how much weight have you gained



  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Pre-pregnancy Weight: 155 lbs
    Aiming to gain 15-25 lbs
    Due Date: Jan 18, 2015
    (5/11) 4 weeks--154.6-- [-.4 lbs]
    (5/18) 5 weeks--154.4-- [-.6 lbs]
    (5/25) 6 weeks --154.0-- [-.8 lbs]
    (6/01) 7 weeks --155.0-- [0 lbs]
    (6/08) 8 weeks --155.8-- [+.8 lbs]
    (6/15) 9 weeks --155.6-- [+.6 lbs]
    (6/22) 10 weeks --156.6-- [+1.6 lbs]
    (6/29) 11 weeks --156.6-- [+1.6 lbs]
    (7/06) 12 weeks --156.0-- [+1 lbs]
    (7/13) 13 weeks --157.0-- [+2 lbs]
    (7/20) 14 weeks --157.2-- [+2.2 lbs]
    (7/27) 15 weeks --157.0-- [+2 lbs]
    (8/03) 16 weeks --157.2-- [+2.2 lbs]
    (8/10) 17 weeks --158.4-- [+3.2 lbs]
    (8/17) 18 weeks --157.2-- [+2.2 lbs]
    (8/24) 19 weeks --158.0-- [+3 lbs}
    (8/31) 20 weeks --159.6-- [+4.6 lbs]
    (9/07) 21 weeks --159.8-- [+4.8 lbs]
    (9/14) 22 weeks --160.6-- [+5.6 lbs]
    (9/21) 23 weeks --162.0-- [+7 lbs]
    (9/28) 24 weeks --167.8-- [+12.8 lbs]
    (10/5) 25 weeks --166.0-- [+11 lbs]
    (10/12) 26 weeks --165.6-- [+10.6 lbs]

    Total gain: 10.6 lbs

    Actually lost a little of what I had gained... which kind of surprised me. No complaints here though, lol. I'm going to stay where I am calorie-wise until I hit 28 weeks (3rd trimester) and then increase maybe 100-150 calories. Overall, I'm pretty pleased, Even if I gain 1 lb every week from here on out, I'll be within goal, which is exactly where I want to be. We'll see how it goes :)
  • TheNewoImproved
    TheNewoImproved Posts: 72 Member
    30 weeks, up 14lbs...counting down these last 10 weeks and praying for an early/punctual arrival.
    Though I haven't noted my weight on here on a week to week basis, I will say that my weight tends to jump up a few lbs every few weeks or so, then it holds steady, which is actually exactly how I lose weight too. I didn't start gaining til the second trimester and I never really lost anything due to morning sickness.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    fit_mama30 wrote: »
    I weighted at the nurse office 129 at week 10... I was around 124-125 pre-pregnancy so I freaked out a little. BUT she did weight me with my clothes, shoes and at around 3pm while I usually weight myself in the morning :)

    I am at 12.4 weeks now and I weighted 129.2 this morning. So I gained about 4-5 pounds in the first trimester. Does that sound ok? I was overdosing on carbs and not exercising due to feeling bleh/exhauted/sick.

    Back to working out and counting calories now :)

    Youre doing great. I started around same weight and unfortunately I had a bad summer with eating and such and I have a big gain. Pretty depressing but I plan to be good from now on :)
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    Started previous pregnancies around 145 and ended up around 190.

    Week 4. 160 lbs
    Week 10 161 lbs
    Week 11 159.6 lbs
    Week 12 160 lbs
    Week 13 159.2 lbs
    Week 14 160.2 lbs
    Week 15 160.8 lbs
    Week 16 160.8 lbs
    week 17 162lbs
    Week 18 163.4 lbs
    Week 19 165 lbs
    Week 20 167.4 lbs

    So not very happy with this. I'm trying to get back to consistently tracking. I don't feel like my eating has been that horrible but my weight gain since 16 w suggests otherwise.

    I have noticed my activity is less. Pre pregnancy my fit bit was around 12000 steps/day and it has been a gradual decrease to around 7000 now. My goal is to track everything for the next week and see how that goes and after that see what changes I need to make.
  • missxlisa
    missxlisa Posts: 70 Member
    Height: 5'7

    Pre-preg: 145
    6 weeks: 148
    8 weeks: 152 soooooo bloated!!!
    10 weeks: 146.6
    12 weeks: 146.2
    13 weeks: 146.8
    14 weeks: 146
    15 weeks: 145.6

    Total gained: 0.6 lbs
  • meghanvest
    13 weeks today and weigh 119.2. Starting weight 117 @ 5'4. 2.2 pounds gained and they were gained all in 1 week. I didn't gain anything until 5 days ago and it all slapped me in the face at once. Seems to be a common occurrence during my pregnancies.
  • burns429
    burns429 Posts: 104 Member
    1st pregnancy
    Height: 5'6
    Pre-pregnancy goal weight: 120

    At home scale: reading 120 - 121 in February (unknowingly pregnant) but I don't know how much I trust that compared to those in the doctors' offices.
    March 26 - 8 weeks, 2 days: appointment with primary doctor to confirm pregnancy, weight = 123.0
    April 14 - 11 weeks: 1st routine OB appointment, weight = 123.8
    April 19 - 11 weeks, 4 days: 1st ultrasound, weight = 121.0 (she didn't use the same digital scale this time so I don't buy this weight...)
    May 19 - 16 weeks: 2nd routine appointment, weight = 124.7
    June 16 - 20 weeks: 2nd ultrasound, weight = 128 (home scale, right before appt, read 126.6)
    June 23 - 21 weeks: 131 (Yikes, a 3 pound gain!! baby girl must have had a growth spurt this week!!)
    July 14 - 24 weeks: 3rd routine appointment, weight = 132.1 (home scale, right before appt, read 131.4)
    July 30 - 26 weeks, 2 days: 133.2, home scale
    August 4 - 27 weeks: 137.2, home scale - after calorie intake was done for the day. 5 pounds in 3 weeks seems reasonable but 4 of it was in the last week.
    August 11 - 28 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 136.4. 4.3 pound gain since last routine appointment.
    August 25 - 30 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 140.4. Another 4 pounds between dr appointments, YIKES!
    September 8 - 32 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 140. Holding steady for now; back to loss of appetite though...
    September 22 - 34 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 147.
    October 6 - 36 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 148. 8 pounds in roughly 6 weeks, can't really complain. Especially, since my doctor is very pleased with how I've progressed.

    October 13 - 37 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 145.6. It appears to be a loss but they finally used the digital scale that most of my weigh-in's have been on. My midwife seemed concerned (asked if I was still eating) but when I said they had used the old scale last time, her worries went away. She also said the baby has dropped and is ready to go at any time!!!!

    3 weeks left!!! up 25ish pounds!!!

  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Pre pregnancy 109lbs 5'1"

    5 weeks 109 lbs
    13 weeks 114lbs
    Gained about 5-6lbs during my first trimester. Aiming to gain 35lbs. Gained 34lbs with baby #1.
    14 weeks- 116lbs (+7)
    16 weeks- 118lbs (+9)
    17 weeks- 119lbs (+10lbs)
    19 weeks- 119lbs (+10lbs)
    No weight gain on my scale. My doctors scale says I gained 18lbs when I went in on Tuesday! I think I'll trust my scale since I've been using it since the beginning. At my doctors office, the scales vary on which room I use & time of day I go.
    20 weeks- 120lbs (+11)
    21weeks-121lbs (+12)
    22 weeks- 122lbs (+13lbs)
    I've been very stressed this week so I'm surprised that I didn't gain more! Going to the fair Sunday so next time I weigh in might be a doozy!
    24 weeks- 127lbs (+18lbs)
    Huge growth spurt + stress of packing for our new house. Need to focus on eating better! I've been shoving junk food down my throat for a few weeks now.

    25 weeks- 128lbs (+19lbs)

  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    Pre pregnancy- 229

    5 weeks- 229
    6 weeks- 230.2
    7 weeks- 229.1
    8 weeks- 232.3
    9 weeks- 231.6
    10 weeks- 232.1
    11 weeks- 229.4
    12 weeks- 231.7
    13 weeks- 231.5
    14 weeks- 231.8
    15 weeks- 231.0
    16 weeks- 229.1

    Total: + 0.1 lbs

    Definitely a lot less than I expected I'd gain by this point!

    Shouldn't be a problem staying within my 15-20 lbs goal. :)

  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    27 weeks and I've gained approx. 17lbs. I'm happy with that and hoping I won't gain more than 10 lbs by my due date. My pre-pregnancy weight was 147 and I weighed in at 164.5lbs yesterday. The weather has been awful this week, so I haven't walked much. I'm going to go on my indoor bike tonight because I feel HUGE today. I'm 5'7".
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Pre-pregnancy Weight: 155 lbs
    Aiming to gain 15-25 lbs
    Due Date: Jan 18, 2015
    (5/11) 4 weeks--154.6-- [-.4 lbs]
    (5/18) 5 weeks--154.4-- [-.6 lbs]
    (5/25) 6 weeks --154.0-- [-.8 lbs]
    (6/01) 7 weeks --155.0-- [0 lbs]
    (6/08) 8 weeks --155.8-- [+.8 lbs]
    (6/15) 9 weeks --155.6-- [+.6 lbs]
    (6/22) 10 weeks --156.6-- [+1.6 lbs]
    (6/29) 11 weeks --156.6-- [+1.6 lbs]
    (7/06) 12 weeks --156.0-- [+1 lbs]
    (7/13) 13 weeks --157.0-- [+2 lbs]
    (7/20) 14 weeks --157.2-- [+2.2 lbs]
    (7/27) 15 weeks --157.0-- [+2 lbs]
    (8/03) 16 weeks --157.2-- [+2.2 lbs]
    (8/10) 17 weeks --158.4-- [+3.2 lbs]
    (8/17) 18 weeks --157.2-- [+2.2 lbs]
    (8/24) 19 weeks --158.0-- [+3 lbs}
    (8/31) 20 weeks --159.6-- [+4.6 lbs]
    (9/07) 21 weeks --159.8-- [+4.8 lbs]
    (9/14) 22 weeks --160.6-- [+5.6 lbs]
    (9/21) 23 weeks --162.0-- [+7 lbs]
    (9/28) 24 weeks --167.8-- [+12.8 lbs]
    (10/5) 25 weeks --166.0-- [+11 lbs]
    (10/12) 26 weeks --165.6-- [+10.6 lbs]
    (10/19) 27 weeks --166.6-- [+11.6 lbs]

    Total gain: 11.6 lbs

    I'm actually pretty pleased with a 1 lb gain this week from last week. It's the last week of the 2nd trimester and I feel like I'm doing really good so far with weight gain!
  • jesskreg
    jesskreg Posts: 75 Member
    I'm back 4 weeks later for an update.

    pre-pregnancy: 161
    9 weeks: 161
    14 weeks: 159
    18 weeks: 161

    + 2 lbs from last appt. +0 from pre-pregnancy. Right on track! Be back again in 4 weeks to check in. :smiley:
  • KendraLindel
    Hi everyone!!! This is my first pregnancy and it is a roller coaster. Some days I am fine other days I am an emotional wreck. I am worried about my diet. I track everything and workout six days a week. I am hungry all the dang time now and not quite sure what to do. I don't want to blow up like a balloon and end up gaining too much weight. Not to mention I am super stressed cause of my family. Sometimes I just feel alone. My fiance is in a little bit of denial I think. Help help!!!
  • meghanvest
    14 weeks pregnant today and weigh 119.2. Starting weight was 117 @ 5'4 and this is my third pregnancy. Total gain so far 2.2 pounds. I really need to get back to working out consistently I've just been exhausted this time around. No more b'sing!
  • missxlisa
    missxlisa Posts: 70 Member
    edited October 2014
    Height: 5'7

    Pre-preg: 145
    6 weeks: 148
    8 weeks: 152 soooooo bloated!!!
    10 weeks: 146.6
    12 weeks: 146.2
    13 weeks: 146.8
    14 weeks: 146
    15 weeks: 145.6
    16 weeks: 146.4

    Total: +1.4 lbs

    Haven't logged all week and have been eating way too many Halloween cookies and skipping my workouts. Needing some motivation :-/
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Prepregnant: 128
    height: 5'5

    5wks- 128.5
    6wks- 129.6
    7wks- 129.4
    8wks- 130.5 (just got back from vacation where I ate like a mad cow, lol surprised that it was just 1lb gain)
    9wks- 128.7 ??? weird

    total gained: 26lbish

    I've been off MFP for a while. Went to visit family last week and just got back last night. Back to calorie counting today!! :)
    On a lighter note, went to see some old friends and some of the girls didn't notice I was pregnant?? And a loy of people are surprised when I tell them how far along I am. I guess this weight is evening out across my whole body rather than one place. My ob hasnt said a word. She just says she has no idea where I'm putting on all this weight lol.
    Glucose test was a failure, I felt sick after drinking it and ended up throwing it all up so I couldn't get my blood drawn and I have to redo it. Bleh. I felt so sick the rest of the day from it though. I'm dreading the re test
  • burns429
    burns429 Posts: 104 Member
    1st pregnancy
    Height: 5'6
    Pre-pregnancy goal weight: 120

    At home scale: reading 120 - 121 in February (unknowingly pregnant) but I don't know how much I trust that compared to those in the doctors' offices.
    March 26 - 8 weeks, 2 days: appointment with primary doctor to confirm pregnancy, weight = 123.0
    April 14 - 11 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 123.8
    April 19 - 11 weeks, 4 days: 1st ultrasound, weight = 121.0 (she didn't use the same digital scale this time so I don't buy this weight...)
    May 19 - 16 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 124.7
    June 16 - 20 weeks: 2nd ultrasound, weight = 128 (home scale, right before appt, read 126.6)
    June 23 - 21 weeks: 131 (Yikes, a 3 pound gain!! baby girl must have had a growth spurt this week!!)
    July 14 - 24 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 132.1 (home scale, right before appt, read 131.4)
    July 30 - 26 weeks, 2 days: 133.2, home scale
    August 4 - 27 weeks: 137.2, home scale - after calorie intake was done for the day. 5 pounds in 3 weeks seems reasonable but 4 of it was in the last week.
    August 11 - 28 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 136.4. 4.3 pound gain since last routine appointment.
    August 25 - 30 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 140.4. Another 4 pounds between dr appointments, YIKES!
    September 8 - 32 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 140. Holding steady for now; back to loss of appetite though...
    September 22 - 34 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 147.
    October 6 - 36 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 148. 8 pounds in roughly 6 weeks, can't really complain. Especially, since my doctor is very pleased with how I've progressed.
    October 13 - 37 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 145.6. It appears to be a loss but they finally used the digital scale that most of my weigh-in's have been on.

    October 20 - 38 weeks: routine appointment, weight = 149. Back to the old-school scale that seems to add 2 pounds. I really think they need to wait for it to actually balance before jotting down my "weight".

    2 weeks left (at the most 3, according to the OB)!!! up 27ish pounds!!!

  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    Started previous pregnancies around 145 and ended up around 190.

    Week 4. 160 lbs
    Week 10 161 lbs
    Week 11 159.6 lbs
    Week 12 160 lbs
    Week 13 159.2 lbs
    Week 14 160.2 lbs
    Week 15 160.8 lbs
    Week 16 160.8 lbs
    week 17 162lbs
    Week 18 163.4 lbs
    Week 19 165 lbs
    Week 20 167.4 lbs
    Week 21 169 lbs

  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    35 pounds at 23 weeks. I'm just gonna go cry now.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Pre-pregnancy Weight: 155 lbs
    Aiming to gain 15-25 lbs
    Due Date: Jan 18, 2015
    (5/11) 4 weeks--154.6-- [-.4 lbs]
    (5/18) 5 weeks--154.4-- [-.6 lbs]
    (5/25) 6 weeks --154.0-- [-.8 lbs]
    (6/01) 7 weeks --155.0-- [0 lbs]
    (6/08) 8 weeks --155.8-- [+.8 lbs]
    (6/15) 9 weeks --155.6-- [+.6 lbs]
    (6/22) 10 weeks --156.6-- [+1.6 lbs]
    (6/29) 11 weeks --156.6-- [+1.6 lbs]
    (7/06) 12 weeks --156.0-- [+1 lbs]
    (7/13) 13 weeks --157.0-- [+2 lbs]
    (7/20) 14 weeks --157.2-- [+2.2 lbs]
    (7/27) 15 weeks --157.0-- [+2 lbs]
    (8/03) 16 weeks --157.2-- [+2.2 lbs]
    (8/10) 17 weeks --158.4-- [+3.2 lbs]
    (8/17) 18 weeks --157.2-- [+2.2 lbs]
    (8/24) 19 weeks --158.0-- [+3 lbs}
    (8/31) 20 weeks --159.6-- [+4.6 lbs]
    (9/07) 21 weeks --159.8-- [+4.8 lbs]
    (9/14) 22 weeks --160.6-- [+5.6 lbs]
    (9/21) 23 weeks --162.0-- [+7 lbs]
    (9/28) 24 weeks --167.8-- [+12.8 lbs]
    (10/5) 25 weeks --166.0-- [+11 lbs]
    (10/12) 26 weeks --165.6-- [+10.6 lbs]
    (10/19) 27 weeks --166.6-- [+11.6 lbs]
    (10/26) 28 weeks --168.6-- [+13.6 lbs]

    3rd trimester starts today!!! YAY!! Overall, I think I'm good on weight gain... but darn it sucks gaining 2 lbs in a week, lol. Oh well. I'll just have to dial in on the calories this week and hope to keep it down a bit. But, I'm excited to hit the 3rd trimester :)