks, pregnancy), or my sense of smell superpower is ridiculous, or both. So gross and sad. I asked my husband about it and he's like, I'm trying not to get too close to you while you're feeling so sick. Thanks... I think?

    Hahaha! I totally get this! By early evening I'm often trying to figure out how to distract my 1 & 3 year olds long enough for me to take a quick shower before I make dinner. Also... I *WISH* my honey were giving me space. His love language is definitely touch, and being touched is the LAST thing I want while I'm feeling pukey.

    Speaking of feeling pukey. My new anti-nausea medicine is amazing! I've gone from throwing up 5-7 times a day to only once every day or two! I feel almost back to normal. It contains unisom, so I'm pretty tired, but I'd so rather be tired than throwing up!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    So... it seems like I am destined to have one major hospitalization and fetal trauma per pregnancy. On Tuesday evening I went to the ER with the worst abdominal pains. I was worried that maybe I was having a miscarriage, but I hadn't had any bleeding and the pain did not feel anything like labor pain (although earlier that morning I did have what felt like some rhythmicky pressure, so I had that in mind all day). After what I would say amounted to physically cruel treatment in the ER waiting room, which I will not go into here but suffice it to say that the US medical system should be ashamed of itself, I finally got a bed two hours later. I was in tremendous pain, but they kept me dehydrated and gave me no pain relief for hours. I was just writhing on a bed in pain while waiting to go from one test to another.

    After a painful MRI, they determined I had a small kidney stone. Then I finally got some pain relief and water, which is needed to flush the stone from my system. It was seriously the most painful thing I have ever experienced. It was also sad that I had to undergo it completely alone because my husband couldn't leave our son, and it was the middle of the night so we couldn't call anyone to stay with him.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    So... it seems like I am destined to have one major hospitalization and fetal trauma per pregnancy. On Tuesday evening I went to the ER with the worst abdominal pains. I was worried that maybe I was having a miscarriage, but I hadn't had any bleeding and the pain did not feel anything like labor pain (although earlier that morning I did have what felt like some rhythmicky pressure, so I had that in mind all day). After what I would say amounted to physically cruel treatment in the ER waiting room, which I will not go into here but suffice it to say that the US medical system should be ashamed of itself, I finally got a bed two hours later. I was in tremendous pain, but they kept me dehydrated and gave me no pain relief for hours. I was just writhing on a bed in pain while waiting to go from one test to another.

    After a painful MRI, they determined I had a small kidney stone. Then I finally got some pain relief and water, which is needed to flush the stone from my system. It was seriously the most painful thing I have ever experienced. It was also sad that I had to undergo it completely alone because my husband couldn't leave our son, and it was the middle of the night so we couldn't call anyone to stay with him.

    Oh, TheLaser!! I am SO SORRY! Where do you guys live now? That is horrible! If you live in the Minneapolis area (off chance, I know) I'll be your middle of the night emergency babysitter! Yeesh!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Thank you, Mormonmomma. We are in the Boston area, so no luck there. Besides, you are going through some difficult things yourself. We managed, and it was ok. I was alone, but I know my own mom was watching over me.

    I was talking with my sister and she commented that many women have some kind of issue in this whole baby thing: for some, it's difficult to get pregnant; for others, it's hard to stay pregnant; some women get very sick during pregnancy or have severe pain; some women have difficult and traumatic labors; some babies don't make it and even some women don't make it; some women have trouble establishing breastfeeding when they desperately want to; some babies don't sleep much.... So many things can happen and it can be really challenging to fight your way through and keep a good attitude, but we undergo all of this out of love, and it's important to keep that in mind.
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    Just found the group.
    Due 4.20.15

    This makes number three.
    Total surprise.

    Just now getting energy and motivation back.
    The last month or so all I could do was eat carbs to keep from being sick all day.

    I started last week eating healthier, walking and doing some of my kettlebell work outs.

    My last two kiddos, I started out weighing 215 and delivered at 265... And gained more postpartum :/

    The diet of sugar and carbs, combined with being lazy has caused a 15 pound gain already.
    I hope to keep it to a minimum.
    The ob has already commented on me gaining too fast.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Welcome tacticalhippi! How old are your kiddos? I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old.

    Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing? I'm so looking forward to being in the 2nd Tri soon!
  • missxlisa
    missxlisa Posts: 70 Member
    I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow! Hello second trimester! I'm doing ok, just tired and I have a yucky cold. I've maintained my weight for the past two months so I'm up 1.5ish pounds
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Boo! A coworker bought me lunch today and I didn't even make it to the car afterward before I got sick in the parking lot :cry:

    I'm so tired of throwing up.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Welcome to the newest member, tacticalhippi! Congratulations on your pregnancy! We're all here to support each other and help each other make good nutritional and fitness choices. I think the first tri makes it so hard to stay on track because your diet is limited by nausea and aversions and cravings. Some days I could only tolerate three foods: meat, almonds, and split yellow peas. (I know, weird.)

    I cannot *wait* for the second tri! Even though it is just a number, at least it symbolically signifies the end of nausea, and probably will mean the end of nausea for all (hopefully) of us eventually! Yesterday was really bad, but I slept well (comparatively) and had a good morning, which gives me hope!
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    My kiddos are 9 and 6.
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    During my last pregnancy, we found out that I have a genetic issue that affects boys. I ended up losing my son at 22 weeks, 2 years ago. I found out last night, that my blood tests came back and I am having a boy (had no idea bloodwork could determine gender!) I have to meet with a specialist for a stronger ultrasound. This person will also do the CVS test to see if my son carries the gene. It could take up to 4 weeks to get the results. I want to be hopeful, because having this issue, does not mean that every boy that I carry will have this (50/50 chance either way), but I am so scared that they will tell me he does, and to have to go through losing another child. To have to make 'arrangements" for a child, your child, a baby that should be protected in your womb is devastating to say the least. I am sitting here at work, pretending that everything is okay, because no one knows that i am pregnant (well my boss does now, since whenever this test happens, I probably will need a couple of days off to rest, because of potential bleeding and miscarriage.) I am just so scared.
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Thrilled to have found this group!! But first, kathyk519, I can't imagine how scary this situation is you're dealing with...I am so sorry you are having to go through the unknowns, especially after the loss of your baby boy. My heart goes out to you. This feels like a wonderful and supportive group to be a part of and help through all these scary ups and downs.

    I am coming up on my 13th week, due 4/21, but c-sectioning 4/14. This is my 4th pregnancy, but I have only been blessed to meet my now 7yr old darling daughter. My last loss was almost 3 yrs ago at almost 12wks, had to D&C, and it certainly took it's toll on me this whole time deciding if we wanted to try again. I figured we were done, not to mention I'm 38yrs old, so my window was definitely closing. Hubby and I decided to give 1 more go, and here we are.

    So far so good...have had minimal queasiness off and on, very tired, and most annoying the headaches. But all seem to have begun to subside this past week. Feeling good, and very positive that this little bean is thriving. I've already had 2 U/S's, and lots of blood (thanks to being such an old lady), but has given a lot of relief too. Our risks are very low for chromosomal conditions, and it was beyond exciting to get to see the baby bouncing around, punching & kicking at Monday's U/S even though it's truly the size of a peanut. Completely formed, so amazing! Like kathyk, I had extra blood done as well, and aside from the few add'l risks they look for in it, we can also find out the sex...I should know next week which is really fun!!

    Food & fitness wise...I too am in the boat of losing quite a bit before getting pregnant, and find myself having a hard time with sort of letting that go and gaining. With my daughter I started out 45lbs heavier than I am now, and it kills me to lose that progress. Trying to make the best food choices, but also enjoying treats in moderation. I find I can somewhat talk myself off the ledge when wanting a ridiculous indulgence that I might have "just because" I'm pregnant. Definitely feel smarter this time around. For exercise, I'm really just trying to walk 30-45min everyday, so far I've gained 3-4lbs from start of 171. But I am a bit worried about the anxiety the scale gives me when I see it go up, think I'm just gonna have to figure out how to deal and get over it...this baby is a miracle, and I won't do a thing to jeopardize it's health...while still paying attention to mine. Not real happy about the slight tightness of my pants I'm noticing...not ready for that!

    So looking forward to getting to know all of you, and sharing the joys and pains of this journey!
    ~ Robynn :)
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Kathyk519, what a difficult time this must be... I can't imagine the stress and fear of waiting so long for the news. I am just hoping and praying that everything is fine with this little boy and that you will be enjoy the rest of a very normal pregnancy.

    Welcome, Robynn, and congratulations! I am an "older mom," too -I had my first at 38 and am now expecting again at 40 (eeek!). Glad to have you join! It sounds like you have some great goals and you are doing really well in achieving them!

    As for me, I've had a couple of good non-nauseous mornings and relatively ok sleep (read, not waking up for three hours in the middle of the night). So, yay... things are looking up! I hope this trend continues.
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    Thanks ladies. I am waiting to find out when my CVS will be scheduled. Hopefully this week. Trying to stay positive, but the unknowns are draining me of energy. Will keep you all posted. Thanks for your kind words.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    kathyk519 wrote: »
    Thanks ladies. I am waiting to find out when my CVS will be scheduled. Hopefully this week. Trying to stay positive, but the unknowns are draining me of energy. Will keep you all posted. Thanks for your kind words.

    Good luck Kathy! Sending positive vibes your way and praying that everything is perfect with your darling boy.
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Yesterday was a big, exciting day! Starting week 13, heard heartbeat for the 1st time at dr. appt...took her like 2 min to find which gave me a mini panic attack, but then there it was. So amazing.

    So far, I'm up 4lbs...feeling okay with it, could be A LOT worse, but still not quite accepting what's to come and being okay with it. Slow and steady I hope.

    Also had a phone call from the genetic counselor yesterday with my Non-Invasive Prenatal blood report...very low risk for the few things they checked, and we found out it's a boy! I am just over the moon...thought for sure we'd have another girl. Of course she wouldn't say it's "100%", but it doesn't seem like there would be another reason boy blood would be found in my blood???

    Now I feel like this is all new territory...definitely feeling a big more excited than I was. Can't wait to meet this little guy!!